DiscoverHighPoint Church
HighPoint Church

HighPoint Church

Author: HighPoint Church

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We believe that church isn’t just a building you walk into. It’s a family you are born into and belong to.

We prepare you to live life to the fullest by helping you become all that God created you to be. We exist to help you know God, find freedom from your past, discover who God created you to be, and then help you to make a difference in your world as we grow together.
95 Episodes
Church isn’t for christians. Church is for those who don’t know God. There is a table set for those far from God and the broken but we keep inviting those who are already full. So where do we find those who are far from God? They’re all around us. Jesus tells us to go to the poor, lame, and crippled, but we may not realize just who that is. Did Jesus mean those who are physically poor and crippled or was there more to what He was saying? Watch this message and find out.
Do you want to be the best version of yourself? Do you know how to become the best version of yourself? It starts on the inside - your mind, body, and spirit. What we put into us forms us into who we are but what empowers us is more important. You can consume all the right things but if your power source is low or empty, what you put inside of you becomes irrelevant. Our spirits are the power source and if we’re not charging it or filling it up, then we will never become the best we can be. In this message, Pastor Kenney shows us how we can fuel our spirits and allow us to be molded into the best version of ourselves.
The work you’re doing will never exceed the amount of prayer that comes before it. Prayer is not only a discipline, but rather a necessity to a vibrant christian life and the key to making anything succeed in ministry and in eternity. Without prayer, what we do is built on shifting sand at best. Prayer is what grounds us, gives us stability in the storms, and how we get vision for the future. In this message, we explore the why, what, and how of prayer and why it is so vital for us as Christians. Watch this message if you need inspiration!
There is more for you. How often do you feel burnt out and dry? How long have you been operating in little to no hope. Are you tired of using all of your strength every single day? This is not God’s plan for you. God wants to fill you with strength, hope, and power. He’s made it easy to get charged up too. Just existing in the world will drain you, no matter how hard you work or don't work but God has a power source that never runs out. Watch with us as Pastor Kenney teaches us 3 ways to connect to God every day and keep your spiritual battery full and your mind and body full of life.
The most miraculous thing God does is often working in the everyday hustle of life. The mundane is not a famine of miracles but rather a field ripe and ready to produce. We can get caught up in waiting for the right atmosphere and feeling prepared for God to work a miracle and miss God’s hand in our everyday life. God doesn’t take the super and make it supernatural - He takes the natural things and turns them into supernatural things. God is always working on something. In this message, we want to challenge you not to discount the ordinary things but, rather, to expect God to work a miracle in the mundane.
Water baptism is an essential step in the life of every Christian. It is a public declaration of following Jesus but it is not just a symbolic act. It is so much more than that. There is a significant spiritual event that happens when we come up out of the water of baptism. Watch this message to find out more about coming out of closet Christianity
Defeating Depression

Defeating Depression


When you’re walking through depression, you can easily lose sight of the exit - the light at the end of the tunnel. Life becomes unbearable and bleak because you can’t see a way out. The truth is that Jesus said that if we allow Him to help carry our burdens and worries, He will make things easier and the light will return. In this message, we give you three steps to defeating depression and to find hope once again.
Up Next

Up Next


Gen Z, gen z evangelism, next gen evangelism, evangelism, hope, hope for the future, gen z church, spiritual growth, spirituality, Jesus, God, truth
Biblical prosperity and success is not a matter of financial wealth or material things. Prosperity and success in a Christian's life is measured in 9 different ways. Watch this message to find out how to be prosperous and successful in the Kingdom of God.
If you had the cure for someone’s disease, would you not give them the cure so they wouldn’t have to suffer any longer? Well, the good news is the Church has the cure. In this message, Pastor Kenney has some insight about sharing the gospel with people who feel out of reach from God. Check it out!
How Vision Comes

How Vision Comes


Without vision the people perish. We all need vision in our lives - especially divine vision and that only comes from God. The issue is, not everyone knows how to receive vision from God or how to even know when He is instructing us. In this message, Pastor Kenney shows us the way God speaks to us and will help you to hear God when He speaks and understand how vision comes. Click here to give to the crisis fund for Syria and Turkey:
Praying a prayer is not enough to save someone and keep them saved. There is work to our belief that is being walked out every day. If it was a one-time event then we could live any way we wanted to without consequences but the bible says that simply is not true. As we end our series on the overcoming habits of a follower of Jesus, we want to encourage you to put in the daily work to live out the life God has called you to. This message is to those that overcome.
Out of Reach

Out of Reach


At one time, we all were out of reach from God. All you could do was observe God from a distance and hope. Then Jesus made a way and you were connected to God as He always wanted. Now it is our responsibility to make a way for people to become connected to God but we don't have to do that in our own power. Listen to this message to find out what we mean.
How many times have you said "Thank You" out loud to God today? This week? If you haven't said it very much, it would be a good idea to consider why not. Gratitude is the key to a positive and healthy life - both spiritually and physically, and it is a good indicator of our spiritual health. The truth is, there are many things in this life to be thankful and grateful for, but sometimes our perception of our life hides the good things that God is doing. In this message, Pastor Kenney shows us the importance of thankfulness and the power of expressing our gratitude to God every day.
We can’t enjoy our present when we continue to be frustrated with our yesterday but it is gone and it will never be again. The sin you commited yesterday doesn't have to hold you back from your future. In Christ, God is no longer holding our sins against us, so why are we holding them against ourselves? As we start a new year, Pastor Kenney encourages us that each and every morning is a new day full of God's mercy and grace. This year doesn't have to be like last year. All things are new!
Jesus didn't come into this world with one leg up on us. There was nothing supernatural about His birth - nothing spectacular - but there was something supernatural about His conception. He was the Messiah who would deliver us from the power of sin in our lives. His birth was dirty and ordinary, but the spectacular came 33 years later when He would fulfill His responsibility on Earth - one that only He could fulfill. Payment for our sins could only come one way and it wasn't through a man - it was through a woman.
We Serve

We Serve


Serving connects us to the heart of Jesus. Serving calls us to lay aside what we want for the betterment of someone in need and to build up the Church. We as the Church are called to serve one another but we don't serve out of obligation, but out of desire. This message discovers the blessing of serving and the benefits we receive when we serve as Jesus served.
Spark the Flame

Spark the Flame


There is an idea that has crept into the church that is not from God; it is not from Heaven; it is not from an angel. The idea is that not a whole lot changes here and now when you make Jesus your Lord until you reach eternity. This idea is from the pit of Hell and it is a lie.    When you make Jesus your Lord, your entire life changes and people need to know about this change - people need to know about Jesus. The issue is we are not excited to tell people about Jesus. How can you be excited to tell people about Jesus when you don’t feel the excitement and fire that you used to anymore? We may have the answer you need. Maybe that answer begins with us as believers.
You are not the Body of Christ. WE are the body of Christ.   One Christian by themself does not make up the Body of Christ, but a group of connected and united Christians does. In this message, Pastor Kenney impresses on the power and necessity of belonging to a local church and being connected to the Body.
We the Church

We the Church


If we are not working within the confines of God's government of the church, we as believers will not be doing what Jesus has asked us to do nor will we be a consistent, overcoming follower of Christ Jesus. The Body of Christ cannot be a complete body if its hands are off in another city, disconnected from the arm. If we are part of the Body then we need to be part of the body. In this message, Pastor Kenney stresses the importance of belonging and participating in a local body of believers under the government of the Church body.