DiscoverNice Genes!
Nice Genes!

Nice Genes!

Author: Genome BC

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From healthcare and biotechnology to forests and fisheries, the evolving study of genomics is leading to some of the most exciting and world-changing discoveries in science and medicine. Like – did you know that your individual genomic signature can help determine the healthcare treatment you receive? Or that mapping the genomes of trees can inform forest management?

But while the study of genomics holds great promise for the health of people, animals, and the environment, it also confronts us with big questions: How do we study genetic patterns in a way that respects sensitive genetic information, history, and equity? How do we use the power of genomic research to fight climate change? Save the salmon?

Join Dr. Kaylee Byers – a self-described “rat detective” and science communicator as she guides you through fascinating conversations about the what, the why, and the how of genomics.

41 Episodes
This episode was originally released on November 14, 2023Sleep is essential to our lives, but our perception of how it functions in our non-waking life is not always well understood. So in the mires of our busy daily lives do we overlook sleep by seeing it as a means of refilling our energy for a productive day? By questioning this assumption, one term rolls from out of the haze: The ‘Circadian Rhythm’.Dr. Kaylee Byers speaks with Dr. Hiroki Ueda from the University of Tokyo in the Faculty of Medicine on demystifying the links between our sleep and genomics. Then neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Coogan shares the connection between sleep and ADHD. Finally, we hear from Dr. Ueda and Dr. Hiroshi Ono, from Hitotsubashi University Business School, on how their homeland of Japan is reckoning with an off-balance relationship with sleep and work.References:Molecular Mechanisms of REM Sleep | NeurosciThe ability to dream may be genetic | Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC)Next-Generation Mice Genetics for Circadian Studies | NeuromethodsEvolution of temporal order in living organisms | Journal of Circadian RhythmsLearn about the bunker experiment to understand the human biological clock | BritannicaGenetic sleep deprivation: using sleep mutants to study sleep functions | EMBO reportsCircadian rhythms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: The what, the when and the why | Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol PsychiatryInsomnia: Definition, Prevalence, Etiology, and Consequences | Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicineNo Sleep for Japan? Survey Reveals Half of Population May Have Insomnia | Nippon.comWhy Sleep Matters: Quantifying the Economic Costs of Insufficient Sleep | Rand CorporationJapan has some of the longest working hours in the world. It’s trying to change | CNBCAnnouncement of the establishment of the nonpartisan "Parliamentary League to Promote Initiatives for People's Quality Sleep" | Sleeping Council FederationFounder/Director CTO Yasumi Ueda gave a speech at the inaugural general meeting of the nonpartisan "Parliamentary League to Promote Initiatives for People's Quality Sleep" | ACCELStarsFree-running circadian activity rhythms in free-living beaver (Castor canadensis) | Journal of Comparative PhysiologyCredits:Dr. Rackeb TesdayeCurbing death by overwork | Financial TimesWhy does Japan Work So Hard? | CNBC ExplainsWorked to Death: Japan questions high-pressure corporate culture | France 24 EnglishInside Japan’s growing ‘lonely death’ clean-up service | CNN InternationalHow can governments help stop overwork? | The Question | CBC News: The National
We’ve all been there— tempted by the irresistible smell of hot, melty cheese. So what is it about this perfect blend of milk and microbes that keeps us coming back for more? What does cheese do to our brain? Dr. Kaylee Byers and Sarah Lando slice through the science. Resources:1. Is cheese actually addictive? Here's the real science – Salon2. Which Foods May Be Addictive? The Roles of Processing, Fat Content, and Glycemic Load – PLOS ONE3. Cheese really is crack. Study reveals cheese is as addictive as drugs – LA Times4. Science Says Cheese is Basically Cocaine – GQ5. Divergent effects of central melanocortin signalling on fat and sucrose preference in humans – Nature6. Your Genes May Influence What You Like to Eat – Scientific American
This episode was originally released on August 16, 2022In order to seek genomic justice, you have to get out of the lab and into the field.Dr. Kaylee Byers grabs a magnifying glass and a deerstalker cap as she goes to the scene of one of North America’s oldest cold case murder mysteries, the “Babes in the Woods.” This over 70-year-old unsolved case has finally had some closure due to emerging forensic genomic science.But while looking for leads, Dr. Byers spots a bright red thread pointing her to questions about how our genomics are being accessed by law enforcement. How can genomics bring justice to unsolved mysteries? And at what cost are we willing to pay to find answers?Genetic Genealogist, Cece Moore, from ABC’s Prime time series The Genetic Detective helps connect the dots. And partnering with us to get to the bottom of one of Canada’s oldest mysteries is true crime author and podcaster Eve Lazarus from Cold Case Canada.References:Eve Lazarus, Author and PodcasterMurder, Mystery and Intrigue in Review: Babes in the WoodsCece Moore - the DNA DetectiveHow Your Family Tree Could Catch a Killer - The New YorkerGenetics, Law enforcement and crime - Personal Genetics Education ProjectKiller Eludes Police for 31 years - how did one woman find him in two hours? - cbsnewsSeattle man's conviction for 1987 murders of B.C.'s Tanya van Cuylenborg and Jay Cook overturned - CBCThe National DNA Data Bank - The B.C. Civil Liberties AssociationFor nearly 70 years, these 2 murdered boys were known as the 'Babes in the Woods.' Now they finally have names - CBCMaryland V. King - 2013 Supreme Court decision on Maryland DNA Collection ActSupreme Court Upholds Warrantless Collection Of DNA - NPRHow DNA can reunite families - Endeavor DNA Laboratories
Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane


