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Follow Your Gut Podcast

Author: Juniper Bennett

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Ever wish you had a mama friend in your back pocket who wasn't afraid to talk about poop, vaginal infections, skin rashes, behavioral issues and everything in between? Someone who speaks about common symptoms clearly and gives you natural ideas of how to actually heal from the root (hello gut bacteria!) instead of masking? And I am not talking about essential oils here. While those have their place, I am talking deeper stuff - like causes, prevention and finding overall balance. As a mama to four I have gone through the ups and downs of sleepless nights, undiagnosed symptoms, gotten the complete runaround from the medical system and have found a different way. This podcast will empower you to heal your family. New episodes will be released every Tuesday morning. They will be short enough that you can probably time them perfectly with your cold cup of coffee and dry shampoo routine. Make sure you are subscribed so you automatically get my latest episodes. Sending you a big mama hug!

96 Episodes
Here are some alarming statistics for you: 67% of the average child's diet is highly processed junk food and 1 in 2 children have a chronic health condition. There is absolutely a direct connection. Junky food equals junky gut health and an unhealthy gut leads to disease. This comes without judgment and will full empowerment . . . Your Purchases Drive the Food Industry, How Are You Voting?Today we have Parker, the founder of Lovebird Cereal joining us. Parker worked for the largest commercial cereal company and after experiencing his own health issues and becoming a father, he left. He was able to experience the profit over health industry first hand and was called to create a better option for children and families. I invited him on because as consumers, it’s a real opportunity to learn from someone who has been behind the scenes. Parker has not only created a clean and delicious product, his impact is global. And so is yours. I cannot wait for you to listen to this conversation about how powerful your financial decisions are and how we, together, have the ability to improve not only the food industry, but our health and the planet as a whole.Links from the episode:Shop LovebirdConnect with Parker on InstagramExplore The Gut Rebalance KitsThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
There is a woman on Instagram who has recently gone viral. Maybe you have seen her? She is very vulnerable sharing her extreme case of eczema. It’s all over her face, arms, hands -it’s everywhere. She cannot function in her daily life as a mom because her rash is so severe. Even worse, she went to the doctor and dermatologist and was prescribed steroids. On top of her eczema, she is now experiencing Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome. If you or your child suffer from an inflammatory skin condition like eczema, you are well aware that western medicines go-to solution is steroid creams. The problem with this is that steroid creams and even more natural based topical products is they don’t address the root of your eczema rash. The steroids may work. The rash may go away but essentially topical treatment are a bandaid. They work by quieting the body down when really, the body doesn’t want to quiet down. It developed a rash in the first place because something is wrong and it’s asking you for help. When you bandaid the deeper problem with topical treatments you miss the opportunity to really heal. And most times, your body will develop other symptoms. Over time, many people, especially children, develop Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome (TSWS). This is also known as topical steroid addiction or Red Skin Syndrome. It’s a condition that occurs when you develop withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing the use of topical steroids. These symptoms often manifest as redness, burning, itching, and flaking of the skin. Tune in to learn how to heal skin conditions from the root. Links from the episode:Explore the Children's Gut Rebalance KitExplore the Women's Gut Rebalance KitThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
It’s so easy to measure the healing of visual symptoms like skin rashes, constipation and diarrhea. It gets a lot harder to measure the improvement of your mood, sleep or your children’s behavior. These tend to be symptoms that when they are present they are all consuming but as soon as they go away, you hardly remember how challenging they were. You can’t take pictures or compare side by side. But when you witness the transformation like our guest, Bridget, did in her son - you sing it from the rooftops. Our gut health is so intimately connected to our mood, behavior, thought processes and focus. I cannot wait for you to hear how rebalancing helped Bridget get her son back. This is a statement that I hear often from mamas . . . “I got my child back!” As mothers, we are oftentimes the only ones who know with certainty that our children are not themselves. Everyone else can tell us “oh that’s just how boys are” or “all kids experience hyper active symptoms at times”. This can be so isolating when we intuitively know differently. We know something is wrong and we desperately want to help them but society’s way of normalizing symptoms, prolongs our journey. Tune in to hear Bridgets story and how you can heal your child from the inside. ❤️​​Links from the episode:Explore the Children's Gut Rebalance KitExplore the Women's Gut Rebalance KitExplore the Maintenance BundleExplore Balance CBDThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Lack of education, misinformation and a profit driven industry has left a lot of people unsatisfied with CBD. Tune in to learn how to experience the healing benefits you desire. CBD has garnered a massive popularity for its health benefits. From managing pain to reducing anxiety, helping with hormones and improving sleep. But maybe you are among the many people who have purchased CBD with high hopes and were left feeling disappointed with a lack of results? In this episode we are going to talk about the reasons CBD may not have worked for you. And if you haven’t tried CBD yet, but have an interest - this episode will teach you everything you need to know going into it so you can be sure to get the results you are hoping for. Links from the episode:Explore Balance CBDThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS



There tends to be two types of poopers. People who are more prone to constipation and those who are more prone to diarrhea. Contrary to what your doctor will mostly likely tell you though, the answer isn’t a laxative like Miralax or a fiber supplement. These are bandaids that don’t heal your body. Your body isn’t constipated because it needs a laxative. The body gets constipated when something is off inside.Your poop is a direct reflection of your internal health and if you, your child or someone you know suffers from constipation this episode is for your. EPISODE LINKS:Explore the Children's Gut Rebalance KitExplore the Women's Gut Rebalance KitThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
After being bullied as a child, my dear friend Jody struggled with anorexia. Can you relate? At the young age of 20 she decided to get breast implants because she thought they would help her love herself more. Those implants would "fix" her. She could have never dreamed they would send her on a several year health journey. One where she had completely lost hope and didn't know how to get out of bed or be the mama or wife she desired being. In this conversation Jody so courageously and vulnerably shares her story and how after so many years of her health declining, she made a life changing connection.This is a story about fighting, being brushed under the rug, fighting so much more, losing hope and finally making connections that lead Jody to ultimate health. No matter what we do, how we change our lifestyles, improve our eating patterns or commit to our self-care, if we don’t get to the root - our bodies will not be able to heal.In this episode you will hear how Jody’s breast implants had mold in them, how they were leaching plastics and heavy metals into her body and how having them removed the “right way”  changed her life. She will teach you this right way and all the resources she mentions throughout the episode are linked below. Jody has many talents and her learning how to heal her body has created space for her to share her magic with the world. This is what happens when we heal. We get to live our purposes and share our magic with the world. You matter, your child matters. You are meant to fulfill your life purpose and love yourself enough to share it. At the end of the episode you will get to hear the beauty in Jody’s music and she has so generously shared a discount code with her for the artisan earrings she makes. EPISODE LINKS:Breast Implant Illness and Healing by NicoleA list of the surgeons who can properly remove implantsConnect with JodyShop Jody's Earrings (Use the code ONLELISTENERS to save a bit ❤️)Thanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
There are so many misconceptions about silver.  I remember the very first time I heard of it being used as a natural supplement. It was well before I had children. Well, except for my bloodhound puppy named Olive. She was my first baby. She came to us with so many health issues and after the vet put her on several rounds of antibiotics and steroids I knew I needed to try something else. I went to a holistic dog store and the women recommended giving her a daily dose of silver. I had never heard of it before and even for my dog, I was intimidated and weary. I bought it but I ended up being too scared to give it to Olive so I eventually threw the bottle away. But how have I swung so far to be where I am today? To this place where I confidently give my entire family, including my four children, silver every single day?Will silver turn you blue? Will it harm your good bacteria? Will it settle in your organs like heavy metals? Tune in to learn everything you need to know. LINKS FROM THE EPISODE:Episode 72Cleanse Alkaline Structured SilverRelieve Topical Silver Gel Thanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Medical Freedom

