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Free Matty

Author: AcadianaCasts, Matty J. Brockovich

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Retired award-winning Private Investigator & LGBTQ+ activist saving lives through storytelling.Disclaimer: The Free Matty Podcast is powered by AcadianaCasts. Opinions expressed on The Free Matty Podcast are that of the host and not the views of AcadianaCasts Network. Topics on The Free Matty Podcast are for entertainment purposes only. No staff of The Free Matty Podcast are currently licensed to conduct private investigation services in the State of Louisiana.
9 Episodes
The science of a person's sex is more complicated than the simplified terms we've become accustomed to, and there are often times no easy way to draw a line between the biologically male and female. There are about a dozen different conditions that blur the line between male and female. They’re known as disorders of sexual development or DSDs. Altogether, DSDs occur as frequently as people born as twins or people born with genetically red hair. It's possible you have a disorder of sexual development and just don't even know it! Social Media:@freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok
A Is For Abstinence

A Is For Abstinence


Sex. We may not all do it, but we all experience its effects on our daily lives. The rudimentary and antiquated roadmap we're given as students for this wildly complicated and ever-advancing journey is woefully lacking. It's past time to change that. Let's get it on.  Social Media:@freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok
On this episode, we discuss the Mayor of Lafayette, Louisiana's troubled history with the local LGBTQ+ community and lay bare his hypocrisy - with photographic evidence we've just uncovered.   Follow our Facebook page for the upcoming receipts. Socials - IG/FB/Twitter/TikTok:  @freemattypod  Website:
Grayson Burns & Ember Ware

Grayson Burns & Ember Ware


On this episode, we’ll introduce a long-time colleague in the investigative arena, Agent EsJay, who will be joining the pod. No stranger to the world of fighting fraud, Agent EsJay wields a delicate and compassionate approach to getting to the truth. Together, we’ll investigate two new legal stories out of South Louisiana - a girl interrupted and a boy litigated.The first is the story of 9-year-old boy Grayson Burns whose relationship with his non-biological mother was deemed not legally binding earlier this month. To Grayson, Crystal Walker has only ever been “mom”, and now she’s been ordered out of his life by a judge. A problem with existing case law in Louisiana is to blame. Will Grayson ever see his mom again? The second is the story of 22-year-old Ember Ware. On September 1, 2022, Ember Ware committed a felony hit and run that took the life of Albert Crochet in Crowley, Louisiana. When she got out of jail, she was arrested again in less than 2 weeks for stabbing two people at a local grocery store. Facts at hand appear to show Ember Ware was bound to murder. This episode will begin to explore what makes a 22-year-old girl homicidal and what lessons may be learned to avoid this in the future. Featured Articles: Media: @freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok
Framework: In 1933, the Nazis needed the people of Germany to support their dictatorship and believe in their ideas. Nazi leaders did so using censorship and propaganda, putting a chokehold on access to information the public could consume through various types of media. Unfolding six years before the beginning of World War II in 1939, the glacial pace at which the Nazis edged Germany toward that terrible fate would have been undetectable to the untrained eye. Unfortunately for the Mayor of Lafayette, Louisiana - Josh Guillory - the eyes of future generations were forever opened to these lawless tactics. His would-be dictatorship has been routinely met with the full force of the First Amendment - by everyday citizens who refuse to see the mistakes of the past be repeated on their watch. They exercise their civil rights and defend the Constitution against this questionably-elected and unqualified leader, and this episode pays tribute to several of those individuals. Whether it be throwing a barbecue protest, seeking judicial relief, hosting a fake Facebook event to highlight racial inequality, or showing up at the ballot box, Lafayette will fight back, and no amount of illegal policy, unconstitutional police brutality, or fascist propaganda on conservative media will stop them. Featured Articles: Media:@freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok
Framework: The Mayor of Lafayette, Louisiana is in a world of legal trouble. Between multiple side jobs (in apparent violation of Lafayette’s local law) and a handful of costly investigations, including from Federal agencies and most recently the city council, how Mayor Josh Guillory has time to manage the city’s affairs when he’s so stretched (and while allegedly in rehab) is just one of the countless questions in a mounting pile of scandals that residents hope to get answers to eventually - and hopefully before they go bankrupt. Check out the first in this investigative series to catch up on recent events, and stay tuned for developments.Featured Articles: Media:@freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok
The Hate We Live