Rapid Evolution in the Modern AgeEvolution is like the ultimate slowburn, unfolding over millennia. And in our modern society, where things move so fast, it’s easy to miss this incremental but constant transformation. Not only is evolution happening all around us, in some cases it’s even picking up the pace.In our season finale, our resident superhero, Ratwoman, returns with a new sidekick: The Bat Whisperer. Join Dr. Kaylee Byers and Dr. Cecelia Sánchez as they team up to explore the marvels of rapid evolution– from bats in the Solomon Islands, to modern dating. We’ll meet cave explorer and mammal detective Dr. Tyrone Lavery along with paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Dr. Nick Longrich to unlock predictions for the future, by looking into the past.With unprecedented access to genomic information, we can now remix evolution like never before. But just because we can, does it mean we should?Learn-a-Long: Into the bat cave: tracking evolution in the Solomon Islands with Dr. Lavery(11:18) The peppered moth survival story(20:18) Dr. Longrich explains how humans are evolving in the modern age–Resources:1. Charles Darwin: History’s most famous biologist - Natural History Museum2. Bat Beauty Contest: Vote Now To Crown The Best-Looking Bat Of Them All - Forbes3. Parallel evolution in an island archipelago revealed by genomic sequencing of Hipposideros leaf-nosed bats - Oxford Academic4. Bats Are Going Through a Rare Evolutionary Phenomenon - Newsweek5. The Peppered Moth - Age of Revolution6. A continuous fish fossil record reveals key insights into adaptive radiation - Nature7. Study of 17,000 years of fish fossils reveals rapid evolution - Science.org8. How long does evolution take? It happens on two different timescales- New Scientist9. Future evolution: from looks to brains and personality, how will humans change in the next 10,000 years? - The Conversation10. Ancient Urbanization Predicts Genetic Resistance To Tuberculosis - Oxford Academic
The Wasting Game

The Wasting Game


Managing an Invisible DiseaseIs there a Zombie moose on the loose?! Not quite... But there is something lurking in the woods that has our “deer” friends shakin' in their hooves. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a 100% fatal illness that’s creeping its way through cervid populations, and it’s nearly impossible to spot. Luckily, wildlife biologists like our guest Cait Nelson from the BC Ministry of Water, Lands, and Natural Resource Stewardship are on the case.In this episode host Dr. Kaylee Byers and Cait Nelson talk about the clever scientific tools that are helping us track CWD– from grapefruit spoons to genomics! We’ll also hear from Alfred Joseph from the ʔakisq̓nuk First Nation and member of the Ktunaxa Tribe, who explains how CWD is more than just a threat to wildlife, but also has deep implications for community and food sovereignty.Join us on a pun-packed hunt to find out how we can get ahead of this deadly and stubborn disease, one dead head at a time.Special thanks to Jeff Berdusco, CWD Coordinator in the Kootenay region for providing field recordings for this episode.–Highlights(4:46) What is CWD?(13:10) A threat to cultural independence.(17:48) Tracking a silent killer.Learn-along: Chronic Wasting Disease - British Columbia2. To Fight Chronic Wasting Disease, BC Begins to Harvest Deer - The Tyee3. “It’s important to know about this” - risk communication and the impacts of chronic wasting disease on Indigenous food systems in Western Canada - Environmental Science & Policy4. Chronic Wasting Disease: Prevention, Surveillance, and Response - BC Wildlife Federation
Lost but Found

