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Hope For Parents With Struggling Teens

Author: Brandon Joffe, LCSW

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You've done everything you can to be a great parent, but your child is still struggling. You are not alone and you are not failing as a parent. Whether your child is struggling with depression and anxiety or is just simply a defiant mess you will find the support you need and the interventions that work here.
19 Episodes
Failure to Launch

Failure to Launch


Brandon tackles the growing issue of "failure to launch," where young adults struggle with independence, creating stress and resentment in families. Learn how setting healthy boundaries and focusing on your well-being can support your child's growth and family harmony. He also emphasizes that parenting is a journey best navigated with community support—it's not one to undertake alone. Find insights on empowering your child's autonomy while maintaining peace and satisfaction in your parenting ...
Brandon explores the challenges of parenting a defiant child and emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries. He explores how parents can team up effectively even amidst meltdowns and defiant behaviors, and why disengagement and silent consistency can bring calm to chaotic situations. Discover actionable strategies for protecting your peace without sacrificing your well-being, and learn why maintaining clear, simple, and concrete boundaries is key to fostering a healthier family dynamic.T...
Brandon dives into the complex world of parent-child relationships, focusing on strategies for repairing and nurturing a connection with a child who seems distant or wants to cut ties. He touches on overcoming parental fears by understanding the purpose of boundaries for long-term contentment without resentment. This episode highlights the value of persistence, consistency, and healthy communication for mental well-being in challenging times.This audio is from the 'Hope for Parents with Strug...
Brandon explores food addiction, boundaries, and grief in parenting. He explains that addiction behaviors can persist without substance use and stresses the importance of setting firm boundaries to avoid enabling. Parents should focus on healthy behaviors, consistent boundaries, and not basing their actions on their child’s reactions. Grief can affect behavior but shouldn't change how we approach boundaries. Brandon advises parents to never give up, love unconditionally, seek connection, enli...
Zack Collie is an Associate Marriage Family Therapist who has been working at Inspired Resolutions for a year. He has an Instagram @theparalyzedtherapist. He was in a diving accident at 15 years old that left him wheelchair-bound. This event led him down the path of becoming a therapist to help others. Zack is also newly married and has taken on the role of stepdad. What’s the difference between morals and values? Morals refer to what’s right and wrong. While values capture what’s import...
The Laundry Issue!

The Laundry Issue!


Our guest is a mother whose child has been on a different path from most. She has been attending our parenting group for many years. She gives a history of her journey with her son and their progress in rebuilding and maintaining their relationship. We talked about how she could stop doing the things that didn’t work without her child making the changes she wanted him to make. She tells the story of an incident that occurred recently. Her child was acting up and she chose to de-escalate the s...
The Yelling Challenge

The Yelling Challenge


What if we as parents challenged ourselves to stop yelling. Well Pat has become a social media sensation doing just that and putting it out there for everyone to see. In this episode we explore some parenting dynamics that can be frustrating and often lead to yelling. If it worked we would all see that in our children. Yelling has its place in parenting, but is often an unhealthy crutch.
Parenting Pinocchio

