Crossmap Podcast

Crossmap Podcast
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The Crossmap Podcast features inspiring heart-to-heart conversations with Christian newsmakers of the day including authors, experts, pastors, and entertainers on topics that are good for the entire family while honoring your faith-based values.
Join Crossmap managing editor Chris Carpenter as he engages guests in thought-provoking but light-hearted banter on subjects that shape and influence our culture through the lens of faith. Gain valuable insight on how to live a meaningful Christian life and experience laughs along the way too!
The Crossmap Podcast is part of the Edifi Podcast Network
Join Crossmap managing editor Chris Carpenter as he engages guests in thought-provoking but light-hearted banter on subjects that shape and influence our culture through the lens of faith. Gain valuable insight on how to live a meaningful Christian life and experience laughs along the way too!
The Crossmap Podcast is part of the Edifi Podcast Network
107 Episodes
No Gospel artist has had more of a seismic impact on Christian music over the last 100 years than Bill Gaither. Along with Gloria, his wife of more than 62 years, the Gaithers have left an indelible mark, writing more than 700 songs, many of which have become staples of Sunday morning praise and worship across the world.With songs like “He Touched Me”, “Because He Lives”, and “The King is Coming”, just to name a few of the highly recognizable standards they have written and recorded, there is little doubt why this Gospel Music Hall of Famer was named Christian Songwriter of the Century by ASCAP more than 20 years ago.Now, as Gaither settles into his seventh decade in Christian music, he is launching a new television program on TBN that is based on an old, yet highly popular idea. It’s called “Gaither Gospel Hour” and has just started airing on Saturday nights at 8pm, on TBN.Gaither joins us to talk about the songwriting process that has propelled him to write so many profound staples of Christian music and whether his approach is any different than it was when he started out. Listen as the venerable music legend shares about his new television series, "Gaither Gospel Hour" and what he sees for the future of Gaither Music.
No one wants to go through life with the feeling of utter hopelessness. But sometimes, due to a set of unforeseen circumstances, a person is forced to navigate through the perils of daily living without any clear sense of purpose or encouragement. But there is always hope. Nathaniel Deen knows hardship and hopelessness very well. Due to a traumatic incident, he lost both his parents at the age of five. For the next nine years, Deen bounced from an orphanage to a series of foster homes to eventually running away at age 16. He soon found himself living in a car, yet somehow still finding the wherewithal to attend and contend with the daily rigors of school. This chaotic lifestyle eventually brought him to the brink of suicide. But fortunately, due to a stroke of divine providence, Deen came in contact with a teacher who was drawn to his mysterious past. Rather than run in the other direction, far from Deen’s problems, this small-town educator discovered the profound and direct impact he could have on another life. Today, Deen is eternally thankful that this humble man took the time to journey with him through his doubt and betrayal and set him on a path to trust and redemption. This amazing story is the subject of a new movie releasing in theaters this weekend called, “Brave the Dark”. Starring Jared Harris and Nicholas Hamilton, the film serves as a prime example that we should never give up on anyone. Doing so can often prevent a person from traveling down such a tortuous path of destruction, one that never seems to end well. Deen joins us to talk about how his potentially tragic story turned into a blessing due to the gentle guidance of a teacher who was willing to demonstrate compassion and concern for him. Listen as he shares why he chose to be so transparent about his life despite such a tremendous sense of vulnerability in putting the scars of his past out there for the world to see.
For better or for worse, we have all heard the phrase, “Go to hell.” While considered a coarse and crass thing to say, this snide directive is seen as sarcasm and never viewed in a positive light. But what about the inverse of that phrase? Have you ever heard someone utter, “Go to heaven?” It seems sort of foreign yet hopeful. As far as heaven is concerned, who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? These sorts of questions always come up when we consider our eternal future beyond this physical world that we are currently living in. How can we know for sure, what comes next? In a new 7-session, video-based Bible study workbook titled “Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight”, author Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She is passionate about teaching others practical ways to set their minds on things above and live life with an eternal perspective. Rothschild doesn’t just want people to wonder about heaven, her hope is that they will embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace. Rothschild joins us to talk about what it was like to go blind at the age of 15 and how it has shaped her faith as an adult. Listen as she shares some common misconceptions people have about Heaven while focusing on some key Bible verses that will provide us with a clearer understanding of it.