Lost but Found


Forensic Methods in Disaster RecoveryContent warning: this episode discusses forensic science and the identification of human remains that may not be suited for all audiences.Natural disasters can strike without warning. And when they do, they can leave destruction, displacement, and loss of life in their wake. First responders rush to help those in need, while forensic scientists face the difficult but incredibly important task of identifying human remains– a process known as Disaster Victim Identification (DVI).In this episode, we’re going back to 2004, to the largest DVI event in recent history. Host Dr. Kaylee Byers sits down with Chief Forensic Odontologist Dr. Dirk van der Meer as he shares his first-hand experiences of helping identify victims following the devastating tsunami in Thailand. Then, how are genomics reshaping forensic identification today? We head to Australia to hear from Dr. Dadna Hartman about a new tool that’s offering answers—and closure—to families, faster than ever. Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at the important and fascinating world of forensic science.–Highlights(6:51) On the scene after the tsunami(16:01) A speedy genomic tool(23:00) Beyond the scienceLearn-a-Long: Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami: Facts and FAQs- World Vision2. The 10 most significant natural disasters worldwide by death toll from 1950 to 2022- Statista3. Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)- Interpol4. Forensic odontology in DVI: current practice and recent advances- Forensic Sciences Research5. Rapid DNA from a disaster victim identification perspective: Is it a game changer?- Forensic Science International
Rethinking the Divide in Autism DiagnosesDr. Hannah Belcher was already studying autism she found out she herself was Autistic. Getting her diagnosis felt like everything suddenly clicked… but why did it take so long to get answers?In this episode, Hannah shares her journey and talks about how many Autistic people, especially women, learn to mask their true selves to fit in– causing them to slip through the diagnostic cracks. Then, we invite Dr. John Constantino to break down the genetic underpinnings of Autism Spectrum Disoder and related conditions like ADHD—and how science is shaking up the genomic picture of what we thought we knew about this male-female bias.From outdated theories to “refrigerator mothers,” join hosts Dr. Kaylee Byers and Dr. Rackeb Tesfaye as they comb through the tangled web of sex bias and ask whether our current methods of studying neurodiversity is actually addressing the questions the people with ASD want answered?A Note on Language:When talking about Autism - semantics matter. So, it’s important to recognize the nuances of language. Many people in the Autism community prefer identity-first language, such as "Autistic person," as it centers Autism as a core part of their identity. Others, however, may prefer person-first language, like "person with Autism," which places the individual before the condition. We’ve used both forms of language in this episode, and we encourage respecting individual preferences by asking what each person is most comfortable with. For more on this, check out resources like the National Institutes of Health’s guide on writing respectfully about identity and the Autistic Self Advocacy Network’s explanation of identity-first language.Additionally, when we refer to ‘Autism risk’ in the context of academic research, it typically means an increased genetic likelihood of receiving an Autism diagnosis. However, we recognize that "risk" can imply a negative connotation (which we do not support.) Instead, we aim to discuss Autism in ways that honour the neurodiversity of all individuals.Lastly, regarding sex differences in Autism diagnoses, in this episode, we’re talking specifically about sex assigned at birth. Although we mention gender, we want to be clear that we aren’t exploring how Autism diagnoses may vary by gender identity—that area remains understudied! So, our conversation is focused on differences between males and females, and we look forward to seeing more research on the richly complex interactions between gender identitiy and neurodiversity in the future.Highlights:(6:32) Growing up undiagnosed(18:52) The genetic underpinnings of Autism and related neurodiverse conditions(22:20) Debunking the “female protective effect”(26:37) A biased assessmentLearn-A-Long: ‘Taking off the Mask: A Practical Guide for Managing Autistic Camouflaging and Mental Health‘ - Dr. Hannah Belcher2. Inherited Risk for Autism Through Maternal and Paternal Lineage - National Institute of Health3. 'Decade of data dents idea of a ‘female protective effect’- The Transmitter4. How ADHD Gender Bias is Slowly, Steadily Harming Females - ADDitude Mag5. Refrigerator Mothers - A Discredited Cause Of Autism- Autism Help6. Study challenges idea that autism is caused by an overly masculine brain- Science.org7. Autism Spectrum Conditions In Women: Diagnosis, Mental Health, And The Role Of Camouflaging- Research Gate (source?)
The Deceptive Seduction of Femme Fatale FirefliesIn the buzzin’ firefly nightlife scene, neon lights glow bright and sparks fly. But, there’s murder on the dancefloor… The infamous 'Femme Fatale' firefly has mastered the ultimate bait-and-switch seduction strategy, and these sly flies (that are really beetles, actually) aren’t interested in a happily ever after, instead they’re looking for a ‘one-bite stand.’Get consumed in this episode by one of nature’s flashiest insects. Join host, Dr. Kaylee Byers, as she chats with Dr. Sarah Lower about the enchanting world of glow beetles. And later, Dr. Peter Andolfatto reveals how genomics is uncovering the secrets behind how Femme Fatale fireflies have evolved to resort to such drastic measures. Plus, find out what studying firefly toxin DNA could mean for future medical breakthroughs.–Highlights:(5:40) Dr. Sarah Lower covers some firefly basics(12:11) Dr. Lower on the deceptive strategy of the Femme Fatale Fireflies(19:21) Dr. Andolfatto explains how fireflies have evolved difference resistance strategies to toxins(26:02) Dr. Lower on how to get involved in firefly conservation–Learn-A-Long:—Resources:1. A Comprehensive Review of Firefly Conservation - NCBI2. Firefly Genome and Its Role in Bioluminescence - Science Advances3. Patterns of Firefly Species Extinction Risk - PNAS Nexus4. Fireflies: Species at Risk of Extinction - Xerces Society5. Sarah Lower - Faculty at Bucknell University - Bucknell University6. Andolfatto Lab - Andolfatto Lab
Testing, Testing HPV

