The One Thing with David & Laurie

53 Episodes
The starting place for ending Oppressor-Victim societal dynamics is within us, not outside us. In this episode, we delve into how to recognize and end our inner Oppressor-Victim dance, through the kindness and gentleness of The One Thing (i.e., higher love and wisdom). Not only for our own sake, but also so we can intervene more effectively with this dynamic in societyl. Doing this is one of the cornerstones of spiritual self-responsibility. Discover how to uplevel this cornerstone in yourself.
In this episode, we illuminate ways to unlock the untapped radiance within you that's been yearning for full expression, so you can shine your spiritual light more authentically, effectively, and without unnecessarily scaring people.
For a government to be in service to its people, we the people must be whole enough, sovereign enough, and connected enough with TOT, so we can ensure that our government serves self-sovereignty and societal wellbeing well. In this episode we unpack what "Self-Governance Before Governmental Governance" means, and ways we can use TOT to uplevel our self-governance and our citizen effectiveness.
In this episode, we illuminate guidelines and practices for establishing, maintaining, curating, and restoring TOT connection, when you're interacting with others -- both in person and online.
What is Free Will? Fate? Destiny? How do they interact? What are the limits and misuses of free will? How can we place our free will in service to The One Thing? Find out in this episode!
Does evil exist? If so, what is it, really? And what can we do about this? Discover how to bust myths around evil and break free from the delusion that there’s nothing any of us can do about things people commonly call evil... so you can become inoculated from its contagion and be transcendently empowered in embodying and catalyzing light in its place.
In this episode, called "Imagining to Catalyze Consciousness for Good," we show you how consciousness, vibration, and imagination go hand-in-hand, and walk you through 3 steps to activate and utilize your imagination in service of actualizing higher love and wisdom in the physical universe, as an expression of TOT.
Episode 46 of "The One Thing" podcast with Laurie Morse and David Gruder is now available. This episode is essentially a primer on the basics of manifestation. We delve into how to use TOT connection to train yourself into maintaining Vibrational Alignment with more and more of your intentions, more and more of the time. We cover what vibration is and what it's composed of, describe three key steps in training ourselves to maintain vibrational alignment, and offer some tips on how to maximize your results in using those steps to more consistently embody that alignment in your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, words, actions, and outcomes.
In this episode, we explore some key aspects of the Outer Work of 5D Consciousness (in contrast to the inner work we've discussed in the prior episodes in this 5D Consciousness mini-series). We call this episode "Stop Dimming Your Light -- Express It!" Leave us your comments, questions, and requests at
This episode, which is part of our mini-series on 5D Consciousness, offers a deeper dive into one of the key dimensions of 5D Consciousness in the context of TOT: How to solidifying your 5D Orientation despite living in a constantly shifting world. Leave us your comments, questions, and requests at
In this episode, we a do a deeper dive into one of the key dimensions of 5D Consciousness in the context of TOT: 5D Light-Body Nonphysical Attunement. You'll discover what that is and how to accomplish it. Listen at and then share your comments, questions, topic requests for future episodes, and any other feedback you might have, through our Contact page!
In this episode, we offer an overview of what 5D Consciousness is and what its key elements are, as a prelude to further unpacking these elements in coming episodes..
In this episode we discuss how to greatly boost your inner wellbeing and outer effectiveness by using "I AM" Statements more intentionally and consistently.
Although surrendering to higher love and wisdom is a cornerstone of TOT connection, there are times when we have preparatory work to do before that surrender can happen. In this episode we discuss how to recognize when preparatory work is needed and how to do that preparation so we become able to authentically surrender.
Does your paradigm, theology, and core belief system, support or undermine your ability to feel as you most want to feel and act as you most want to act? Being able to connect with TOT is great, but where the rubber meets the road is TOT Embodiment. In this episode, Laurie & David offer practical ways to strengthen your TOT Embodiment.
In this episode we illuminate what the "I AM" Presence is, its purpose, the prices we pay for being disconnected from it, and how to strengthen your connection with it, and why doing that matters.
In this episode we look at how there has always been a world order of one kind of another that has been dominated by one group or another, we'll explore the choice we face in selecting the new world orders we support, we'll offer our perspectives about the world order that we believe best preserves genuine freedom and promotes our connection with The One Thing, and we'll propose some steps you can take to help ensure that the world order you want is the one that prevails.
In this episode we explore what the "Cancel Culture" attitude is really about and how it undermines Homo Spiritus... and we offer some tips for how to disconnect yourself from of this toxic-yet-all-too-popular mindset.
A central quality of our divine design as human beings is lightness of being: a state of simple spacious of heart that both reflects and nourishes our connection with The One Thing. In this episode we explore some of the key "spirit medicines" that are cornerstones of lightness of being, and offer some simple things you can do to return to lightness of being when you disconnect from it, and to live in lightheartedness more and more of the time,
In this episode we uncover "The Wily Sneaky Ways of Disconnection:" How to spot the subtle seductions that disconnect us from higher love and wisdom despite our better intentions, and without us even realizing this is happening... and how we can reduce this deeply human and ever-so-common tendency.
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