From the ghettos of Brooklyn, New York, to a successful singing career, to a stunning restoration in Jesus, Jeannie Ortega, a contemporary Christian musical artist, fought demonic attacks, thoughts of suicide, rejection, and being treated like a commodity earlier in her career as a secular pop star. After many years away from music due to a new career in journalism and starting a family with her husband, Ortega never lost sight of her first love, the ability to glorify God through song. Over the years, she has learned that to defeat the darkness in this world, you must activate your spiritual sight. It is Ortega’s desire to guide people to discover unseen spiritual activity in their day to day activities, how to guard your heart from evil, and how to find the love of God and His purpose for your life. Ortega has just released her first album in eight years. It’s called “Letting Go”, and serves as a musical surrender of sorts. Each melody and lyric came from what she felt God put in her heart to share in such a time as this. Her prayer is that people will listen with an open heart so that God can speak to each and every one of them in a special way. Ortega joins us to talk about how people can figure out unseen spiritual activity negatively affecting their lives and how to get away from it. Listen how she shares how music has the ability to connect with the human soul like nothing else, short of a relationship with Jesus.
Even for the most devout people of faith, the Holy Spirit can be mysterious and the least understood person of the Holy Trinity.Bible scholars point to Abrahamic religions, where the Holy Spirit has equal footing with God the father and the Son of God, who is Jesus.According to Acts 5:3-4, the Holy Spirit is considered to be fully God, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and the Son of God. The Holy Spirit is known to be the source of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.In John 14:26, the Holy Spirit is seen as our comforter, teaching people all things and allowing people to experience and witness its presence and power.In his latest book, “Fresh Oil, Holy Fire, New Wine: Living the Vibrant Holy Spirit-Filled Life”, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez challenges you to reconsider what you know and how to relate to the Holy Spirit. His desire is for you to discover how to align and unleash the promise, power, and purpose of the Holy Spirit in all areas of your life. In doing so, you will fully embrace a supernatural relationship through its almighty presence. Rev. Rodriguez joins us to talk about the most practical way you can describe the Holy Spirit to someone that won’t scare them away. Listen as he shares why people struggle with supernatural filling over feeling and the major pitfalls in chasing feelings in worship.
In what has become a time honored tradition, my wife and I spend the first Saturday morning in December wrestling with a Christmas tree.And for the twentieth year in a row we hope to accomplish our goal – to move our artificial bundle of joy from our attic’s crawl space to the centerpiece of our living room.Serving as the soundtrack for our sloppily choreographed annual rite of passage this year will be a new Christmas album just out from Anthony Evans.Titled “The Greatest Gift”, this nine-track recording features new arrangements of holiday classics and original songs Evans wrote and produced for major network features.Evans reminisces, “Some of my most favorite memories include the holidays and the music associated with them. I hope that this album brings joy to whoever is listening as well as reminds them that through the birth of our Savior, we truly have been given The Greatest Gift."Evans joins us to talk about his favorite memories as well as why he wanted to make an album that blended classic carols with new original Christmas music. Listen as he breaks down several of the new songs and explains their meaning.
In a world not too far removed from our past, a young pastor and author named Dietrich Bonhoeffer and a small group of dissidents worked tirelessly to dismantle the Third Reich as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe and beyond.Rather than flee to the safer haven of America, Bonhoeffer instead chose to uphold his moral convictions and risk it all to save millions of Jews from genocide. His decision ultimately proved to be fatal, yet his lifelong dedication to sharing the tenets of his faith will always be remembered for his moral courage to save millions of Jews from genocide. Filmmaker Todd Komarnicki has directed a new movie on the life of Bonhoeffer called “Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.” Set to release on November 22nd, the movie explores the theologian’s decision to shift from preaching peace to plotting murder, an honorable crime that could alter the course of history.The movie features a notable cast that includes Jonas Dassler, August Diehl, and Moritz Breibtreu.It’s amazing to think that one voice can become the loudest rebellion. But that is exactly what Dietrich Bonhoeffer did.Komarnicki joins us to talk about what fueled this hero to take a stand that subsequently led to his execution in 1945. Listen as he shares about the role that Faith played in Bonhoeffer's life and decision making process.