Testing, Testing HPV


How genomics is shaping the future of cervical cancer screening[Content Warning: This episode mentions sexual assault and medical trauma.]Nearly 80% of people will get Human Papillomavirus (HPV) at some point in their lives. Even though HPV is super common, the symptoms are often subtle or invisible and can sometimes lead to cervical cancer if left undetected. But thanks to new government initiatives like British Columbia’s (BC) self-screening program, cancer testing is levelling up.In this episode, BC resident Christina Price shares how an easy at-home HPV test helped her catch cancer early. Then, Dr. Aisha Lofters debunks persistent myths about HPV, and explains how these test kits are making screening more accessible, comfortable, and equitable. Join host Dr. Kaylee Byers to find out how this genomic tool is empowering people to take their healthcare into their own hands (literally!), and getting us closer to eliminating cervical cancer for good.If you, or someone you know needs support, you can call 1-800-563-0808 or find Canada-wide resources right here.–Highlights:(4:25) Christina talks about the steps that happen after receiving her result from the at home testing kit.(8:09) Dr. Lofters explains what HPV is, the symptoms and what differentiates different strains of HPV.(15:54) Dr. Lofters explains the two different methods for HPV screening(19:30) Dr. Lofters talk about some of the inequities and social barriers people face when finding and accessing healthcare.–Learn-A-Long:—Resources:1. Human papillomavirus - Women's Health2. Doctors say at-home screening for HPV could be an opportunity to 'eliminate a cancer sooner - CBC News3. New self-screening program will help detect cervical cancer sooner - BC Gov News4. Pap test - Canadian Cancer Society5. When a pelvic exam is traumatic - Harvard Health6. “Doing it on my own terms”: Transgender and nonbinary adults’ experiences with HPV self-swabbing home testing kits - National Library of Medicine
The Antibiotic Debacle

The Antibiotic Debacle


The hidden battle between medicine and microbes Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have been our frontline defence against bacterial infections. But this revolutionary medicine is losing ground in the fight. Today, Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the biggest threats to human health– and the stakes only getting higher.But don’t panic, hope is on the horizon!In this episode, host Dr. Kaylee Byers takes you on a journey of petri dishes, mouldy melons, and artifical intelligence to investigate our best hopes of curbing antibiotic resistance. She chats with Dr. Rylan Duivenstein about what’s happening in hospitals, and Dr. Nadine Ziemert about using genomics to help find new antibiotics before we run out of options.—Highlights:(01:37) Mark is faced with the possibility of Necrotizing Fasciitis.(04:32) Kaylee teaches us about the discovery of antibiotics.(08:05) Dr. Ryland Duivenstein explains how antibiotics work.(20:37) Dr. Nadine Ziemert explains how genomics is helping us discover new antibiotics.—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:1. Antibiotics: past, present and future - ScienceDirect2. The real story behind penicillin - PBS NewsHour3. The Forgotten Mother of Penicillin - Science History Institute4. Alexander Fleming (1881–1955): Discoverer of penicillin - NCBI5. Alexander Flemming Nobel Lecture Speech - Nobel Prize6. How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis? - Gerry Wright7. WHO - Antimicrobial Resistance - World Health Organization (WHO)8. WHO updates list of drug-resistant bacteria most threatening to human health - World Health Organization (WHO)9. Ziemert Lab - Translational Genome Mining for Natural Products - University of Tübingen
Cosmetic Clarity

