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For America
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For America

Author: with David Bozell

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"Never give the Left a free day."

206 Episodes
TOPIC: Turmoil within the Democratic Party and Speculation on Biden's CandidacyMONEY LINE: "Joe Biden is such a crook... he struggles to remember which lie he's in."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Prominent figures within the Democratic Party, including Chuck Schumer and celebrities like George Clooney, have suggested that Joe Biden should consider stepping aside, indicating significant internal party doubts about his continued candidacy.The fluctuation in party support reflects a broader uncertainty about Bid...
TOPIC: The Rise of RFK Jr. as a Third-Party Candidate in the 2024 Presidential ElectionMONEY LINE: "Dismiss RFK Jr. at your own peril."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Robert F. Kennedy Jr., running as an independent, has seen fluctuating poll numbers, initially strong but recently dipping potentially due to Donald Trump's targeted criticisms.RFK Jr.'s visibility in the media has decreased, possibly due to mainstream press limiting his exposure to avoid benefiting his campaign at Biden's behest.There's spe...
TOPIC: The Political Trials of Donald Trump and Hunter BidenMONEYLINE: "If I'm Donald Trump, I am pounding Joe Biden hard to define for the country what it was that he did wrong and Joe Biden is not going to be able to pull that off."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The ongoing trials of Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are unlikely to make significant impacts on their respective campaigns, with both expected to face little to no jail time.The potential for Joe Biden to label Donald Trump as a convicted felon...
TOPIC: Trump's Vice Presidential Pick for the 2024 ElectionWATCH: visit LINE: "If I had to bet, I would probably bet Senator Scott."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Speculation around Trump's vice-presidential pick focuses on several potential candidates with Byron Donalds as a potential favorite and Devin Nunes as strong but less likely option.Constitutional issues regarding candidates from the same state as Trump, like Byron Donalds and Marco Rubio, ...
TOPIC: David Bozell and Tim Constantine Discuss the Controversy Over Student Loan Forgiveness and Political Protests on College CampusesMONEY LINE: "He has given the proverbial middle finger to the American taxpayer, to every blue collar worker who decided that college was not for them."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Joe Biden's plan for student loan forgiveness is a taxpayer bailout rather than true forgiveness, shifting the financial burden instead of eliminating it.The bailouts are ironic as Biden's h...
TOPIC: Political Deception and Truth in American PoliticsWATCH: Visit foramerica.orgMONEY LINE: "Lying has become the great sport in American politics."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Political deception is a significant issue, with leaders like Nancy Pelosi selectively using data to compare the economic records of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, ignoring external factors like COVID-19.The Trump team faces continuous attacks based on distortions or outright falsehoods from the Biden administration, espec...
TOPIC: From Congress to court cases, which party has the advantage in 2024?MONEY LINE: "I gotta give the president a ton of credit for staying in the race from the outset, to know that the case was full of holes."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Despite facing daily court appearances due to multiple legal cases, Donald Trump remains actively engaged in the presidential race, demonstrating resilience under pressure.The Trump campaign lacks a robust nationwide surrogate support, leaving a lot of room for imp...
TOPIC: Congressional Dynamics and Government ShutdownsMONEY LINE: "I actually think that they would survive. I don't think chaos is a problem, right? And I don't think conflict is a problem. You've got to remember the country votes for conflict."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The recent $1.2 trillion legislative package has sparked controversy as it passed a Republican House with significant support from Democrats while not achieving conservative goals.Government shutdowns, often portrayed as catastrophi...
TOPIC: Texas sues to stop the FDA's abortion pill by mailMONEY LINE: "You saw an old man yelling at 30 million people on national television and yelling at the Congress."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The Supreme Court's role is to interpret the Constitution, not to legislate from the bench, focusing on whether parties have standing and if actions align with constitutional allowances or prohibitions.The Left has shifted the abortion debate from "safe, legal, and rare" to easily accessible abortion methods wit...
TOPIC: Biden's competency after the State of the Union and what it means for 2024MONEY LINE: "You saw an old man yelling at 30 million people on national television and yelling at the Congress."KEY TAKEAKWAYS:Observations of Biden's physical and verbal stumbling have intensified doubts about his capacity to serve effectively.Biden's performance at the State of the Union did not yield the usual post-address bump in approval, despite the media narrative he is clearly mentally compromised.F...
Will TikTok be banned?

