DiscoverEarly Mornings - Late Nights: How to Pray Effectively
Early Mornings - Late Nights: How to Pray Effectively
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Early Mornings - Late Nights: How to Pray Effectively

Author: Family Prayers International

Subscribed: 5Played: 349


Everyone knows how to pray to some degree, but not everyone knows how to pray and get results on a consistent basis. Have you ever wondered how to pray for healing? or how to pray for strength? or even how to pray for your family? In this series of podcasts through teachings, discussions and interviews with ordinary people, we will examine principles and practices of prayer and learn together how to pray effectively.
14 Episodes
Conversations with God

Conversations with God


In this episode we will be discussing the following topics:How to stay connected with God throughout the dayHow to have couch conversations with GodYou don't have to be loud for God to hearHow to increase your faith to believe God in prayerThe difference between intersessory prayer and daily conversations with GodHow small answers builds your faithCome join us as we discuss how to have conversations with God.
In this episode learn from the prayer life of a young pastor how he navigated through life from a young man who did not know God to a pastor who has learned that trough prayer you can be in constant communication with your heavenly father. In this episode we discuss how the Holy Spirit is always speaking. How God speaks to us even when family and friends have deserted us. How God comunicates through our thoughts, circumstances and his word. How prayer is mostly about allowing God to spe...
Listen to learn how to navigate difficult times through prayer. Learn about the value of surrounding yourselves with godly men and women who support you when things get difficult. How to find that solitary place to recharge during trying times. Learn the value of speaking positive words over ourselves. Finally, learn how to reconcile the fact that you can pray for a stranger and God heals them then you pray for a family member and they pass away.
In this episode we will hear from a newly married young couple about how they get guidance from God. We will Listen to them tell us how the two of them living in different parts of the country were guided by God to the same church where they met and got married. We will also hear about how they pray together as a young couple and get guidance. Lastly, they share with us the wonderful miracles God did in their family because of prayer. This is one episode you don’t want to miss.
As discussed in a previous podcast we notice in Luke 11:1 that Jesus' disciples had a need and a desire to be taught to pray. Since Jesus is no longer with us in the flesh, God has set men and women in the church with the gift of teaching to help us develop as Christians. In this episode we will discuss the gift of the teacher that God has placed in the church and how we can use this gift in our quest to have a better prayer life.
We have to realize that Jesus is no longer with us in the flesh to teach us to pray. However, he has sent the Holy Spirit , men and women and the Word of God to teach us all we need to know in order to be effective in prayer.In this episode we will look at the Holy Spirit as teacher. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26 NKJV)
There is one basic attribute which is needed in order for our prayers to be successful that is PERSISTENCE. However together with persistence TENACITY is also required. What is the difference between persistence and tenacity? Listen to the podcast to find out.
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7 NIV)In the above scripture we are admonished to remain in Christ and have His word remain in us. If we do this we are told that whatever we ask for in pray will be done for us. How do we remain in God’s Word? How can we be assured that our prayers will be heard and answered? Listen to this podcast to find out.
In order to pray according to God’s will we need to find out from scripture says about the following two things: God’s will for who & what to pray about and God’s will for how to pray. In this episode we will examine what the Bible says about the things we ought to pray about and also our what our motivation should be when we are praying.
Believing Prayer

Believing Prayer


We must believe in order to get answers to prayer. But what do we have to believe? In order to get answers to prayer we must believe at least the following four things: 1.That God exists2.That God rewards those who diligently seek him3. That Jesus is the Son of God and no one comes to the Father except through Jesus4.That we have what we ask God for before we see it
In this episode we have a conversation with an ordinary christian lady named Tiffany Payne. Be inspired as Tiffany discussed how she came to know Jesus, her early morning wake up routine, how she gets ready to pray and her take on spiritual warfare. You will thouroughly enjoy listening to this conversation as Tiffany takes us on a journey through her spiritual life.
When we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior we immediately receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and witness to our spirits that we are children of God. As children of God we can pray knowing that God is our father and we are members of his family. Because of this we can be assured that God (our father) will answer our prayers.
In Luke 11:1, Jesus’ disciples made a request to learn how to pray. We see from this request that effective prayer has to be learned. The disciple asked, “Lord, teach us to pray.” After witnessing Jesus pray, he saw his own inadequacies in the area of prayer and realized that he needed to be taught by the Master, the Lord Jesus Himself. Join us in this episode as we discuss the need to be taught to pray and how we are able to learn this discipline.
It is important for us to realize that we have to learn how to pray effectively. Everyone knows how to pray to some degree, but not everyone knows how to pray and get results on a consistent basis. Jesus’ own disciples realized they needed to be taught to pray. In Luke 11:1, His disciples made a request to learn how to pray.Although Jesus was the Son of God and equal with God, in the days when He walked on this earth, He felt Himself utterly dependent on a Power higher than Himself—God the Fa...