Cosmetic Clarity


Separating Skincare Science Fact from FictionCould your skincare be hiding more than just a few blemishes? Or, is the word “toxic” getting a li’l too much attention these days… You may have heard the buzz about endocrine-disrupting compounds that silently interfere with our hormones. But with so much misinformation online fueling the fear-fire, it’s hard to know what’s really harmful and what’s all hype.In our ‘Nice Genes!’ season 4 opener, host Dr. Kaylee Byers re-joins forces with the one and only Dr. Samantha Yammine (aka Science Sam) to clear up some of the confusion surrounding cosmetic safety. With help from environmental toxicologist Dr. Isabelle Plante, we’re un(face)masking the science of dosage and exposure to decode cosmetic formulas and why it's more complex than TikTok would have you think!—Highlights:(06:55) Dr. Plante Defines Endocrine disruptors.(16:43) Dr. Plante talks about the relationship between endocrine disruptors and health concerns.(26:38) Science Sam highlights the important role of regulation.—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:1. Clean Beauty Is Wrong and Won’t Give Us Safer Products - Lab Muffin2. Parabens in Cosmetics - U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)3. Parabens and Breast Cancer - Breast Cancer UK4. The Association between Paraben Exposure and Human Health - MDPI5. Parabens, Fragrance, Colorants, Talc: Debunking Bobby Parrish’s TikTok Misinformation - Lab Muffin6. Endocrine Disruptors - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)7. Chapter: Parabens in Cosmetics - SpringerLink8. Environmental Exposure to Parabens and Health Effects - Nature9. Canadian Institute for Environmental Assessment - CIAPE ICEDA
…98, 99, 100! Ready or not, here we come with a brand new season of 'Nice Genes!' Science is like a game of hide and seek, and genomics is one of its stealthiest players, challenging us to uncover its "see-crets".Join host Dr. Kaylee Byers for Season 4 of Nice Genes! where we shine an ultraviolet light on the hidden forces that shape our world– and investigate the genomic questions you didn’t even know you had. Like, is “clean beauty” worth the hype? Can genomics help solve the looming threat of antibiotic resistance? And WTF (what the fawn) is chronic wasting disease?!Get ready for eye-opening episodes that are helping make the invisible, visible– with genomics! Because sometimes, the most exciting scientific questions are hidden in plain sight. 
Reconciling the Truth

Reconciling the Truth


Indigenous Environmental StewardshipDescription:The Indigenous peoples of what’s now known as Western Canada had a relationship of reciprocity with the land. But when explorers from Europe arrived eager to tame the land and absorb its vast natural resources these two world views came to a head. And caught in between an iconic species of the Pacific Northwest—the Gary Oak—has become threatened. So how can we reconcile the harmful assumptions of the past that overlooked other ways of managing ecosystems?Dr. Kaylee Byers and Co-Host Dr. Lyana Patrick, look to the forests, rivers, and oceans of Turtle Island to uncover the various food systems and traditional stewardship practices that existed before colonization. Ethnobotonist, John Bradley Williams shares the traditional use of Garry Oaks and how they became systematically destroyed. Dr. Tabitha Robin from the University of British Columbia shares her experience working with and studying Indigenous Food Sovereignty. Lastly, Canadian Anthropologist and National Geographic explorer Dr. Wade Davis, through insights from his career visiting communities around the world shares how we can dismantle the prevailing biases that continue to threaten the health of our planet.—Highlights:(3:53 - 8:55) An icon on the brink, J.B. Williams shares the origins and challenges of Garry Oak meadows(11:24 - 14:50) Moving forward, Dr. Tabitha Robin shares the overlooked history of Indigenous food sovereignty(18:45 - 23:20) How an academic divide threatens our planet, anthropology lessons from National Geographic's Dr. Wade Davis—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:Indians and Europeans on the Northwest Coast: Historical Context | Center for the Study of Pacific NorthwestThe Strait of Juan de Fuca is mentioned for the first time in April 1596 | History LinkPurchas His Pilgrimes: Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and others | Center for the Study of Pacific NorthwestThe Garry Oak Learning Meadow | Parks CanadaHarvesting strategies as evidence for 4000 years of camas (Camassia quamash) management in the North American Columbia Plateau | The Royal SocietyConservation status of native tree species in British Columbia | Global Ecology and ConservationSeeing the garden through the trees: The Indigenous forest gardens of coastal B.C. | Canadian GeographicBison Bellows: Indigenous Hunting Practices | National Parks ServiceWeir Fishing | Heritage Lower Saint LawrenceCombining Genomic Insights and Traditional Indigenous Knowledge for the Conservation of Pacific Salmon | Genome British ColumbiaPuyallup Tribe hosts c’abid (camas) harvest at PLU | Pacific Luthern UniversitySaving the planet means listening to Indigenous peoples: Wade Davis | CBCSpatial and temporal assessments of genetic structure in an endangered Garry oak ecosystem on Vancouver Island | Canadian Science Publishing—Credit:Interview with Tibet's 14th Dalai Lama by Robert AF Thurman, Harvard 1981 | Tibet House US Menla Online
Probing Pain

