

Author: Sam Scher

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Every geoscientist is capable of understanding and applying geochemical data, however, at GeocHemiSTea we understand that there is an incredible amount of nuance and accumulated knowledge.

We are here to break down the impediments towards geoscientists learning more about this exciting field! Are you a student wanting to break into the field? Listen to each episode to see how reknown geochemists got to where they are today. Are you intrigued by integrating geochemistry, but don't know how? Stay tuned! Lastly are you looking for some Tea/good gossip? We got it. Support this podcast:
35 Episodes
Let's learn about upscaling LA-ICP-MS pyrite results to whole rock geochemistry data using PCA. On the way we'll hear about the life and times of an early career geochemist and some of the ins and outs of being a geochemical consultant. For this episode we read: Using whole rock and in situ pyrite chemistry to evaluate authigenic and hydrothermal controls on trace element variability in a Zn mineralized Proterozoic subbasin (Magnall et al., 2022) --- Support this podcast:
For this episode we read: Archean Lode Gold Deposits in Ontario (Colvine et al., 1984) aka the Greenstone Bible. We talk about Simon's transition from working from large mining companies to opening his own consultancy for all those considering this as part of their future. Our tea... have you ever been late to your flight, anxious on the shores of Lake Victoria, Tanzania? As for the heart of the show? We talk about the applications of geochemistry to greenstone gold exploration. This one is dedicated to the fans of the show in Dubreuilville (Canada) who wanted some extra insight on geochemistry in greenstones. I hope you enjoy this one! --- Support this podcast:
This is our second episode on GeOCHemISTea where we have branched out from geochemistry into a sister geoscience - spectral geology. For this episode take a look at another of the spectral ecosystem's end-members: hyperspectral core imaging. Join us as we talk about hyperspectral imaging, the data load, and some interesting applications to porphyry geoscience. For this episode we read: Hyperspectral Core Imaging Applications in Porphyry Deposits (Corescan) --- Support this podcast:
This is our first episode on GeOCHemISTea where we have branched out from geochemistry into a sister geoscience - spectral geology. For this episode we start from one of the spectral ecosystem's end-members: remote sensing, or satellites and airborne. Join us as we talk about the newest developments in sensor tech and data processing, while still paying proper attention to the role of remote sensing in the mining value chain. For this episode we read: Improvements in Mineralogical Classification with Increased Spectral Resolution: A Case Study over Cuprite, Nevada comparing Fused Bare Earth Composite and EnMAP Data (Wickert and Casement, 2024) Hyperspectral Imaging for Mining: EnMAP Satellite Data versus SpecTIR Airborne Data (Wickert and Casement, 2024) And we'd like to give a shout out to @LucaCongedoGIS on YouTube who we referenced numerous times in the podcast as the "Italian guy." You are a legend! --- Support this podcast:
Want to hear some more of Rob's thoughts? But also just general silliness from before we started to record? Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:
For this episode we read Rob's paper: Natural attenuation in the vadose zone: Nature's gift to mine closure (Bowell, 2023) From rethinking the green economy to recovering metals and ores in naturally occurring ways, this episode encompasses a lot of topics currently in the news but a uniquely Rob perspective. Along the way, we may even learn about the vadose zone and the potential to remediate sites naturally. --- Support this podcast:
At GeOCHemISTea we love it when someone is so passionate about their geochemistry topic that they reach out and request(!!) to be on the show. An honor, Ben! So what ground did we cover... manifest your own destiny (or was that the US in the 1800s?). Ben has been a geochemist, a geophysicist, and a data scientist; there's lots of nuggets in there for young geos who are looking for the how-to... so how did Ben become a geochemist? Our topic of interest this month was to talk about methodology selection to solve geochemical, geometallurgical, and dare I say geophysical situations that arise during the course of exploration and mining programs... and dare I say... Ben has a lot of opinions, advice and ideas on the matter! For this episode we read: Characterization of Ore Properties for Geometallurgy (Butcher et al., 2023) --- Support this podcast:
For this episode we read a chapter from Sam Cantor's thesis entitled: Exploration Tool: Tracking Cryptic Alteration Surrounding the Iscaycruz Zn (Pb-Cu-Ag) Skarn-CRD Deposit, Central Peru (Cantor, 2020)   Have you implemented UV lamps into your exploration programs to help try and sort out complex mineralogy and vein paragenesis? Sam Cantor explains his side hustle at the Mineral Deposits Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, where he was able to start to build out workflows to tackle this in a complex skarn and carbonate replacement deposit in Peru. If this has not yet peaked your interest, perhaps come for the tea where he talks about his role as a green junior geologist in Nicaragua using hyperspectral to overturn high sulfidation epithermal mineral identifications using the field geologist's tried and true method of tasting minerals :) --- Support this podcast:
Honestly... I don't know which is more interesting... the content of the mesothermal gold chat or the tea. Almost 17 years after the work was originally presented, we dive into Jeff's honors project - a study on gold mineralization at the Callie Deposit, Dead Bullock Soak, NT, Australia. The evolution of the research to present day is fascinating for all the fans who have asked for some orogenic gold love on the show! --- Support this podcast:
For this episode we read: Using machine learning to estimate a key missing geochemical variable in mining exploration: application of the Random Forest algorithm to multi-sensor core logging data (Schnitzler et al., 2019)  A big difference between applied geochemistry and machine is the terminology, but once you start to chip away at this, like Britt, you will realize that the two disciplines are not so different. Join us as we talk about dimensionality reductions, transformations, and workflows pre- and post- her introduction to the realm of data science. And talk about a really neat paper that used random forest to predict sodium for an alteration study. --- Support this podcast:
A big thanks to Heidi Pass, Michelle Carery, Dave Lawie, Pim van Geffen, Putra Sadikin, Mike Whitbread, Des Pascoe, & Steve Sugden for rolling with this as we tried for our Holiday special to embody the Dickens-esq theme of Geochemistry: Past, Present & Future. Everyone on the show this month was part of the ioGlobal team, a global applied geochemistry consultancy for the mineral exploration and mining industries, the likes of which has not been seen since the company was bought in the early 2010s. Part charming family reunion, part educational, and many parts geochemistry. Happy holidays to everyone from GeOCHemISTea <3 --- Support this podcast:
We always talk about fluids in geochemistry. How the ore metals are moving and how they are depositing - we think in pressure-temperature-redox space. However, when we get our geology, structure and geochemistry in 3D... and then we start to rotate a model for the first time... it is the most rewarding moment because we see the fluid pathway and why our metals have deposited. Nothing, perhaps, in exploration geochemistry is more rewarding then spinning a 3D model. I've paraphrased myself from this interview here, but I hope everyone listening finds a friend in Julia because all geochemistry is 3D and deserves to be seen as we discuss! For this episode we read: --- Support this podcast:
There are geochemists and isotope geochemists... this episode we're speaking with the latter and this discussion could not be more interesting! Seriously. I found myself at different points so riveted (by that I mean thinking too hard) that I forgot I was supposed to be asking more questions. As usual, my favorite part of the episode is Tea Time, but for a different reason. As an undergraduate, Libby asked a question to established researchers that were giving a talk to her university 8000+ of miles from their lab en route to do some fieldwork at the Platreef (Bushveld Complex, South Africa) that became a huge contribution to science and ore deposits research, as well as the focus for her MSc and PhD research. So cool. For this episode we read: Sulfate recycling at subduction zones indicated by sulfur isotope systematics of Mesozoic ultramafic island arc cumulates in the North American Cordillera (Milidragovic et al., 2023) --- Support this podcast:
Critical metals are merely lists built based on geopolitics and supply chain, but are nonetheless essential for advanced technology and particularly the 'green' energy transition. Our interview spans softball critical metal questions to talking about the dredged material containing sulfate-reducing bacteria that is generating pyrite on the bottom of a canal in the Chesapeake watershed through to more typical acid mine drainage. All the while we retain focus on the recovery of critical metals from unconventional sources to supplement domestic supplies. For this interview we read: Critical metal geochemistry in groundwaters influenced by dredged material (Goodman et al., 2023) Rare earth element recovery in hard-rock acid mine drainage and mine waste: A case study in Idaho Springs, Colorado (Goodman et al., 2023) --- Support this podcast:
This episode returns to our roots... to our very first episode with Simon where we talked about the geochemistry of Carlin deposits, except this time we're talking about high sulfidation epithermal systems. We're talking scale, exploration methodologies, geochemistry, and even a light amount of geophysics, all with a stiffly brewed cup of tea. For this episode we read two papers: Alturas: A Unique Discovery Within a Mature District Through Integrating Sound Geological Practices, Multidisciplinary Expertise and Leading Technology (Astorga et al., 2017) Multi-Scale integrated application of Spectral Geology and Remote Sensing for Mineral Exploration (Zhou et al., 2017) --- Support this podcast:
This is a different conversation from those we’ve had before because we took two extremely different topics in hydrogeochemistry and pXRF on drillcore and looked at how these different techniques and scales come together in a junior exploration program. If you've never been to Nevada, no worries... we're going there together, now. For this episode we read: Parts per trillion (ppt) gold in groundwater: can we believe it, what is anomalous and how do we use it? (Buskard et al., 2019) --- Support this podcast:
A favorite thing Dave likes to say is "we do all sorts of things to the rocks... to try and understand them...." But then Dave often likes to tell geologists and especially mining engineers that "rocks don't give a shit to what we think of them. They're just rocks. They're just gonna sit there and be like, all right, whatever guys. I'm a rock." And as for why you won't see Dave penning a book on his career... "because it with be complete utter bullshit." That's hindsight bias for you. Join us as we discuss Nassim Nicholas Taleb's philosophical book "Fooled by Randomness" and try and apply it to the wide world of geochemistry... with drinks. --- Support this podcast:
For this episode we read the Datarock blog post Fusing core imagery and chemistry to model stratigraphy. Perhaps more interesting that the foundation of Datarock is built on Aussie rules football is some of the advice that Brenton Crawford, one of the the company's founders has to impart: that we can get distracted by what we 'need' from a university in order to get the geoscience job we want. He goes on to counsel that getting involved in a community of your choosing, albeit geochemistry, data science, or some other sector, can be a better investment of your time and energy. Importantly, if you have interested in transitioning to data science, remember that your knowledge of the geosciences is infinitely more important than an additional degree in data science - your ability to make an impact on your team is greater simply because you understand the nuances of the data you are working with. As for working with image data and integrating it with geochemistry... you'll have to have a listen. --- Support this podcast:
We think we speak for everyone that the geochemical community is forever enriched by Putra's decision not to study plankton biostratigraphy or go into construction. Everyone's favorite ioGAS product manager stops by the show this month to talk to us about his journey through an MSc, MBA and life in general, as well as some good off-the-cuff Tea, and then a stimulating discussion on interpreting geochemical data.  Never be too prideful to ask a question and the more questions you ask, the better you become at asking questions (Sadikin, pers. comm. 2023).  For this episode we read: Lithogeochemical and Hyperspectral Halos to Ag-Zn-Au Mineralization in the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, Western Australia (Hollis et al., 2021).  --- Support this podcast:
For this episode we read: "Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy – An Emerging Analytical Tool for Mineral Exploration (Harmon et al., 2019)" Starting from the basics of what is LIBS through to cutting edge applications, Andrew Somers (Global Business Director: Geochemistry at SciAps Inc.) is here to guide us through the ins and outs of this tech.  For our young geochemists - are you nervous about making the jump from working at a mining company to working for a vendor? Andrew has some words of wisdom on this too.  --- Support this podcast: