DiscoverThe Based Podcast
The Based Podcast
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The Based Podcast

Author: Chris Larson & Jeff Gould

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What are you Based on? This is the question we put forth in every episode of Season 1. What is your worldview, your attitudes & words, your conversations you have inside your head Based on? If you are a follower of Christ, then every though you have should be Based on the Word of God, filtered through that book instead of the upside-down Clownworld that we are currently occupying.

Season 2 changes direction to a 1 on 1 interview/interrogation format, between Layman vs. Pastor, in which we ask for clarification of some of the nagging issues that most of us would be too shy to approach our pastor about. Things that may not make sense to us about a sermon, or bible verse, but can really distort our worldview if left unresolved.

31 Episodes



Fornication is one of those old timey words that needs to make a comeback to our modern parlance. Our culture is absolutely drunk on the proliferation of fornication. It's in our marketing, our movies and tv shows, all over our phones through social media and so-called "news". Selling illicit sex is a hugely profitable business, and everyone is susceptible to the temptation to indulge. In this discussion Chris & Pastor Randy discuss the many ways that Satan has normalized fornication...
Be still? Be silent?

Be still? Be silent?


Season 2 kicks off with the 1st in our series of LAYMAN vs. PASTOR, in which I interrogate a pastor for clarification on some of the issues of our modern times that confound us.This episode revolves around a devotional email that Pastor Randy Anderson (1st E Free Sioux Falls) recently sent out centered on Psalm 4:4 - "Be angry and do not sin: ponder in your own hearts in your own beds, and be silent. Selah"Seems simple, but does this mean that we are not to engage in the Culture Wars, or conf...
Pathetic Propaganda

Pathetic Propaganda


In this episode, we celebrate a local pastor for his fearless stance on preaching the entire bible to his congregation. One issue we discuss is his recent sermon on the “Pathetic Propaganda” used by the wicked to distort and weaken the sovereignty of Jesus, both during His time and now. We also touch on some churches falling prey to the “affirmation” cult and Theological Minimalism as a means to fill pews.GUESTPastor Randy Anderson“Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be tran...
Campus Preacher

Campus Preacher


God made men to be lions, not love bunnies. The Campus Preacher is a living example of what it means to be a lion; as he travels the country preaching the Word of God, Based on the entire bible, to what must surely be the most hostile environment in modern America - the college campus. As we’ve stated in earlier shows, “kids are dumb”, and this hate-fact is truer than ever as modern college-age young adults have turbo-charged their lack of wisdom with an overdose of worthless and false d...



Most believers know that our culture has become grossly "debased". How do we get "re-based"?Here we discuss the importance of Based Storytelling. For the most part, Christians have abandoned the field of storytelling in our modern times. But the Creator of the Universe, whom we serve, is the author of EVERY story; and of course Jesus was the most effective story (parable) teller of all time.One nugget from this discussion is that every story seems to contain the same three components that we ...
Sunday Breakfast

Sunday Breakfast


Sometimes, if one is seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God will speak in VERY CLEAR language. This is what happened to our guest, as he contemplated his plans for his ministry on the Crow Creek Reservation. God told him to feed His people, every week, and He would handle the rest from there. Obedience leads to blessings; faithfulness in our works is Kingdom-building.Jeff also shares some hilarious stories about food-smuggling through roadblocks during the height of the “panicdemic”.Gue...
Based Zoomers

Based Zoomers


Much of our modern entertainment/propaganda creators push the fantasy that children are the source of magical special knowledge, while adults fiddle fart their way through life, one crisis to the next. But, what seasoned adults in “the real world” know is that kids are dumb™ and not to be listened to. However, in this episode we interview two exceptions to this rule. Young men (18 years old) who are Based on the Word and who just may provide the spark of hope that we are leaving this wor...
Angry Man

Angry Man


The heart of anger beats to the pulsating sense of entitlement that “we deserve better than this!” Humility — the abandonment of the self-deception of control — is the antidote to anger.Derrick Marks is a recovering "angry man", Yankton Sioux Tribal Council member, pastor, based-on-the-word up and comer who joins us to discuss a condition that afflicts many young men — angry man syndrome. We also get into some thorny issues that you will hear nowhere else about the past and current tensions b...
Culture War

