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Rounding Third: Conversations in Modern Media

Rounding Third: Conversations in Modern Media

Author: Ben George

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The ability to communicate and connect with people continues to evolve at a rapid pace and we spend our time each day working in and discussing radio, podcasting, social media, video, and other marketing mediums. We want to extend some of those conversations to this podcast and use it as a way to let you in on the things we've learned, highlight the trends we're paying attention to, and share stories from the studio. Join host Ben George, Director of Podcasting at Third Wheel Media, for compelling interviews, helpful tips and much more. Check out more about Third Wheel by going to or by calling 919-378-1410.
21 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.If ​you're ​an ​estate ​planning ​attorney ​looking ​for ​new ​ways ​to ​market ​your ​company ​and ​find ​new ​prospects, ​video ​podcasting ​could ​be ​just ​the ​strategy ​you're ​looking ​for. ​Today, ​we're ​going ​to ​give ​you ​a ​few ​reasons ​why ​attorneys ​have ​seen ​success ​on ​YouTube ​and ​how ​you ​can ​do ​the ​same.Ben George and Walter Storholt share our view on how attorneys can leverage YouTube and other video platforms to enhance their business. L...
Send us a Text Message.Podcasting has taken the world by storm, providing a platform for voices across the globe to share their stories, expertise, and entertainment. But as the digital landscape evolves, podcasters are facing a new dilemma: Should they extend their reach to YouTube?In this episode, Ben George and Walter Storholt explore the intricacies of podcasting and video content and share the approach we take when working through the decision with clients. They discuss the future of pod...
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to a special edition of Rounding Third, the Third Wheel Media podcast, where we're not just talking about podcasting; we're showing you how it's done. Today, we're pulling back the curtain on our turnkey video podcasting packages designed specifically for Financial Advisors, Real Estate Agents, and Estate Planning Attorneys. We're diving into why podcasting is not just a marketing tool but a relationship builder, a credibility booster, and so much more. And...
Send us a Text Message.So you have a vision for your podcast but you aren't quite sure how to best present the show each episode. Would it be best to go solo or should you bring on a co-host to be a part of your podcasting journey. Whatever goals you have - education, entertainment, inspiration - let's talk about the benefits of flying solo versus having someone alongside to provide support. We'll take you inside our podcasting process and the discussions we have with clients who choose...
Send us a Text Message.The first step to starting any podcast is figuring out what you’ll be talking about, and for many of our clients, the question comes down to should you have an interview show with guests or would you rather be the star of the show? There are ways to promote yourself and your business by featuring guests in every show, but some people want to control the conversation focus on the work they’re doing.In this video, we’re going to weigh the challenges and benefits of each a...
Send us a Text Message.Video content continues to gain in popularity despite billions of people already using YouTube, but short-form video content has gained even more traction in recent years. The rise of short-form video has been incredible over the past decade and it’s now become the most popular and effective social media content out right now. You might think Tik-Tok first but Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube all get eye-popping numbers on their short-form content. This quick...
Send us a Text Message.One of the most common questions we hear from people we work with and people who are thinking about jumping into the podcasting world is how do you define success? Everyone wants to know if it's worth their time (and money) to produce a podcast. It's something everyone should evaluate, especially business owners who are using it as part of their marketing and educational efforts. So we've brought Walter Storholt back on the show to give us his view on success ...
Send us a Text Message.More and more advisors are diving into video as part of their overall marketing plan and utilizing YouTube is a strategy we often hear about. Most of the move to video came on the heels of the COVID pandemic when everyone was forced to go virtual and get comfortable on camera, and that’s continued on. If you’ve thought about using YouTube or just want to better understand the platform, then this episode should help provide you with some of that information. We had ...
Send us a Text Message.Here's a question we hear from business owners from time to time and one you've probably asked yourself: "There are thousands of podcasts out there already so why should I do one?"This is a very legitimate question and one you should give some thought to before starting a show. Even in this sea of existing content, your show can serve a valuable purpose for your small business. Today we'll give you five reasons a podcast could benefit you. You don't have to get tho...