As we inch ever closer to our next presidential election just a few days away, more than a few have pondered the notion that we as a nation are edging ever closer to the Apocalypse.For centuries, the term apocalypse has been used to characterize a great disaster, a prophetic revelation, or the end of the world. Vivid imagery of communist takeovers, the rise of artificial intelligence in the form of intelligence-powered death robots, or even real-life zombies walking the face of the earth have often taken over our imagination with scenarios involving the “what-if’s".For the Babylon Bee’s Kyle Mann and Joel Berry, those scenarios have become an exercise in answering those “what ifs” but in a satirical way. Titled “The Babylon Bee Guide to the Apocalypse”, the writers of the trusted fake news website teach you how to survive every potential end-times situation. In the book’s 248 free-flowing pages, they share valuable resources such as:- Interior decorating tips that will wow any guests into your 50-story underground nuclear silo,- Helpful financial tips for what kind of currency and precious metals to hoard for the end of the world,- Easy bunker construction guides so you can get started building your own apocalypse safe space today. Simply put, the Babylon Bee’s latest literary offering is certainly presented tongue in cheek, but then again it does give you the tools you need to survive the apocalypse. Hmm … Berry joins us to talk about how satire and humor can go a long way in helping people to successfully navigate our unforgiving world. Listen as he shares the deeper reason behind why they write the things they do.
The human imagination coupled with ingenuity can be an amazing thing. Through the creative process, what often begins as a spark of an idea can quickly germinate into a full-blown living, breathing entity. One need to look no further than the overwhelming success of 'The Chosen' streaming video season. As the program approaches its fifth season, we must not forget that this global phenomenon began as a simple idea for a Christmas video at a local, midwestern church. Today, nearly 800 million people have watched at least one episode. Peter & Jennifer Emerson hope to have a similar experience with their creative spark of an idea. Several years ago, they took their daughter to a Christmas performance by the theatrically-infused Trans Siberian Orchestra. Not only did they witness a spectacular performance filled with hard-charging music, dynamic performances, and cutting-edge lighting wizardry, they also came away with an inspirational idea that has consumed the last five years of their lives. While the Trans Siberian Orchestra certainly produces a sometimes mind-bending show, it lacks the most important element of the Christmas story …. Jesus. The idea seemed simple enough. Why not create an immersive live concert experience that blends song, narration, and spectacular imagery to tell the Nativity in its entirety? This seed of inspiration is about to become a reality. Making its debut December 11-14 at the Hippodrome Theater in Waco, Texas, “He Rules the World” is intent on creating a family-friendly, contemporary live concert experience that explores the characters of the Nativity story of God’s plan being fulfilled. Narrated by actor Kevin Sorbo, the production also features vocalist David Gaschen, he of 'The Phantom of the Opera' fame. The Emersons join us to talk about what fueled their desire to launch such a complex visual spectacle to honor the true Christmas story. Listen as they share what people can expect to see at this event and a few things they learned about Jesus that they never knew before.
Whether you love him or hate him, former President Donald Trump has certainly been someone that “moves the needle” when it comes to political discourse. From public policy to contentious political debates to failed assassination attempts, the former Commander in Chief has been a non-stop presence in our daily news cycle in his quest to return to the White House for four more years. Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist who believes he may have uncovered a startling historical connection that reveals how a late 19th Century novelist eerily anticipated the rise of Donald Trump and the treacherous political climate unfolding today. Anderson’s latest book, “The Trump Code”, explores the striking parallels between modern day politics and the writings of 19th Century novelist Ingersoll Lockwood. He makes the case that Lockwood not only predicted Trump’s presidency but also the virulent response to the eight years that have taken place since.Anderson joins us to talk about why these aforementioned parallels between modern day politics and this novel from long ago is more than mere coincidence. Listen as he shares evidence that time travel isn't just the stuff of science fiction but scientific fact. But how does this relate to Donald Trump? Listen now for more details. Link to book:
It is quite evident that the most successful crowdfunded series of all time, The Chosen has had a tremendous ministry impact through the 770 million episodes to date that have been streamed worldwide.In what has become a global phenomenon, the multi-episode television drama based on the life of Jesus, is gearing up to release Season 5 early next year.Through the first four seasons, hearts have been pierced, lives have been saved, and all types of ministry has taken place.One interesting outcome of the series that does not get discussed much though is what happens behind the scenes to generate and heighten interest in the series.Derral Eves is the marketing genius behind 'The Chosen'. Known as “the godfather of search engine optimization, a tag given him by Search Engine Journal. He joins us to chat about his thoughts on why this series, which began as a short film for a local church, is now closing in on one billion views and provides a slight snapshot into what Season 5 will bring.
