EntdeckenFIND YOURSELF - the questions podcast with Bernd Wenske | mindful self-empowerment + personal growth
FIND YOURSELF - the questions podcast with Bernd Wenske | mindful self-empowerment + personal growth

FIND YOURSELF - the questions podcast with Bernd Wenske | mindful self-empowerment + personal growth

Autor: Bernd Wenske

Abonniert: 2Gespielt: 14


Are you one of those people who want to live their personality? Who doesn’t want to bend anymore? Who confidently makes their own decisions? FIND YOURSELF; this podcast will show you how to find answers

Come and be part of the podcast as we delve into the realms of self-discovery and personal development.

Engage with thought-provoking daily queries that will steer you toward deeper self-awareness.

Tune in for compelling monthly interviews in Gateway Episodes with accomplished guests that will ignite your passion for leading a fulfilling life. Embark on this transformative journey with us.
590 Episodes
What past accomplishments or strengths can you reflect on to boost your confidence? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Do you celebrate the things you have? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
How can you show yourself kindness and compassion during challenging times? Today is International Self-Care Day! Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What is God or other higher energy telling you when you pray to them and ask what the plan is for you in this world? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Have you ever tried to change anybody? If so, who? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What is one thing you will never give up on? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Did you ever try Michael Jackson's moonwalk? On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to land on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What do you feel connected to spirituality? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
In your opinion, what is the most toxic personality trait? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
If you could choose one emoji to guide you on a journey of self-improvement, which one would you pick and why (World Emoji Day) 🥳   Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What was an unnecessary "time waster," and how can you avoid it in the future? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
How cynical are you? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What annoyed you, and what does that say about you? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What do you consider to be irresponsible? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What can you do to prioritise your physical and mental health? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Do you have a favourite news anchor, if so, who? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
What would your life be like if money was your best friend? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Whom do you want to spend more time and contact with? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Do you know who you are? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience
Who was I unfair to today? Welcome to Season 2 of the FIND YOURSELF – the questions podcast! Are you looking to find answers and discover your inner self? Let me guide you through a year of daily questions that will help you gain self-knowledge and personal growth. Every day, you'll receive a new question that will give you the impulse to explore your inner self and find the answers you seek. You can also tune in to our Gateway Episode, which airs approximately every month. In it, I chat with guests about their experiences on the path to self-discovery. Together, we can delve deeper and benefit from the solutions shared by others. If you need more personalised guidance to conquer your goals and build a plan for the life you want to live, don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me through my FIND YOURSELF Coaching Services. I promise to uplift and support you on your journey towards self-understanding and enlightenment. Visit my website https://berndwenske.de/findyourself for bonuses like a downloadable Journal Calendar and a free 15-minute virtual Discovery Meeting call in English or German. My name is Bernd Wenske, and I'm excited to walk alongside you as you let your light burn brighter! Remember to live your authenticity, courage, and energy, and unfold your full potential! #findyourself #selfconfidence #selflove #happierlife #resilience