One Mission Podcast

One Mission Podcast
Author: Alabama Baptist SBOM
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© 2025 One Mission Podcast
The One Mission Podcast is hosted by Dr. Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. In this podcast, we'll talk about issues related to church ministry.
27 Episodes
Mark Wakefield, your Disaster Relief Strategist, joins Dr. Lance to recap some of the work our volunteers were able to accomplish last Fall in the wake of Hurricane Helene, provide you with a glimpse into the ministry of Disaster Relief, and discuss the ongoing fires in LA (as of Jan 15). You'll hear lessons Mark has learned in his years leading disaster relief and how you can be a part of the Disaster Relief ministry. Mark discusses how you can partner with the Disaster Relief Ministry as a ...
Pastor Clint Pressley, the current Southern Baptist Convention President, joins Dr. Lance for a conversation that will help you get to know Clint and learn how he leads his church, Hickory Grove Baptist Church. This episode covers his testimony, call to ministry, family, SBC Meeting in Dallas, how he maintains health, and his weekly schedules. You will also hear from Dr. Lance as he reflects on the importance of biographies in the growth of a leader and who has helped provided him insight as ...
Dr. Lance is joined by two state missionaries on this episode of One Mission. Chris Mills, student missions mobilizer and Ben Edfeldt, office director of the Collegiate & Student Ministries office share some stories illustrating the importance of college ministry and collegiate missions. Chris begins with some stories from some of the collegiate summer missionaries and Ben shares afterwards about some of the things happening with Baptist Campus Ministries on our college campuses around Al...
Craig joins Dr. Lance for a conversation reflecting on his year as president and previews some things you'll see at this year's convention meeting.The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.
Dr. Kevin Blackwell joins the podcast to discuss an extremely important topic for ministry today, calling out the called. There is a shortage of laborers for God's kingdom and Kevin, through his leadership of the Ministry Training Institute of Samford, is looking to help remedy that shortage. Additionally, he serves on a committee working in partnership with the State Board of Missions looking to remedy this lack of those available to fill church positions in additional ways. He joins Dr. Lan...
This episode of One Mission Podcast is a special report from the SBC Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF) members Kris Buckman and Brad Eubank. You'll receive a brief introduction to them and get a summary of the materials the task force plans to present from the stage and in the exhibit hall at the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention to help our churches respond and prevent abuse. Listen in to learn how you can also pray for them as they finish their work out in the next few day...
Dr. Scott Pace, Provost, Professor of Preaching and Pastoral Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, joins Dr. Lance for a discussion on "calling out the called". The discussion begins with an overview of the challenge that is facing our Southern Baptist Churches in the need of people for taking up the positions available in our churches. Including full-time, part-time and bi-vocational roles. They transition from that aspect to discuss his book by the same name, co-authored wi...
Mark Gainey visits Dr. Lance for this episode of One Mission Podcast. Both a pastor at First Fultondale and State Missionary at the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, among many other pursuits, his time on the show involves discipleship in the local church. He shares elements you'll definitely want to tune in for:- His testimony and call to the pastorate- A personal illustration on his passion and how he has implemented discipleship- His work on discipleship as a State Missionary servin...
Dr. Albert Mohler, the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, joins Dr. Lance on his podcast. Dr. Mohler shares his testimony and call to ministry to begin a dialogue between them on Christian leadership. You'll also learn about the love for Winston Churchill they share and how he is an inspiration to both non-Christian and Christians as well as principles for healthy Christian leadership. You'll encounter so many nuggets of wisdom and encouragements throughout their conversa...
Dr. Jeff Iorg, president of Gateway Seminary, joins Dr. Rick Lance on the podcast to discuss leadership. A subject Dr. Iorg is well known for due to things like his Lead On podcast, he and Rick dive deeply into their preferred descriptions and understandings of leadership in a way that will surely encourage you as you consider how you are a leader in your own life. You also get the chance to hear how Jeff decided to accept the Lord as his savior from a difficult background and, through years ...