For people from more mature generations such as Generation X or the Baby Boomers, it has become increasingly more difficult to understand what motivates people under the age of 30. While these older people groups view the workplace with an eye toward rigidity, security, and ever changing objectives, Generation Z and Millennials are more interested in flexibility, fluidity, and clear goals. Their shopping behaviors are quite distinct too, as they are frugal, and looking for immediacy and impact, whereas people over the age of 50 are more content in making a financial splash with the long range benefits in mind. Thus, it is easy to see that there is a rather significant social disconnect between these younger and older generations. So much so, that today’s young adults are seemingly more prone to float along in life, taking far more time to find their life’s path. Fortunately, a solid way to bridge the gap, and create better understanding between these people groups is through a strong sense of mentorship and discipleship. What a better way to unite the old and the young than by allowing someone to teach and give help and advice to a less experienced and often a younger person. A new movie in theaters now called “The Forge”, tells the story of a young man who has no concept of how to be a man. Drifting through life with little direction, he is eventually hired by a Fitness Center. He has no idea how the owner will personally impact his life. With the prayers of his mother and the unexpected guidance from his new mentor, the young man is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God has a greater purpose for his life. Aspen Kennedy is a young actor who portrayed this young man in “The Forge.” He truly has a fresh perspective on what it means to be young, lacking guidance, and mistaking motivation for laziness. Kennedy joins us to talk about the many societal challenges facing Generation Z and Millennials today. Listen as he shares about the value of faith-based mentorship in someone's life and how it can chart the course for an inspired adulthood.
From “Courageous” to “War Room” to their last theatrical release “Overcomer”, Alex and Stephen Kendrick have always found themes that address a critical topic at just the right time. Their latest movie, “The Forge” coming to theaters nationwide on August 23rd is no different. The movie tells the story of a young man who has no idea on how to be a man. Drifting through life with little direction, he is eventually hired by a Fitness Center. He has no idea how the owner will personally impact his life. With the prayers of his mother and the unexpected guidance from his new mentor, the young man is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God has a greater purpose for his life. With total box office earnings in excess of $190 million dollars to date, the Kendrick Brothers' ninth movie stars Cameron Arnett, Priscilla Shirer, Karen Abercrombie, and also features rising actor Aspen Kennedy. The Kendrick Brothers join us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about the importance and high value of discipleship. Listen as they share how to instill Godly values in the younger generation, and practical ways to live out your faith in daily life.
Have you ever been personally discipled? Do you desire to walk closer to Jesus but wish someone would show you how? How can your faith become a thriving relationship instead of a religious duty? What are the keys to assurance of salvation, abiding in Christ, praying effectively, overcoming trials, and deeply loving others? All of these questions have reasonable answers. In fact, each and every one of the aforementioned queries are addressed in a new movie being released in just a few days called ‘The Forge’. Directed by the Kendrick Brothers, best known for their faith-provoking films “War Room” and “Overcomer”, the movie tells the story of a young man who has no idea how to be a man. Drifting through life with little direction, he is eventually hired by a fitness center. He doesn't realize how the owner will personally impact his life. With the prayers of his mother and the unexpected guidance from his new mentor, the young man is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God has a greater purpose for his life. Actors Cameron and BJ Arnett not only star in the movie but both believe wholeheartedly in the power of spiritual accountability and faith-fueled mentorship. And in an interesting twist, they not only portray husband and wife onscreen, but they are also married in real life. The Arnetts join us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about what compelled them to want to work together on this faith-inspiring movie. Listen as they share why it is so critically important to stand in the gap and provide nurturing guidance to the next generation of young adults.
With more than400M streams and a combined social media following of almost two million, Kim Walker-Smith was on top of the highly instrumental praise and worship music movement here in America and across the world. Having spent more than 20 years in worship leadership, Walker-Smith is known for her spirit-led worship anthems that have touched the hearts of so many near and far.But then in 2020, as COVID-19 began to rage, Walker-Smith, her husband, and two children made the bold decision to leave California for the more simple vibes of Montana. She put her music career on hold as she and her family adapted to this new paradigm.Now, more than three years later, Walker-Smith has released an original new album. Titled “Trample”, the project includes 12 tracks including the already released songs, “Boxes”, “Let Revival In”, and “Mama".While many of Walker-Smith’s previous offerings came from a place of dryness and difficulty in her life, “Trample” is a compilation of songs written from a place of victory. Victory is not expressed purely and only with joy, but is also expressed with humility and understanding of what is needed to continue moving forward.Walker-Smith joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about why she decided to take a break from music several years ago and how God inspired her to return. Listen as she shares why it is so vitally important to introduce worship to children at a young age and the foundational roots of what became “Trample”.
As people of faith, we have all been there. You find yourself in a situation that begs for you to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but for whatever reason you stop short. The timing isn’t right, the logistics are bad, or you just feel awkward and out of place doing it.The problem is that it just doesn’t feel natural. Perhaps you fear the other person won’t be receptive or they will become hostile about hearing the Good News. Or, you just don’t know where to start.Whatever the reason might be, sharing your story of faith and what it means to you is one of the hardest activities a Christian will ever face. But sharing your faith is not complicated. In fact, the more you share Jesus with others the easier it gets.Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson found salvation in Christ in large part because a stranger went outside his comfort zone to have a spiritual conversation with his father. Phil Robertson accepted Christ and then shared the Gospel with his own family. If that conversation never took place, Willie may never have found his salvation. Thus, his life would have taken a completely different path, one that may have been filled with misery and doubt.In his latest book, “The Gospeler: Turning Darkness into Light One Conversation at a Time”, Willie tells readers how they can talk comfortably about Jesus with their family, friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers they meet in everyday life. In the book’s 224 pages, he stresses that sharing the Gospel is not preaching but simply having a conversation. The key is to focus on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion).Willie joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about why well-meaning Christians often shy away from sharing the Gospel with people. Listen as he shares why it is so important to understand that sharing the Gospel is not preaching but simply having a conversation.
Have you ever been so frustrated with life that you just wanted to throw everything away and start fresh? It sounds great until you start considering all the ramifications involved. Things like: - Quitting your job- Selling the house and moving to a new location- Saying goodbye to friends and family (at least for a little while)- Dropping out of church, school, and various other civic organizations- Saying no to routine and saying yes to radical change The list could go and on but you get the idea. Starting fresh is far from an easy process. One can get nauseous just thinking about all of the ramifications and consequences. Not to say that change can’t be good in our lives, but sometimes it just seems easier to keep the status quo by leaving our fantasy of a life change for another day. Angie Orth made the life-changing decision to follow through on a life-change. With her thirtieth birthday looming, Orth decided to escape her everyday life and embark on a journey of a lifetime. So, she quit her job, launched a travel blog, and booked a one-way ticket to the South Pacific and a few other exotic ports of call. Along the way, Orth found herself dodging tsunamis, earthquakes, political revolutions, and the relentless pursuit of her family trying to contact her. But most importantly, despite her global misadventures, Orth strengthened her relationship with God and found a new resolve to chart the course for the rest of her life. In her new book, “Flirting with Disaster: True Tales of Fear, Failure, and Faith”, Orth shares a few pages from living life unscripted yet still on a mission. But most importantly, she demonstrates that God’s vision for our lives is far better than anything we could ever come up with. Orth joins us on the Crossmap Podcast talk about how she made a complete 180 degree turn that changed everything about her life in a positive way. Listen how living life unscripted yet still on mission led her directly into a much stronger relationship with God.
