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A Word from The Park
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A Word from The Park

Author: Pastor Kaji at The Park Avenue Christian Church

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Sermons from Pastor Kaji Douša, Senior Pastor of the Park Avenue Christian Church in New York City. Park Avenue Christian Church, called "The Park" by its members and friends is an inclusive community of Christians who follow the example of radical welcome set by Jesus.
98 Episodes
I don’t know what’s on your heart today, I don’t know what your deepest needs are, but … no matter what, even if you come to Jesus, what God will do is come to you as well.
God is already working on what you thought was impossible. 🕊️ Watch ‘Intervention Underway’ now.#GodsPlan #FaithJourney #InterventionUnderway #SundaySermon #Healing #TrustInGod #HopeRestored



If your adversarial lion is roaring, your God is going to be louder. Trust. If you’re willing to change (and especially if you’re willing to hear what you don’t want to hear) the course will be clear. Because when you resist, firm in your faith, God’s glory shines.
"God Is" summer series by The Rev. Kaji Douša
"God Is" summer series by The Rev. Kaji Douša
"God Is" summer series by The Rev. Kaji Douša
"God Is" summer series by The Rev. Kaji Douša
"God Is" summer series: "God is not a liar. God is honest." by The Rev. Kaji Douša
The first in the "God Is" summer series.
"What God Cares About"

"What God Cares About"


What’s most important to God? The trouble with asking this question is that you might just get the answer. You can ask God. But be prepared for God’s answer to be quite different from what you’re expecting or even asking for.
"Kidnapping" Jesus

"Kidnapping" Jesus


When we feel alone in our struggles, when it feels like God is on the mountaintop, see how God is in preparation mode, getting ready to show up in miraculous ways.
God is doing wondrous things in you. Your conscious mind may not know this all of the time. But your soul - that connection God implants in each of us when that life is breathed into our beings - your soul knows this very well. You are at your strongest when your conscious mind is aligned with the deep wisdom God has implanted within your soul.



You are always, always, where you are meant to be. The people in your life have a purpose, the place where you are in life is instructive, the room where you are is a sanctuary. It’s a blessing to you because it’s where you’re meant to be. Whatever, wherever you are, you are: becoming.
"Distorted Cravings"

"Distorted Cravings"


Ask yourself, "How is God providing in spiritual hunger?" The answer is: the provision is there. #SpiritualHunger #GodsProvision



Jesus loves when you break your chains. Jesus loves when you can set up structures and practices within yourself to do your best to resist the chains.



You grow for yourself and your loved ones, for sure. But also for others who need the benefit of the blessings you pass along. Can you even imagine yourself as a refuge? Because God can. #ProgressiveFaith #PrideMonth #MustardSeedFaith #GodsProvision #GodsNurture #CanopyOfFaith



What is the thing in your life that God is willing to multiply? What ask do you need to make in order to believe that your God is indeed working and ready for you to see? #FaithAndFinances #DebtRelief #NYCChurch #GodsProvision #ProgressiveFaith #CommunitySupport #HopeInNYC
"Pentecost Vibes: Hearing and Understanding in the Spirit" #PentecostVibes #HolySpirit #PropheticVoice #Acts2 #DivineConnection #PeaceInTheSpirit #FaithAndUnderstanding #SpiritualAwakening
🔔✨ Are you ready to unlock the roadmap to your thriving? Join @pastorkaji as we @thepark1010 dive into the richness of Revelation 3, guided by the wisdom of John of Patmos. 📜 This deeply encoded text speaks volumes about resilience, growth, and the art of moving forward. From paying attention to God knocking on your door to embracing change and releasing what holds you back, Revelation 3 offers a profound roadmap for spiritual growth and transformation. 🌱 So listen closely, for God's voi...