Probing Pain


Challenging our assumptions about painWhen Jackie Gonzalez was just young, doctors assumed that she was pining for attention when she restlessly tried to rub her feet and describing that she was in constant pain. It wasn’t until she was a teenager that doctors and scientists diagnosed her with Erythromelalgia, also known as ‘Man on Fire Syndrome’. It's a rare condition, and even rarer for people to be born with it, like Jackie was. But what if this uncommon ailment could be cured with the help of an even less common animal?Dr. Kaylee Byers sits down with Adele Gonzalvez from the University of Sydney on her work to understand the genetic properties of platypus venom. Researchers indicate that their peculiar toxin could put a halt to chronic pain. Meanwhile, producer Sean Holden, puts on rubber waders and sloshes into the boggy waters of Southern Australia to find the notoriously elusive platypus and its venom.—Highlights:(6:28) A lifetime of pain, Jackie Gonzalez on having Erythromelalgia(13:51) A weird and wonderful platypus with Adele Gonzalvez(21:30) On the platypus prowl, Josh Griffith and his team search for platypus and their venom—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:Next-gen painkillers from nature’s deadliest life forms | The University of QueenslandChronic Pain Among Adults — United States, 2019–2021 | MMWR and Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportYou Won’t Think the Platypus Is So Cute if You Feel the Excruciating Pain of Its Venom | SlateThe Science of Pain | GI SocietyThe mysterious science of pain - Joshua W. Pate | TED-EdHuman pain and genetics: some basics | British Journal of PainGenetic contributions to pain: a review of findings in humans | Oral Dis. 2008 Nov;14(8):673-82Why Do I Have Pain? | KidsHealth Medical ExpertsChannelopathy-associated congenital insensitivity to pain | Medline PlusErythromelalgia | StatPearls PublishingSCN9A gene sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9 | Medline Plus—Credit:Special thanks to Jackie Gonzalez from the Erythromelalgia Association for providing field recordings of her daily experience living with EM.
The Circadian Rhythm

The Circadian Rhythm


Challenging our assumptions about sleepSleep is essential to our lives, but our perception of how it functions in our non-waking life is not always well understood. So in the mires of our busy daily lives do we overlook sleep by seeing it as a means of refilling our energy for a productive day? By questioning this assumption, one term rolls from out of the haze: The ‘Circadian Rhythm’.Dr. Kaylee Byers speaks with Dr. Hiroki Ueda from the University of Tokyo in the Faculty of Medicine on demystifying the links between our sleep and genomics. Then neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Coogan shares the connection between sleep and ADHD. Finally, we hear from Dr. Ueda and Dr. Hiroshi Ono, from Hitotsubashi University Business School, on how their homeland of Japan is reckoning with an off-balance relationship with sleep and work.—Highlights:(06:37) - Clocks in our bodies, understanding Circadian Rythms(10:17) - Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder and later sleep, a chicken or egg dilemma(15:19) - Challenging overwork in Japan and the importance of sleep—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:Molecular Mechanisms of REM Sleep | NeurosciThe ability to dream may be genetic | Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC)Next-Generation Mice Genetics for Circadian Studies | NeuromethodsEvolution of temporal order in living organisms | Journal of Circadian RhythmsLearn about the bunker experiment to understand the human biological clock | BritannicaGenetic sleep deprivation: using sleep mutants to study sleep functions | EMBO reportsCircadian rhythms and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: The what, the when and the why | Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol PsychiatryInsomnia: Definition, Prevalence, Etiology, and Consequences | Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicineNo Sleep for Japan? Survey Reveals Half of Population May Have Insomnia | Nippon.comWhy Sleep Matters: Quantifying the Economic Costs of Insufficient Sleep | Rand CorporationJapan has some of the longest working hours in the world. It’s trying to change | CNBCAnnouncement of the establishment of the nonpartisan "Parliamentary League to Promote Initiatives for People's Quality Sleep" | Sleeping Council FederationFounder/Director CTO Yasumi Ueda gave a speech at the inaugural general meeting of the nonpartisan "Parliamentary League to Promote Initiatives for People's Quality Sleep" | ACCELStarsFree-running circadian activity rhythms in free-living beaver (Castor canadensis) | Journal of Comparative PhysiologyCredits:Dr. Rackeb TesfayeCurbing death by overwork | Financial TimesWhy does Japan Work So Hard? | CNBC ExplainsWorked to Death: Japan questions high-pressure corporate culture | France 24 EnglishInside Japan’s growing ‘lonely death’ clean-up service | CNN InternationalHow can governments help stop overwork? | The Question | CBC News: The National
Challenging our assumptions on toxinsWhat’s more terrifying than the true life tales of bloodcurdling and breathstopping toxins? This Hallows' Eve we're taking a page from the history books to make sense of puzzling poisons of our past and present.Dr. Kaylee Byers speaks with Toxicologist Dr. Kimberly Garrett as they connect the dots across the globe of some of the most notorious and subtle poisonings in history. From investigating the final words of a disgraced emperor, tragic fates of conquesting explorers, wisdom from whimsical alchemists and desperate Victorian candy maker ploys, they demystify the distinction between necessary warning labels to lifelines concocted with a drop of poison.In these ghoulish stories, a healthy dose of information could be a lifesaver.—Highlights:(08:46) - Origins of 'the dose Makes the poison', a sometimes right alchemist(20:30) - A deathly candy maker on hallows eve(23:28) - Toxins in the water, understanding PFAS—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:Was Napolean Poisoned? | American Museum of Natural HistoryA Visit to Longwood | Napoleon.orgPick Your Poison - 12 Toxic Tales | National GeographicParalytic Shellfish Poisoning Safe Shellfish | Fisheries Research Board of CanadaUnprecedented toxic algal blooms impact on Tasmanian seafood industryParacelsus, the Alchemist Who Wed Medicine to Magic | Science History Institute“The Dose Makes the Poison” | Chemical Safety FactsEveryday Toxicology – The dose makes the poison & the cure | Michigan State UniversityBox Jellyfish | National GeographicPhylogenetic and Selection Analysis of an Expanded Family of Putatively Pore-Forming Jellyfish Toxins (Cnidaria: Medusozoa) | Genome Biology and EvolutionFollowing Lewis and Clark’s Trail of Mercurial Laxatives | DiscoverHow Tainted Treats Led to a Halloween Tragedy in 1858 | Atlas ObscuraMulti- and Transgenerational Effects of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Levels of PFAS and PFAS Mixture in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) | ToxicsPFAS Resources | PFAS ExchangePFAS Free Producsts| PFAS CentralThe US National Institutes of Health's searchable chemical database | PubChemImproving governance of “forever chemicals” in the US and beyond | One EarthArsenic Exposure and Toxicology: A Historical Perspective | Society of ToxicologyThe gastric disease of Napoleon Bonaparte: brief report for the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death on St. Helena in 1821 | Virchows Archiv—Credit:Bonapartes Retreat - Kay Starr - Pee Wee King | CapitolRule, Britannia - Royal Choral Society - The Philharmonia Orchestra | His Master’s Voice
Not All Bad

