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Evolution 101
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Evolution 101

Author: Zachary Moore

Subscribed: 748Played: 2,329


Although this doesn't regard evolution, it's another hot scientific topic that I was asked to talk about to the First Baptist Church of Colleyville Faith and Reason class. I thought that the Evolution 101 listeners might be interested in it- a further ethical discussion will be posted later to the Apologia podcast feed.
40 Episodes
Although this doesn't regard evolution, it's another hot scientific topic that I was asked to talk about to the First Baptist Church of Colleyville Faith and Reason class. I thought that the Evolution 101 listeners might be interested in it- a further ethical discussion will be posted later to the Apologia podcast feed.
Stem Cell Biology 101

Stem Cell Biology 101


Although this doesn't regard evolution, it's another hot scientific topic that I was asked to talk about to the First Baptist Church of Colleyville Faith and Reason class. I thought that the Evolution 101 listeners might be interested in it- a further ethical discussion will be posted later to the Apologia podcast feed.
An invited lecture to the Dallas Philosophers' Forum
A presentation to the North Texas Church of Freethought
The Problem of Species

The Problem of Species


A presentation to the North Texas Church of Freethought
134 - November 5th

134 - November 5th


November 5th, 2006
An examination of the evolutionary justification for the female sexual response.
132 - Evolution Live

132 - Evolution Live


In which I propose a new format for this podcast.
A review of the DVD documentary based on the book, "Icons of Evolution."
Although I've stated that human and chimp genes only differ by 3%, is there any difference more substantial in our DNA?
Those who argue against evolution claim that is is racist, and has been used to justify horrible acts of instutitional racism. Is this supported by the theory?
It is often said that evolution is incorrect because it cannot account for information. This week, a good friend of mine explains information theory and why this criticism is misplaced.
How does evolutionary theory explain the fact that humans don't have hair on their body except for a few weird places?
Men have nipples, and yet they don't use them for lactation. How does evolutionary theory explain this?
Critics of evolutionary theory say that this concept represents a fatal controversy. Are they right?
124 - Miscellanea

124 - Miscellanea


This week, I answer several listener questions submitted by email.
Is a biological foundation of homosexuality precluded by evolutionary theory?
Is there any evidence against evolutionary theory that has been produced by those who deny it?
A look at the science behind the techinque of radiometric dating. Also, listener email!
Is evolutionary theory just useful for ivory tower scientists, or is it relevant to practical everyday life?