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How to Hire a Video Production Company
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How to Hire a Video Production Company

Author: Stuart Edgeworth

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A podcast for Marketing and Communications professionals to successfully outsource their video production needs: without the headaches!
9 Episodes
Having a production company work with you from the start of the idea to the final execution and delivery ensures a consistent outcome. A surprising amount of detail goes into video production, including, but not limited to, script writing, location scouting, acquiring of permits, set design, and talent agreements. That’s why we always recommend working with an experienced company who handles all these details on your behalf. This way you can avoid complications which can delay the s...
Choosing the cheapest option available might work when getting late-night takeaway (debatable), but not so much when choosing the best video production partner. Naturally you want someone who delivers within budget and doesn’t cut corners, but we know just how disappointing a final product can turn out if price is your main determining factor.The right video can have quite a long shelf life and is often a great return on investment. So it’s probably worth spending a bit extra for a finis...
A video is so much more than moving images on a screen. Whether it’s 30 minutes or 30 seconds–every good video should tell a story. Your audience should be pulled in at the start, feel the steady rise of emotion and enjoy a satisfying conclusion as it comes to a close.What will happen if your production company doesn’t get that? It’s simple. You’ll have a video that no one will want to watch.Video is an incredible medium to effectively deliver messages through both show and tell. But like any...
So you’ve just started a big new video with your big name brand agency. We get it, the big agencies wow you with their big name recognition and the view from their office.But just 2 hours have gone by and you’ve already spoken to 20 different people at the agency.From a number of our clients' reports, chances are you'll get bounced from team member to team member. There may be any number of account managers, producers, directors, or other people involved with the communication when it comes t...
We’ve talked about big companies, now let’s talk about big egos. Some production companies will boast about how they’ve established themselves as the innovators of innovation. But you need to be careful that their creative vision isn’t blind to your bottom line!You’re probably in a position where creative guidance and suggestions would be welcome, but your organisation’s reputation and end goal must take priority over all else. Working collaboratively is the name of the game with yo...
As a Marketing Manager, you have a lot on your plate, so the last thing you need is more tasks on your to-do list.Hiring the right people for your video production needs should feel like handing off a heavy burden into strong, capable hands. Anything less and you’ll find yourself wondering if they were right when they said: If you want it done right, then you have to do it yourself!When it’s all said and done, you want to look good, your boss to be happy and for the budget to have been well s...
Messaging within different industries can be extremely delicate. There are so many things you have to keep in mind when delivering any message.The partner you engage needs to understand the potential intricacies of messaging within your space, not only for brand reputation but also for your own peace of mind.After all, they should be solving your problems, not creating more.It’s no small feat to entrust the reputation of your company’s brand with a third party–so when you do, you need to know...
OK, your video production partner is ready to make a video, but have you discussed the big question: What’s it for?Is it to educate? To build brand awareness? To increase social engagement?This question may seem obvious but it’s often overlooked. If your production company hasn’t zeroed in on the exact purpose of your project, it can lead to a messy video that lacks focus and a clear message. Understanding your organisation's specific goal means they know what you’re aiming to achie...
Hi! Welcome to the 'How to Hire a Video Production Company' podcast.This is a super quick episode to tell you what to expect and who might like to listen.Sadly it's just me on this intro episode- for the rest of the series I'll be joined by Mel Rios and luckily she is much more entertaining than me.Can't wait to hear from you!