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Preaching Through Podcast

Author: Faithful & Fruitful

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Pastors are planning, preparing, and preaching in isolation. It is not that they don’t have trusted friends and family around them – they do. The isolation they are facing is in their own ministry where they play multiple positions, fill multiple roles, and feel they do not have anyone else to share the burden of preaching and teaching with. The Preaching Through podcast is the conversation that takes place when pastors come together to encourage one another to grow, challenging each other’s ability to communicate the Gospel. Each episode gives you a seat table with ministry leaders exploring how to plan and prepare to preach through topics, books, and subjects that are central to following Jesus in 21st Century America.

33 Episodes
Sabbaticals for Pastors

Sabbaticals for Pastors


Send us a Text Message.A sabbatical can be a game-changer for high capacity, high vision lead pastors, offering an opportunity for deep rest and renewal. Those who have the chance to take one often find it to be an invaluable investment in their short-term ministry, long-term ministry, and overall spiritual well-being.But do lead pastors deserve a sabbatical? The answer might surprise you.In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast we dive deep into the most pressing and frequently asked que...
Send us a Text Message.Mars Hill planted a location in Phoenix, Arizona. Six months later the church collapsed. Instead of shutting down the church and returning home, Tim Birdwell launched a new church the very next Sunday. Not only did Tim transition from preaching occasionally to every week, he was following in the footsteps of a leader who built a large movement on the back of his communication skills. Several years after Phoenix Bible Church established itself as its own unique congregat...
Send us a Text Message.Are you struggling to keep your sermons concise yet powerful? Preaching is an art form that you can improve in over time and the practice of shaving down your sermon lengths while striving to maintain impact is a discipline that will help you continue to preach with a punch over the long-haul.Maintaining audience engagement, effortless transition into response time, and integrating the sermon better with the overall flow of the service is often an overflow of a sermon t...
Send us a Text Message.Sermon illustrations are vital for making biblical truths come alive in a way that will stick with listeners over the long-haul. Yet, illustration ideas is an ongoing struggle for many preachers. Uncovering an illustration that effectively shines a light on the text and seasons the message is not just a key discipline of message prep, but it is an art form.If all an illustration was good for was to help make key truths real, tangible, and applicable to modern life, it w...
Send us a Text Message.A killer introduction is critical for getting people to not just listen to your sermon... but actually care about the message you're about to share. A rookie preacher can captivate attention with a strong introduction as easily as a veteran preacher can lose people without a thoughtful and thought provoking introduction.In this episode, we listen to and analyze examples of five different types of introductions, from incorporating humor to asking engaging questions. We'l...
Send us a Text Message.We all tend to shrink God down to size in our minds, crafting Him into a more comfortable and understandable being. But in today's episode, the focus is on expanding the vision of who God truly is in all His greatness, glory, goodness, and grace. We will unpack the profound implications wrapped up in what we call “the 4 Gs.” Even if you don’t preach an entire series on them, these God-centered truths can revolutionize how you communicate the gospel.The main points ...
Send us a Text Message.Whether you're a seasoned preacher or just starting out, a clear sermon structure is crucial for effectively communicating biblical truth. In today's episode, we'll be breaking down the essential architecture of an impactful sermon point. You'll discover the key elements that must be included to captivate your listeners' attention, convince them of the truth, inspire life change, and pave a smooth path from start to finish. We all know the difference between a...
Send us a Text Message.Do you sometimes feel like an imposter when you step into the pulpit? Like you're trying to imitate other preachers rather than preaching as your authentic self? Finding your unique preaching voice can free you up to genuinely pastor your flock. Yes, the sound of your voice has something to do with it... but it's really much more than that! It is your personality, passions, delivery style, and other nuances about you that come together to form the authentic you in ...
Send us a Text Message.Preaching through an entire book of the Bible can seem daunting. How do you keep people engaged week after week? What if you hit confusing passages or genealogies? And how slow should you take it - verse by verse or breezing through larger sections?In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast we tackle all of the key decisions preachers face when planning a sermon series for preaching through books of the Bible:Why teach sequentially and what benefits does it offer cong...
Send us a Text Message.God's biggest rival isn't Satan, it's money.Money is already sensitive topic for so many. When the church starts talking about money it ticks the boxes of culturally and emotionally difficult topics. Lead pastors should talk about money — Jesus did and even when he wasn't talking about finances, much of his stories and example involved the concept of money.If you never talk about it, that sends a message.If you always talk about it, that sends a message, too.The ne...
Send us a Text Message.New lead pastor? Merging with another congregation? Sharing some disappointing news that impacts everyone? Changing the name of your church? Most preachers will experience the responsibility of preaching through a big change that impacts everyone in their congregation and leading change is rarely easy and seamless.But doing it well it's essential if you hope to thrive on the other side of change.As leaders, we're called to help our people navigate change and to see the ...
Send us a Text Message.Preaching through summer months is a different experience for every church. For churches in Phoenix, Arizona summer includes 31 consecutive days 110 degrees... for churches in Toledo, Ohio the summers represent the best months of the year. But no matter what unique challenges you face each summer, the opportunity for ministry impact is real and it's the responsibility of preachers to make the most of it.In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast we talk about wha...
Send us a Text Message.You're at a new church...Maybe you planted it.Or, maybe you're stepping into a new role at an already established church.What should that first year of preaching look like? Are there principles to help you navigate building your preaching calendar, naming your sermon series, or setting up your weekly sermon?We think there are!In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast we talk about keys to preaching well during your first year at a new church. You only get one chance ...
Send us a Text Message.There are two questions you should ask people in your newcomers class. The first one is a no-brainer. "What made you decide to visit our church."The second question... "Why did you decide to come back?"How great would it be if everyone who visited on Easter Sunday would return for the next week? You actually have more influence on the return visit than you may realize and that's what we discuss in this episode of Preaching Through Podcast.Yes, there are things you ...
Send us a Text Message.You frequently find yourself navigating the nuanced worlds of praise, criticism, and most palpably, silence when it comes to your preaching. How serious do you take the criticism? How meaningful is the praise? How do you continue to invest and give your best when it feels like no one is listening... good or bad?In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast we dive into these three reactions to preaching and deliver insights for processing criticism, receiving, praise, an...
Send us a Text Message.Are you preaching from a manuscript? Do you have a bullet point list that serves as your sermon notes? Are you stepping into the pulpit with no notes with your entire message memorized and ready to deliver?Very few pastors ever start out, completely satisfied with how they handle their sermon notes for every sermon — maybe over time you get a bit more comfortable, but in the end many preachers aspire to handle the notes part of preaching with a greater level of effectiv...
Send us a Text Message.How fun would it be to use your best stories, best illustrations, best jokes, and best sermon content for two, three, even four sermons straight?What's more... everyone shows up for every message!This is the opportunity afforded when you are invited to preach at camps and conferences and that's exactly what we're talking about in this episode of Preaching Through Podcast.Discover practical tips for preparing your messages, getting feedback from event directors, and how ...
Send us a Text Message.Get used to preaching in front of a camera — it's not going away. In fact, it may become more and more common for pastors to teach and preach through a lens to supplement the live weekend preaching. In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast you'll discover some of the insights and instruction you can lean on as you seek to become a more effective communicator through the camera. Discover all of our free resources:
Send us a Text Message.There is a 'right way' to preach through a wedding and funeral... 'get out of the way, its not about you.' It's true, no one is there to see you, yet, you have such an important part.From storytelling, to sharing the Gospel, to ministering to the people involved, there is an opportunity to use the preaching moment to remind people of what's important, why it matters, and how to respond. Receiving an invitation to celebrate or mourn with a family comes with opportun...
Send us a Text Message.What do you believe your sermons have the power to do? What do you believe about the weekly preaching moment? Who or what should have influence over your preaching? What are your Assumptions, Beliefs, and Convictions about preaching? Every preacher has them but very few write them down and if you have never written them down, it is worth your time.In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast we discuss the 10 ABCs of Preaching developed by Luke to stay account...