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The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World
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The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World

Author: Andy

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The Bible provides a way to validate that it is the true word of God and offers compelling answers and insights to living in our modern world. Dr. Daniell explores current topics with a rational, objective approach, providing enlightening and sometimes surprising answers from the scriptures. Each episode provides the biblical view of the subject in question along with explanations for those conclusions. Andy is the author of the book Clear Vision: How The Bible Teaches Us To View The World. He has been interviewed by World Christian Broadcasting about his book and been a guest on the On Faith’s Edge radio program. He has written religious articles for The Christian Standard magazine, The Christian Post and The Atlanta Journal.
131 Episodes
What is the main point of the Beatitudes? What did Jesus mean when He said "blessed are the meek"? Why did Jesus begin His famous Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes? And how are we to understand the words Christ spoke 2000 years ago in terms of today's culture? In this sermon, we cover the what, why and life application aspects of the beautiful words with which Jesus framed His most comprehensive lesson.
Is Christianity just a crutch for those who are weak? Is it just another coping mechanism for those who are not emotionally strong enough to face the chaos of the world we live in? As we discuss in this podcast, the answer is 'NO'. In fact, Jesus warned His followers about those who would respond to the Gospel in such a way, essentially calling them shallow and saying they would not persist in their faith for the long haul. Join me as I discuss that verse and other scr...
At some point in life, we will all deal with grief. And we know there is no quick fix, no easy solution to that issue. But what path does the Bible provide for us when we encounter grief? How do Christians biblically deal with loss, setbacks and grief? In this podcast, we remind ourselves that God is still with us in those times and we look to biblical examples that point us to prayer and faith as a way to build up the hope through the scriptures that we need to climb ...
The Bible provides us with a comprehensive worldview that allows us to frame even modern topics such as Artificial Intelligence. So, how should we view AI through a biblical lens? Should Bible-based Christians support or stand opposed to such technological advancements? How does scripture direct us concerning any threats that AI might pose to humanity? Many will be surprised that looking at technological change such as that introduced by AI through a biblical lens call...
The Bible speaks of us being convicted by the Holy Spirit, sealed by the Spirit for the day of redemption and of our being sanctified by the Spirit until then. But it also warns us not to quench, grieve or blaspheme the Holy Spirit. In this podcast, we explore, using scripture itself, what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote for us not to quench the Holy Spirit.
Humans speak different languages on earth so will it be that way in heaven? The Bible teaches us in Genesis chapter 11 that the different languages we speak are the consequence of a specific rebellion of humans against God. As Jesus died to redeem us from the curses and debt of our sin, we understand that our speaking different languages will be reversed in the final days. In this podcast, we discuss how that reversal was foreshadowed at Pentecost and what the Bible teaches ...
Was the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris a mockery of a Christian tradition? In terms of how believers should respond, does it matter? Christ does not see His followers as ones who should be easily offended. He did not come to build a cult based on grievances. What is the appropriate biblical response, then, to insults and mockery? How does God want His people to represent Him and defend His name?
As with all things related to Donald Trump, the opinions in the land seem to be split between those who insist that God would not intervene on behalf of someone such as the former President (because of what they see as his bad character) and those who insist equally as boldly that it is obvious divine intervention was involved in saving his life. The truth is not as simple as either side is trying to make it. In this podcast, we take a rational, biblical look at the issue.
The Purpose Of Prayer

The Purpose Of Prayer


What is the purpose of prayer? And how does that purpose direct what we should be praying for? There are verses providing specific instructions, such as praying for those in positions of leadership. In this podcast, however, we explore the high level purposes of prayer in a Christian's life and develop five important components of prayer from the top down.
In his letter in the New Testament, James says that God cannot be tempted and that He tempts no one [James 1:1-15]. Why is it that God cannot be tempted but we can? And how can James say He tempts no one when there are a number of places in scripture that contain accounts of God testing individuals? In this podcast, we look at the difference between a biblical temptation and a biblical trial or test and answer the question of why God can't be tempted and how it is that we ca...
Some say that all religions are seeking to answer the same questions and are, therefore, similar in all but the smallest details. Others say that all religions take us to the same ending point, even if each starts at a different place and takes a different path. But the truth is Christianity is unique among all the religions ever practiced on earth. In this podcast, we explore five ways in which Christianity stands apart from all other faiths.
Using the framework and guidelines of the Bible, what directions are Christians given concerning where and how to invest the money they save? In this podcast, we use the general framework of the Bible to shine some light on questions such as 'should Christians earn interest on their money' and 'should Christians invest in the stock market'
The Bible speaks a great deal about money and how followers of God should view wealth and income. So, what do the scriptures say about Christians putting aside some savings or even accumulating wealth through a 401K program? A search beginning in the book of Proverbs provides us a definitive answer to this common question.
In almost every case in the Gospels when Jesus refers to Himself, He does so as 'The Son Of Man'. But why? Every word Jesus spoke was calculated and designed to provide deep meaning and maximum impact and the title He used for Himself was no different. In this podcast, we survey scriptures from Daniel chapter 7 in the Old Testament to Romans chapter 5 in the New Testament to build our understanding of this issue.
It is a common saying that we have to love ourselves - and if we don’t, then learn to love ourselves - before we can love others. But if we use the Bible as our starting point, this is not necessarily true. Of course, we should understand that we have worth and value because we are made in the image of God. But we should not wait until our self esteem and self love are at a certain level before caring about others.
The idea of life occurring in cycles and specifically the concepts of rebirth and reincarnation are common to manmade religions. But what does the inspired scripture of the Bible have to say on these topics? In this podcast, we explore what the Bible has to say about whether the universe is cyclical and what it teaches us about reincarnation.
The Bible says that God is love and that He loved the world so much He sent His only Son to save us. So, why do the scriptures that speak so frequently of love also command us to fear the Lord? What does it mean to fear the Lord? In this podcast, we look at the word and its different meanings to paint an accurate picture of this concept.
What lessons are we to take away today from the account of the thief on the cross told in the Gospel of Luke? If we say and do exactly as he did, will we be saved? Unfortunately, this account has been misunderstood and misused at times. In this podcast, we will explain the beautiful lessons that we are to take from this story but also clearly show where and how it is limited in its application for us today.
If we survey the religious landscape of the world, it is easy to come to the impression that people in different geographies with different cultures each practice their own religions and those religions only grow because people in each area are born into that faith. So, is the religion we practice just based on where we were born or where we live? The answer is no and the reasons why are discussed in this podcast. Christianity has historically made conversion into the faith ...
Is it better to blow off steam occasionally rather than letting it build up until everything rips apart? In our most agitated moments, it sure feels as though we need a release valve. But the common idea that letting off steam when under pressure will help prevent something worse at a later time is incorrect and unbiblical. In this podcast, we explore what the Bible has to say on the topic.