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Europa Felix
Author: Felix Ronkes Agerbeek
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© 2025 Europa Felix
Europa Felix is an interview podcast for European law professionals and enthusiasts. Listen every once in a while to an inspiring conversation with a rising star, hidden genius or luminary in the field of European law. In English or in Dutch. Follow the show in your favourite podcast app and get new episodes as they become available. You can find transcripts on
11 Episodes
In this episode, I’m joined by Päivi Leino-Sandberg, professor of transnational European law at the University of Helsinki and author of ‘The Politics of Legal Expertise in EU Policy-Making’. Her book takes us behind the scenes of the EU institutions to uncover the role of legal advisors in shaping EU decisions and policies. That’s a reality I know well: in my day job—hosting a podcast is something I do off-duty—I am one of those legal advisors. So for me, Päivi’s work is not just about an ab...
In this episode we’re delving into a topic that sits at the heart of how EU law functions: the principle of mutual trust. Though it's a technical subject, it's deeply intertwined with the existential questions about what the EU is and aspires to be. The principle of mutual trust isn’t just a legal precept; it’s a litmus test for the health of European integration itself. Joining me is Cecilia Rizcallah. She is professor of European Law at the Brussels campus of UC Louvain and co-presiden...
My guest in this episode is Daniel Sarmiento. He is the editor in chief of EU Law Live, an online platform launched in 2020 that has taken the world of EU law by storm. But he’s also a lawyer and a professor whose academic writing is informed by his work as a legal practitioner. We talk about the creation of the Spanish Constitutional Court, about how the Court of Justice changes its mind, about ‘silent judgments’ and judicial minimalism, and about the impact of the EU Charter of F...
On 21 December, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered three high profile rulings in the field of sports: Superleague, International Skating Union and Royal Antwerp Football Club. Earlier this year, I spoke to Miguel Poiares Maduro about EU law and sports. So I decided to call him up to ask if he could give us his take on these three recent judgments. Enjoy this bonus episode of Europa Felix!Mentioned:Case C-333/21 European Superleague CompanyCase C-124/21 International Skating ...
Deze aflevering gaat over de Brexit-onderhandelingen. Nu het Verenigd Koninkrijk geen lidstaat meer is van de EU, vormen twee verdragen het fundament van de relatie tussen de EU en het Verenigd Koninkrijk: het Terugtrekkingsakkoord, onderhandeld tussen 2017 en 2019, en de Handels- en Samenwerkingsovereenkomst, onderhandeld in 2020.In 2020 maakte ik deel uit van het UK Task Force van Michel Barnier en ik denk soms met verbazing terug aan wat er in dat ene jaar allemaal gebeurde. De geladen sfe...
In deze aflevering gaat het over klimaatrechtszaken tegen de Staat: juridische procedures om overheden ertoe te dwingen de klimaatcrisis het hoofd te bieden. De voorloper van dit soort procedures is de zaak van Stichting Urgenda tegen de Nederlandse Staat. Maar inmiddels zijn er wereldwijd tientallen vergelijkbare zaken gevoerd. Er is nu ook een eerste lichting klimaatzaken aanhangig bij het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. De grote vraag in al deze zaken is: zal het Hof een schendin...
In his book 'Postwar' the historian Tony Judt wrote of the ‘largely un-European mental universe of most Europeans’. Yet, he also identified one ubiquitous exception: sports – and especially football, ‘a game without frontiers, for players, managers and spectators alike’. He even wrote: ‘What really united Europe, is football.’Whether or not that’s true, it’s hard to deny that sports are a major part of social and economic life in Europe. How sport is governed, how it is regulated and by whom,...
In deze aflevering spreek ik met misschien wel het beroemdste schrijversduo in het EU-recht: Koen Lenaerts en Piet Van Nuffel. Beiden zijn professor aan de KU Leuven. Ze zijn ook allebei sleutelfiguren in de Europese rechtspraktijk. Piet Van Nuffel is senior expert bij de Juridische Dienst van de Europese Commissie. Koen Lenaerts is de President van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie.Samen verzorgen ze al decennia lang één van de klassieke handboeken over het Europees recht: de vuistdi...
My guest in this episode is Tamara Ćapeta, Advocate General at the European Court of Justice and law professor at the University of Zagreb. Our main topic of conversation is legal realism, a topic on which she has written several academic articles.It’s tempting to misconstrue legal realism as a cynical, 'anything goes'-approach to the law. But in Ćapeta‘s writings and in this interview, legal realism emerges as a form of judicial modesty. She argues that the idea that legal questions have a s...
My guest for this episode is Julio Baquero Cruz — novelist, translator, professor of EU law, and member of the Legal Service of the Commission.In 2018 he published a book called ‘What’s left of the law integration?’ in which he observes that the European Union is going through a difficult period, a traversée du désert. He describes the waning of the initial impetus behind European integration and a resurgence of the idea that the nation state is the ultimate political unit. He notices signs o...
In deze aflevering spreek ik met Pauline Phoa, docent Europees Recht aan de Universiteit Utrecht, kunstenaar, en auteur van het boek ‘EU Law as a Creative Process’, dat onlangs werd bekroond met de dissertatieprijs van het Praemium Erasmianum. In dat boek neemt ze arresten van het Hof van Justitie onder de loep over Europees burgerschap en over databescherming. Maar eigenlijk gaat haar boek niet over burgerschap of databescherming, maar over de diepere lagen in de argumentatie en het taalgebr...
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