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Expanding Your Divine Light!
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Expanding Your Divine Light!

Author: Debbie Hagedorn

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Each episode is a divine flow of relevant information to assist you in expanding your consciousness. Make the choice to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that are being made available to you each time you tune in: heaven on Earth, multidimensional Earth experiences, and cosmic wisdom to assist in creating the new world - transmitted by Debbie Hagedorn.

Season 3 & 4 Intro Music by Joystock -

63 Episodes
The old way insists that every experience is good or bad, useful or not useful, right or wrong, happy or sad, etc.All of these words - labels - are judgments that come from the programming contained within our individual systems. This is why people see and recall things, such as an automobile accident, differently. Our programming creates our perspective.That said, once you make the choice to walk your path into the new world, you will begin to see things differently.As you continue to do the...
It is a common belief that spirituality requires us to have our "head in the clouds."The astral plane, knowledge of past lives, exotic meditational experiences ... while all of these things are of a spiritual nature, not one of these things are relevant to what is being asked of us right now ... to do the work that is necessary to walk this planet as our divine human self.Many years ago, a quote came in front of me - "Discipline in my daily life is required to escape fine." (B. Burchard)...
Welcome to the new world ... a world in which the possibilities are limited only by that which you choose to imagine!That said, if you wish to experience your best life as a divine human in your own unique version of heaven on Earth, then it's time to say yes to your next level of health.Without our best health and the wellness that follows, our bodies will not be able to sustain us as we move into the higher frequencies of human existence.It's time to set aside outdated beliefs and stop givi...
Divine Human Nature

Divine Human Nature


There is a sanskrit word - alaha - which means unity.Unity, as I feel it in my heart, requires us to remember that ALL is connected, and that we, humanity, are and have always been connected to nature and to our divinity. This is the way that God has always intended. We simply chose to forget these things for awhile.The time has come for us to choose to remember, over and over and over again, who we truly are.The time has come for us to choose to become our divine human if this is our path, a...
Know Thyself

Know Thyself


Beloved souls ...will you choose to continue taking one step at a time know thyself on a deeper level than has ever been available to us as humans?Will you choose to do the work that is required ... that will allow us to receive our divinity within our beautiful, blessed human bodies?Will you say yes to walking your highest path in 2024 and beyond?Listen in to receive the codes, activations, and upgrades that will serve all who say yes ... all who are willing to know th...
It is time!The frequency of your own unique version of heaven on Earth is available to you ... and to all ... if you choose to do the work.What is the work? Upgrading your energetic system to let go of all that is no longer serving your highest good ... raising your energetic frequency in the process.You are, after all, the creator of your entire life experience here on Earth.Let this and all of my podcast recordings assist you as you do your own work.Listen in to receive the codes, acti...
You don't know what you don't know ...until one day you do.This is divine timing, and each one of us is on our very own unique journey of ascension.It is in faith that you know the answers you are seeking will be made available to you in perfect time.This is not a journey for the faint of heart. Your faith will feel as though it's being tested.How you respond is what matters.Listen to the story contained within this episode and receive the codes and activations that are being made availa...
Love is.It really is that simple.Love is the baseline frequency of all that exists on this planet ... and most lack access because they are afraid to let go of all that is keeping them from it.Accessing next level love isn't easy.Doing so requires us to let go of those things we are attached to or are co-dependent on.Letting go requires us to tap into our next level of courage.In the words of Sara Bareilles, "show me ... how big your brave is."Will you choose to do the work ... again and...
A Divine Activation

