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The Witch Wavelength

Author: Sheena Cundy

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Tuning into a magical frequency...sharing ideas, creations, and practices for healing and fun-filled inspirational interviews with other creatives from all walks of the magical life. "Let's build community, raise our vibration, and get on the Witch Wavelength!" Your host, Essex Witch, author, and singer-songwriter, Sheena Cundy. Recorded and produced by Ian Cundy. ©Treehouse Magic
48 Episodes
The Hippy has spent the past fifteen years rewilding his ancient woodland and wildflower meadows as a path back to the wild. His passion for the magic of nature is deeply rooted in the ancestral wisdom of the old ways, its herbal and folklore, and a love of the land.Together with building a unique relationship with Sherman the Oak tree and the hard physical slog of rewilding, he is cultivating an environmental sanctuary – a place to retreat and share with his family and friends and the wider ...
Irisanya is no stranger to the kind of shadow work required of a Witch when facing her demons. A broken marriage of twenty years, a rocky peri-menopause, and an ADHD diagnosis coupled with the devastating loss of her parents and beloved mentor, all in a relatively short space of time... have given Irisanya the spiritual capacity to rise from the ashes. Despite being human, she has done this with strength, dignity, and large doses of self-devotion. She has done it with the help of the gods, in...
Lana Borealis is a multidimensional healer and coach who uses her unique methods of energy work to help people overcome addiction and substance abuse. She also helps free spiritual parasites and entities, limiting patterns in the light body with soul retrieval and DNA activation. If you want to learn more about slaying your demons, freeing yourself from addiction and building a stronger connection to your divine guidance... join us for this fascinating chat on the Witch Wavelength!You can *wa...
Psychic business coach Julie Chandler combines her lifelong psychic abilities with business coaching skills in her Intuitively Led programs and courses for female entrepreneurs.She loves helping women with their businesses shift to a success frequency through moon cycle strategies and an intuitive connection with the universe, enabling them to stand in their true power and purpose.During our chat, we experienced spirit intervention not once but many times throughout the call, all of which hav...
Up close and personal with Vedic Astrologer and Yoga teacher Jeremy Devens, the Quietmind Astrology Podcast host. Based on 18 years of experience and thousands of case studies, Jeremy teaches you how to optimize your health, wealth, relationships, and purpose using the ancient Indian practice of Vedic Astrology (Jyotish).With Sheena, he shares about growing up without a father, overcoming depression and a lifelong curiosity about the occult that led him to Vedic Astrology. Jeremy shares...
Rachel is the author Lupa and Wolf, as well as a sacred dance teacher, priestess, women's empowerment coach and flower essence coach. Rachel is also the creatrix of Wolf Woman Rising, a wisdom school where she empowers you to embody your wisdom, reclaim your authentic, wild, untamed self and create a life lived on purpose. Through online community, courses and training, as well as in-person retreats and workshops she initiates women into the feminine arts, nature alchemy & divine connecti...
Melonie Syrett's career as a primary school teacher took a turn when a series of synchronistic events steered her onto a very different path. Her discovery of Reiki and other holistic modalities were the spiritual breadcrumbs of a magical journey that just kept on growing... When a serious health condition was diagnosed 'without a cure', Melonie immersed herself in sound healing where she realised her love of drumming to be the greatest healer of all. The spirit of the drum has be...
Samantha Sear is an artist, stay-at-home mum, writer and host of the Rooted By Nature podcast. Sam talks about how her love of books, writing, magic and nature has fuelled her creativity on all levels. She reveals some of her most personal psychic experiences and explains how the most challenging time of her life, which led her to the healing power of nature... inspired a natural urge to go public and share its magic with others. Listen to the Rooted by Nature PodcastSamantha's Rooted b...
Ian and Sheena with takeaways of their recent trip to the States... a business conference for entrepreneurs in California finishing up with the madness and the magic of Las Vegas. Including plans and a musical intention setting Not a Dream by Morrigans Path for 2024! Find out more about business performance coach James WedmoreIf you fancy joining a group with Sheena for those who want to lose weight with magic to support them, here it is: Weight Loss for Witches Facebook gro...
