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Climate on Tap: Stories of Remembrance & Restoration
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Climate on Tap: Stories of Remembrance & Restoration

Author: Taproot Earth

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In honor of our launch, Taproot Earth produced a riveting 7-episode virtual experience featuring the voices of frontline leaders taking on - and advancing - solutions to the climate, economic, and political crises of our times. This 7-day journey is grounded in a commitment to Black liberation, Indigenous leadership, and honoring of frontline solutions. Beginning with a sacred remembrance of the impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Ida, this event will feature conversations and reflections that show the collective power of frontline communities to rise up and meet the moment we are in, so we can all live, rest and thrive in the places that we love.
8 Episodes
Day 7: Rest

Day 7: Rest


Rest with us as we step away from the grind. Leading up to Labor Day, we pay homage to the invisibilized and stolen labor of Black and Indigenous peoples, of migrants, of union (and non-unionized) workers internationally. May we bask in rest as a means of resistance.Guest Speakers: Colette Pichon Battle // Vision & Initiatives Partner, Taproot EarthAnthony Giancatarino // Strategy Partner, Taproot EarthMana Tahaie // Managing Partner, Taproot EarthIntroduction by:Colette Pichon Battle // ...
Day 6: Rise

Day 6: Rise


When we say #NoNewLeases, we mean we want a Gulf South that is rich and abundant with fish, birds, and fresh water, not privatized for drilling. When we call for investments in renewable energy, we need it to be justly sourced, so that the labor and practice is also sustainable.Rise with us.Dream with us.Act with us.Guest Speakers: Miya Yoshitani // Senior Strategist of Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)Stephanie Guilloud // Co-Director of Project SouthIntroduction by:Colette Pichon B...
Day 5: Restore

Day 5: Restore


Restoration looks like a more equitable and just democracy that restores our relationships to one another and the planet. Intersectionality and community are at the heart of restoration.Guest Speakers: Denise Fairchild // Emerald Cities CollaborativeAnthony Giancatarino // Strategy Partner, Taproot EarthIntroduction by:Colette Pichon Battle // Vision & Initiatives Partner, Taproot EarthTap into RESTORE by…Move your body joyfully. Restoration is our birthright. Joy is our birthright.Connec...
Repair acknowledges the harms that extractive systems and corporate agendas have created. We commit to repairing the relationships we have with each other in our movements. We demand that repair starts with those most harmed historically and currently. Reparations now. Abolition in our lifetime.Resource the work.Guest Speakers: Alison Corwin // Waverley Street FoundationAshleigh Gardere // PolicyLinkFlozell Daniels // CEO & President, Mary Reynolds Babcock FoundationIntroduction...
Day 3: Reclaim

Day 3: Reclaim


We reclaim our connection to each other and the planet through our relationships. We draw from the wisdom of Indigenous teachings and sacred relationships, as we look to the future we are creating.Guest Speakers: Former Principal Chief Thomas Dardar // United Houma NationBette Billiot // United Houma NationIntroduction by:Colette Pichon Battle // Vision & Initiatives Partner, Taproot EarthTap into RECLAIM by…Write a letter to future generations.What is your wildest dreams for the ne...
Day 2: Reckon

Day 2: Reckon


How do we reckon with the past and the long term impacts of climate on our communities future? How do we reckon with how practices of extraction, disinvestment, and scarcity that create the climate reality we are in?How do we advance solutions rooted in restoration, abundance, and love.Guest Speakers: Marsha Jackson // Co-Chair of Southern Sector RisingVeronica Coptis // Executive Director of Center for Coalfield JusticeIntroduction by:Colette Pichon Battle // Vision & Initiatives Pa...
Day 1: Remember

Day 1: Remember


We’re excited to launch the first episode of our podcast – Climate on Tap: Rituals of Remembrance and Restoration! Rooted in memories of Hurricanes Katrina and Ida, this episode acknowledges people whose lives and livelihoods were upended when the superstorms struck.Guest Speakers: Teresa Fox-Bettis // Executive Director, South Alabama Center for Fair HousingIntroduction by:Colette Pichon Battle // Vision & Initiatives Partner, Taproot EarthTap into REMEMBER by…Setting a time to connect w...
Tune in for the official introduction of the Climate on Tap series — featuring the team leading and guiding Taproot Earth into the future.Colette Pichon Battle, Mana Tahaie and Anthony Giancatarino share their origin story and what roots them in this work and to each other. Together, their voices and experiences kick off this 7-day experience — and why they choose each other and their commitment to justice, now.