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Silver Screen Sisters

Author: Billie & Sophie

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Two sisters, who don't even watch all that many movies, set out to watch 80s movies to find out what makes them so great, even decades later. Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and discover new gems to love (and maybe some we should just leave in the past). Find our episodes and more here!

51 Episodes
What can we say that hasn't already been said? A true classic, starring Carey Elwes, Robin Wright, Wallace Shawn, Mandy Patinkin, Andre the Giant, and Billy Crystal, to name a few. So many iconic moments to discuss in a new light and some new ones we've never noticed before. We uncover some of the more surprising details from the making of this movie and discuss what makes this movie a perfect 10/10 for us. www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
And yes, that's the title of the film, based on a book by William Styron. This wasn't a movie that Sophie picked for us to watch. Just to clarify. :)Directed by Alan J. Pakula, it stars Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, and Peter MacNicol and could rival even Shakespeare's most tragic of plays. The story centers around the story of a Holocaust survivor, a Polish Catholic woman, and her Jewish American boyfriend. A young writer named Stingo bears witness to their spiral into darkness, even going so f...
With a "Mary Shelley meets Alfred Hitchcock" vibe, this Frankenstein story equal parts grossed us out and impressed us in its grotesqueness. (Sophie shares how many gallons of fake blood were used during Trivia.) Directed by Stuart Gordon, this film stars Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, and David Gale. All amazing! Oh, and Hans Gruber is also in this! For a minute. www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
We were overdue for an 80s cult classic. One of those "it's so bad, it's good" movies. But we weren't ready for Toxie. A B movie that inspired an entire franchise (and maybe influenced others).In this episode, we ask, "How?" www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
Based on the book by John Updike, this 80s classic stars our main man Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, and Michelle Pfeiffer. Directed by George Miller, music by John Williams... On paper, this sounds like a great film and most people (we know) remember it fondly. As a first-time viewer, Billie is here to ask the real questions with a fresh perspective."What even was that??"www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
A "hypothetical WWIII" movie, we weren't sure what to expect. All we knew was that the cast was phenomenal. Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Jennifer Grey, and Darren Dalton star as teenagers who escape to the mountains of Colorado and end up defending their hometown. From quintessential Americana to our horrible pronunciations, join us as we dig too deep into the philosophy and psychology of wartime. www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:htt...
"I feel the need, the need for speed!" For real, Sophie has never watched "Top Gun"... until now. Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, Tim Robbins, and Tom Skerritt bring Director Tony Scott's vision to life in a truly iconic way. At first glance, the movie looks like any other bro movie, but we dig into the heart of the movie and why it took the world by storm back in 1986. Don't worry. We'll be doing "Top Gun: Maverick" soon!www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhe...
What happens when two sisters watch different versions of a movie they've never seen before? This. This is the result. The Outsiders, starring C. Thomas Howell, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, and Tom Cruise, was directed by Francis Ford Coppola (which we pronounced correctly this time) and based on a book by S.E. Hinton. It tells the story of conflict among the youth of rural Oklahoma due to the socio-economic divide of the town, escalating to the point ...
We're back! And we apologize for our unexpected absence. The second half of 2023 was pretty rough for us, which we talk about in this episode. But! More reviews are coming and... *drumroll*...We'll be adding 90s movies to the list! Stay tuned and as always, you can find us here!www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
We're back! And to talk about an iconic movie that Sophie has never seen before, Tootsie! Starring Dustan Hoffman and Jessica Lange, this movie has been nominated for 10 academy awards and brings light to a subject we are still struggling with today: feminism and, specifically, how men treat women. While the subject matter may be heavy, it is done in a most respectful and, dare we say, comedic way. Listen in for Sophie's first reactions to the film!www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everyw...
Not only has Sophie never seen this film, but it's also about one of Billie's favorite subjects: music. Specifically, Mozart. Directed by Milos Forman and starring F. Murray Abraham and Tom Hulce, Amadeus tells the story of Salieri's jealousy of Mozart's genius and how there aren't enough sweets to help him cope. I think we all know what that's like. So, grab your dessert and listen to us try to mimic Mozart's laugh and get way too into music history.www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us ever...
You read that right! We're delving into the world of '90s movies! Requested by one of our wonderful listeners, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to start our journey into the '90s. Tim Burton directs this cult classic starring almost every major '90s star at the time. We could barely keep our head's from exploding. But if you want to hear us gush of Jack Nicholson and impersonate those aliens way too many times, press play!***Episodes for '90s films will be available exclusively to our Patr...
The Terminator is iconic. So, of course, we never would have seen it. (Billie only did for the first time a few years ago!) Full of terrible Arnold impersonations, this episode delves into some shocking trivia, Mr. Universe's booty, and time travel paradoxes. Directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Michael Biehn, this movie catapulted some big names into the industry. And in this movie, you can see why. www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere...
Before The Lost City, there was this gem. Romancing the Stone, starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner, is the story of one sister getting the other sister into some shit... We wouldn't know anything about that. But really, Joan Wilder should be thanking her sister for the adventure of a lifetime, including finding her own happily ever after. Billie gets a bit too into romance beats, and Sophie tells terrible jokes in this one. Enjoy!www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:...
And we're back with our first taste of Diane Keaton and Nancy Meyers's 80s comedy! For a movie about a business woman who gets saddled with a baby and apparently loses her mind, it was pretty divisive for us. Sophie gives an insight into motherhood while Billie rides her feminist horse off into the sunset. What do you think our final ratings will be? Side note: We did not plan a movie about a hard-working mother to be our first episode back after Mother's day, but here we are. :) Happy Mother...
An 80s retelling of Romeo and Juliet? With Nicholas Cage? Sign us up! Add in Stacey's Mom, a light case of bathroom stalking, and questionable parents, and it sounds like a really fun flick! Except, that's not the reaction we had. www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
We're quickly realizing that 80s horror flicks didn't skimp on the gore. But they also didn't skimp on crazy action shots, either! Shawnee Smith and Kevin Dillon star in this remake of a 1958 classic, The Blob, which of course we haven't seen. But we definitely have a thing or two to admire about this one!www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
It's here... And yeah, totally one that Billie has never seen. Big shock. But what might actually be shocking is a lot of the trivia we uncover. It's truly haunting stuff. Although a box office bomb, it ended up being nominated for several Oscars, losing out to Spielberg's own E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. JoBeth Williams, Heather O'Rourke, and Craig T. Nelson star in this amazingly creative flick written by Steven Spielberg, Michael Grais, and Mark Victor, and directed by Tobe Hooper.www.silve...
It's one of Billie's favorite movies and also one that Sophie has never seen! A perfect combination for an episode. John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star as The Blues Brothers in this love letter to rhythm and blues music, with plenty of cameos such as James Brown, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Frank Oz, Cab Calloway... just to name a few. There's plenty for us to discover and laugh about in this one!www.silverscreensisters.comOr find us everywhere here:
A Frenchman playing a Scot, a Scot playing a Spaniard Egyptian, and red flags everywhere, Highlander offers no apologies for its bold take on immortality. A beloved cult classic, you might already know how we feel about watching this film with no context. Still, there's lots to talk about! And can we talk about our recent trend of wibbly wobbly timey whimey movies lately? We also recorded this episode about two months ago, but we'll be back in more real time by next week.www.silverscreensiste...