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The Flow Of Life Podcast
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The Flow Of Life Podcast

Author: Helena Carrizosa Business & Life Coach

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This podcast aims to start conversations about interesting and difficult topics, some useful, some exciting but most importantly and hopefully...liberating!Conversations that will contribute to raising our collective awareness, and achieving inner alignment, so we can thrive together in harmony as humans and divine beings. THE FLOW OF LIFE PODCAST IS AN INWARD JOURNEY OF EXPLORATION, LEARNING & INTEGRATION OF OUR HUMAN NATURE AND DIVINE ESSENCE! Discovering how to use your intuition as your seeker of truth on each of the 4 levels of your experience: the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual, so you can experience freedom, harmony and peace within yourself and become a beacon of light for others.../Expect discussions on...Psychology / Coaching / Creativity / Art / Being Human / Intuition / Spirituality //// For more information on business or life coaching visit.../// WEBISTE: FACEBOOK: LINKEDIN: INSTA: /// ........................ ......... JOIN THE CONVERSATION on the private Facebook group, "The Flow Of Life Podcast Forum"...
13 Episodes
† Correction: is your Saturn opposition and Uranus opposition cycles!.The system we live in doesn't honour nor educate people on the natural cycles that affect us all!Our society's system is designed to endlessly produce, to constantly be active, to move, to never stop...production, production, production…That’s exhausting…no wonder why so many people live in depression, exhaustion and burnout! Our natural cycles are all those cycles that are connected to nature, our bodies, our energy,...
"For this episode of the Flow Of Life Podcast, I have a very special guest, Kim Searle, discussing emotional mastery!She shares what she has learned about emotions over the years, so you can become familiar with how emotions work and how, by regulating them, you can express them more confidently."..Get in touch with Kim at:KIM SEARLE"Emotional Mastery" KimWith a background as a senior Project Manager i...
You have perhaps exprienced feeling dissapointed with life, with yourself or others because you didn't get wat you wanted...., or things didn't go as expected.... but... what if what you wanted, it was not in alignment with your inner truth? a soul level of what is really best for you? what if you received what you needed, even if it was un unconfortable situation? what if you are not getting what you ask for because is not what you really need? How do you identify this? what ...
Warning!...FIERY message and swearing involved! You've probably had fiery moments in your life when you just feel like..."that's enough"! Well, in the past few days, I had my moment, and through that, I had 2 major insights that I wanted to add to the previous episode on manifesting what we want! Anger is not always a bad emotion, as long as we learn to transmute it into fuel, so it doesn't stay in our body creating energy blockages and illness. "By allowing your anger to ...
Thank you for Listening!I want to dedicate this episode to my amazing and wise dear friend Rory McCulloch, thanks to you all this was possible!In this episode I'll be discussing "One thing you can do to receive MORE than what you asked for"This is reminder of the multiple possibilities available for us, at any time and at any moment, and the most important thing of all, is that you don’t need to do anything to earn them, they are gifts given to you just by being alive!Learn what steps you can...
This is the last episode of a series of 4 episodes about the time trap!In this episode we conclude that What once was a trap… just by moving your focus back to the "river"…it can now become your flow! "I truly believe our past experiences, hold the keys and resources for our life! so you can use them in your present"The episode will be divided into 4 sections:1. The Past-Future & Present bridge metaphor / 1:162. Two obsta...
In this episode, we will explore THE FUTURE! It is the part 3 of a series of 4 episodes related to the topic: the time travel trap we suffer from and how to get out of it. In the first episode of this series, we heard In Sadhguru’s message about the action of imagining the future and the trap we create for ourselves when we misuse it or over use this action.For this episode, I’ll divide the topic into the following 4 parts so you can understand what I believe to be the trap of imagining ...
The following episodes on the trap of time travel will be connected to Part 1 of time travel and the 3rd and 4th episodes on survival mechanisms. We have all had different pasts, some more difficult than others, but all of them without exception doesn’t exist anymore, yet we fall into it's trap forgetting to live in the present moment and create a new future for ourselves! The Episode will be divided into 4 parts...1. How do you get trapped in...
Inspired by a beautiful message from Sadhguru about the 3 dimensions we live in, I will start a series of episodes exploring why they can be good but can also become a trap that brings unecessary suffering to our lifes. In this episode I invite you to also do an exercise to further develop your self-awareness and mindfulness. If you would liek to send your questions and comments regarding this topic, you can join the facebook private group, following the link below. For more information or fo...
In this episode I'll be answering some of your questions form episode #3 regarding our survival mode. The questions are:1. What's the difference between a survival pattern and a fear?2. What are typical survival mode patterns?3. How to identify which potential patterns I may have running in the undercurrents....///For more information or for life or business coaching visit: WEBISTE : FACEBOOK: LINKEDIN : ht...
In this episode, I discuss both sides of the coin regarding our survival instinct. It will start explaining what is survival for us, followed by the questions what happens when we are living in survival mode? and how do we know when our survival patterns are not helpful?I'll share as well some examples from personal experience that helped me answer this questions. ///// For more information or for life or business coaching visit: WEBISTE : FACEBOOK: https...
Learning the art of transformation as a natural and inevitable human process for our evolution takes us closer to peace and freedom and is part of the flow of life. Resisting this natural growth and evolution process causes suffering and persistent negative situations and thoughts in our lives. Imagine if our children would learn this art? How much unnecessary suffering we could help them avoid!For more information or for life or business coaching visit: WEBISTE : www.coachinghelenacarr...
On this episode: "At some point of our lives we expressed our soul’s essence, and at that moment very often we got criticized or rejected or something happened around that way of being that then a lot of fear is created around it, as a result, we then suppress a piece of ourselves that wants to be expressed"For more information or for life or business coaching visit: WEBISTE : FACEBOOK: LINKEDIN : https://w...