Anna Bellissima is a copywriter and marketing magician weaving her unique kind of magic for witches, weirdos and spiritual entrepreneurs. Quirky, sharp and business-savvy, Anna talks about how she came to be working in the online space and why marketing support is so important for those (like Sheena) who need it.Anna reveals how her dark night of the soul led her to a healing path grounding her in the magic of nature and animals... and to the important work she is doing now, as master of mone...
Taren S has been talking to the dead since she was a child growing up in North Carolina. Spending much of her childhood with her grandmother, who belonged to the primitive Baptist church, Taren learned to fuse her magic with the wisdom of the Psalms and the spirit of the root and developed a magical relationship with dirt and the ancestors of the land she has travelled and lived on since. She is a wealth of knowledge on American folk magic and Voodoo/Hoodoo, and is passionate about what true ...
When life challenges us, we have the option to rise up or fall down. Ray Deacon chose the former, as I was very glad to hear in this candid chat about how turning his life around was the best thing to do when faced with the pain of loss and uncertainty.Ray is now making a new life for himself and helping others to do the same, with the creation of Healthy New You, his nutritional life-coaching business in Chester, UK.Discovering a new purpose in life has led Ray to embrace his spirituality an...
Trail blazing author, podcaster and speaker on Goddess Spirituality, Karen Tate, joins Sheena for a candid conversation on the magic of Goddess. Growing up in the United States bible belt of the deep south, Karen was conditioned to think that racism and sexism were 'normal'. Until she discovered the sacred feminine, and Goddess spirituality became the driving force of her life. This has especially fueled her writing, and now her seventh book, Normalizing Abuseis out to do the work of re...
An inspirational talk with Yoga Witch, Emma Turnbull from Mayland in Essex, UK. Emma teaches yoga and reiki, trains yoga teachers, runs workshops, regular moon circles and retreat days... and the list goes on. She talks about her love for all things yoga, ayurveda, tea and tarot, and how the blending of all her practices, knowledge and teachings has evolved into the Wise Woman Alchemy it has become. One of those truly magical chats that you don't want to miss.Emma's website: Y...
Katherine Genet, author of the magical Wilde Grove fiction series, has been walking a pagan path for over thirty years. As a self-published author, she makes a living from her writing... something a lot of indie authors don't do. Find out how she does this, what her stories are about, and how her magical series is currently on the cards for an exciting future ahead!Magical Writing & Living with Kate and Sheena Live on YouTube Oct 13thMagical Writing & Living with Kate and Sheena...
It never ceases to amaze me how creative Witches are. However, Rachel Patterson, a prolific author with 25 books published and four more in the pipeline, is in a league of her own. She runs the online Kitchen Witch School, a weekly YouTube show, blogs, speaks at events, writes articles, designs oracle cards, bakes scrummy cakes... as well as running a home and holding down a 'day job'. Find out why she wrote her latest book, Gods and Goddesses of England, what her writing process and ev...
The granddaughter of an astrologer and a theosophist, Lucya grew up in a magical household where folk magic and fortune-telling were a natural part of everyday life. Stories like the time she was thrown off a community gardens project by the local council, and a spell she worked to get rid of a problem boss tell how her eclectic witchery has evolved over the years... and why teaching and hanging out with Druids has become something she really enjoys. &...
Rebecca has a PhD in creative writing, with a growing list of published fiction and nonfiction works to her name. Spending her childhood in Dartmoor, she developed a love for nature and books before leaving to study drama, becoming an actor and eternal student of all things creative and magical.Rebecca's extensive study of the nature mystics has not only led to writing about them but, as often happens with any labour of love journey... to becoming one herself. Now back in Dartmoor, Rebe...
The Magic of Abundance

The Magic of Abundance


Now that Riches for Witches is almost ready to publish, Ian and Sheena bring you up to date with the production process and share some of its content.A pathworking with the Sun and the Abundance Chant are two practices from the book to get you into the groove of Prosperity and access your own Abundance. Enjoy!Podcast Facebook pageIan's Instagram pageSheena's Instagram pageSheena's websiteBuy the book: The Witch WavelengthDownload & Stream Morrigans PathEpisode 30Drop us a line...
Bob Hillary is not afraid to say what he thinks. Or feels. His healing journey has been music and magic all the way...breaking free from the mainstream twenty years ago to walk a more authentic path. His latest stop is Portugal, where he lives off-grid in his campervan... Bob's self-help book, Simplify: How to Stay Sane In a World Going Mad, was written from a series of spiritual downloads, offering a powerful alternative to the frenetic pace of modern life. His latest album, Sacred, w...