DiscoverThe Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching
The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching
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The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching

Author: Monica Little

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If you’re a small business owner, you might feel like you are doing everything possible to grow your business… from SEO, Etsy, Instagram, TikTok, social media, Faire, your own website, Shopify, Amazon, markets and more… but nothing seems to get you closer to actually having consistent sales, to the point that it’s hard to stay motivated and show up for your business. Maybe you feel like you might be at a place where you need some help to get to consistent sales and growth, and maybe you’re even wondering “How ELSE can I grow my business further? How do I even get in front of MORE customers?” If you can relate, then this podcast is for you. Monica Little, owner of Monica Little Coaching, is a marketing, selling and business building coach for handmade product-based business owners. After obtaining a 4-year business degree and working over 8 years in marketing, she decided to leave her corporate job to start her own organic handmade skincare small business… and ended up growing her business to multiple 6 figures through organic marketing and grit. Now she’s sharing how you, too, can grow your business and see your dreams come to life. Listen in for step-by-step tips and tricks to help you take your business to the next level so you can have more sales, more customers and more excitement in your business! Learn more at ⓒ 2023 Monica Little Coaching 

107 Episodes
This episode is an EXCLUSIVE Q&A within the pop-up Facebook group that I hosted for small business owners after my LIVE training on How to Create a THRIVING Product Business WITHOUT Relying on Markets. Here are some of the amazing questions small business owners submitted that were answered during this Q&A for you to learn from, too:"What are your thoughts on AI? I see lots of people using it.""What do you think is the best platform to sell handmade products?""What do you think about ...
In this episode of the Product Biz Podcast, we dive deep into something I like to call "The Small Business Owner's Curse"— which is a challenge that almost EVERY single. small business owner faces when they go from their initial success... to long-term growth. If you’ve ever felt like you’re stuck in a cycle of quick wins that are dwindling down weeky by week by week and are struggling to achieve something MORE, this episode is for you.In this episode, you'll learn:What the Small Business Own...
In this week's episode, we sit down with Kimberly, the owner of Fit Mama Foods, an Arizona-based healthy snack small business, and hear her incredible journey from cancer survivor to small business owner. Kim's 2-time personal battle with cancer led her to create a line of truly healthy grab and go snacks... and joining Product Biz Academy has allowed her to get her story AND healthy snacks in the hands of more people. In this episode, you'll learn:How Kimberly's personal cancer journey ...
In this episode of the Product Biz Podcast, I interview Michelle of Joyful Nest Design Co. and she shares her journey from a special education teacher to a successful home decor small business owner. She shares with you how she took her made-to-order business, adjusted the business model, and is now scaling it with more ease... which led to her FIRST four-figure Etsy month - which then DOUBLED the following month - and more.In this episode, you’ll learn:Michelle’s Journey: From special educat...
On today’s episode of The Product Biz Podcast, we interview Dylan Jarhaus who is an e-commerce expert of 13+ years and made over $1M in her first 5 years on Etsy. She also sells on Amazon and Shopify and teaches over 3000 Etsy sellers how to scale on Etsy through the Ultimate Etsy Course.By the time you finish listening to this jam packed episode, you’ll learn:How Dylan took her Etsy shop from 1 sale to $10,000 months in just 4 months... and then how she took her Etsy shop to a total of $1.7M...
How many times have you heard the phrase SALES FUNNEL and either wondered "what the hell does THAT mean?" or "HOW the hell do I do that for my business?"In today’s episode, I interview Tracy Matthews and she spills the beans on how to create automatic sales in your business.We’re talking the type of sales that come when someone opts in to your email list for your 20% off code… and then they actually use that coupon code and buy from you AND come back to buy AGAIN… from having the right sales ...
Have you ever thought about being a coach, educator, or speaker, where you are impacting others and changing lives with something you are passionate about and want to share with the world? Maybe you already are a coach... or maybe you've secretly had dreams of sharing your knowledge with others by becoming a coach.As you probably already know, I originally started Plant Based Beauty from a passion for DIY skincare that turned into a business without ever expecting it to. And then before I kne...
One of the BIGGEST pieces of feedback I hear from small business owners is… “I don’t want to talk about my products or business too much on Instagram because I feel like I might be bothering people.” “I don’t want to talk about my products or business too much on Instagram because I feel like I might just be talking about it TOO much.” “I don’t want to talk about my products or business too much on Instagram because I feel like people will get bored with what ...