Not All Bad


Challenging our assumptions around fatnessShantaQuilette Carter was in her late 30’s when she had her first stroke. It felt like death was lurking over her shoulder. But when her doctor suggests fending it off by using a drug she had never heard of before, a boatload of questions come to the surface.Dr. Kaylee Byers sits down with experts to challenge the everyday assumptions we make about our health and weight. She speaks with professor and journalist Harriet Brown on the fact-finding mission she embarked on to help her daughter struggling with anorexia. Then, Dr. Michael Lyon, with the Obesity Medicine and Diabetes Institute, shares the scaly lizard origins of one of the world's most powerful tools in treating type 2 diabetes.—Highlights:(06:57) The drug that changed her life, ShantaQuilette on struggling with weight(09:00) How a lizard from Utah is saving lives, Dr. Michael Lyon explains the origins of Ozempic(17:00) Harriet Brown on a mission to display assumptions on weight and health—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:Diabetes: Key Facts | The World Health OrganizationHow a Canadian scientist and a venomous lizard helped pave the way for Ozempic | Global NewsI’m a Fat Activist. I Don’t Use the Word Fatphobia. Here’s Why | self.comShortage of diabetes, weight-loss drug Ozempic expected in Canada, says manufacturer | Canadian Broadcast CorporationAn Aggressive New Approach to Childhood Obesity | The New York TimesBody of Truth: By Harriet Brown | Da Capo Lifelong BooksIs Body Positivity Glamourising Obesity | The Wellness InsiderWhy People Become Overweight | Harvard UniversityHere’s How Your Genes Impact Your Ability to Lose Weight | healthlineWhat Made Humans ‘the Fat Primate’ | Duke UniversityGenes and Obesity | Centers for Disease Control and PreventionAfter his suicide, a man’s family says Ozempic should carry a warning label | ABC News—Credit:Ozempic commercial ™ | Ozempics TMNew Ozempic lawsuit over alleged 'stomach paralysis' | WNN | ABC NewsWhy Are Some Using Diabetes Drug Ozempic for Weight Loss? | Inside EditionJimmy Kimmel’s Oscars Monologue 2023 | Jimmy Kimmel Live
Nature is Queer

Nature is Queer


Questioning persistent myths about same-sex behaviour in natureCan we predict who we love from our genetics alone? For LGBT History Month in October, Dr. Kaylee Byers is joined by co-host Dr. Julia Monk to look at what our genes teach us about diverse forms of sexuality and identity. Starting by witnessing a pair of male penguins cozying up, our hosts join flippers to unearth research from naturalists who have recorded same-sex behaviour in the wild. Then they invite socio-geneticist Dr. Robbee Wedow to guide us through his own research, where he puts the question: "Is there a gay gene?" to the test.—Highlights:(00:30) A match made in pebbles(07:15) Buried papers, Darwinian Paradoxes, and reframing same-sex behaviour(20:27) Is there a Gay Gene? 'Damned if you do damned if you don't.'—Learn-A-Long:—References:Gay Penguins Klaus, Jones ‘rekindled their romance’ at Melbourne aquarium | New York Daily NewsNature is queer. Queer ecologists want us to learn from it. | GristIs nature Queer? | Out & About | CBCTerra Nova notebooks describing penguin sexual behaviours acquired by the Museum | Natural History MuseumAn alternative hypothesis for the evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour in animals | Nature Ecology & EvolutionLarge-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior | ScienceMany Genes Influence Same-Sex Sexuality, Not a Single ‘Gay Gene’ | The New York TimesNo 'gay gene', but study finds genetic links to sexual behavior | ReutersHow Earnest Research Into Gay Genetics Went Wrong | Wired—Credit:Gentoo Penguin · Pygoscelis papua | xeno-canto"No Gay Gene"-Born This Way Is A Lie Says GOP Lawmaker | Michael McInteeAustralian current affairs programme "The 7.30 Report" (1995) "Gay Brains" | The 7.30 ReportNature or Nurture - Are People Born Gay? | Naked Science



