"Dear God, I'm Sad"

25 Episodes
The first (kinda) solo episode of the season is here! In this episode, I start out in the intro giving you a small life update and then we move into listening to a sermon I recently preached on fear. In this sermon, I talk about how we get through moments in our lives when stability and certainty keep us from moving forward into the life that God has for us, how we fight through our fears, how we discern earthly fear from Holy Fear, and how we get to the Promised Good that God has for each of...
This week, I hung out with the writer and editor of Anxious Faith, Maddy Scholefield. Anxious Faith is a production of Our Daily Bread Ministries, a ministry that helps millions of people connect with God each day, and was born out of the need to address the growing mental health crisis in Australia. Maddy and I talk about her experiences with depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and life in the church. I chose to name this episode "Dear God, I want to Live" because Maddy’s story is all ...
Sarah I. Fox joins me this week on the “Dear God, I’m Sad” podcast to talk about her experience living with Bipolar Disorder and hope. Sarah is an alumna of The King’s College with a B.A. in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics with a Pre-Law minor. Sarah currently works as a Case Manager/Transformational Coach at St. Nicks Alliance. She is also the host of the Rough Edges Podcast where she shares educational tools about mental health, anecdotes from her healing journey, and the intersection b...
Welcome back to “Dear God, I’m Sad”! To kick off season two, I sit down with Daniel Whitehead who serves as the CEO of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, a non-profit that exists to equip the Church to support mental health and well-being. He is a Regent College graduate and ordained minister with over ten years of full-time vocational church ministry experience in the UK. In this conversation we talk about the work done at Sanctuary, Daniel’s experiences as both a pastor and a CEO, and our ...
Welcome to Season 2 of the "Dear God, I'm Sad" Podcast! Are you ready? Instagram: Merch: TikTok: Podcast: Gabby’s Website: Email: Not Always Okay (Coupon Code DGIS15): We The Believers (Coupon Code DGIS20):
Reid Bervik has an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is a writer, creator, and speaker. In this season finale, I ask Reid about his experiences in deconstructing his faith from his white evangelical background and the trials, tribulations, and triumphs within his story. Listen to hear from a first-hand perspective on the impact deconstructing has on your mental health (the freedom found as well as the difficulty through), how to best come alongside those deconstructing (be a friend!...
Michael McCord is the executive director of the Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education and Collegiate Ministry (UM Commission), which oversees and underpins the higher education ministries of the North and South Georgia Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church, providing support, funding, administration, and long-term vision casting for the campus ministries and United Methodist schools in the state of Georgia. Michael is also the founder and former director of the W...
I sit down with Dr. Marcia Webb to talk about her book Toward a Theology of Psychological Disorder. Dr. Webb is a clinical psychologist who completed both an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. She has conducted psychotherapy for approximately 20 years and is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at Seattle Pacific University. As a professor, she studies the integration of psychology and theology and is p...
This week, I chat with Dr. Monica A. Coleman, the John and Patricia Cochran Scholar for Inclusive Excellence and Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Delaware, author or editor of six books, ordained AME minister, and contributor to the field of womanist theology and other theological landscapes. I speak to Dr. Coleman about her award-winning memoir Bipolar Faith: a Black Woman’s Journey with Depression and Faith which depicts Dr. Coleman’s journey as a black woman through...
Happy New Year! To kick off 2023, I'm giving you a mini-episode consisting of a message I preached back in November 2019. In this message, I speak candidly about my struggle with my addiction to self-harm, the lies I believed about myself, my faith, and my God (the "3 Big Lies"), and the truths I found to combat the lies (the "3 Big Truths"). I intentionally crafted and wrote this message so that it was applicable to everyone, giving my listeners time in the message to process their own...