Dr. Lance is joined by Rob Jackson, the new director of evangelism and church revitalization. Rob shares his calling and journey to the State Board of Missions to start but quickly joins Rick in a discussion about church revitalization, church health and evangelism. He casts his vision for his new position and how these subjects intertwine and work together to impact churches as they try to always be about the calling God has given them. You'll hear about the process Rob is leading to help gu...
Craig Carlisle, Director of Missions at the Etowah Baptist Association, joins Dr. Lance for this episode to discuss his newly elected role of president of the Alabama Baptist State Convention. You'll get to know him more as he shares about his background and family, but also you'll learn his dream for what being the president will look like. As the historically first elected Director of Missions as president he is excited about leaning into that experience to inform his tenure as president. I...
In the December spirit of Lottie Moon, Dr. Lance is joined by Scotty Goldman, director of Global Missions, and one of our Alabama Missionaries, Drew Moss. Drew's family, journey to becoming a missionary, and current work take center stage in this episode. You'll be informed by the state of the work in England and the partnership of the State Board and encouraged by the testimony of God's movement of the Spirit in the ministry of the Moss family. a18c.orgThe Global Missions website for connect...
Harrison Smith of Alliance Defending Freedom, joins Dr. Lance for a discussion on current political and legal issues confronting the church in America. Harrison provides 3 current topics that are here and coming soon that the American church is having to deal with. You might be surprised at some incoming challenges and it will help you to be informed as you prepare for possible challenges in your ministry. Harrison also shares personally and Dr. Lance provides his perspective on our cur...
In this episode, Dr. Lance visits with Lonette Berg, Executive Director of the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission. He takes this opportunity to discuss with her, her personal background, the work of the historical commission, some funny stories from their time sharing with churches, reflections on retirement and the upcoming bicentennial celebration at the 2023 Alabama Baptist State Convention.You'll be encouraged by the reflections Rick and Lonette share on retirement, their time shared t...
The State Missionaries over children and preschool ministries join Dr. Lance for a time of reflection on the impact of ministry to preschool and children. Belinda Stroud, Children's Specialist and Bible Drill Coordinator, shares some insight into her ministries and some stories that will move you with how God is using her efforts. Patty Burns, Preschool Ministry Specialist and VBS promoter, shares about her work with preschool ministries and some VBS numbers that demonstrate the power of the ...
Greg Davis, President & Chief Executive Officer of Alabama Citizens Action Program (ALCAP), joins Rick Lance for a discussion about Greg's background and current work. You'll learn a little about Greg and what motivates him to the work, but this episode is also a great inside look about what is being done on behalf of Alabama Baptists with the Alabama legislature. Greg shares some current concerns and some future concerns Alabama Baptists might face. The conversation will also reflec...
Dr. Bart Barber, pastor of First Baptist Church Farmersville and current President of the Southern Baptist Convention, joins Dr. Lance for a conversation reflecting on some elements of the most recent convention meeting of 2023 in New Orleans. They discuss his reflection on being the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Law Amendment, the task force being assembled on cooperation, the impact of the Cooperative Program and its focus of advancing the Gospel around the world. P...
Dr. Ben Hayes pastor of First Baptist Church Dadeville joins Dr. Lance for a reflection on the recent tragedy in Dadeville, AL. You'll hear Dr. Hayes' testimony and journey with the community and church. The Lord used both of these to prepare him for the community's "9/11 moment." You'll be encouraged in this story by the Lord's providence in the faithfulness of His people, and how it can help prepare you for tragedies in your life or community, which we pray will never come. You'll also hear...
Dr. Jamie Dew, President and Professor of Christian Philosophy at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, joins Dr. Lance for a time of personal sharing and life and leadership lessons that will surely encourage and inform. Jamie shares his testimony, how he balances life and ministry, and his lessons learned as he transitioned into his role as president. Jamie transparently discusses his life and ministry:Jamie's testimony of transformation from one being far from God to excited to pa...
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