Send us a Text Message.Business owners are always looking for marketing strategies that will provide stronger leads and better closing rates. For many of the professionals we work with, there aren't many platforms that provide a better opportunity to showcase your personality, expertise, and services like broadcast mediums. We have a great example of how this all comes together that we wanted to share on the podcast. One of our clients recently passed along an anecdote about the way a ra...
Send us a Text Message.Are you looking to take your podcast to the next level? Incorporating video into your podcast could be the solution you're looking for. In this episode, we discuss the benefits of utilizing video in your podcasting efforts. From engaging with visuals and expanding your audience to monetizing your podcast, video can help take your podcast to the next level. Join us as we provide examples of how video can enhance a podcast and highlight the benefits of utilizing video.Whe...
Send us a Text Message.Fresh off a trip to Nashville for an event with Great Legal Marketing, we're back in the office to sit down with one of the attorneys from the conference, Nick Rosenbauer. Nick is an attorney with an estate planning business in Ohio who began podcasting with Third Wheel Media a couple of years ago. What began as just another way to connect with his prospect and client list has grown to much more than he ever anticipated. So we invited him on to talk about the recent eve...
Send us a Text Message.Many people are surprised to learn that creating a podcast takes quite a bit of time and work to produce a professional product. You have to develop an idea, sit down and record the show, edit the episode, and then mix in any music before finally publishing the show. With all the effort involved, you might as well take advantage of each episode by creating a batch of new content from the work you've already done. It might seem like an overwhelming amount of work to gene...
Send us a Text Message.When it comes to marketing and advertising, it's hard to deny the power of Facebook. All the data they've gathered gives advertisers a wide range of campaign options, but is it a good place to start for small businesses looking to promote their products or their podcast. Today we're chatting with Steve Sharp of Sharp Digital Marketing to tap into his expertise on Facebook Ads. He works with financial advisors all over the country to create campaigns with some great succ...
Send us a Text Message.As the world moves more and more virtual, so does audio and video recording. You might be surprised at how many of your favorite people or shows are doing their recording from home. The good news is most people can pull this off if they pay attention to a few key areas of the setup. On this episode, we bring back Walter Storholt to talk about how we help clients set up their home studio and find out what Walt will be doing when he moves out of state soon. Key topics on ...
Send us a Text Message.Websites are essential elements to every company these days but not every small business has the knowledge or resources to create a strong site that makes a great first impression. If you want to create a website and want to get a better understanding of the core elements that make a great design and user experience, check out our conversation today with digital content and publishing specialist Aubree Cosper. Key topics on today's show:2:13 - Background on Aubree3:09 -...
Send us a Text Message.More and more people are trying to add video content to their company's content and marketing strategy, but not everyone feels comfortable when the camera turns on. It's called the red light syndrome and it's a mental hurdle that most people face when talking to a camera. Today we bring on Third Wheel Media co-owner and video specialist Marc Killian to share some tips on overcoming nerves and becoming more comfortable on camera. Listen for these key points: 1:20 - The c...
Send us a Text Message.Social media is a critical piece of any business these days but sometimes the biggest challenge is just knowing where to start. We see this all the time with business owners that want to launch a podcast. With so much on their plate already, finding the time to develop and execute a social media strategy can be overwhelming. Today we want to simplify things for you and give you four tips on how to use social media to promote your podcast and ultimately your business as ...
Send us a Text Message.Trying to find the right sound for your podcast might be one of the toughest part of creating a show but it also might be the most important. Music creates the energy and the vibe for the podcast and it's usually the first thing a listener will hear when they find your show. So you want to make sure you get it right.Today we'll bring on one of our lead editors at Third Wheel Media, Dan Irving, who works with clients to pick music and create intros. We'll pick his brain ...
Send us a Text Message.When it comes to successful marketing, it's never just one thing that you can point to and give the credit to. People find you and your business through a variety of channels and often times those channels are working together in some form or fashion. Or better yet, someone might say they heard you or saw you in one place but it was actually another. Today we're joined by John Stillman, a co-owner at Third Wheel and also the owner of Rosewood Wealth Management. He'll sh...