Medical Freedom


Medical freedom goes beyond having the autonomy to make your own medical choices. It means taking precautionary measures to really own your health. It means doing everything you can to separate your family from our broken system that is profit driven and doesn’t give a shit about your health. It means educating yourself so you have enough self trust to be free. This episode will validate and inspire you. I hope it gets you thinking about ways you can be even more medically free. What can you do to enhance your intuition and belief in yourself? How can you find more courage to be free? What tools do you need to order so you are ready and prepared? How can you make sure you don’t find yourself in a situation where you know what intuitively feels right but you aren’t prepared so you end up having to settle? Links from the episode: Episode 84Episode 39CleanseGut Rebalance KitsThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
I have a very vivid memory of when my son was really unwell. He was six months old and we were back at the pediatrician for the third time that week because I knew something was terribly wrong. In addition to being covered in an eczema rash, he had so much mucus in his poop and while he was still breastfeeding, there were clumps of stringiness that just didn’t seem right. Then there was blood and I just kept taking him back in. His symptoms had been evolving over the past few months and I spent so much time googling trying so hard to figure out what was wrong. I found one photo that reflected so perfectly what I was seeing in my son's diaper. It was captioned Candida. Well here I was, back with the pediatrician with a cloth diaper full of mucus, blood, and some weird stringy clump, desperate for an answer. I asked if he could possibly have Candida? She quickly responded “definitely not. Everyone has Candida. This is just his body learning how to poop.” And we were sent on our way.This is an episode that really hits home for me. Because had I known what you will learn today, years of my child struggling would have been avoided. Had his pediatrician taken the time to explore what my google search upturned and my intuitive suspicion was, instead of quickly shutting me down, his first years of life would have been completely different. Links from the episode:Explore the Gut Rebalance KitsThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
It is so easy for us to feel alone and scared when our children are unwell. We naturally isolate ourselves when our babies are covered in red oozing rashes, or our toddlers experience speech delays or children melt down with violent behavioral issues because we feel embarrassed and ashamed that our children are suffering.The truth though is that none of us are on this journey alone. So many other mamas have walked the same path, been brushed under the rug by professional after professional and have tried what feels like everything.This episode is a really special one. You get to hear the healing story of Brooke and her sons. It is vulnerable, raw and oh so beautiful. Links from the episode:Connect with BrookeExplore the Children's Gut Rebalance KitExplore the Balanced Bacteria Skincare KitThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
As a first time mom, fevers terrified me. I always thought that fevers were bad and scary but as it turns out, fevers are one of our bodies' superpowers. So often with the slightest fever, we flood our own or our children’s bodies with over the counter medications and we unknowingly stop our bodies from doing the job they were designed to do. It has taken me having four children and learning so much to get to this place of honoring fevers as a gift. In this episode I hope to share this perspective with you so that you can grow your confidence in supporting your body and your child’s body in doing its magic. Links from the episode:Explore Balance CBDThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria in your body, they also kill the good bacteria. There are some amazing studies that have recently came out showing that one course of antibiotic for something like an upper respiratory infection or maybe a urinary tract infection, or whatever the need - this one course increases your chance of a major depressive episode by 24% in the next 12 months, and the chance of developing a generalized anxiety disorder goes up by 17%. Now this is with just one course of antibiotics. If you now go back to your doctor within that 12 month period to get a second course, for maybe the same infection like a recurring UTI or maybe some new bacterial development like mastitis or bronchitis - That second course of antibiotics now raises your risk of major depression by 54%. And your risk of anxiety disorder goes up by 44%. And we wonder why postpartum depression and mood disorders are so common? And what about our children? How do antibiotics impact them?This information isn't intended to be anti antibiotic. It is to raise awareness of how important it is to intentionally heal after using them. Links from the episode:Explore the Gut Rebalance KitsExplore Nourish ProbioticExplore CleanseExplore Relieve Topical Healing GelThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Every parent's worst nightmare is their child being taken away from them. In today's episode we get to hear the tragic story from a mama whose child was medically kidnapped. Something I didn’t even know was a thing but is horrifically common. Really early in the episode you will realize how any of us could find ourselves in this situation and how vulnerable we are.I invited Hillary on today, not to instill fear in you but because recently a mama sent me a message saying how having my Children’s Gut Rebalance Kit and Healing Handbook saved her and her child. How her child has been experiencing symptoms like eczema and behavioral outbursts and that her family decided to call CPS on her because she didn’t want to put steroid cream on her child. Because she decided to take a healing approach instead of treating her child. I shared this on my instagram stories and was flooded with responses from mamas sharing similar experiences. It opened up more conversations about medical kidnapping and I invited Hillary on to both help her further process her experience but to raise awareness. Thanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Ear Infections

Ear Infections


We have all been told that you have to take antibiotics for ear infections. And if you don’t finish the complete cycle, your ear drum could explode. This isn’t an anti antibiotic episode but rather a deep dive into what is behind ear infections and how antibiotics exacerbate the problem. Most of us know that ear infections stem from an infection somewhere in the body that lands in the middle ear. This infection causes inflammation and excruciating pain. But there is a massive component that is overlooked.Here are links for things mentioned in the episode:Explore CleanseExplore the Gut Rebalance KitsThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
A huge component to healing is our spiritual well being. This is an area that is so often overlooked and when we experience trauma it is equally important that we heal our spirit along with our physical bodies. I am just now going through the repercussions of this. Of not healing my soul after fighting for my sons health. That was over 7 years ago and it is just now surfacing. I think this happens so often, we heal our children and we forget about all the heartache the experienced caused us. It’s time to heal. Mind body and spirit. Today is a really special episode. You get to sit in on a very vulnerable healing session with one of the most intuitive healers I have ever met. I cannot wait for you to meet Karina. Let’s get right into it. Connect with Karina on InstagramExplore Karinas YouTube ChannelTune into Karinas PodcastThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut


Did you know that the majority of the population is experiencing some variation of gut imbalance right now without even knowing it? Someone you know, likely several people you know - have leaky gut whether they know it or not.Gut imbalance is an umbrella term that includes conditions like leaky gut, SIBO, candida yeast overgrowth, H.pylori and even parasites. All of these conditions stem from a gut imbalance but have their own characteristics. Today we are focusing on leaky gut.So? What exactly is leaky gut? What causes it and what are the symptoms? And most importantly, what can you do to heal your body? Join me in this episode to learn.Links from the episode:Episode 80Explore the Children's Gut Rebalance KitExplore the Women's Gut Rebalance KitThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
When you are a nurse in a system that fails you, it makes you rethink your career and this is exactly what happened to Krysti. Today we are get to hear her story and how she was a traditional nurse for 13 years in all areas from ICU to Home health. About her own health scare experience in the traditional healthcare system with severe, chronic diverticulitis and how she decided to become the leader of her own health and left the system. Not just in her own healing journey but in her career and practice. Krysti is a wealth of knowledge and such an empowering woman. If you are looking for someone who actually cares about you as a whole human, Krysti’s new nationwide practice might just be the perfect fit for you. I cannot wait for your to listen in!Links from the episode:Connect with Krysti on InstagramKrysti's offeringsExplore the Women’s Gut Rebalance KitExplore Balance CBDThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
I recently self diagnosed myself with PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Self diagnosed because from the little bit of research I did along with being very familiar with how our medical system focuses on treating instead of healing, I wasn’t interested in going to see a doctor who would just prescribe me birth control.I am on a mission to heal my body so I am heading on a self driven journey. I will be bringing you on every step because we are all continuously healing. We heal one area of our mind, body or soul and it opens up a new and even deeper wound or trauma that needs healing. Or a lot of times, we heal our children and forget to heal ourselves. Maybe you don’t associate with PMDD, and while I will be talking about it, this episode carries a bigger message. One about finding ourselves, shedding layers, and trusting ourselves to be the most credible healer of self. This is about raising awareness, the power of being our own best doctors and the importance of healing ourselves after trauma.Resource links from the episode:Episode 39Episode 40Episode 43A hyperlinked list of all the supplements I am taking to heal my PMDDThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
At the age of 16 I was told I had one of the worst cases of ADHD my psychiatrist had ever seen. I left feeling so confused. Had I always been that way? I was prescribed Adderall and sent on my way. Just like that. I was handed a stimulant drug. One that compares so insanely close to methamphetamine. I took one pill and instead of experiencing the “regulated calm” I was told I would, I became even more fidgety and felt like I needed to run away from myself. So I did. I ran 15 miles that night. I couldn’t stop. My body was shaking, I was dizzy and didn’t sleep for two days. I had never felt so out of control, scared or helpless in my life. I never touched Adderall again. I was left with the question of why? What caused my ADHD? For over a decade I navigated my condition unmedicated just getting by until I learned the significant connection between my gut and my ADHD. Join me to learn more about what completely changed my whole world.Links from the episode:Women's Gut Rebalance KitChildren's Gut Rebalance KitGut Health Maintenance BundleEveryday BalanceThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
Colic isn't just a term — it's a thief of peace and a relentless intruder that shatters the tranquility of a home. But what causes it? Why does your baby scream for hours and hours and your gut tells you something is wrong but doctors just tell you to just “wait it out”? Join me in this episode to learn the real cause of colic and how important it is to heal your babies body from the inside. Links from the episode:Women's Gut Rebalance KitChildren's Gut Rebalance KitGut Health Maintenance BundleTake the Gut Health QuizThanks for listening! I would love to connect with you ♡ Send me a DM on Instagram Join The Gutsy Woman Community Email me at Click HERE to shop my gut balancing supplements.Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,XO - Juniper BennettFounder of ōNLē ORGANICS
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