I hang out with author and minister Rev. David Finnegan-Hosey to talk about his book, Christ on the Psych Ward. Christ on the Psych Ward walks its readers through David's multiple hospitalizations, journey with Bipolar Disorder, and discovery of Christ and the Vulnerable God on the psych ward with him. In this conversation, we discuss David's story, his theology around Divine presence (and felt absence) in unlikely places, and his moving forward living with both the devastating realities of m...
In the 2nd part of my and Dr. Jessica Coblentz's conversation on Depression, we dive into the parallels between the experience of Depression and the experience of the Hagaric wilderness, the significance of meaning-making and the lack thereof, and moving through life as a Christian depression sufferer. After the conversation, I kick off a new segment where she will be answering submitted questions and reacting to submitted stories from the "Dear God, I'm Sad" community! Today's question is "W...
In this first part of my conversation with Dr. Jessica Coblentz, assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies and Theology at Saint Mary’s College and author of Dust in the Blood: a Theology of Life with Depression, Dr. Coblentz speaks about her experience with severe depression, the concept of depression as a “unhomelikeness” and wilderness, and popular Christian theological maps of depression. Content Warning/Trigger Warning: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Suicide Dr...
I am hanging out this week with THE Dr. Josh Packard, the Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute and accomplished researcher and speaker on young people in America, specializing in their spirituality and their relationship with religious groups and faith leaders. With over 10 years of teaching experience, Josh has been a guest on numerous radio shows and podcasts and has been an invited speaker at many conferences, events, and workshops. He has been published widely in both acade...
Reverend Lindsay Geist, MDiv, MSW, LCSW, Director of Clergy Wellbeing, providing mental health resource support for North Georgia Conference clergy, joins me on the "Dear God, I'm Sad" Podcast this week! Rev. Lindsay and I talk about the startling statistics regarding clergy's mental health, how to best care for clergy, the power of presence, how the future of the church ties into clergy's well-being, and much more regarding Clergy, mental illness, and the Church. TW/CW: Depression and anxiet...
In the second part of the Meet Your Host episode, I talk through her journey to creating "Dear God, I'm Sad," answer the infamous "What's something you feel strongly about that other people are either indifferent about or feel opposite of the way you feel about it" question, and indulge in a rapid-fire question segment with her sister. In contrast to Part 1 where you learned about the depths and darkest points in my mental health and mental illness journey, in Part 2 you'll get to know my per...
In the first part of this two-part episode, my sister, Danielle, and I have a conversation about my past with my mental illness, my relationship with Christianity and the Church during the worst of my mental health, and the way my mental illnesses impacted my relationship with myself, my loved ones, and God. Listen as I touch on things I haven't thought about for years and hadn't told anyone before with blunt honesty and vulnerability. CW/TW: Depression, self-harm, suicide, addiction, O...
This week, I sit down with national speaker, founder of Curate Hope, Next Gen/youth pastor of 15 years, and co-author of Seen, Will Hutcherson. Over the past several years he has become increasingly passionate about finding practical ways to bring hope to kids and teens who are facing increasing amounts of anxiety, depression, and despair. This led to him starting Curate Hope, a non-profit that focuses on suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and partnering with educators and parents t...
I talk with my high school chaplain and friend, Reverend Katie O'Dunne, who is affectionately known to me and many others as "Chaplain K." Rev. Katie O'Dunne is an Ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, interfaith chaplain, IOCDF lead advocate, doctorate student, founder of Faith and Mental Health Integrative services, and endurance athlete. Listen as Rev. Katie O'Dunne talks about her own experiences with OCD, the best way for clergy and ministry leaders to advocate for and care f...
I'm joined this week by Christina Fletcher, youth ministry director and Next Gen Coordinator at Missouri United Methodist Church. Listen as Christina shares her experiences as a chemically imbalanced pastor, practices and habits she has implemented in her own youth ministry to create an open and honest space with her youth, why vulnerability with her youth and fellow pastors is essential, and much more! TW/CW: Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorder, PTSD, ADHD, Self-harmFind Christina at:Christ...
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