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My Cat’s Tale

Author: Ewan Spence

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‘My Cat’s Tale’ is a podcast where we can share the stories of our cats, what they are like, who they love, where they came from, and more. Every week, Ewan Spence will meet cats and their owners to talk about their lives together. Where did they first meet? What do they like doing? Why this cat? Why this human? All that and more in a friendly half hour where the only focus is our shared love of cats.
40 Episodes
Kekoa is an inquisitive cat, a cat who knows when they want affection and when they want left alone... and a cat who was incredibly lucky to survive playing with some toxic stargazer lilies. Ewan listens to Alyssa as she takes us through the emotional and powerful story of Kekoa, the horror of discovering his body drenched in pollen, the anxious nights waiting for news from the vets, and the joy of welcoming him home and helping him recover.
Milo decided that he would move in with Izzy, and he definitely chose his new owners. He settled quickly into his new home, but this Scottish Cat would soon have to contend with a new arrival. Ewan listens to Izzy talk about finding Milo, how this sympathetic cat found out she was pregnant, how Milo first reacted when their baby came home, and how the whole family came together.
Morgan has a wardrobe, and a rather extensive one at that. Because of his allergies, Rhea has to protect his skin from his scratches. Thankfully, Morgan loves wearing all his clothes, and this dapper chap has been catching the eye of many online cat lovers. Morgan's story is also the story of the other cats in his life including his brother Morris; and Scritch, the rescue cat from Cyprus. Ewan chats with Rhea about Morgan’s first wardrobe of clothes, the reaction to his fashionable looks online, and raising money for charity withathe catwalk cat’s calendar.
When Willa arrived, Allison discovered a love for cats that has changed her life. Willa would soon be joined by Nala and Bella, and brought Allison and her partner closer together as they all cared for each other. Ewan and Allison share their passion for talking about cats online, how her cats have made a difference at home, and why none of the cats are called Tabby or Tuxedo.
Louise has lived much of her life with cats and dogs. Last year, her cat Taffy was joined by Shadow, a timid and anxious rescue cat who was constantly being passed over in the shelter. Louise brought her home, and the long process of helping Shadow and Taffy live with each other began. Ewan listens to Louise's many tales of introducing cats to other cats (and the occasional dog) in her home, how being patient and respectful is key, and how Shadow is starting to come out of her shell.
One day, while roaming the streets of Queens, Regi decided it was time to move to a new house. And she decided to move in with Rachel. From that first moment on the doorstep, through a call to her then-owner, to accepting each other, Rachel and Regi became inseparable Now aged 21, the loving bond between Rachel and Regi is stronger than ever. Ewan listens to tales of vets appointments, the power of Jackson Galaxy, trying to guess how old a cat is, and how Regi appears in Rachel's upcoming novel 'Sushi and Sea Lions'.
Leo arrived into Jaylan's household as a tiny kitten with a big heart, who promptly went on to light up everyone's lives. As the coronavirus pandemic raced around the world, this little ball of fluff kept spirits high through dark times. Ewan listens to an exuberant Jaylan about the difference Leo has made to the family, the unspoken disagreement over his surname, and how he bewitched her sister into becoming a cat-person.
Chloe, along with Toshi, lives with Ian and she has made a huge difference in his life. Starting with walking on a leash, through a long-distance train journey, and to a life around London, Chloe decided she was going to be a service cat and help Ian as much as she could.  Ewan listens to Ian as he talks about how Chloe became his service cat, the positive and negative reactions from businesses to Chloe, and how he hopes to train Toshi alongside Chloe.
Oscar and Erica live with Stephanie Erica after many years as a community cat living outdoors, Oscar through adoption. They are both very territorial and are quite happy splitting up the workspace and the home space. Ewan listens to Stephanie talk about their lives, and her previous cat Quintus. Oscar, like Quintus before him, is diabetic. How do you diagnose feline diabetes, what treatments are available, and how can you support your cat and find out more information?
From a chance encounter at one week old, Cuarta has found her forever home with Tom and his family... along with their two dogs. A cat was never planned for in the house, in fact, a cat was never considered given the two dogs already living with them. Bringing up Cuarta was and is a learning experience. Tom talks to me about those first nights with Cuarta, where her name comes from, and why she likes the house's internet router so much.
Bash may have five cats in their home, but many more cats and kittens pass through this very connected foster home. Thanks to its online communities, the Crits For Cats project can also support cat rescues and shelter cats in the local area. Ewan listens to Bash to learn more about living with so many foster kittens coming through a home, how the rescue adventure started, and how streaming on Twitch has built up a supportive community of cat lovers.
Caroline told us Malcolm's tale of his injuries and treatment earlier this year. After he was hit by a car, his community rallied round to help fund his extensive medical treatment. There were many happy fans of Malcolm when he made it back home, and his ever-present companion Baby Dog took care of him. I caught up with Caroline just before Christmas to find out how Malcolm is getting on, how his life has changed, and the new cat coming round to visit him.
Sigrid is a familiar sight on the streets of London, as she explores the capital city in her cat basket on the front of Travis Nelson’s bike. Emigrating with Travis from California, the adventures of this deaf cat are being told in print with her book ‘Sigrid Rides’ set for publication in 2023. Ewan listens to Travis as he explains how he introduced Sigrid to biking, why he can’t sneak up on her, and the fun of writing a book about their cycling… …all white a massive cat-sized hamster wheel rumbles along in the background.
Oliver is a strong-willed Norwegian Forest Cat who loves to roam his neighbourhood. When Annette's previous cat passed away, Oliver paid a visit. And over the months and years made it clear that he had moved in with Annette and her husband. Ewan listens to Annette as she talks about Oliver's mystery walks outside the house, when she knows it is the right time for snuggles, and how he helped comfort Annette during lockdown.
Cedric is one chill cat. From a very early age, he just sat back and enjoyed the world... unless he hears the hoover. Chelsea was introduced to him when he was a one-week-old kitten, and there was never any doubt that he would be joining Chelsea and her partner as they all started a new life in a new home. Ewan talks with Chelsea about moving house (twice) with Cedric and how he has adapted to moving house, matching the new sofa styles to Cedric's cat tree, and the two other cats in his life who could be his Uncles.
Brought in to her local shelter, Yvie's kittens were quickly adopted, but it took Sam coming along before Yvie could find her forever home. Diagnosed with cerebellar hypoplasia, Yvie's wobble has not stopped her enjoying life at all, with the run of the house, lots of love, and the ability to lip-sync whenever required. She's also made a huge difference to Sam and her fiancé, filling that classic cat-shaped hole that every family has. Ewan sits down with Sam to talk about Yvie's life, how Sam became comfortable around cats, and why Yvie's name is a perfect fit.
The clue to this adventurous little cat is in his online name... Eric's Escapades. Paul and Helen met Eric when he was a year old, and a cat-shaped hole in their lives was quickly filled. Eric very much knows what he wants, and more importantly who he wants to help him during the day. Paul talks to Ewan about Eric's life, the many places around the house where he loves to sleep, and the very precise routines he demands.
Clara and Storm are two very social cats. They know many people where they live, who has the nicest spots to catch the sun, and who will feed them. They also have a little GPS collar so David can find out where they have travelled... and they travel far and wide during all hours of the day and night. Ewan sits down to talk with David about the technology he uses to support Clara and Storm, how excited they are when he comes home, and a curious night with a hedgehog.
For a long time, Nathalie's allergies meant she could not have a pet, but when this calmed down, especially around ragdolls, Pawsley arrived on the scene. He's a cat that definitely knows what he wants and is not afraid to let people know. Nathalie talks to Ewan about living with a very chatty cat, how she introduced Wintery to the house, and how much Pawsley prefers working from home rather than walking into the office with her.
Willow and Buffy did not have the easiest start to their lives, but all that changed when Kristan found them in a shelter. Quickly making it known that they would like to go home with these comic-loving humans, Willow and Buffy settled in to a wonderful life. Ewan chats with Kristan about Willow's ongoing medical issues, how this Buffy is not very good at slaying, and the most important issue of all... which season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Willow and Buffy are most like Kristan's Willow and Buffy?