The Hate We Live


TW/CW: The Holy Bible Framework: We explore examples from the last 6 decades of organized LGBTQ+ hate. Whether from prudish and matronly conservative activists in the United Kingdom or any of the countless crooked American preachers showcased in this tale, one thing is clear: Organized religion is a grift, a con, a multi-million dollar industry fueled by fear of the unknown. The same tactics are being used by extremists everyday to cling to their comfort zones while getting rich on the willful ignorance of their “flock”. Starting with the story of Mary Whitehouse and an unbelievably sexually explicit gay poem that fell victim to the UK’s still-in-force Blasphemy Laws, this episode  will traverse you across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States decades after Mary Whitehouse waged a “war on pornography”. Stateside in the late 80’s and 90’s saw a wave of increasingly powerful and ridiculous televangelists shouting the punishment of hellfire and brimstone for anyone who dare be proud to embrace their same-sex attraction. The echoes of their lessons still haunt those who were there. The same hateful mindset is alive and well in the 2020s, emphasized by examples from the podcast’s home base of Lafayette, Louisiana. The barrage of religious extremist attacks on the city of Lafayette, Louisiana’s library system over the last 4 years has pushed citizens to ask when and how change is ever going to come. Radicalized evangelical Christians have weaseled their way into places of power, and, unless we speak up now, and all of us, it will not ever stop. Resources: YouTube doc series - Banned! The Mary Whitehouse Story: Mary White House; Denis Lemon; James Kirkup (Whitehouse v. Lemon) Text of James Kirkup Poem - The Love That Dares To Speak Its Name (explicit): Billy Graham: Jerry Falwell & Tinky Winky: Focus on the Family: National Library of Medicine: Internalized Homophobia and Relationship Quality among Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals Book Recommendation: Stranger at the Gate - by Mel White DQST: ag-queen-story-time Library Arrest: GoFundMe: Exclusive merchandise: https// Social:  @freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok
Framework: This episode of The Free Matty Podcast - hosted by award-winning retired private investigator and organizer/federal litigant of Drag Queen Story Time in Lafayette, Louisiana - is dedicated to the villain that started it all - Michael Lunsford. In the land of sequins, make-up, and make believe, villains like - Lunsford exist only in the imaginations of little children - and in the stories we read to teach them life lessons. The bored bridge troll, the village brute with a misfit handful of opportune friends, or the sad beast that the little boy who cried wolf became when people stopped believing his whiny lies. But for residents of South Louisiana, life imitates art in the form of a paid political operative who sacrifices the lives of LGBTQ kids at the cost of winning elections and defeating taxes on behalf of his dark money political donors. On paper, Michael Lunsford is the Executive Director of a non-profit called “Citizens for a New Louisiana”. By any other measure, he is the leader of an organized hate crime group. He organizes, disciples, and sends forth religious zealots throughout south Louisiana - and no city hall or library is safe unless he is stopped. We have to fight back for the kids. The backstory: In February 2022, the host of The Free Matty Podcast was arrested at his local library during a board meeting for protesting an attempt by Religious Extremists who were trying to ban LGBTQ books. The library board has been stacked with anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalists hell-bent on preventing access to LGBTQ reading materials and providing affirming programs. The man responsible for this and every other anti-LGBTQ initiative in Lafayette, Louisiana is Michael Lunsford. Headlines:● Lafayette in front lines of culture war as uproar continues over Drag Queen Story Time ● Library board to decide Monday if LGBTQ teen book remains in Lafayette public libraries ● School Librarian of the Year sues right-wing propagandists ● Teen LGBTQ, sex education book in Lafayette Parish library challenged as pornography For the diggers: 211216 There’s lots on Reddit & Twitter, too. Pay It Forward Friday: This week’s featured non-profit organization is The Trevor Project! Head over to their website to check them out and donate maybe the cost of a cup of coffee today! Library Arrest: (channel under construction) To assist with legal fees: Exclusive merchandise: https// Streaming: Social Media: @freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok Disclaimer: The Free Matty Podcast is powered by AcadianaCasts. Opinions expressed on The Free Matty Podcast are that of the host and not the views of AcadianaCasts Network. Topics on The Free Matty Podcast are for entertainment purposes only. No staff of The Free Matty Podcast are currently licensed to conduct private investigation services in the State of Louisiana.
17 Last Names

17 Last Names


Framework: The Who/What/Where/When/Why/How of The Free Matty Podcast Who? Explore the depths of various rabbit holes on The Free Matty Podcast - hosted by an award-winning retired private investigator -turned- political provocateur and progressive activist, community organizer, and digital storyteller - Matty J. Brockovich of southwest Louisiana. What? Think of this less as just a podcast and more as a long distance water cooler video chat from a new friend, or a reason to believe there's still good in the world, or a place to learn about real sex education, and a reason to believe that's a good thing... we think you'll find this is anything but *just* a podcast. Where? The Free Matty podcast is based out of Lafayette, Louisiana. Once known as the Happiest City in the U.S.A., Lafayette has become anything but. Since 2018, the "culture wars" have been invited to our funky little college town by extreme right-wing Christian nationalists. Lafayette is still a killer place to get gumbo and seafood - but we've got a lot of work to do. When? Expect 1 episode per week to start - stay tuned for opportunities to get involved with investigations, submit tips, volunteer, and donate to the nonprofit organizations that make Lafayette (or your town) better, and -most importantly- show up at the ballot box. Together, we have to hold our leaders accountable for making the places we love better for everyone - and not just a privileged few. Why? Because everyone's story deserves to be told. Because we love our town(s) and want to grow and raise our families here. We hope through telling stories that others might be inspired to be the change, too. And because fuck fascists. How? Let's figure that out together. Drag Queen Story Time: Library Arrest: (channel under construction) Exclusive merchandise (updated soon!): https// Social Media: @freemattypod on FB/IG/Twitter/TikTok --------------------- The Free Matty Podcast is powered by AcadianaCasts. All topics on The Free Matty Podcast are for entertainment purposes only. No staff are currently licensed to conduct private investigation services in the State of Louisiana.