Challenging assumptions around food securityIs the world running out of bananas? Well, no. Not…yet — but nature is flashing a big, yellow, squishy "caution" sign. In this episode, Dr. Kaylee Byers peels away our assumptions about food security by looking at bananas. Venturing Down Under, we connect with Dr. James Dale from Queensland University of Technology – a bona fide banana expert, who tells us exactly why this iconic yellow fruit could one day become a rarity. But, with the help of a clever genomic idea, he and his intrepid team of Aussie researchers and farmers are looking at how to hit "abort" on complete Bananageddon.Special thanks to Mark Smith with Darwin Fruit Farm Party Limited for providing field recordings for this episode.—Highlights:(01:48) Peeling into bananageddon(10:33) The cavendish equation, a lucky banana swap (20:57) Safety net, saving the cavendish —Learn-A-Long:—References:Why Don’t Banana Candies Taste Like Real Bananas? | Science FridayWhat We Can Learn From the Near-Death of the Banana | TIMEBanana Wars: Power, Production, and History in the Americas | Duke University PressChinese coolies | National Library BoardThe Story of the Cavendish Banana | Tenerife WeeklyNot your mother’s banana | BananageddonFungal attacks threaten global food supply, say experts | The GuardianThe banana is dying. The race is on to reinvent it before it's too late | WiredQUT-developed GM Cavendish offers safety net to world banana industry | Queensland University of Technology—Credit:Journey to Banana Land: By the United Fruit Company (1950) | Institute of Visual TrainingAg Report: Fighting rural farm crime; banana disease; and ag grant award | ABC News
Genes Jump

Genes Jump


Cross-examining the origins of our base pairsOne of our most foundational assumptions is that ‘Our DNA is our own.’ But what if our DNA is stolen? There's a puzzling phenomenon called 'horizontal gene transfer' in which one organisms' genetics jumps to another. Dr. Kaylee Byers is joined by invertebrate specialists Dr. Anna Klompen from the Stowers Institute, and Dr. Jessica Goodheart, a marine biologist hunting for nudibranchs, "gene pirates" of the sea. And Dr. Ted Turlings will tell us how his trip to China led to an exciting discovery about the whitefly -- another common but crafty genetic thief. A final word of advice. Next time a goopy organism bumps into you in a crowd, make sure to check your genes! A special thanks to the laboratory of Professor Youjun Zhang Department of Plant Protection, Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing. Drs. Zhaojiang Guo, Jixing Xia, and Zezhong Yang.—Highlights:(00:00) Finding the Transforming Principle(11:34) A colorful and slick ocean pirate(17:50) The hunt for a fluttering and destructive gene thief—Learn-A-Long:—Resources:Frederick Griffith - British Bacteriologist | BritannicaGriffith’s Experiment - Progress in Molecular Biology and Transitional Science | Science Direct20 Cool Genomics Facts - 13&14: Antibiotic resistance | Genome BCAncient viral DNA may help humans fight infections | National Institute of HealthVenom system variation and the division of labor in the colonial hydrozoan Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus | Science DirectNematocyst sequestration evolution | The Goodheart labA chromosome-level genome for the nudibranch gastropod Berghia stephanieae helps parse clade-specific gene expression in novel and conserved phenotypes | bioRxivFirst Report of Horizontal Gene Transfer Between Plant and Animal | The ScientistPretty Sly for a Whitefly | The AtlanticFirst known gene transfer from plant to insect identified | NatureWhiteflies stole a gene from plants to survive their lethal toxins |—Credit:Lady Margot Asquith on the outbreak of World War I Roman Styran
Comments (3)

Mr Mongoose

Hi everyone! I recently embarked on a journey to improve my hair and skin health through the lens of cosmetic clarity. Hair loss has been a significant concern for me, and finding effective solutions felt overwhelming. One resource that truly stood out was Article , which provided practical tips for tackling hair loss. By incorporating a balanced diet, gentle hair products, and regular scalp care into my routine, I started to see noticeable improvements. Additionally, I learned the importance of consulting professionals to understand the root causes of such issues, which made a huge difference. Cosmetic clarity isn't just about external appearance; it’s about understanding what works for you individually. Have any of you explored similar approaches? I'd love to hear your thoughts and tips!

Dec 3rd

Kristin Sulap

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Jan 27th

Handsome Jonny

that music underlayment made me puke

Jan 23rd