The allure of pornography can be quite intoxicating. And why not? It’s always available and easy to hide. Nobody else has to know about it. Pornography is one of the few places in life where you are in complete control of your sexuality. Quite frankly, pornography never says no. You can be vulnerable, take emotional risks, and explore whatever you want to with no fear of judgment. What you have just read is what the world has to say. But what about the Bible? Based on the various precepts set forth in Scripture, it is quite clear that the enemy has taken one of the most amazing gifts that God has given us, the gift of sex, and twisted it. Believe it or not, pornography is a big deal that destroys families and relationships. Yet, most Americans don’t think pornography is a problem. But it is. Just ask our guest, Joshua Broome. In 2013, Broome was not only into pornography but he had made it a career. He had appeared in over 1,000 adult films and had even won awards for this work, the adult film industry’s top honor, “Performer of the Year”. Broome was making more money than he thought he would ever earn, and living large had become a reality not some far fetched dream. But within his soul, Broome was empty. He had done all the things that he thought would satisfy him completely yet they didn’t work. Instead, they actually amplified his anxiety and deepened his depression to the point where he was planning to end his life. But God intervened. Intending to commit suicide, a chance encounter with a bank teller changed Broome’s life. In that moment, he made the impulsive decision to leave the adult film industry for good. That decision changed my Broome’s life forever. While his departure from the porn industry was not easy, he still struggled with his identity and purpose. But he purposefully sought to make better choices. Interestingly enough, today, more than a decade later, Broome is married and the father of three. He has gone from touring the world with porn-star fame to touring the world spreading God’s redemption and freedom. He has a new book out called “The 7 Lies That Ruin Your Life”, designed to give practical advice for those struggling with false approval and purpose. Broome joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about why so many people struggle to find their identity and purpose and how pornography tries to fill that void. Listen as he urges parents to overcome their fears and engage in honest dialogue about sex with their kids and highlights that it is a beautiful aspect of life that God intended for marriage.Links to CrossmapCrossmap WebsiteCrossmap Facebook
Prayer, otherwise known as communication with God, is a way for anyone to ask for help, plead for forgiveness, or even offer praises to the Almighty. It can be a time to confess our sins and enter into a more intimate relationship with our creator. Prayer can also have a profound physiological effect on us, such as lowering blood pressure and heart rate and even assist in regulating our breathing. It can also help us to focus on the blessings and good in our lives, while calming our spirits.Simply put, prayer can be seen as a good thing, centering our hearts on the one who gives life and provides us with optimism in a world of negativity and pain.For more than 40 years, my guest today has entertained audiences as an internationally acclaimed media personality and musician who has won 6 Emmys, and earned two Grammy nominations. With such widespread success, it seemed only natural that he would continue to garner accolades for his diverse range of talent. But it wasn’t until 2015, when he was given 18 months to live due to a cancer diagnosis that he discovered the single greatest thing in his life: how to unleash the power of prayer.With his future looking grim, my guest began to practice what he calls the “power of healing prayer”. Today, nine years later, my guest remains cancer free.Because he is such a believer in the foundational power of prayer, my guest has launched a new online course, “The Secrets to Answered Prayers.” In it, he shares what he has learned about healing prayer in hopes of helping others to develop a more powerful and effective prayer life.John joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about how prayer sustained him through his own terminal cancer diagnosis. Listen as he explains how healing prayer differs from regular prayer, and shares a few tips on how to pray with more authority against sickness and disease.Links to CrossmapCrossmap WebsiteCrossmap Facebook
There have been so many stories over the years about someone defying the odds to achieve some level of greatness in their lifetime. So many that experts have dug quite deeply in a pursuit to find the common threads that define why someone is driven to seek high-performance and uncommon results.While the research is sometimes conflicting, all can agree that a person who defies the odds has developed a range of coping skills, personality traits and supports, in home, school, and community that help them overcome adversity.Dr. Ming Wang is one such person. A poor Chinese immigrant who grew up in 1970s rural China, Dr. Wang faced persecution and despair at every turn. But with the support of his family and his own unwavering determination, somehow, some way, he found his way to America to attend Harvard and MIT. And through his research, Dr. Wang developed an innovative technology that subsequently restored sight to millions of people.Dr. Wang is the subject of a new movie from Angel Studios called ‘Sight’. Starring Oscar-nominated actor Greg Kinnear and Terry Chin, the film explores Dr. Wang’s traumatic past and celebrates his ability to not only defy the odds but to go beyond his natural abilities to find solutions that would make the world a better place.Andrew Hyatt not only directed this movie but also co-wrote the script. His award-winning resume also includes films like “The Blind”, “Paul, Apostle of Christ”, and “Full of Grace”. It is Andrew’s desire to inspire others to persevere and to follow their dreams.Andrew joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about Dr. Wang’s relentless pursuit of excellence when everything seemed to be working against him. Listen as he explains why, in our desperate need for heroes, we should look no further than to those who have dedicated their lives to helping others in humble, non-attention seeking ways.Links to CrossmapCrossmap WebsiteCrossmap Facebook
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