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Feed your mind. Be provoked. One big idea at a time. Your brain will love you for it. Grab your front row seat to the best live forums and festivals with Natasha Mitchell.
767 Episodes
When Kasey Chambers was growing up, her dad had one simple, yet profound piece of advice. Just don't be a d**khead.
President Donald Trump’s administration is already muzzling government-funded scientists. Closer to home, Australian scientists have their own stories to tell about science censored, stymied or watered down when its findings aren’t convenient to industry or politicians. Should scientists stand up as things fall down? A Tasmanian panel argue why scientists should speak up, and consider the tensions between advocacy and impartiality when they do.  SpeakersAlexandra de BlasScience and environmental communicator, consultantMember, Tasmanian Independent Science CouncilLouise CherrieEnvironmental management consultantDr Lila LandowskiNeuroscientist and science communicatorCollege of Health and Medicine, University of TasmaniaBoard director, Science & Technology Australia The Honourable Megan (Meg) Webb Independent Member for NelsonTasmanian Legislative CouncilRobyn WilliamsHost of The Science Show, ABC Radio National Dr Lisa-ann GershwinBiologist, marine scientist, authorMember, Tasmanian Independent Science Council
From the inner cities to the outer suburbs, to rural and regional Australia, just what is going on in minds of voters as we embark on another federal election?
Australia resettled fascists, even war criminals after World War II as part of a worldwide program led by the International Refugee Organisation. The background of these immigrants was known to all political parties, but they were regarded as cheap – and white – labour. Historian Jayne Persian explores the impact of these characters on the trajectory of postwar politics — a phenomenon well documented in other parts of the world but with which Australia has barely begun to reckon.Presented by the Brisbane Writers FestivalJayne PersianAssociate Professor in History, University of Southern QueenslandAuthor of Fascists in Exile: Post-War Displaced Persons in Australia and Beautiful Balts: From Displaced Persons to New AustraliansAnthony CooperAuthor of best-selling Darwin Spitfires and Dispatch from Berlin, 1943
Take folly, friction, pain and empathy … mix well, and you get wise governmental decisions. If only it was that simple. Zachary Shore looks at the personal qualities, group dynamics, and historical conditions that have made wise decisions more or less likely to arise. The world’s current troubles would be more manageable, he contends, if we understood more clearly what produces wisdom and how to apply it. So what can we learn from history? A Wiser World: The Global Quest for Good Judgement was presented by the American Academy in BerlinZachary ShoreProfessor in the department of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School, National Security Visiting Fellow at the Hoover InstitutionDaniel BenjaminPresident of the American Academy in Berlin
Have you noticed mushrooms are having a moment? Merlin Sheldrake's New York Times bestselling bookEntangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our Futures has captivated readers worldwide. Be enchanted by a world unseen – one without which you wouldn't exist - and which might inspire you to re-imagine how you think about yourself and your relationships.  Merlin and guests join Natasha Mitchell at the Now or Never Festival of Art, Ideas, Sound, Technology and the Melbourne Museum.Dr Merlin SheldrakeBiologist, writer, speaker, brewer, fermenter, musicianAuthor, Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our FuturesDr Tom MayMycologist and Senior Research ScientistRoyal Botanical Gardens VictoriaAuthor, Wild Mushrooming in Australia.  Amanda MorganCEO and head of R&DFungi SolutionsThanks to Melbourne Museum event producer Alice Gibbons and to the museum's sound engineering team.
Nicky Winmar's iconic stand against racism was a wakeup call more than 30 years ago. But how much has really changed? Racism on and off the field continues to be an issue across Australia, when we should be celebrating Indigenous sport icons.Presented by the Byron Writers Festival, supported by First Nations Australia Writers Network FNAWN.Listen to Big Ideas - Australia's sporting mythsSpeakersRhoda RobertsProducer, artistic director, journalist and broadcaster and author of My Cousin FrankWoman of the Bundjalung NationNicky WinmarNoongar man, AFL player and author of Nicky Winmar: My StoryNaomi Moran (host)CEO of Koori Mail, First Nations newspaperNyangbal and Arakwal woman from the Bundjalung nation
Almost every country town across Australia has a Chinese restaurant. Why is that? And what role do they play in the story of immigration and multiculturalism, as well as the life and tastebuds of regional communities? This event was recorded at Sydney's Gleebooks.SpeakersJennifer Wong Comedian, writer, tv presenter, columnist, curator, host and co-author of Chopsticks or Fork?Lin Jie Kong Producer, director, editor, co-author Chopsticks or Fork?Annabel Crabb (host) Writer and presenter, ABCFurther informationWatch Chopsticks or Fork on ABC iView
Three of Australia's best music writers share their craft, and reveal what it's like to sit down with some of music's biggest names.
Meet two men who will change the way you think about an experience most of us fear but will be touched by in some way.  In Patting the Shark, surfing writer Tim Baker describes his wild ride to reclaim a sense of control and agency after a cancer diagnosis. Celebrated author and GP Peter Goldsworthy’s memoir The Cancer Finishing School started out as a journal but became so much more.They join Natasha Mitchell for intimate an intimate, revelatory, funny, and generous conversation about the Big C and how medicine needs to change. This event was hosted by the 2024 Queenscliffe Literary FestivalSpeakersTim BakerJournalist, editor, patient advocate, PhD candidateAuthor, Patting the Shark: A surfer's journey — learning to live well with cancer (Ebury Australia/Penguin, 2022)Dr Peter GoldsworthyGP, author, librettist, poetAuthor, The Cancer Finishing School —lessons in laughter, love, resilience (Penguin, 2024)
What does Donald Trump's return to the White House mean for reproductive health in America?
Prepare to have your mind blown with a sweeping saga that connects human evolution, brains, genes, art, music, creativity, knowledge, dyslexia, autism, Indigenous memory systems, and more. A big, beautiful and biological saga about how to learn like a human again. Joining Natasha Mitchell are Australian Senior Memory Champion, scientist and author Dr Lynne Kelly with artist Jane Rusden and musician and educator Hilary Blackshaw. This event was hosted by the 2024 Mountain Festival in Macedon, Victoria.SpeakersDr Lynne KellyScience writerAuthor, The Knowledge Gene: the incredible story of the supergene that gives us human creativity (Allen and Unwin, 2024)Author, The Memory Code (Allen and Unwin, 2016) Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe UniversityHonorary Fellow, School of Physics, University of MelbourneHilary BlackshawMusician and musical educatorBendigo Musical Instrumental ProgramJane RusdenArtist
Is there life on Mars?

