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Author: CTF/FCE

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Source is the podcast channel of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE). It explores the big picture of what’s happening in Canada’s public education system, presents the latest trends, uncovers real stories from educators, leading experts, and activists, and provides possible solutions to strengthen Canada’s public education system.

Source est la chaîne balado officielle de la Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants (CTF/FCE). Elle met en lumière les grandes choses qui se passent dans le système d’éducation publique au Canada, signale les dernières tendances, relate des histoires vraies d’enseignantes et enseignants, d’activistes et de sommités du domaine, et propose des solutions pour renforcer notre système d’éducation publique.

27 Episodes
This episode of the ABSENT series explores Canada’s teacher retention crisis, through the stories of current and former teachers, education leaders, and researchers. / Cet épisode de la série ABSENCES met en lumière la crise de la rétention du personnel enseignant au Canada à travers le témoignage de membres et d’anciennes membres de la profession, de porte-paroles du milieu, et de spécialistes de la question. Tune in to learn more about: / Écoutez l’épisode pour en savoir plus sur :debu...
This episode is the second of two episodes on the rise of violence in Canadian schools. With the help of leading experts and real stories from teachers and education workers, this episode explores possible solutions, what the CTF/FCE is doing to advocate about the issue, and how you can take action. / Cet épisode est le deuxième de deux sur la montée de la violence dans les écoles du Canada. Puisant dans le savoir de spécialistes et le vécu de membres du corps enseignant et d’autres travaille...
This episode is the first of two episodes on the rise of violence in Canadian schools. / Cet épisode est le premier de deux sur la montée de la violence dans les écoles du Canada. With the help of leading experts and real stories from teachers and education workers, this episode breakdowns the issue of violence in schools, the history, recent research, and outline the causes and why we’re seeing an exodus in the teaching profession, and more. / Puisant dans le savoir de spécialiste...
ABSENCES, c’est le titre d’une nouvelle série d’enquête de la chaîne balado de la Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants. Elle dévoile les causes cachées de la crise de l’éducation publique à travers les témoignages d’élèves et des membres du corps enseignant. Elle nous fait profiter aussi d’entrevues très percutantes avec des sommités du domaine. Joignez-vous à nous alors que nous recueillons les preuves de ce qui manque aux écoles, les « absences », et explorons d’é...
Welcome to ABSENT, an investigative series from the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Source podcast channel.This series uncovers the mystery of our public education crisis through real stories from teachers, educators, and students, coupled with compelling interviews with leading experts. Join us as we gather evidence to paint a picture of what’s missing and explore possible solutions to restoring Canada’s public education system. Be the first to know when the series launches soon. Subscribe to ...
Welcome to Source – the official podcast of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE), presenting the latest trends and topics influencing publicly funded public education in Canada. From thought leaders to union representatives and like-minded organizations, Source connects you to the stories behind Canada’s education ecosystem. Tune in to season 2 of Source to hear from labour activist like Alex Silas, human rights defender like Fae Johnstone, award-winning author like Shari Graydon...
L’union fait la force 💪 C’est ça le pouvoir des syndicats : bien utiliser notre pouvoir collectif pour améliorer la qualité de vie des travailleurs et travailleuses du Canada.Joignez-vous à Heidi Yetman, présidente de la CTF/FCE, qui discute du pouvoir de la mobilisation des membres avec Alex Silas, de l’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada. Dans cet épisode, nous traiterons de nombreux sujets, parmi lesquels : l’importance de la mobilisation et de l’action collective;le pouvo...
There’s strength in numbers. 💪That’s the power of the labour movement – harnessing our collective power to raise the standard of living for all workers in Canada. Join Heidi Yetman, CTF/FCE President, for a conversation about the power of member mobilization with Alex Silas of the Public Service Alliance of Canada. This episode discusses: Importance of mobilization and collective actionThe power of solidarity and collaborationSuccessful mobilization strategies, including how t...
(La version française du texte suit.) With the staggering rise in anti-2SLGBTQQIA+ hate across Canada, what can we do to support 2SLGBTQQIA+ students and educators?Join CTF/FCE's Wes Delve for a conversation with Fae Johnstone of Wisdom2Action and Society of Queer Momentum. As a leading advocate for queer and trans communities, rights, health and safety in Canada, Fae discusses:The harms of changes to school pronouns policiesThe fight for inclusive curriculaPossible interventionsBeing a ...
