- GFW Radio - GFW Radio
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Author: GFW Staff

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Welcome to GFW Radio, the podcast homepage for Games for Windows: The Official Magazine. Here, through the glorious magic of the Internet, you can listen to the GFW editors and occasional guests pontificate and yammer about all sorts of PC game related issues. Plus they might even break down on-air, adding an element of tension to the whole affair. If you don't know what podcasts are yet, check out the sidebar on the left. Then listen to all our past shows and keep your eye on this page for new shows. Even better, subscribe and download our podcasts to your MP3 player, and take us on the road with you. It's way better than reading a book!
7 Episodes
In the final LAN Party of the year, the gang talks Christmas wishes, old-ass PC games, and a bunch of other unusually, even for us, random stuff. See you in 2009!
Welcome to another edition of the Candy Racket Podcast, where we've somehow boarded an unstoppable train of free junk food. This week, after thanking fans from all over the world who were kind and gracious enough to send us several treat-filled package, we check in on Matt's newly finished (and badass) gaming PC, and talk a bit about some Steam-related weirdness.
In our tragically late Thanksgiving episode of LAN Party, special guests Alice Liang and Jade Kraus fill in for the absent Robert Ashley and Matt Chandronait. We discuss our Left 4 Dead co-op experiences, call out our most anticipated of games of 2009, and read a few listener-submitted letters.
After some talk about Left 4 Dead, Wrath of the Lich King, and hypothetical Guitar Hero copyright infringement, Anthony Gallegos discusses his recent hands-on time with Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2. Meanwhile, the poorly implemented soundproofing material in the new podcasting studio caves in, burying the entire LAN Party crew alive.
In our first podcast from the new recording "studio" (apologies in advance for any weird audio glitches), we spend some time discussing the finer points of Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty: World at War's portrayal of the Japanese military, and the new World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Well, we've finally setlled on the long-awaited name of this podcast: LAN Party! This week, the 1UP PC gang talks up Fallout 3 and Mirror's Edge, in between tangents about girl gamers' own crazy perceptions about themselves, the weird stuff that listeners sent recently, and what exactly gets co-host Ryan Scott goin' in the morning.
This week, the gang mocks fellow editor Shane Bettenhausen's packrat tendencies, discusses the pros and cons of tighty-whities, and even gets some game discussion in there somewhere. Tina Sanchez and Anthony Gallegos give us a sneak preview of Call of Duty: World at War, while Robert Ashley approaches nervous breakdown territory while considering the sheer amount of games he's currently playing.