What’s the main reason why you DON’T talk on your stories consistently?Is it because you don’t like the sound of your voice and cringe to hear it when you playback what you posted… and you wonder what others will think about your voice, too?Is it because it literally takes hours to get the PERFECT 60 second clip to post on your stories… and it frustrates you to spend that much time to get it right?Is it because you don’t know what to say and are worried about being judged by others for not sa...
In today's episode, we interview Laura from The Necklace Studio who is a Product Biz Academy member that has seen some amazing growth!Before joining Product Biz Academy, Laura tried to run a business with a business partner that did not work no matter what they tried, which led to closing the business.Laura then started her own business and was worried about selling products at a high price point ($350 - $550) in a saturated market (jewelry).But in the year after joining Product Biz Academy, ...
How amazing is it that a computer program can whip up blog posts, email campaigns, social media captions and more in the matter of seconds?How amazing is it that some small business owners are outsourcing their ENTIRE marketing department (blog posts, email campaigns, social media captions and MORE) to Chat GPT?The real reason this is amazing is NOT because of the "quick fix" that Chat GPT provides... the reason this is amazing is because the small business owners who DON'T hand over the rein...
Most small business owners only have FUN in their business when they are GOOD at what they are working on – when it comes easy, when they see success quickly, when they see results easily, when they feel they are the best of the best at it.Can you relate? Do you naturally have a shitty time when you are bad at something or are learning something new and it DOESN’T come easy to you?Well, let me ask you this… How much more likely would you see results if you had fun with the skills you were shi...
Paying yourself is one of those taboo topics that most people DON’T talk about which is why most people are confused, discouraged, demotivated with their business. The truth is, there’s a big difference once you decide that a potential hobby of yours is now a business. And once you make that decision, contrary to popular belief, it DOESN’T mean that you will automatically make instant money that you get to instantly use on whatever you want in life. Building a business with longev...
Growing a small business comes down to getting your products in front of more people. That’s truly the name of the game. And one piece to that puzzle that will help you get in front of massive amounts of people for the long run is through PR and news media by being featured in gift guides, product roundups, and more.Think of it this way – when you are featured in an article, you get exposed to the audience that reads that article for the long run. If someone is looking for a Mother’s Day gift...
This week’s podcast episode is a very special interview with Erin Davis, owner of No Poo Products. Erin was a former teacher, turned stay-at-home mom of 2 who started a business on the side during her kids’ naptime, turned all-in small business owner who is now having $1,700 sales DAYS with her small business... which is almost as much that she would make in one MONTH when previously working as a teacher.During this episode, you’ll learn what it took for Erin to make the decision to go all-in...
What type of experience is your website (especially your homepage) giving to both customers AND retailers when they land on it?Does this experience embody your brand, or does it give off a mismatched vibe?Are the people landing on your website also getting the right information sequenced in the right way so they understand the story piece by piece that gets them one step closer to purchase?Website marketing comes down to the visuals, the images, the colors, the words, and the sequencing of it...
We're kicking off a brand new mini series on the podcast where I deep dive into a specific small business and provide tactical, easy, simple next steps that YOU can learn from based on real life examples.And today we’re diving into how to top marketing tactics that you can easily implement to get in front of more customers.During this episode, we’re doing a live marketing audit for Product Biz Academy member, Rose from @sweetrosies_soaps, where you’ll learn top ways to get more followers and ...
One of the biggest struggles that I hear from small business owners is that they can sell their products pretty easily at markets when they are physically there to talk about their products and let the customers touch, smell, feel, see, and try the products in person... And at the same time, they struggle to get ANY online sales simply because the customers aren't able to experience that same things that they do in person.Have you ever had that thought?Here’s the truth – your products sh...
The need to prove something to someone, the belief that we can only relax and be happy with our day if it was “productive”, the thoughts that "nothing is working for me", the fear of reaching out to that influencer or showing your face on your Instagram stories… What do these all have in common?These are common limiting beliefs of business owners.When I prove myself to THIS person, then I will be happy.When I am productive, then I can be happy with my day.When I get rejected, it means I’m a f...
Most small business owners say they want more sales, more opportunities, more orders, more money…But in reality, they don’t have any additional SPACE for more orders.And I don’t mean physical space.I mean energetic space.If you are stressed out, burned out, spending all of your time on busy work, wondering why your sales aren’t increasing…I hate to break it to you, but the reason your sales aren’t increasing is BECAUSE you are stressed out, burned out, and spending all of your time on busy wo...