Canada ranks 61st in the world for women’s political representation (as of Aug. 2023). So, what needs to happen for women to achieve parity in politics? / Le Canada se classe au 61e rang mondial pour ce qui est de la représentation des femmes en politique (selon les données d'août 2023). Alors, posons-nous la question : Que faut-il faire pour que les femmes atteignent la parité en politique?This Gender Equality Week, join Heidi Yetman, CTF/FCE President, for a conversation about women’s polit...
Faites la connaissance de la présidente de la CTF/FCE, Heidi Yetman, et écoutez le récit de son parcours, qui l’a amenée du rôle d’enseignante au Québec à celui de dirigeante élue du milieu de l’éducation aux échelons local, provincial et national. Dans cet épisode, Heidi nous parlera :des motivations qui l’ont poussée à aller vers les rôles de direction;les barrières pour les femmes dans l'enseignement;l'importance de la voix des enseignantes;des conseils qu’elle pourrait avoir pour cel...
Get to know the President of the CTF/FCE, Heidi Yetman, as she recounts her journey from classroom teacher in Quebec to an elected leader in education at the local, provincial, and national levels. This episode delves into Heidi’s:Motivation for pursuing leadership roles;Contributions to advancing gender equality within teacher organizations; Mentors along the way;Advice for aspiring leaders;And more.*Listen to the episode in French: So...
Join the CTF/FCE's Mia Travers Hayward as she chats with Dr. Christina J. Colclough, founder of The Why Not Lab and advocate for the digital rights of workers. / Joignez-vous à Mia Travers Hayward de la CTF/FCE, qui s’entretient avec Christina J. Colclough, Ph. D., fondatrice du Why Not Lab et défenseuse des droits numériques des travailleur·ses. Topics include / Les sujets sont :digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, and how they are impacting education workers; / les ...
While the phrase “We’re all in this together” became a mantra for living through the COVID pandemic, we were not all living that experience in the same way. This episode is a replay from the CTF/FCE Women’s Symposium panel discussion held on May 19, 2023. Panelists include:Nicole Beaulieu, Elementary school teacher, ETFONichole Grant, Researcher and Policy Analyst, CTF/FCENora Afifi, International Development and Globalization Student, University of OttawaIn this discussion, you’ll hear ...
This episode is a replay the Podium webinar on April 14, 2023 with special guest Dr. Carol Campbell, Professor of Leadership and Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. In this webinar, you’ll hear about the key findings from the OISE (2022) report entitled “Secondary School Teachers’ Experiences of Implementing Hybrid Learning and Quadmester Schedules in Peel, Ontario”. Cet épisode présente en rediffusion le webinaire de la sé...
Join Mark Garcia, CTF/FCE Advocacy and Government Relations Coordinator, as he provides an overview of the most recent parliamentary session and legislation that the CTF/FCE is monitoring, including: / Joignez-vous à Mark Garcia, coordonnateur de l’Action politique et des Relations avec les gouvernements de la CTF/FCE, qui fait un survol de la dernière session parlementaire et des projets de loi que suit la CTF/FCE :Bill C-13, An Act to amend the Official Languages Act, / Projet de loi C-13, ...
The path to leadership is often a winding one with unexpected turns – sometimes you just have to jump right in and get involved at whatever level you can. That’s how Barb Dobrowolski got to where she is today, as the President of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA)./ Le chemin qui mène aux postes de direction est souvent sinueux et ponctué de virages inattendus. Parfois, il faut tout simplement se lancer et s’impliquer dans son organisation, quel que soit l’échelon. Voi...
The House is back in session! Join Mark Garcia, CTF/FCE Advocacy and Government Relations Coordinator, as he gives us a glimpse of what’s happening in Parliament this fall, including:Looking forward on Bill C-8, Eligible Educator School Supply Tax Credit,The Conservative and Green Party of Canada Leadership Races,The Liberal-NDP confidence-and-supply agreement: Cost of living, dental-care program, and housing supports,Employment insurance reforms, andThe Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliam...
Join Julieanna Mawko as she connects with Shelley L. Morse, CTF/FCE Past President and recipient of the 2022 CTF/FCE Special Recognition Award. In this episode of the Women Leaders in Education podcast series, Shelley discusses her leadership journey from the classroom to the decision-making table at the local, provincial, and national level. / Joignez-vous à Julieanna Mawko qui échange avec Shelley L. Morse, présidente sortante de la CTF/FCE et lauréate du Prix spécial de la CTF/FCE de 2022....
In this second episode of the Women Leaders in Education podcast series, join Julieanna Mawko as she connects with Connie Keating, President of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association (NBTA). In this episode, Connie recounts her increasing involvement in the NBTA leading up to her presidency, the challenges facing women in leadership, and the advice that she received from others that helped her along the way. / Dans ce deuxième épisode de la série de notre balado Les femmes aux postes de dire...