Will TikTok be banned?


TOPIC: The TikTok Debate and Its Broader ImplicationsMONEY LINE: "It's not just a balloon in the sky, folks, it's right here in your pocket."KEY TAKEAWAYS:TikTok is largely owned by the CCP and is under scrutiny for spying on Americans, raising national security concerns.Younger users view TikTok as essential, highlighting a generational gap in the perception of social media's importance.Beyond TikTok, there's a broader issue of privacy and the extensive data collection by big tech and s...
TOPIC: The Pressing Issues Shaping the Biden vs. Trump Electoral ShowdownMONEY LINE: "It's the economy, stupid. The economy is going to be the number one issue."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The economy, marked by rising costs and inflation, will be the pivotal issue for voters, with many feeling the financial pinch despite official positive economic indicators.The impact of immigration policies on public safety and resource allocation in cities across the U.S., not just border states, is a major voter ...
TOPIC: Donald Trump's Vice Presidential Pick for the 2024 ElectionMONEY LINE: "The number one rule of the vice president selection is twofold. One, can you step into the job immediately? And two, you don't want to upstage the number one."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Donald Trump is the likely Republican nominee for the 2024 election, with his vice presidential pick being a subject of much speculation.Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are unlikely choices for Trump's running mate, with DeSantis not addi...
TOPIC: This episode discusses the departure of Ronna McDaniel from her position as the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and delves into the implications and expectations for the party's future leadership.MONEY LINE: "You have really only one opportunity to control how you define yourself, and that is your website."KEY TAKEAKES:Leadership Transition: Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as RNC chair due to various challenges, including fundraising issues and lack of electoral succes...
Topic: This episode delves into the complex historical and contemporary relationship between Iran and the United States, exploring Iran's transformation post-1979 revolution, its regional proxy wars, and the nuanced American responses under different administrations.Money Line: "The killing of the American troops is a Rubicon. You just cannot allow it to be crossed again."Key Takeaways:Historical Context: The 1979 Iranian revolution marked a significant shift, transforming Iran from a beacon ...
TOPIC: Nikki Haley's New Hampshire Primary Loss and Predictions for the 2024 Presidential RaceMONEY LINE: "I don't see Nikki Haley in a second Trump administration."KEY TAKEAWAYS:Donald Trump's victory in New Hampshire, following his win in Iowa, sets a strong precedent, as no candidate has won both states and gone on to lose the nomination.Nikki Haley's performance in New Hampshire, while improved, still places her in second, raising doubts about her campaign's viability.Joe Biden, desp...
TOPIC: Analysis of the 2024 Iowa Caucus and Predictions for New Hampshire PrimaryMONEY LINE: "Until someone can beat Trump, I'm picking Trump."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The 2024 Iowa Caucus was the least anticipated in recent history and resulted in a predictable victory for Donald Trump.The caucus' timing, coinciding with extreme cold weather and the NFL playoffs, left a lot to be desired.Donald Trump significantly outperformed expectations, securing over 50% of the vote.Ron DeSantis underperformed desp...
TOPIC: The 2024 Iowa Caucuses and the Race to the White HouseMONEY LINE: "I think this nomination process is going to get wrapped up fairly quickly. For all its bluster, for all the ink spilled about it - you're going to see a Trump Biden rematch."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The 2024 Republican presidential primary field has narrowed down to Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy.The significance of Iowa as the first caucus state is questionable, while a more compact and diverse ...
TOPIC: Political Review of 2023 and Predictions for 2024MONEY LINE: "Trump [will be] overcoming a lot of challenges to win the Republican nomination, including being threatened with jail."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The biggest disappointment of 2023 was the performance of the Republican Party, particularly in terms of spending and adherence to traditional Republican values.The pro-life movement failed to win on more stringent abortion laws, with some states like Ohio voting for abortion on demand.A m...
TOPIC: The United States' Role in the United Nations and World Health OrganizationMONEY LINE: "The Republican Party platform has long stated that we ought not be funding these types of activities within the UN. It's time to get serious about adhering to some of these commitments."KEY TAKEAWAYS:The United Nations is leaning too far left and being overly dependent on American funding while simultaneously criticizing U.S. policies.Senator Mike Lee has proposed a bill to withdraw the U.S. fr...