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Journey through the Book of Mark
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Journey through the Book of Mark

Author: Gary Kent – The Incred[B]ible Journey

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Join Gary Kent on an incredi[Bi]ble journey through the Bible book of Mark. In Mark's book, he presents Jesus as a dynamic man of power. Everything in Mark happens quickly and dramatically. Mark has no time for things like family trees and stories about Jesus birth, he focuses on Jesus' power, ministry and death on the cross. — Visual versions of these devotionals can be watched on our website — The Incredible Journey
211 Episodes
The Gospel of Mark starts with a messenger. It also presents us with a challenge. Are you willing to accept it? Watch the devotional to learn more. Join us on a very practical journey through the Bible and discover gems that will bring you closer to Jesus.
In our culture, like in Jesus’ day, we tend to show our power and status through external things, by what we wear, where and how often we travel and by the house and car we own. However, true power doesn’t come from external trappings. Watch this devotional to learn more.
Father said to the Son, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.” Have you ever considered that He longs to say the very same words to you too?
Sometimes we think that when you choose to serve God, suddenly everything becomes easier and more pleasant. But Mark tells us that when Jesus was baptised, the Spirit sent him immediately into the wilderness. What do you expect from your Christian walk?
Jesus announced two conditions necessary for us to receive the kingdom of God.He also said the kingdom is near. It’s a simple but powerful message that electrified the world. How near do you think the kingdom of God is in your life? Tune into this incredible devotional to learn more.
Gary Kent looks at how Jesus called His first disciples. Apostle Mark says that Jesus called them while He walked beside the sea. He barely pauses to call these men, and they follow Him as He walks on. When Jesus calls you to do something, will you respond like the disciples did?
Jesus displays His power by casting out a demon from a man. This highlights Jesus’ power over the devil. Do you realise that if devils quake in their boots in the presence of Jesus, then He can do anything? Mark wants to teach you that you can rely on Jesus for strength. You can surrender your area of weakness into His power.
Simon and Andrew tell Jesus about their mother’s illness. She was sick with a fever. In those days, without antibiotics and modern medicines, the illnesses that are often only a nuisance to us would kill many people. So this fever was a serious thing. Jesus goes in and takes her hand. Immediately, the fever leaves her. When you have a problem, do you do what Simon and Andrew did? Do you tell Jesus about it? When you do that, He touches you, and that’s when the blessing comes!
When the demons wanted to publicly identify Jesus, Jesus silenced them even though they were only speaking the truth. The devil speaks to us as well. He whispers to us that we are sinners, that we are unworthy, that there’s no reason for God to possibly love us. When you hear the voice of the devil telling you that you are unlovable, ask Jesus to silence the devil’s voice. Don’t miss this incredible devotional.
The secret of Jesus’ power was His connection with the Father through prayer. But the disciples were more focused on the work that needed to be done than on the power that was needed for the work. Jesus knew that without a living connection with the Father, he could do no work. How about you? Does prayer come first in your life?
There are many people who want to receive God’s blessing, but they think they haven’t done enough to deserve it, or that they’re unworthy. Are you ready to fall on your knees before Jesus, and just accept his blessing, to let Jesus touch the hidden part of your life: your own leprosy of sin – and cleanse and heal you?
Jesus has just healed a man with leprosy. He gave him strict instructions not to speak to anyone about this, but he did. Think about your own religious experiences. Are you as enthusiastic as the leper to tell others about what Jesus has done for you?
Take a moment to think about the barriers that stand in the way of your friends meeting Jesus. Do you have the kind of faith that will demolish those barriers and bring them to Christ?
Often, in our heart of hearts, we think that it’s more difficult for God to forgive us from our sins than to heal us from our physical illness. That’s because we feel unworthy of His forgiving mercy. The paralysed man received it all. And if you trust in Jesus, you’ll have it all as well.
Jesus called Matthew. He was attracted to the presence of Jesus that no fame and fortune can equal. He left everything behind just to follow Him. Like Matthew, Jesus is calling you too. Are you also willing to follow?
As you watch this devotional, take some time to examine yourself carefully. With which of the two sets of characters in the story do you really identify, the confessed sinners who eat with Jesus or the religious hypocrites who are repulsed by His grace and compassion?
As you watch this devotional, reflect on these questions: How do you express your Christian beliefs and values in your life? Is Jesus, the Bridegroom, evident in your life? Do others see the joy that comes from walking with Jesus?
There are people today who say that the Sabbath doesn’t matter. But Jesus said that the Sabbath has been given to us to meet the needs of humanity, to be a blessing. What are the needs that you think it meets?
This is the first time that Mark tells us that Jesus was angry. Jesus’ anger stemmed from the misunderstanding of the Pharisees about the purpose of the Sabbath. Take a moment to think about the things that make you angry. How do those things compare with the things that fire Jesus up?
Have you ever had a moment or a time in your life when you felt that God was so close to you – as if you were touching Jesus? Is it something that you would want to experience? And if you did experience it, how can you respond to it? Remember, Jesus welcomes your touch.