DiscoverThe How To Podcast Series - Revolving Guest Co-Hosts, Podcast Tips and A Community for Podcasters
The How To Podcast Series - Revolving Guest Co-Hosts, Podcast Tips and A Community for Podcasters

The How To Podcast Series - Revolving Guest Co-Hosts, Podcast Tips and A Community for Podcasters

Author: Dave Campbell, Ontario Canada

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Welcome to the "How To Podcast Series" Here we share great short podcast episodes designed as bite-sized, easily consumable tips, updates, and suggestions to help you on your podcast journey.
Whether you're looking to grow your podcast community, start a new show, or improve your existing one, this series is your go-to resource. Tune in for expert advice on podcast gear, platforms, social media strategies, guesting opportunities, hosting techniques, and so much more. Our mission is to provide you with actionable, easy-to-implement insights that will take your podcasting efforts to new heights
393 Episodes
E97 - CO-HOST - Dr. Lj Johnson - Balancing Life and Podcasting, Growing Your Audience, Being Authentic Dr. Lj Johnson is the host of The Wholistic Endo Expert, hosted by Dr. Lj Johnson, is the ultimate combination of all things endometriosis and women's health. After waiting 16 years for a diagnosis she knows firsthand how frustrating it can be to deal with all the misinformation online and the medical gaslighting which plagues our endo community. This podcast will help take the weight off your shoulders by providing you with practical holistic options so that you can get back in the driver's seat of your health! The Wholistic Endo Expert, hosted by Dr. Lj Johnson, IHP. AFDNP. IIN, CHEK is the ultimate combination of all things endometriosis and women's health. After waiting 16 years for a diagnosis she knows firsthand how frustrating it can be to deal with all the misinformation online and the medical gaslighting which plagues our endo community. This podcast will help take the weight off your shoulders by providing you with practical holistic options so that you can get back in the driver's seat of your health! Support this podcast:
E84 - Creating a Great Recording Space For Your Podcast - The Podcast Owner's Manual Mini Series Spend time at the beginning of your recordings to set yourself up for success. If you have someone editing your audio for you, you can make things easier for your editor by recording in a quiet space, free of distractions (pets, loud noises, your phone notifications for example). This episode has some practical recording tips for you as you record your show! If you need help editing your show, please reach out today! I can do this for you, let's have a conversation and see how I can support you and your podcast!
E63 - Audio vs Video Podcasting - The Podcast Owner's Manual Mini Series Audio vs Video Podcasting - or both? There are a few key differences between audio and video podcasts: Production time: Video podcasts typically take longer to produce than audio podcasts because they involve creating and editing video content in addition to the audio. Equipment: Audio podcasts generally require less equipment than video podcasts. Audio podcasts can often be recorded using just a microphone and a computer, while video podcasts typically require a camera and lighting equipment in addition to audio recording equipment. Distribution: Audio podcasts are typically distributed through podcast directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, while video podcasts may also be distributed through platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. Engagement: Some people find it easier to engage with audio podcasts while doing other activities, such as driving or exercising, while video podcasts may require more attention and may be more suitable for watching at home or on a device with a larger screen. Monetization: There are many different ways to monetize podcasts, but video podcasts may have more opportunities for revenue through ads or sponsorships. Overall, the decision to produce an audio or video podcast will depend on your goals and resources. Both types of podcasts have their own unique benefits and can be effective ways to reach an audience. ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Podcasting Tips, How To Podcast, Start A Podcast, School, Podcast, Podcaster, Podcast Review
The Daily Dave - Podcasting Tips - Some Podcasting Housekeeping, August Question of the Month, Meetups, NaPodPoMo and More Summer is coming to an end here in Canada, kids are going back to school in a few weeks and some semblance of normality and routine is on the horizon (especially for us parents!) What a perfect time to start a podcast - you should start your show, yes you should! As we renovate our new rental purchase we realize the power and imortance of using the right tool for the job - a hammer makes a terrible saw, a drill makes a mess of painting and a screw driver is ineffective as a measuring tape whether we are talking metric or imperial measurements (I Shower After Work Podcast - yes I am listening!) When starting your podcast find the right tool that works for you, and I hope starting with this podcast is one of the many great tools in your toolbelt! Let's get to work! Our Meetups resume in September, I am still awaiting your response to the qustion of the month - don't make me get in my car and drive to your house!! Please respond today so that we can include your response and shout out your show at the end of the month! Great things ahead, thanks for being here and being apart of the show! ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Episode 293 - CO-HOST - Desireé Duffy - Founder of Black Château, host and executive producer for the Books That Make You Show Desireé Duffy is the Founder of Black Château, a marketing and public relations agency; Books That Make You, a Webby Award-winning a multi-media brand that promotes books and authors through its website, podcast, and radio show; and The BookFest® Adventure, a biannual online event that brings together booklovers from around the world. Duffy is an advocate for spreading stories. Her expansive marketing, event production, broadcast, and public relations background, mixed with her passion for storytelling, led her to found the multi-award-winning, full-service marketing and public relations firm Black Château in 2016, Books That Make You in 2018, and The BookFest® in 2020. ___
Episode 292 - CO-HOST - Mike Martin From Project Mindfully Outdoors Shares How A Podcast Saved His Life With a deep passion for the outdoors and spirituality, Mike Martin helps others find inner peace through nature.  As a certified meditation guide, wilderness first responder, and survival skills trainer, Mike has the expertise to lead transformative outdoor experiences. He shares his knowledge through his popular podcasts, Project Mindfully Outdoors, and The Wilderness Experince. Mike shares how a podcast saved his life - what a story! Be sure to check out Mike's podcast - Project Mindfully Outdoors is an uplifting podcast exploring the transformative power of wilderness meditation and its enrichment to daily life. Led by hiking meditation guide Mike Martin, each episode highlights a unique facet of developing mindfulness in nature's embrace. From quiet sits in forest clearings to mindful walks along the shore, or observing wildlife in city parks, Mike assists listeners in harnessing nature's healing energies to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. ___
Episode 291 - CO-HOST - Robin Henderson - Reflect and Write with The Journal Forward Audiocast About Accomplished and passionate program development strategist with over 23 years of experience cultivating valuable and enduring professional growth networks, with specialized focus on smart educational programming. A creative and results-driven executive adept at identifying opportunities for impactful process improvement and measurable program advancement. Versatile and tactful communicator with ability to drive team cohesion, liaise across departments, and communicate complex concepts to highly diverse audiences. ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Episode 290 - CO-HOST - Ben Murphy - Brainstorm Session - Starting A New Podcast About The Art of Storytelling Ben stops by to chat about his new podcast ideas and shares his questions, check out his show idea and outstanding questions as he plans, launches and grows his show! ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ___
The Daily Dave - Podcasting Tips - Odd Things Promoted Via Podcasting - Are You Falling Victim To Bad Podcast Advice Ok, this is getting a bit ridiculous! I had a client reach out to me and ask if they should become a "Certified Podcaster" I asked them a few questions, certified by whom? Is this a real thing? Sounds strange to me?! I know and respect many podcasters that have been podcasting from the dawn of time, they aren't certified! I am not certified! Certification is a fancy term for gatekeeping. Certified is a way to separate people into groups, those with certification, those without! I can go to my local office supply store, buy some highlighters, paper clips, paper, pens and a bunch of business cards and ta da! Dave is a coach! Then, I can create a funnel/certification in Canva in a few minutes, slap a $2000 fee to it and sell it to well-meaning, hard working podcasters as the next must have in podcasting. The problem? There isn't a need for it, and, the person offering this certification is just creating something out of nothing and then convincing unsuspecting podcasters to buy the thing that we haven't needed, ever! Would you respect me more if I was certified? Well I am not going to spend thousands of dollars to buy a meaningless title that the podcast industry does not need. Going to an accredited source, trusted, proven and certified to certify others is one thing - creating a certification in Canva is something quite the opposite! Please do not, I repeat, do not spend money on something that really is not a real thing - like being a "Certified Podcaster or Podcast Coach" Snake Oil Salespeople exist - buyer beware, results vary, research everything before you spend any amount of money with anyone, on anything in podcasting. If you are not sure about someone's offer, let's chat before you hit "Add to Cart" on the next psudeo, disingenuous and made up thing created to sell to you - buyer beware! _____
