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A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
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A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe

Author: Dr. Stuart Shipe

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Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Stuart Shipe, DAOM, Founder of and Lead Physician at Women's Traditional Chinese Healing. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a holistic approach to wellness. In this podcast, Dr. Shipe will teach you the foundational principles of TCM so that you know how to get and stay well throughout the different phases of your life. Dr. Shipe also offers telehealth appointments for patients nationwide. For more information about Women's Traditional Chinese Healing, please visit Social? Please find us at @womenschinesehealing or follow us on Twitter @DrShipe.
43 Episodes
On today's show, Dr. Shipe is discussing the integration of acupuncture with other holistic modalities, such as herbal medicine, nutritional guidance, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle adjustments, to create a well-rounded approach to wellness - as "Health Insurance" versus what we're used to paying in our monthly insurance premiums - otherwise known as "Sick Insurance" because you only use it when you're sick. Modern healthcare in the United States doesn't focus on prevention. Learn how you can preserve your health and plan for longevity in this show. For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to another episode of "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Sutart Shipe. In this episode, Dr. Shipe discusses how acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine can help alleviate acne. If you've struggled with acne and are seeking alternative and holistic approaches to skin health, this episode is for you.Dr. Shipe will discuss the underlying causes of acne, examine how imbalances within the body can manifest as skin issues, and delve into the specific acupuncture techniques and theories that target acne-prone skin. Dr. Shipe discusses the various causes of acne and explains the principles behind acupuncture's ability to regulate hormone levels, reduce inflammation, and improve blood circulation – all vital factors in managing acne. In addition, complementary approaches like herbal remedies, diet modifications, and lifestyle adjustments can augment the benefits of acupuncture and promote clearer skin.Empower yourself with knowledge and insights to transform your skin health naturally.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Should you be worried about Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox? Mpox has been increasingly reported and linked to travel and imported animals; over the last year, more than 30,000 cases have been reported in the USA. This virus is transmissible from person to person and animal to person. Cases may be severe, especially in children, pregnant women, or people with suppressed immune systems. Here's what you need to know to boost your immune system.
Welcome back to A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe. On today's show, we're talking about Natural Solutions to Low Libido. Libido can be tricky and impacted by many different factors. According to TCM, low libido in women relates to a Yin (female energy) and Yang (male energy) imbalance. If you are experiencing low libido, many natural solutions can help. Several things can cause low libido in women: hormonal imbalances, anxiety, depression, poor communication between partners, underlying health conditions, or even exhaustion from juggling responsibilities and commitments without proper rest and relaxation.If you're experiencing low libido, treating the issue as soon as possible is essential for your physical, mental, emotional, and overall health. Fortunately, low libido is a common problem that can be treated naturally with modalities like acupuncture and herbal medicine. Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing techniques in the world. It involves placing very fine needles into your body at specific points, stimulating your body's energy flow, and helping to regulate hormone levels, blood flow, and nervous system activity. As a result, acupuncture helps balance your hormones, promotes good circulation, and promotes relaxation.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe. On today's show, we're addressing a topic that impacts many women: pelvic inflammatory disease. This disease can be recurrent and destructive if not managed. If you're in pain during intercourse, experiencing pelvic pain, discharge, a mass that can be palpated, elevated body temperature, and more - pelvic inflammatory disease may be the cause. For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe. Today's show addresses a topic that impacts many women: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, otherwise called "PCOS." PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder of women of reproductive age. PCOS can often cause fertility issues, severe pain, ovarian cysts, impaired metabolic function, weight gain, and more. Tune in to the show to learn more about a natural approach to managing PCOS. For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Ladies, how many of you have had lumps or abdominal masses - like fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS, or cervical dysplasia? Are you experiencing symptoms like pressure, bloating, heaviness, pain, urinary frequency, and one of the most common symptoms - back aches? These conditions are so prevalent, and there are treatments and explanations in Traditional Chinese Medicine that can help get you the answers that you need. For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to another episode of Dr. Shipe's show, "A Better Way to Health." This week we're covering something insidious that might be lingering in your home and can be the underlying cause of many diseases and conditions. Mold, or "fungi," can be a great tool like cordyceps-based herbal remedies, but unfortunately, mold and fungal infections and overgrowth (like Candida) can devastate your health. Tune in to today's show to learn more.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to "A Better Way To Health. In this episode, Dr. Shipe is diving into a problem that often doesn't have any symptoms in a patient's 20s and 30s - but as you age, it becomes a significant issue, and that's "degenerative joint disease," commonly known as "osteoarthritis." There are so many forms of arthritis; nearly 70% of individuals will encounter arthritis as we age. If you're living with arthritis symptoms, we know how challenging it can be to find relief from your joint pain. You're not alone. The breakdown of cartilage that takes root in your hips, hands, knees, lower back, elbows, and neck is painful, and weight, age, and genetics can also play a role in your risk for injury. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common type of arthritis where the arthritic joints become inflamed and can lead to long-term damage and motion loss.Let's get to the root causes of your arthritis. Fortunately, acupuncture and the modalities of care we offer at Women's Traditional Chinese Healing are safe, effective, natural, and drug-free. As a result, we can help alleviate those symptoms and get you well. Learn more on today's show.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to another episode of "A Better Way to Health." During this show, Dr. Shipe discusses an important topic - and that's something called "toxicity." So many patients that come to our practice have exhausted Western medicine physicians in attempts to get a diagnosis for their uncomfortable symptoms, like muscular pain, digestive disturbances, brain fog, exhaustion, and more. If you're frustrated by your mystery symptoms and haven't received a clear diagnosis, it may be rooted in bodily toxicity. Find out more on the show!For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. Alzheimer's Disease is devastating for so many people. Do you ever feel like you forget things more often? Foggy? How can you keep your brain sharp, firing quickly with solid recall, and prevent Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases? Discover this and so much more on this episode of Dr. Shipe's show.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. During this episode, Dr. Shipe discusses varicose veins. Varicose veins concern many women - not just because they cause many of us to be self-conscious about our legs - but because varicose veins indicate a larger circulation issue. What can be done about this? Tune in to today's show to learn more.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. Sorry about the audio quality of this episode! We had to go old school and dial into the show on the phone. In this episode, Dr. Shipe discusses "The Heart of a Woman." Did you know that the reason women have cardiac episodes is different than men? As women, we're starting to catch up to the rates of men with cardiovascular disease. February is American Heart Month. How can you keep your heart healthy and prevent blockages that lead to cardiovascular disease? Find out on this show.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to another episode of "A Better Way to Health," covering part two of last week's "Menstrual Madness" episode, and we're diving into the "why" behind menstrual irregularities. We encourage you to listen to last week's episode to build your foundation and knowledge base for today's show. What are the external factors like the environment and our emotions play a role? For example, how does our diet, based on energetic principles (hot foods, cold foods, damp foods), impact the female body and cycle? Also, do the frequency of intercourse and hormonal birth control play a role?Learn this and so much more on today's show.
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. Dr. Shipe covers irregular menstrual cycles and premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in today's show. We're calling it "Menstrual Madness." PMS is a group of physical and emotional symptoms linked to a woman's menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms usually occur during the ten days before menses and disappear shortly before or after the start of menstrual flow. Symptoms vary from woman to woman, but each woman's symptoms are typically predictable.Changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle are an essential contributor. These changing hormone levels may affect some women more than others. Chemical changes in the brain may also be involved. Other factors such as stress, a nutritionally inadequate diet, lack of exercise and sleep, and a hectic or demanding lifestyle may exacerbate the symptoms. Tune into the show to learn how you can balance your body naturally.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. In today's show, Dr. Shipe will talk about a specific issue that is far too common - thyroid imbalances. First, we're going back to the basics of thyroid disorders and their symptoms, like weight fluctuations, skin/hair concerns, depression, fatigue, lethargy, forgetfulness, fogginess, frequent infections, and so much more. Next, Dr. Shipe will share what you can do to balance your thyroid levels and keep you feeling healthy and well.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. In today's show, Dr. Shipe covers herbal medicine. Western physicians are quick to prescribe prescription medication to treat symptoms (often causing other unwanted side effects and damage). Supplements are hot in the wellness world - but are they necessary? Pharmaceuticals and supplements are a multi-billion-dollar industry in the United States alone. Could herbal medicine be the best way to get well and stay well - naturally?Did you know that Dr. Shipe was once a practicing pharmacist? He realized that patients were not getting better, were degenerating daily, and many were medically toxic from pharmaceutical drugs. So he transformed his practice and found healing from simple herbal medicine when previous biomedical therapy failed to resolve his own health issues. Consider trying a different, more natural, what we consider to be "A Better Way to Health" approach with Traditional Chinese Medicine. For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome to another episode of "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. Today, Dr. Shipe covers macular degeneration - the degeneration of the eye that occurs over time and is the leading cause of progressive vision loss among men and women as they age.According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there's a lack of Qi (pronounced "chee") in the retina. Macular degeneration is a progressive disease. What are the risk factors? Is there something that you can do to preserve your vision - longer? Dr. Shipe has the answers. For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
Welcome back to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. In this episode, Dr. Shipe discusses one of the top New Year's resolutions - weight loss. If your body is feeling a little out of balance after the holidays - it's okay. Despite getting back on track, you might still feel sluggish or disappointed that the scale has yet to budge, even though you're eating nourishing foods and moving more. This is where some underlying factors can come into play. If you're doing all you can do through diet and exercise to lose weight and aren't seeing progress - it could be due to an underlying hormonal imbalance, metabolic syndrome, or more.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
During this episode, Dr. Shipe gives an excellent overview to answer the question, "What is Acupuncture?" Dr. Shipe will cover the basics of acupuncture, why he chose to practice natural healthcare, what to expect during an appointment, and how to know if acupuncture and natural healthcare are right for you.For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website,, email us at, or call us at 772-398-4550.
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