Parenting Pinocchio


Today my guest is pastor Kyle Zimmerman from Orange Friends Church, who recently gave a Sunday message that I feel applies to parenting struggling teens.Whether you believe there’s a God or follow Christianity or not, you’re going to get some good wisdom out of his insight about boundaries, parenting, and the definition of real love.Pastor Kyle used an illustration from the story of Pinocchio in his message and related it to the ideas of God’s caring nature, the Gospel, and what healthy, matu...
Welcome back to Hope for Parents with Struggling Teens. Today we’re joined once again by Brittany Johns, LMFT to talk about some recent trends in the mental health world and a few of the dynamics we’ve been seeing recently in many families of struggling teens.We address some new diagnostic terms that are growing in popularity, as well as a couple of phrases that aren’t actually real diagnoses at all.First, we address the term “school avoidant.” Many of our listeners will draw different c...
On today’s episode, I got to talk with Asha Bhattacharya, who was crowned Miss Anaheim when she was 18 and has been using her platform to spread awareness about mental health ever since.I used to think all pageants were focused on beauty, and all pretty much the same, and I know I’m not the only one who will benefit from hearing how Miss America and other pageants actually work, and what they’re really about.I met Asha at this year’s Walk With Hope for Suicide Prevention event. Her passion fo...
Welcome back to the Hope for Parents with Struggling Teens podcast!My guest today is an incredibly inspiring woman named Annette Craig. Annette founded my favorite non-profit in the world: The With Hope Foundation Annette lost her daughter Amber to suicide extremely unexpectedly in 2005, when Amber was just 14. Now, With Hope, The Amber Craig Memorial Foundation is actively educating teens on the topics of suicide prevention and mental health awareness. They also host many educational pr...
Today’s episode is all about gaslighting. This term has become very popular in our culture over the last decade, and I’ve noticed that not everyone is using it in the same way. “Gaslighting” was Merriam-Webster’s most searched word of 2022, and has taken a prominent role online as people attempt to describe things like deceit, feeling discredited, being misrepresented, and more. The traditional connotation of the word “gaslighting” has to do with purposeful mind manipulat...
In this episode, I want to talk about the three basic rules to the parenting relationship.Number one: stop what doesn’t work. Getting rid of practices that aren’t bearing fruit seems like a no-brainer, but however obvious it may be, it can be hard to do. Sometimes we can be operating in defaults and habits that have been around for years, and ceasing these activities and approaches can feel uncomfortable. There may even be a gap, where you don’t quite know what to do instead.I’ve even ad...
Boundaries II

Boundaries II


This episode it all about boundary setting.The topic of setting healthy boundaries is a significant part of my practice. When done correctly, it can be a game changer in many challenging parenting dynamics.Many parents have heard of and tried setting boundaries, but it’s common to begin the boundaries journey with some misconceptions about what they do and why they’re important. It’s normal for a parent to desire to change a teen’s behavior - especially if that behavior is destructive - ...
First, I address the subject of doing what works. Some of us can continue to do things that aren’t working because we believe it’s the right way to parent, that it SHOULD work, or that maybe it is somehow secretly working. Common approaches that often don’t work are: nagging, repeating, yelling, criticizing, and sometimes even the punishment and reward approach. Instead, we want to stop the ineffective approaches, so we can become open to more effective strategies in the future.I also ta...
On this episode of the Hope for Parents with Struggling Teens podcast, we’re going to tackle the heart-wrenching and all too familiar topic of substance use and addiction.Today I’m talking with Brittany Johns AMFT. Brittany carries valuable expertise from her years of experience helping teens through substance abuse and addiction.What can you do to help your teen who is using? Some therapists who speak and write on the topic will list off a litany of options, from ripping through a teen’s roo...
Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries


Welcome back to the Hope for Parents with Struggling Teens podcast, a resource for parents who want to learn what really works in relationships with struggling teens.Have you ever set a boundary with someone, and then that person just wouldn’t respect it? Well, guess what - that wasn’t a proper boundary. There’s a common misunderstanding about boundaries floating around right now, that the other person in your life has to honor it for it to be a success. In reality, a boundary is a...
Getting Your Teen Help

Getting Your Teen Help


You are not alone if you don’t know where to go or what to do in order to get your child the help he or she needs. There is so much information on what to do and how to do it that it can be overwhelming. In a way, it seems like there are countless options and at times it seems that there is no help for what your family is struggling with. Get some answers and better navigate getting your family help.
When we first have a kid most of us dreamt about their future, how we were going to protect them, and how we were going to make sure that we start off correctly with not too much but just enough parenting intervention. Often our desire for them to have a successful and happy future leads us to parenting behaviors that do not put the relationship first. The lessons and the parenting become more important. It is our job to influence our children and in order to do that, we hav...