Is there life on Mars?


It's a question that has focused the minds of astronauts, scientists, space entrepreneurs and enthusiasts alike — is there, could there be, life on Mars? The race is on to find out, with NASA hoping to land astronauts there by the late 2030s. Because of its similar conditions to Earth, they're hoping the red planet could hold clues to the enduring mysteries of how life began, and whether we are alone in the universe.This event was recorded at the World Science Festival Brisbane in partnership with the Queensland Museum and the Big Questions Institute on March 22, 2024. Original Big Ideas broadcast on 16 April 2024.SpeakersProfessor Tamara Davis Astrophysicist, University of QueenslandProfessor Kathleen Campbell Astrobiologist, University of AucklandProfessor Martin Van Kranendonk Astrobiologist and geologist, Head of the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin UniversityDr Jorge Vago ExoMars Project Scientist, European Space AgencyDr Graham Phillips (host) Astrophysicist, science journalist, former host of Catalyst (ABC)
New York writer Jonathan Rosen’s memoir The Best Minds: a story of friendship, madness, and the tragedy of good intentions is a story of tenderness, heartache, and horror as he explores the vexed tensions between civil rights, medical power, and the complexities of recognising and treating severe psychotic illness. He joins Big Ideas host Natasha Mitchell with psychiatrist Patrick McGorry for a powerful, moving conversation at the 2024 Adelaide Writers WeekOriginal broadcast on May 1, 2024Speakers:Jonathan RosenWriter and editorAuthor, The Best Minds: a story of friendship, madness, and the tragedy of good intentionsPatrick McGorryPsychiatristExecutive Director, OrygenProfessor of Youth Mental Health, University of MelbourneFounding Director, Headspace (National Youth Mental Health Foundation)Further information and support services:Lifeline Australia24x7 Crisis Support line on 13 11 14Beyond BlueMensLine AustraliaSANE AustraliaReachOut AustraliaAFRAFMI - supporting friends and carers of people with mental illnessOne Door Mental Health (formerly the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW)Hearing Voices NetworkMental Health First Aid AustraliaAustralians for Mental Health - advocating for better mental health policy and services in Australia
For decades, Mary Beard has forged her own path through the male dominated field of academia, from the ruins of Rome to the trenches of Twitter, to become "the world's most famous classicist". From the wise Augustus to the hypocritical Tiberius and the barking mad Caligula, Mary Beard uses these Roman rulers as a lens to examine life in their empire, and asks what lessons they can teach us about the world today.This event was recorded at Adelaide Writers' Week and originally broadcast on Big Ideas on 9 April 2024.SpeakersMary BeardAuthor Emperor of Rome, (also Pompeii, Confronting the Classics, SPQR, Women & Power, Twelve Caesars)Professor Emerita of Classics at Cambridge UniversityJonty ClaypoleWriter, documentary producer and arts administratorCEO, Red Room PoetryFormer Director of Arts, BBC
We are living in an "age of crises," says former New Zealand prime minister, Helen Clark. With her leadership experience and expertise in governance, politics, and policy, Helen Clark and a panel of health and international relation experts explore the challenges facing the world today and what is needed to achieve a healthier and thriving future for all. proWhile it's easy to feel overwhelmed by complex problems, speaking up about inequality can make a difference. Helen Clark urged everyone to "raise the issues, never give up, and relentlessly campaign".Politics, policy, and a healthy human future was hosted by ANU College of Health and Medicine with the Australian Global Health AllianceOriginal broadcast on May 7, 2024SpeakersHelen ClarkFormer Prime Minister of New Zealand and former UNDP AdministratorSharon FrielProfessor of Health Equity and an ARC Laureate Fellow in Planetary Health Equity at the ANU School of Regulation and Global GovernanceBina D'CostaProfessor at the Department of International Relations, ANU Coral Bell School of Asia-Pacific AffairsDr Arnagretta Hunter (host)Human Futures Fellow at ANU College of Health and Medicine, a cardiologist, a physician, and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at ANU Medical School
Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world's foremost experts on trauma, discusses his pioneering research into traumatic stress and its impact on our brains and bodies. Traumatised people experience incomprehensible anxiety, numbing and intolerable rage. Trauma affects their capacity to concentrate, to remember, to form trusting relationships, and even to feel at home in their own bodies. And he explains promising treatments, including neurofeedback, psychedelic therapy, psychodrama … and dance.This talk was presented by the Sydney Opera HouseOriginal broadcast on March 26, 2024SpeakersDr Bessel van der KolkDutch psychiatrist, author, researcher and educatorAuthor of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Viking Press, 2014Sarah KanowskiPresenter of Conversations on RNHelplines1800 737 732 / 1800RESPECT or visit Knot Helpline and Redress Support Service 1300 657 380 or visit
When governments say they can't afford to fix climate change or lift kids out of poverty are they speaking the truth? American economist Stephanie Kelton challenges economic orthodoxy in her book The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy. She joins Natasha Mitchell in conversation at this 2024 National Sustainability Festival event.
Join host Natasha Mitchell and guests for some straight talk that cuts through spin and jargon. Has the way politicians speak ever made you shout at the television, feel bamboozled, helpless,  or shut out of democratic debate over our shared future? Pollie-talk can make important issues opaque, the inequitable seem fair, and the fair seem inequitable. Hear from Richard Denniss (author of Econobabble: How to decode political spin and economic nonsense), Yanis Varoufakis (author of Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism),  Joelle Gergis (author of Humanity's Moment: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope) and Thomas Keneally (Schindler's List). Original broadcast on April 24, 2024.
Residents of the Pacific and Torres Strait Islands face an existential threat from climate change, as rising sea levels threaten to swallow up their homes and livelihoods. But they are fighting back - calling for Australia and other countries to do more to end investment in fossil fuels and prevent a full blown climate catastrophe.This event was recorded on Kaurna country at WOMADelaide's Planet Talks on March 9, 2024. With thanks also to The Australia Institute. Original Big Ideas broadcast on 28 May 2024.SpeakersAnote Tong President of the Republic of Kiribati 2003- 2016Chair, Pacific Elders VoiceYessie Mosby Zenadh Kes Masig traditional ownerPlaintiff, Torres Strait 8Our Islands Our Home campaignTishiko King Climate and first nations advocateMember, Australian Museum Climate Solutions Centre Advisory GroupBoard Director, Divers for ClimateTiahni Adamson (host) Lead Community Engagement Officer at CH4GlobalLecturer at the University of South Australia2024 Young Australian of the Year (South Australia)
Comments (18)

Megan Prowse

I am desperately interested in your message, however you speak too fast for me and, your message is lost. It is like a machine gun. Communication is the message received.

Apr 14th
Reply (1)

J Coker

No mention of Reagan's increase in military spending which broke the finances of the Soviets. Or to be fair the voodoo economics which pushed Americans into borrowing, increased their consumption at the expense of their future

May 26th

J Coker

Steven Koonin. unsettled what climate science tells us, what it doesn't and why it matters

May 21st

Shannon Smulian

I did not feel this topic was covered fully. I felt it was very one sided, and that some of the examples and conclusions offered were not explored fairly

Nov 2nd


Love this Ep ❤ thank you !

Apr 10th

Kamran Mosleh

I enjoyed the scientific approach and unbiased vewpoints as well the valuable information! thanks

Mar 12th

Kendra M

Hugh @ 7'40": not "our Indigenous people"

Jan 8th

Petr Pavlík

The episode resonated with me. It touches the issues I see as a parent.

Oct 1st

Rebecca Mullins

As an American citizen, I would say the U.S. government most certainly does glorify war.

Aug 14th
Reply (1)

Michael Koch

Disappointing right from the inset.

Aug 6th


Omg! SUCH a brilliant episode !

Aug 4th


Brilliant discussion. Loved it !

Jun 13th


The first letter of the title of many episodes is cut off.

Dec 28th

Mark Pearson

Always on my playlist. Big ideas, new thinking and great solid conversations.

Nov 9th

Prayas Ojha

Very interesting arguments.... Great job

Apr 17th


Paul Robeson podcast

Dec 29th