The Daily Dave - Podcasting Tips - Hey, We Are Looking For Your Response to the August Question of The Month - Because of a Podcast - Blank, Tell us Your Story Share your answer to the question of the month for August - Because of a Podcast.... How has your podcast or another person's podcast impacted your life? Respond via our website, click the SpeakPipe link and answer, Because of a Podcast.... Remember to tell us your name, tell us about your podcast and answer the question - get new listeners for your show by participating! Don't delay, we want to hear from you! Dave ____
Episode 289 - CO-HOST - Robbie Samuels - Tips for Rebranding Your Show, Building A Winning Team and Repurposing Past Content Multi-Passionate EntrepreneurConnector ~ Builder ~ ExpertStrategist ~ Coach ~ Speaker Award-winning author of three books, recognized as a networking expert by NPR, Forbes, Amazon, Lifehacker, Harvard Business Review, and Inc., and as an expert in virtual event design by JDC Events. As a business growth strategist, I coach entrepreneurial women in their 50s and beyond (and a few good men) who are ready to grow their impact and income through new revenue streams by helping them grow their audience BEFORE launching a program or service. As an event design consultant and executive Zoom producer, I partner with speakers and in-house event teams to design inclusive, engaging, and transformative event experiences, whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid. I train speakers and the team, and handle all the virtual tech. My goal is to help you lower your stress. I've been producing events in one form or another since I was in college in the 90s and providing business growth strategy advice for nearly as long. These skills combine to create a book launch strategy coach who coaches entrepreneurs to build a launch team of 150+ likely prospects and referral partners, get 50+ Amazon reviews, and host a virtual book launch party that creates a pipeline for their next offer. Conversations with prospects lead to new revenue, which is a measure of success you can take to the bank! I was invited to do a TEDx on my signature networking technique, “croissants vs. bagels” I published three books that have received over 650 Amazon reviews I’ve hosted the On the Schmooze podcast since 2016 When the pandemic shuttered events I swiftly reinvented myself from networking expert to industry expert in the field of virtual event design. I then built a multi six-figure business based on all-new revenue streams. I share my entrepreneurial journey on my About page. All that I've learned and experienced makes me the person you'll want to work with regardless of the service I'm providing. Speaking of which, check out the ways we can work together. ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Episode 288 - CO-HOST - Sheryl Plouffe - Icon Maker Live, High Trust Relationships and Starting With the End In Mind Another great PodMatch connection! Entrepreneurs hire Sheryl and her partners Dannella & Tom to empower them to unleash their potential, scale their business & become an industry icon in their niche because they're sick and tired of inconsistent cash flow, being "the best kept secret", and not having the impact they desire.  So she helps them enroll new clients with ease, build high impact, high margin programs, and grow exponentially. Bottom line, she helps them build a seven figure business, guaranteed. Sheryl has produced thousands of videos and broadcast more than 20,000 hours of live television as a national TV presenter. ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Episode 287 - How Active Listening Could Negatively Impact Your Podcast Interviews - Leave Room For Your Guest Active listening techniques commonly used in everyday conversations don't always translate well to podcast interviews for several reasons: Audio distractions: Constant verbal affirmations like "uh-huh" or "yeah" can be distracting for listeners and may interfere with the guest's audio. Guest discomfort: Frequent interruptions or interjections may make guests feel uncomfortable or disrupt their train of thought. Unnatural flow: Overuse of verbal cues can make the conversation feel forced or unnatural, potentially impacting the quality of the interview. Use non-verbal cues: If you can see your guest, use visual cues like nodding, smiling, or maintaining eye contact to show engagement without interrupting the audio. Practice silent active listening: Focus intently on what the guest is saying without feeling the need to verbally respond. This allows you to pick up on nuances and formulate thoughtful follow-up questions. Ask clarifying questions: Instead of constant affirmations, use well-timed clarifying questions to dive deeper into topics and show you're engaged. For example: Create a comfortable environment: Ensure your recording space is welcoming and not cramped. Pay attention to lighting and provide amenities like water or coffee to help guests feel at ease. Conduct a pre-interview: This helps build rapport with the guest, creates an outline for the actual interview, and informs them of what to expect, reducing anxiety. Embrace silence: Don't be afraid of brief pauses. They can give guests time to gather their thoughts and often lead to more interesting responses. Be prepared but flexible: Research your guest thoroughly, but be willing to deviate from your planned questions if the conversation takes an interesting turn. Encourage authenticity: Let guests know they don't need to perform or be overly formal. Authentic, natural conversations often yield the best content. Show you're on the same team: Help guests understand that you want them to look good and that you're not trying to trick or embarrass them. Allow for mistakes: Remind guests that the show isn't live and that they can always pause and restart an answer if needed. To be a better podcast host and create a better interview experience, consider the following approaches:By implementing these strategies, you can create a more comfortable environment for your guests, maintain better audio quality for your listeners, and conduct more engaging and insightful interviews. ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Episode 286 - CO-HOST - Monica Dominic - Ferocious Ambition in Starting A Podcast by Putting The How To Podcast Series into Action Meet Monica DominicExperience I am Monica Dominic, a dedicated business leader and advocate for women in technology. Serving as the co-owner and Chief Client Officer of a technology staff augmentation company (PSI), I am deeply passionate about empowering clients to excel in their businesses, championing women in the tech industry, and motivating individuals to achieve their goals. Ferocious Ambition Welcome to "Ferocious Ambition: Chronicles of Success, Passion, & Fun," a captivating podcast that delves deep into the journeys of individuals who have carved their path to success. In this engaging podcast, we explore the intertwined realms of personal and professional triumphs, showcasing what drives individuals to achieve greatness and let their light shine. Hosted by a blend of interviews and solo reflections, "Ferocious Ambition" uncovers the stories behind successful individuals. Through candid conversations, we unravel the secrets behind how they turned their passions into reality while maintaining a harmonious balance in their lives. Join us as we navigate through the inspirational tales of individuals who have harnessed their determination, creativity, and drive to make a significant impact in both business and personal spheres. Learn how they overcame challenges, embraced opportunities, and ultimately manifested their dreams while finding equilibrium in their journey towards success. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by the captivating stories shared on "Ferocious Ambition." ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
The Daily Dave - Podcasting Tips - Own Your Own Podcast Domain Website - Third Party Services Like PodPage and Facebook are Winning With Your Google Juice Owning your web presence is a great idea. When someone searches for you, your show and what you do, you want to own that traffic. Another popular option touted today is to buy your domain and point it to a third party site like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and PodPage - all of these places are great, but - they are all rented land that you do now own, you have no control over how they operate and they owe you nothing if they choose to make a move that does not benefit you. I did recommend PodPage in the early days of this podcast when they had a free plan - but they yanked that fairly quickly so I have been promoting and as alternatives that allow you clickable links to your podcast as a whole or to specific episodes giving your audience the choice as to the app they want to use to listen to your show. And as well as are FREE! Yes, despite the misguided meanderings of old school gurus, free is a viable option for podcasters - if someone tells you that free is a bad business model ask them if they have Facebook, Gmail, Google, LinkedIn etc - all of which have free options! ___
Episode 285 - CO-HOST - Scarlett Classic - Classic Podcast Advice, Because of a Podcast and Pickles Hi my name is Scarlett Classic. My goal and reason for making this podcast is the simple reason that I want to pay it forward. I'd like to pass on the life lessons, coping skills and general life advice that myself and my co-host have learnt over this adventure call life! My aim is to create a community around my podcast and create a space for us all to join together and do life together. To be there for each other and lift each other up through the journey. Please visit my website: and shoot me a e-mail. I love hearing from my listeners. ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Recording November's National Podcast Post Month Episodes in August This year, I will be participating in the National Podcast Post Month Challenge - 30 episodes, 1 per day for the entire month of November - and I will be doing this with 3 of my 8 podcasts (30 x 3 = 90 episodes for November) How the heck do you create 90 episodes for one single month? I share my plans to hit this target this year and how my podcast friends, past guests and listeners are helping meet this audacious target! The key, is to start now - early August for a Novembner target. If you are interested in this November event, here is more about what is happening! The History In 2007, 50 podcasters participated in the first ever National Podcast Post Month aka NaPodPoMo. Created by Jennifer Navarrete as an answer for an audio version to other 30 day challenges happening in the month of November. NaPodPoMo is a month long event along the same vein as National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo. The difference? Well, instead of writing a 50,000 word novel, you podcast every day for 30 days from November 1st-30th. Use any platform you desire. From full production studio to iPhone app and just about anything in between. The goal of NaPodPoMo is to use the challenge of podcasting daily as a form of podcasting bootcamp. For some, NaPodPoMo may be their first foray into podcasting. For others, it is a chance to try out a new platform or start another show. There are no hard and fast rules as to how you do this. If on November 30th you have recorded 30 shows, then you win. What do you get for completing the challenge? Isn’t a virtual high five and a sense of accomplishment enough? Your listeners benefit with more of your content, you will be a better podcaster after 30 episodes in a row C'mon, you can do this - start now! ___
Episode 284 - CO-HOST - Kevin Palmieri - Podcast Growth University, Hope For Podcasters and All That Happy Jazz KEVIN PALMIERICFO, Founder, Co-Host &Peak Performance Podcast Coach Some people find rock bottom… I found out that rock bottom had a basement. In my mid 20’s… I had it all. I had a beautiful girlfriend, high paying job, sports car, my dream body… but I still ended up sitting on the edge of a bed debating suicide. After my rock bottom moment, I went all in on holistic self-improvement. I was determined to overcome my anxiety, depression and to finally live the life I’d always dreamed of. Years later, I now host a podcast that impacts hundreds of thousands of people in countries all over the world. At this stage, I’ve helped grow the podcast into a multi six-figure business, and I’ve recorded well over 1,000 episodes. I’ve also given hundreds of speeches, trainings and coaching calls with people all over the world. The main thing that changed was ME. I focused on learning what I didn’t know (unlearning a lot too), and my life started to shift. I love talking about Consistency, Commitment, Habits, Mindset, Confidence, Fear, Relationships, Limiting Beliefs and everything in between. I believe in a heart-driven but NO BS approach to holistic self improvement, and I look forward to teaching even more people about what it really takes to get to the next level! ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Episode 283 - CO-HOST - Darren Saul - Preparation, Production, and Promotion, Pod Match Connections DARREN SAUL My name is Darren Saul and I help great entrepreneurs build brand awareness! I’m a Photographer & Photography Tutor (Branding & Headshots, Corporate & Private Events). For more info on photo classes check out I’m also a passionate Social Media Strategist & Coach, Podcaster & Podcast Coach. After integrating Social Media and Podcasting into my marketing strategy over the last few years I can honestly say that if you are prepared to do the work the results can be astounding! I would love to share with you what I have learnt in my own journey. SOCIAL MEDIA AND A PODCAST ARE NOT JUST “NICE TO HAVE” ANYMORE – THEY ARE A MUST HAVE! I help small businesses build their brand and business using Social Media and Podcasting. Feel free to contact me for an initial complementary chat about how Social Media and Podcasting can work for you. I would be delighted to share what I have learnt and work with you to build a Social Media content strategy that brings you awareness and results! Darren's proven 3 “P”s of Podcasting formula (Preparation, Production, and Promotion) I will show you how to prepare and create your own podcast, how to produce it in a way that won’t cost loads of money and time, and how to promote it for maximum effect. You will also learn why podcasting is the mother ship when it comes to generating an endless supply of audio, video, graphic, photo, and written content to use in your daily marketing activities – and this is something that we will all need more of in the future! Done right a podcast can cut through the noise, build your brand credibility and awareness while bringing you REAL business results! This will be PRACTICAL and FUN! ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ___ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Question of the Month - July 2024 - Do You Listen to Your Own Podcast, Why or Why Not - Your Responses Thanks for your responses! Here are our featured podcasters in order! My Simplified Life Podcast Healthy Vegan Podcast Outrage Overload Ferocious Ambition What's Your Ripple REAL Siblings, It Ain't Easy: Buzzcast ___