A Divine Activation


You are a system, within which there are many, many bodies and many, many layers, all of which contain the information (aka programming) that creates your reality in any given moment.If you wish to change your reality, you must "do the work" to clean up your system.It's crucial to know how to "do the work" for yourself. Anyone doing it for you is doing you a disservice.Within this divine activation, I invite you to claim your power back and move through a process in which you will "do th...
The road to our dreams ...real, sometimes raw, and in my opinion, always worth the effort.Where are you at on the road to your dreams?Listen in and receive the codes and activations being made available to you - motivation, inspiration, possibilities, and love, among others.All your dreams ARE on their way ...Keep going.I love you.Thanks for listening!Connect with me: to receive music created by plants as well as podcast updates and more: https...
"When you're wearyFeeling smallWhen tears are in your eyesI will dry them allI'm on your side ...Like a bridge over troubled waterI will lay me down." ~ Paul Simon (of Simon & Garfunkel), 1969In an interview, Paul said he received the words of this song seemingly out of nowhere. They flowed in as divine knowing, and the first two verses were written.As you allow it, I share this transmission with you as the first steps on a bridge to Eden. Eden is heaven ... on Earth ... and the freq...
There is exquisite beauty that can be experienced when exploring consciousness.To date, most of that beauty has been "out there" somewhere - in meditation, in lucid dreams, in journeying with plant medicine.I will admit to having spent very little time "out there." I simply haven't been guided to do so.I am aware that my path is in the here and now ... on Earth ... always divinely guided.I know I am meant to be the example.I will show you how to see such beauty and experience real magic...
The frequency of Eden is here. It is (finally!) available to all who choose it.All that remains is for you to decide ...what do you want the remainder of your life experience to be like?Before you decide, know this - acceptance is one key that you will need to unlock the gates of Eden.In acceptance, you will let go of the need to control the outcome.In acceptance, you will bring yourself back to the present moment. It is in the present moment that you will know to make new choices that w...
Death Isn't Real

Death Isn't Real


It's a topic most are somewhere between hesitant and unwilling to discuss. We've been programmed to believe things about death that simply aren't true, so it's no wonder ... the hesitancy ... and it's no one's fault.The only true death, in my opinion, is one's failure to live.It is in truly allowing yourself to feel all of the feels ... fully and completely ... that you live, and in this living, you expand the consciousness that is you.Are you able to live without fear of death? Are you ready...
As we all continue on this ascension journey, more and more is being made known to us. This new information is unlocked within us courtesy of the solar and other unmeasurable energies that continue to pummel our planet ..., and ourselves.Are you willing to take another look at yourself as a divine human?You are SO much more than anyone ever told you. You, my friend, are a master soul.You came to this planet to experience heaven on Earth in. this. lifetime.Listen in and receive the codes and a...
Hallelujah ... from my perspective a word that has great depth and holds many meanings. Only recently did I step fully into the power of what this word now means to me.When I look back over my lifetime here on Earth, I see many experiences that I recollect felt a lot like hell. I know this is true for you, too.That said, the journey from hell to hallelujah isn't an easy one.Simple, yes, but definitely not easy.What does the journey entail?And what does your next level look like for you?Listen...
So much is changing ... and so quickly! This leads me to ask ...How are you doing, dear one? Truly, you and I, we were made for these times. Remember there is nothing you are experiencing that is doing anything less than serving your highest good. Every experience contains a gift in the opportunity for you to learn, let go, and expand.Whenever you feel stuck, ASK your highest self, your divine self, and your soul for help. You are not walking this ascension path alone. In contempla...
Perhaps, like me as a child, you learned in church a prayer that invoked the will of God to be made known to those who spoke this prayer.Upon consideration, it feels as though somehow this prayer left me believing I was simply a small human, one without direction, and that, by myself, I was powerless to bring about useful change to my reality.When, in fact, and as I know now is each one of us that holds our own power to command all that we desire into being.We are not separate from God....
If there is one thing I can assure you of, it's the fact that every human, no matter where they are on their ascension journey, has struggled in some way or another.Struggle (what a funny word when you look at it long enough!), I am certain, shows up when we are spending more time in our minds than we are in receiving guidance from our heart, which is where our connection to our divinity is found.I myself have been struggling with something as of late, and in this episode I dissect just a bit...
You'll find me weaving a thread of conversation in this episode as I simply allow my soul to lead the way.There is much to contemplate.There has been a major shift on our planet ... and if you choose to open up to discovering all that makes YOU unique, I am certain you will be delighted with what shows up for you as you continue to move forward on your ascension journey.Where are you at in creating daily experiences that fill you with delight?Your reality, after all, is created by you.Listen ...