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God Speaks

Author: Lausanne Orality Network

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Conversations on Orality & the Gospel. Hosted by the Lausanne Orality Network
24 Episodes
"Any one thirst? Come." In this episode of God Speaks, Michael J. Mantle and Jonathan Wiles of Living Water International discuss how orality has impacted not only their lives but also the cultural ethos of their entire org. In the missions world today, we need more of such forerunners. Websites mentioned during the episode:https://water.cc
God Speaks is excited to welcome Charles Madinger and Daniel Goerzen from the Institute of Orality Strategies (iOS) as they introduce a significant new orality initiative that seeks to address a familiar question: "What makes oral-reliant people oral-reliant?" Related links:https://gomap.pro
This week we are excited to have Dr. Grant Lovejoy joining us for the God Speaks Webinar. Dr. Lovejoy is the Director of Orality Strategies for IMB and brings his wealth of experience and expertise to discuss the hot topic of Orality in Urban Contexts.
We are delighted to welcome Laura Cooke to the next edition of God Speaks. Laura is the founder and creator of 7SONG: The Bible in Song. 7SONG tells the entire story of the Gospel in seven songs, and is being translated and sung by indigenous singers to share the message of Jesus with people in their heart language. Having traveled extensively, Laura ‘s passion is to use music to tell stories that lead people around the world to Jesus. Join us as we explore the relationship between orali...
We are excited to host Samuel Chiang, the former CEO of the International Orality Network (ION) and of the Seed Company. Samuel current serves as the Deputy Secretary General of Ministries for the World Evangelical Alliance and brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to our next episode of God Speaks. But, even more, Samuel hungers for God. Join us as we discuss with Samuel the role of orality within the future of the global church.
Orality and Multicultural TeamsWe are excited to welcome you to the next episode of God Speaks. Dr. Don Moon will be joining us.Don (PhD, Biola) brings thirty-plus years of experience, leadership, and teaching to our discussion of orality and cross-cultural teams. We are excited to welcome him to the God Speaks webinar as we discuss this critical issue in contemporary missions and specifically dialogue on how matters such as orality are critical for forming and maintaining our multi-cultural ...
Orality and Theological Education in the Majority World Context: Addressing the Oral OversightGod is raising up theologically astute Majority World leaders who care about equipping their leaders with appropriate tools to engage the oral-reliant communicators in their communities. One of those thought-leaders is Dr. Ezekiel Ajibade, senior lecturer at Nigheria Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Ajibade will be joining us to discuss some of the concerns but also some of the practical steps that ...
Re-Imagining Bible Translation Through YWAM and Orality: An Interview From The Ground-level In this last year, Vikki Wright and the YWAM Arua (Uganda) team have followed the Holy Spirit into the whole new world of Oral Bible Translation (OBT). They have already experienced God do some tremendous things and Vikki will be joining us to share in more detail how YWAM is trying to faithfully and orally promote Scripture access and engagement among groups of people with little to no Scri...
We are excited to have Dr. Ray Neu with us again this month on our God Speaks webinar/podcast. He will be modeling for us how to apply contextualized, oral hermeneutics to a biblical passage. This episode promises to be engaging and practical. We welcome you to join us as we seek to better communicate God's Word today.
This month, we will continue our experiential learning together as we explore how God shapes different people's character in the Bible through various life experiences. Specifically, we will examine the intersections God offered to people and how they responded to those opportunities and the choices they made. Such investigations will contribute to developing arobust oral character study.Dr. Ray Neu has learned some of the more practical and pragmatic aspects of doing Oral Hermeneutics in an ...
In their book, A Return to Oral Hermeneutics, Steffen and Bjoraker reengaged us in a vital discussion for today both in terms of missions as well as better Bible understanding for all of us.Ray Neu has learned some of the more practical and pragmatic aspects of doing Oral Hermeneutics in an African context. In the next several episodes, Ray will help us examine what the Bible itself says about interpretation as we explore treasures for today by considering the progressive development of chara...
Want to reach the world for Jesus? Most of the world's population is oral-preferenced. That means we need to incorporate orality into all of our mission strategies. But how do we do that? We begin with prayer. Join us for this next episode of God Speaks: Conversations on Orality and the Gospel as we explore the relationship between orality and prayer even as we PRAY together for the world's Oral Majority.
In this episode of God Speaks we explore the connections between orality and advent. Rather than being a presentation, this episode features a brief story performance and a discussion on how Jesus' incarnation impacts all of our communication.
Embodying the Spoken & Artistic WordWith Special Guest: Roce Anog-Madinger:Jesus shared stories. We know that. But Jesus must have also listened to the people’s stories for 30 years before he started teaching using parables, symbols, or metaphors. Roce will be sharing how the arts helped her listen to people’s hearts by ‘listening’ to their arts.Together with her husband Chuck, they head the Institutes for Orality Strategies based in Manila. Roce is also currently a PhD student in Indigen...
Episode 9 - Orality and Real Life Relationships:Putting Theory Into PracticeHaving been involved in Christian ministry since a teenager, Jim is dedicated to making God look good, Jesus well known and Christians well trained.For that reason his dedication to the Lord targets ministries emphasizing the practical. Orality fits nicely into that niche. He has been trained in two storytelling ministries and several years ago launched his own, WalkTalk, telling Bible stories as one walks through lif...
In this episode, we explore the questions that have shaped much of our traditional engagement approaches to Scripture. Dr. Tom Steffen and Dr. Bill Bjoraker will help us discover how oral hermeneutics invites us to reconsider our key questions as we seek to understand and communicate biblical message.
To fully appreciate orality, it is critical to deepen our understanding of the Hebraic communication paradigm. In this episode, Bill Bjoraker & Tom Steffen will explore God's intentional engagement with the children of Israel through meaning-filled expressions such as symbol, ritual, and materiality.
The lives of the saints are the hermeneutical key to Scripture—S. HauerwasThis webinar seeks to explore how engaging oral hermeneutics naturally leads to fresh ways of theologizing that can complement systematic and biblical theology. Building on previous episodes, the discussion will explore how orality and character theology allow for powerful connection and application between biblical characters of old and our lives today.
This conversation will begin with a brief and broad consideration of the typical text-reliant, systematic hermeneutical approaches of today. With those markers in place, Tom and Bill will spell out what they are offering by way of an oral hermeneutic and model this in a practical storytelling demonstration.
This conversation will delve into Tom and Bill’s chapter on how orality has shaped and interfaced with text in the making of the canon. The goal will be to help illuminate how our text-centric paradigm as a holdover from the Enlightenment (that was discussed in episode 3) is a relatively recent development. Furthermore, it will help illuminate how rather than orality being considered some new or modern trend, it has been instrumental all along.