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What The F*ck Is Going On?
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What The F*ck Is Going On?

Author: Kelsey Coleman & Brooke DiPippo

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A guide to navigating your way through your turbulent 20s through dark humor, self reflection, and deep conversations.
37 Episodes
No one knows wtf they’re doing. Don’t worry, we all need the reminder. Ever had a dream or goal come to fruition but you don’t feel like you deserve it? Ever gotten a promotion or new job and you’re certain you’re fucking it up and not qualified or capable? Ever compared yourself to others and convinced yourself you don’t measure up? If you’ve experienced any of these, you’re an imposter, just like us. We’re ALL imposters, technically. When you accept and embrace the reality that no one...
Hi friends! Join us in this episode as we delve into the intricate world of understanding and embracing one's sexuality. In a society that often imposes labels and expectations, discovering and accepting our authentic selves can be a confusing and challenging journey.In this episode, we navigate the complexities and uncertainties of understanding sexuality, offering insights, personal stories, and debunk misconceptions, address common questions, and highlight the fluidity and diversity of sex...
Hi guys! We are BACK to our regularly scheduled programming after a week off. And.... (insert drumroll and rounds of applause) BROOKE IS BACK! Thank god! And to kick off our newest episode with Brooke back on the podcast we thought we'd talk about something both of us struggle with. It sounds absolutely ridiculous that there could only be TWO possible outcomes to any situation, right? Well that's because it is, and essentially what black and white thinking is. We need to stop boxing ourselves...
Hi everyone, welcome back and thanks for tuning into another episode, or if you're new, welcome! We're happy you're here. I finally felt ready to discuss something that is unfortunately so very common: being in a toxic and unhealthy relationship. Toxic relationships can take many forms and are not limited to romantic relationships. *TRIGGER WARNING* In this episode, I discuss my own personal experiences of domestic violence. This episode is dark one, but also a real, honest, open, and vulnera...
Stop getting in your own way! The only thing separating you from your goals is your discipline. You don't have to be the best, the smartest, or the strongest to reach your goals. You just have to try and consistently work little by little, and you will succeed. As always, we love you all and thanks for tuning in! Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. Also, if you have any clue what the fuck is going on or care to share your opinion on any topics we discussed, reach out to us at w...
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming with an important life/podcast update! Take a quick listen, and we’ll be back with a full length episode in 2 weeks. We love you all and thank you for your constant support.
Hello beautiful humans and welcome back to our 30th episode! In today's episode Brooke and Kelsey are PISSED about the outdated and bureaucratic hellhole that shapes the typical American work culture: The 9-5. (which is actually 8-5 for most, and not even to mention a commute to and from work). We can't comprehend that we are brainwashed and forced into thinking that working out assess off to live pay check to pay check for a majority of our waking lives and youth is how we're supposed ...
Welcome back WTF fam!! Make sure to check out our Instagram story this afternoon for the winner of our very first giveaway will be announced today!We decided to switch it up this week and toss out our previously planned topic immediately before pressing record, and just went with the flow of what felt right and aligned with our energy. SO, disclaimer **Y’all know how our late night recordings get. We cannot be held liable for episodes that are recorded after the sun goes down**. ANYWAYS, we’r...
*TW: Eating disorders and mentions of sh*Hi friends! Welcome back, and thanks for joining us for a very special episode! Today our very first guest, Audrey Coleman, joins WTF Is Going On to discuss a very difficult but very real and vulnerable topic: eating disorders and eating disorder recovery. Audrey and Brooke both struggle with an Eating disorder, Anorexia nervosa, and they’re here to open up and share their stories about working on their recovery from their eating disorders to help anyo...
So you guys remember how in the last episode we were participating in a dry January? Well, we only lasted about a week LOL. Although we chose to drink, we cut back and limited our alcohol intake in a way that works for us in our lifestyles. We’re so proud of everyone who completed the challenge and are still going strong!We wanted to talk about Alcohol in a broader sense, it’s uses, it’s horrible effects on the mind, body, and spirit, and that ultimately, at the end of the day, alcohol ...
Welcome to a new episode of What The F*ck Is Going On! This week, we're talking about achieving your fitness goals, and taking the leap to prioritize yourself by committing to bettering your health and becoming (or staying) more fit and active. Since its January, and our last episode was on New Year's Resolutions, we figure many of our listeners have some new fitness goals (or resolutions, whatever floats your boat) for 2023. Whatever your goals may be, this episode is all about how to stay c...
Happy New Year to our WTF Fam!! This is our first episode of 2023 and naturally, we thought we'd talk about how much we hate new years resolutions! Some people swear by them, and some people can't stand them. Personally we fucking hate them! You know those annual "oh shit I've got to get my life together" goals that we all feel so compelled to get a jump on around the start of the new year?? It can feel so pressuring and stressful for no reason. It doesn't have to be that way! While for many ...
We have somehow made it to the very last episode of 2022. Can you believe it! In our episode to wrap up the year, we’re talking about our favorite least favorite drugs: Antidepressants. Today, over 50 percent of the American population is diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and a large chunk of those people take a little pill every morning to keep them same. (It’s us, we’re “people”). Brooke and Kelsey discuss their differences in opinion and beliefs about the use of daily medication for m...
*TW* (This episodes discusses eating disorders and topics that may be triggering to some). We haven't done a Scam episode in a while, so we felt like bringing to you one of the dumbest, outdated, and embarrassingly inaccurate scams: THE BMI SCALE. And as I'm sure you'll hear from our tone in this episode, we are coming in hot, pissed the fuck off about it! It's something we've all heard of, and probably subconsciously hate thinking about. It's something that tries to define our health and for...
Let us say it again: F*ck social media!! We're so fucking sick of it bro. In 2022, social media dominates society. Have you ever thrown your phone because you were doom scrolling and looked up and 3 hours have passed? Because same. We're tired of the pressure and anxiety (subconscious or not) and inevitable comparison of yourself to others, and feelings of insecurity and inadequacy that social media creates. So we took this episode as an opportunity to hash this shit out.We discuss why we fee...
Hi beautiful people! You might have noticed that we’re in a new season of the podcast. Welcome to Season 26. After 20 episodes, we’ve both entered a new season of our lives (Kelsey just celebrated her bday so we're now both 26), and the podcast! Welcome to Season 26, Episode 1. Today we wanted to talk about something that can change the course of your life if you let it. Discipline. The key to success is not being motivated, being the best, or being perfect. That's all a fucking lie so t...
The title speaks for itself. Manifestation is a powerful tool that we have both successfully used to change the trajectory of our lives and turn our dreams into reality. We want to hear that you’ve accomplished the same thing, because the reality is if we can do it, so can you. And we’re here to tell you how.If you are intentional with your thoughts and take action steps (small and realistically achievable ones) toward your goals and remain disciplined, you can watch the universe begin to ali...
Aka a therapy session. In this episode Kelsey and Brooke open up about some difficult things going on in our lives recently. Y'all know how life goes sometimes... the way you least expect it. The one thing you can out on in life: change. We don't just want to highlight the good times in our lives, and be open and transparent about the bad, which can also happen simultaneously. Although Kelsey just had a big cross country move and Brooke got into grad school, we're not afraid to admit that we ...
Surprise!! We wanted to drop part 2 as a bonus episode because we didn’t want to make you guys wait a whole two weeks for the full episode on why you should say fuck it, jump for opportunities and take risks in your 20s, like Kelsey’s spontaneous cross country move. We hope to inspire anyone who may be on the fence about a fork in the road or major life decision. In part 2, we pick right back up where we left off in the last episode, so if you haven’t listened to part 1 go listen to that firs...