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Stop Thinking With Your Butt

Author: Katie and Chris Lee

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Join always curious wife Katie and combat veteran nerd Chris as they bellyflop into the bouncy house of mystery surrounded by conspiracies and phenomenon so bizarre we can't help but laugh and say "Were they thinking with their butt?!" Follow us to see all our social media links
61 Episodes
Stanley Kubrick creates some of his finest work. No, not Clockwork Orange.  No, not The Shinning *gasp.*  What does any great director aspire to achieve?  The moon baby, the moon!  Don't worry Flat Earthers we'll keep it all under the dome....or the very least we'll keep it vague and unfounded.  What we once thought to be a 50/50 scenario between fact or faked moon landing footage, finally has us choosing sides.  Let's all listen together and determine if this is one small step for mankind or one giant cannonball into lunar lunacy. Combat Nerd Chris and curious wife Katie talk about the  #strange, #weird, and #unusual with a funny side of banter to keep the crazy away! So, put your +1 Tin Foil Hat on and prepare to #STWYB Stop Thinking With Your Butt! Support the show
What’s more unusual, a hundred year old grudge or a hog that starts a war? For decades two families have been at war with each other.  The infamous Hatfield's on one side of the river and the legendary McCoy's on the other.  How did it all start, and what kept the hate train rolling.  Could this historic feud have been fueled by the decades old land dispute?  The murder of a relative?  Or is one, wayward pig, really the one to blame?  Which family will you side with? Let's get lumberJACKED!Support the show
Wake up, go to work, join a cult....make it a an alien sex now add science!  Congratulations you are now a Raelian.  What could possibly bring the world of science and the world of ancient astronauts together?  Sex of course you silly billy.  In this heavily D&D saturated episode Chris messes with our minds.  He starts by seducing Katie then shotputs her into the sea OF MADNESS where she treads water aimlessly until overcome by abursdity.  Have you gotten your tickets to the orgy?  Bring lotion, and snacks.  Also, contractors wanted for 50 year in the making religious/laboratory/brothel/ancient alien landing experience necessary....must bring own lotion and snacks.Support the show
Bigfoot: Part Deuce

Bigfoot: Part Deuce


Easy to disbelieve but hard to disprove.  There is evidence out there to suggest we don't know as much  about this planet as we think we do.  How far does our understanding go?  First hand encounters dating back to the ancient Sumerian people, name dropping in the bible?  Whose to say?  But we can definately entertain the idea that bigfoot and Jesus know each other.  Let's see what Bigfoot Part II has to offer.Support the show
Two bodies are found decomposing along the hillside of Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro.  Both bodies are wearing, fancy suits, raincoats, and eye shades made from lead.  A note is found in one of their pockets and reads, "16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals, await signal, mask."  What is going on in the secret lives of these television repair men?!  And is this the episode that can bring Chris back from the brink of disbelieving aliens?!  For the love of God, let's hope so.  Support the show
It's about ding dang dong time Katie tackles one of her most favorite of subjects. Not chips and salsa, not old architecture, but BIGFOOT!  Why are we trying to cure a magnitude of diseases when Mr. Foot is out there waiting to be discovered!?!  Priorities people!  Join us and get a listen to the EXCLUSIVE, first time interview of Mr. Charles Poulson, gentleman, sasquatch exhibitionist and encountee.  Don't worry, he's a credible witness....for now.  And don't forget to check out the Bigfoot Sighting Database.  It is fascinating! the show
Ever seen a grown man cry?  Would you like to?  This episode hits Chris right in the UFO gonads, and makes him question his stance on extraterestrials and their very existance.  From NASAs ion manipulation creating “orbs” and military radar shenanigans to DEMONS! Let's find out what's really going on in this 4 step conspiracy called Project Blue Beam.Support the show
What would you do if a body wearing a parachute and bullet proof vest appeared dead in your driveway?  Or worse yet, said body, was surrounded by bags of COCAINE! Buckle up, you are about to embark on the wild ride that is the life of Andrew Carter Thornton II.  Hear how his lifestyle led to the unintentional creation of the internet tycoon "Cocaine Bear."Support the show
Chris finally covers his most favorite of topics, the realm of Dungeons and Dragons.  Or as Katie likes to call it, the fantastical land of make believe.  What led an innocent 'role playing game' to be the center of Satanic cult controversy?  Are player characters actually being coerced into acts of MURDER? Grab your 20 sided die, your hottest Succubus poster,  Mountain Dew and Mike and Ike's for this weeks episode.  Also, depression is a dark and lonely condition that not many people understand.  If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide please reach out for help.  You are loved more than you realize and would be missed more than you know.Suicide Crisis Line:  Dial 988 the show
For thousands of years documented accounts, of what we now call "sleep paralysis," has been an area of interest.  Scientists can understand what is happening during this mind, body disconnect, but not the why behind it.  Why is this happening?  More interestingly still is the appearance of the Hat Man.  While sleep paralysis varies from person to person, the Hat Man seems to be a universally similar vision, eeriely lurking not just in your dreams.Happy 50th Episode Everyone!  The Nightmare; By Henry Fuseli1781 Dream , My Bad Dream; By Fritz Schwimbeck 1915 the show
*Through a megaphone* "Will all the genetically enhanced, secret spy, space marine, super soldiers, please report to the Brazilian space shuttle shaped like Saturn, immediately, for briefing on the next intergalactic Nazi-Reptilian space battle.  Thank you." *Megaphone cuts off...electrical screech as megaphone kicks back on* "And if someone could please escort, Plan B Doctor, to pseudoscience medical room 4A, he seems to have escaped his human-sized hamster ball again.  That is all.  Sergeant Denial, out."-Chris covers the SSP, Secret Space Program.  Join today!Support the show
In the beautiful countryside of Glasgow, Scotland, lies the covetous Overtoun Estate. Lush green lawns, quaint streams, and fawnworthy foliage abound.   Lines of wealthy philanthropists have resided here and left their mark on the town; statues being errected in their honor.   So why, in the name of all that is good and great in this world are dogs committing suicide all over this property!?Could it be a specter, a thin place, or something we can't even wrap our minds around...OR are dogs just...dumb and clumsy?  Let's discuss. "Oh hidy-ho officer! We've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house when kids started killing themselves all over my property.""You college kids gotta be more careful!""I was just standing there, minding my own business when he just jumped into my wood-chipper." -Tucker, Tucker and Dale vs. EvilCheck out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
Chris tackles a topic that has Katie's mouth salivating, the world of North American cryptids.  He covers three of the most talked about mythical creatures; The Jersey Devil, Wendigo and Mothman.  Tales as old as time but is there lividity to their existance?  And why the "H-E-Double Hockey Sticks" is Ben Franklin such a savage?  Let's all find out together.Check out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
Katie's browse history yields interesting and extremely incriminating information.  What started as curious ponderings has taken a frolic down the path of "Ya! Why aren't we eating more people." Join STWYB as we discuss the common forms of human trafficking and it's lesser known cousin Body Brokerage.The Human Meat Project Trafficking Database Price List out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
German Professor Paul Dienach falls into a year long coma only to awaken with startling infomation.  While his body lay comatos, his mind inhabited that of a physicist who had been involved in an accident in the year 3906.  What does he uncover from his year living in the future?  And why do the doctors of the future seem so familiar with the concept of the time traveling conciousness?  Let's find out together.To learn more about Paul Dienach's diary, you can purchase it from Amazon here: Chronicles From the Future! Also, check outProject MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 1. MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 2. out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the showSupport the show
A profound mystery has confuzzled minds for decades.  What really happened on December 24th, 1945 in Fayetteville West Virginia? Five children disappear amidst the chaos of a house fire, presumed dead, but leaving no trace.  Surely an entire town hasn't conspired against one man and his secretive past, or did they?  Let's unravel this ongoing mystery together!, check out Project MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 1. Project MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 2. out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
Three hundred year old witches, magical twins separated at birth, phony ass fish with amnesia, a post-apocalyptic middle east AND STAR WARS!  So much gets unpacked in this weeks episode, Katie even has to stop the show to bring out colored markers and an erase board to organize her thoughts.  We may not all agreed on Disney's dark storyline connections but we can all agree on one thing...Star Wars is not Disney. Also, check outProject MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 1. MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 2. out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
In this episode turned declaration of love, Katie talks with Chris about his only interest. Aliens.  Unidentified aircraft fall from the sky and "creatures" are seen in distress all over the city of Varginha, Brazil.  Locals raise question as military blockades are being set up in a residential neighborhood, and medical staff are threatened into silence.  Truly something of significance must have happened for the United States to "Uncle Sam" their way in uninvited.  Also, check outProject MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 1. MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 2. out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the showSupport the show
When things get tough, the tough get tougher...OR broken down repeatedly until they are shammed into a shell of their former selves and are found lying naked in a heap upon a tear soaked floor.  You know, therapy that works.Join us as we discuss America's most dangerous cult, Synanon and their 30 year coming of age story.  Charles Dederich's approach to addiction recovery is B.A.N.A.N.A.S. but he sees himself as nothing short of heroic.Was this really a community of personal growth and development or a C.I.A. social experiment gone wrong.Also, check outProject MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 1. MKUltra:Sex, Drugs & the CIA a graphic novel by Stewart Kenneth Moore published by Clover Press 2022. vol 2. out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
Katie finishes off her obsessive quest to understand reincarnation.  Does she believe?  Does she not believe?  She can only say with 100% certainty that she 100% neither believes nor disbelieves 100% of the time...and she thinks she's a scientist.Join us as we discuss more cases of children who remember previous lives.  Who remembers past lives and why. And what happens during the in-between. The intermission between death and rebirth. Also check out this video Katie thinks it's pretty rad!The Egg! Read this book, as rad. Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation. By: Ian Stevenson, M.D. Check out our #STWYB Facebook Group on Mysteries, Conspiracies, and Paranormal: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: To listen elsewhere and follow us across all social media check out 👇 the show
Comments (2)


Interesting topic but can’t stand the annoying, loud lady in this episode. Such a shame. Couldn’t even finish the episode thanks to here making weird noises.

Apr 25th


Great listen! These two are hilarious! Go to conspiracy podcast!

Aug 6th