Culture War


Pastor Uri recently wrote an article for the Fight Laugh Feast magazine titled “CULTURE WARS & THE LAND GOD PROMISED”, in which these nuggets appeared:“In the last 50 years, many found the seduction of tranquility and monastic living more appealing than fighting the war for the land of Canaan.”“They will take their culture wars with an extra shot of espresso.”“Local pastors must speak clearly and unambiguously on these cultural issues.”Have you been trained to be a “Love Bunny” instead of...
The “trans” movement has now zoomed in on the most vulnerable of humanity — children. Our guest @BillboardChris is putting his life on the line of the Culture War front lines, fighting the great battle of our time: the “Trans” movement. This sinister crusade is being perpetuated by some of our most trusted medical institutions, such as Boston Children’s Hospital, where Billboard Chris has protested the barbarism of performing double mastectomies and castrations on young teens. Some belie...
BASED Business

BASED Business


What does it mean to base your business on the Word? Should believers feel morally obligated to apply Godly standards when they purchase goods and services?IMAGINE!In this show, Chris goes hard in-the-paint addressing all of the bad actors in the mattress industry; while laying out all the great reasons to Buy Local.SPONSOR: Comfort King Mattress Factory"The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy." —Proverbs 12:22
God is Boss

God is Boss


Have you truly made God your co-pilot or is He serving up snacks in the back?Greg Gieske is a Based decorated Army veteran, talented professional photographer, and seeker of God’s truth in our modern world.Greg and his wife LaRae have allowed God’s will to forge their path, fulfilling His purpose to use their artistic talents to glorify Him, and serve their fellow humans.Topics covered: Photography, War, Rambo, Covid BusinessGuest: Greg Gieske"He refreshes my soul, He guides me along the righ...
Father's Wisdom

Father's Wisdom


For many of us parents, we simply are outgunned when it comes to influencing our children against our modern decadent, corrupted, pagan culture. As we recently heard a local pastor say, we are the most messaged humans in all of history. And honestly, the majority of the messaging is against our worldview, and offensive to our Creator.SO, what to do? In 2020, Jim Rieffenberger joined with our very own Jeff Gould (America’s Storyteller) to create a great resource for parenting...Fath...



Part of having a BASED worldview is utilizing a vocabulary that is biblical, truthful and absolutely fearless. Sin, taboo, perverse, meek, and providence are some of the words and concepts that seem to have been erased from our American non-church lingo. In this episode we discuss the value in bringing them back into our lexicon.“Therefore encourage one another with these words.” — 1 Thessalonians 4
The Resistance

The Resistance


As we shake our heads at the tyranny of the Canadian government, most of us don't even know the half of it.Trudeau and his cohort of maniacal busybody bureaucrats have their collective boot on the neck of the Church, and our new friend Andrew is one of the very, very few brave Christian leaders who are prepared to continue resisting their tyrannical overlords who want nothing less than absolute control over every word preached from the pulpit.GUESTSPastor Andrew DeBartolo and Adam Brown‘’Resi...



This is a subject no one wants to talk about. There are not only many loved ones left wondering "why, why, why!?", but there even more people you know (perhaps even yourself ) who are struggling with the demonic pull—the voice that tells you that the world would “better off without you in it.”This is a lie from the Evil One, but that voice can sound just like our own voice. Brad Hearst with Survivors Joining for Hope has committed his life to helping those who’ve been scarred by sui...
Sunday Scaries

Sunday Scaries


Who wants to go to work?!Unfortunately, the events of the past few years have had a negative effect on Americans’ work ethic. Some speculate that it’s a direct result in the insidious influence of applied Marxism. Some say it’s a general malaise or a creeping nihilism that has infected the youth through the constant drip of the social media cesspool leakage media doom spreading. In this episode, we discuss what is looking like an epidemic: There simply are not enough young people in the ...
Based Coaching

Based Coaching


Youth sports, for many parents, becomes an all-consuming obsession into which they invest meaningful amounts of time, money and emotional energy, leading to idolatry.Coach Carl Teer founded CYAL (Christian Youth Activity League) at the urging of the Holy Spirit. His faithful service to this mission has allowed him to create opportunities for hundreds of local kids to experience Christ centered youth sports. WINNING is about more than numbers on a scoreboard.Guest:Coach Carl Teer“Fathers,...
Send Nudes

Send Nudes


"Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his own spirit." — Proverbs 25One of Satan's most effective tools is the use of envy and greed, the twin destroyers of divine contentment and thankfulness. In this episode, we encourage men to adjust their "operating system" to thwart the enemy and see God's will for our journey.Teach your sons to adopt this rule: you do not have the RIGHT to look at a woman/girl's nakedness, EVEN IF she offers it.PORN: a lie ...
Spending money in your local community is Based. Supporting your friends and neighbors who share our Heartland values, with companies that invest taxes, employ local folks and keep local charities afloat, is necessary in ensuring the continuation of our way of life. SCHEELS provides a rewarding experience for shoppers covering nearly every outdoor activity imaginable; encouraging your decision to buy local with their employment of staff that are friendly and most likely more knowle...