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Author: OPM Staff

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The editors of the Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine talk PS2, PS3, PSP...and pretty much whatever else they feel like. While fighting crime. And ninjas. In the future.
20 Episodes
radiOPM - 11/16/2006

radiOPM - 11/16/2006


Anything goes in this very, very special radiOPM. Why is it so special, you ask? Because it's the series finale -- the last episode -- the final countdown. Tune in as a cast of special guests jump in to give radiOPM (and OPM) a hearty sendoff. Along the way we find out the identity of Mancrab, what goes on under Scooter's desk, and what happened on all those long, crazy deadline nights. If you listen to just one episode of radiOPM in your life...well, you probably don't want to listen to this one. But for those of you who stuck with us from the beginning, this is for you. Thanks for listening. You'll hear from us soon.
radiOPM - 11/09/2006

radiOPM - 11/09/2006


Finally, finally we here at OPM have a PS3 of our very own. Listen along at home as we explore its hidden treasures and naughty bits. Hear our impressions of the games thrown our way so far. And find out things you might not have known about the PS3 and peripherals. Plus: the competition's big release this week, and the most disturbing games ever!
radiOPM - 11/02/2006

radiOPM - 11/02/2006


It's a thought-provoking show this week as the staff discusses potential pitfalls of the PS3 and other next-gen systems. But it's not all chin-stroking and navel-gazing; you'll also find out tantalizing details about Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, learn more about the upcoming issue, and discover what happens when a game reviewer goes head-to-head with a ridiculously difficult game.
radiOPM - 10/26/2006

radiOPM - 10/26/2006


The team brings back details from Sony's Editors' Day, including an exclusive interview with Sony's president of worldwide studios, Phil Harrison. Find out what to expect from the PS3's online platform, plus hear some tantalizing possibilities regarding the interaction between PSP and PS3. Plus, Bully: Is it as controversial as people think?
radiOPM - 10/19/2006

radiOPM - 10/19/2006


The PS3 news is coming fast and furious now -- find out what the OPM staff thinks of the tantalizing details being revealed about online play and downloadable games. Plus! Find out secret, exclusive details about Resistance, and hear the editors square off in a long-awaited and oft-requested Lost discussion.
radiOPM - 10/05/2006

radiOPM - 10/05/2006


With Joe busy on yet another heapin' big cover feature (for the December issue), EIC Tom takes on hosting duties (gasp!). In this mighty episode, radiOPM welcomes special guest Mike Gallo of Sega of America. He's the producer on Full Auto 2 for the PS3 and he joins Tom, Scooter and Giancarlo as they talk about OPM's three magical hours with the PS3 this past Monday, Kaz's claim that rumble would be too expensive to implement (but it can be done!), Full Auto 2, the December issue cover story - and a little Uwe Boll thrown in for good measure. All this and much more in Episode 22 of radiOPM. Download it. NOW.
radiOPM - 09/27/2006

radiOPM - 09/27/2006


With Tom and Scooter just back from the Tokyo Game Show, talk naturally turns to the highs and the lows of TGS. What PS3 games blew their socks off? Which one left them feeling a bit "meh"? But that's not the half of it: In this episode you will also learn the name of the secret launch game featured on OPM's November cover, a new detail about the Guitar Hero II demo featured in that issue, and a never-before-announced song that will be featured in the final game!
radiOPM - 09/21/2006

radiOPM - 09/21/2006


It's a heated debate between the forces of good and evil as the editors of OPM discuss the rumors of a microtransation-fueled Gran Turismo. Plus: hear breaking Guitar Hero news, the editors' predictions for TGS, and another utterly shameless November cover-story tease!
radiOPM - 09/14/2006

radiOPM - 09/14/2006


It's an episode rife with PS3 launch speculation from editors and readers alike. With TGS just around the corner, the PS3 is still riddled with unanswered questions: How will the online platform work? How will the supply of units at launch affect the success of the machine? And is Sony really being arrogant with their handling of the launch? Hear what you, your fellow listeners, and the editors think about all these questions. Plus: more shameless teasing of the November cover! Can you figure it out from the hints dropped herein?
radiOPM - 08/31/2006

radiOPM - 08/31/2006


With host Joe Rybicki busy busy busy on OPM's gigantic secret November cover story and Giancarlo moving to a new home, it rests upon the illustrious shoulders of Tom, Dana and Scooter to carry this week's episode. Tackling such issues as the latest PSP2 rumors, the Tokyo Game Show, recent visits to PS3 developers and Alejandro's God Hand obsession, do they pull it off? Download! Listen! Decide!
radiOPM - 08/24/2006

radiOPM - 08/24/2006


It's a frenzy of news and commentary in this week's radiOPM, wherein the editors discuss the awesomeness that is Guitar Hero II, the highlights and lowlights of recent industry events, the majesty of Final Fantasy XII and the frustration of Dead Rising, and the importance of user-created games. Plus: find out what WEPES2K7 stands for!
radiOPM - 08/17/2006

radiOPM - 08/17/2006


Witness OPM's heated debates about the virtues of 1080p versus 1080i, the value of downloadable classic games, the significance of different console manufacturers' approaches to pre-release games, and the relative merits of Ghostbusters II vis a vis the original Ghostbusters. Who will come out victorious? Listen and find out.
radiOPM - 08/03/2006

radiOPM - 08/03/2006


Like the rest of the known videogame world, we discuss the ramifications of the loss of E3. Who does it hurt? Who does it help? Who does it make giddy as a newborn lamb? Plus: the highs and lows of LocoRoco, how hardcore we aren't, and what influence Blu-ray will have on the film industry.
radiOPM - 07/27/2006

radiOPM - 07/27/2006


Are PS3s really already rolling off the assembly line? Has something wonky happened to OPM's review scores? Is there a finer puzzle game than Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo? Who on staff can't stand GTA? The answers to all these burning questions -- along with the goods on a hot memory-stick deal -- lie within this week's positively action-packed episode of radiOPM.
radiOPM - 07/20/2006

radiOPM - 07/20/2006


We take you on a magical mystery tour through the world of PlayStation. Stops along the way include recent industry events, the Tokyo underworld of Yakuza, the realm of parenting in the age of videogames, and a special side trip back in time to our first job experiences. All with a creamy nougat center!
radiOPM - 07/13/2006

radiOPM - 07/13/2006


Find out more about Sony's racially charged PSP ad, ponder the future of e-distribution, hear our advice for getting into the games industry, and learn about a game that lets you kick people in the junk-to a laugh track!
radiOPM - 07/06/2006

radiOPM - 07/06/2006


It's an atypically PSP-centric show this week, as we take a look at Sony's, ah, provocative new PSP ad campaign, an odd PSP school project, and the shocking notion of PSP games that aren't ports. Plus, find out what to expect in the upcoming issue, and marvel at Scooter's use of the word "synaesthesia."
radiOPM - 06/29/2006

radiOPM - 06/29/2006


Find out what to expect from PS1 games on PSP, witness a videogame publisher getting totally pwnt by hot grand jury action, hear special guest Amy Hennig of Naughty Dog talk about the challenges of developing for the PS3, and learn what it takes to move up in the Ziff Davis Game Group! All in this carefully blast-processed episode of radiOPM.
radiOPM - 06/22/2006

radiOPM - 06/22/2006


There is no stopping the rocking of Guitar Hero II, and we don't even attempt to try. In fact, if you were to say that we encourage the rocking, you would not be far off. Also, find out why Lego Star Wars II is awesome, why Immersion wants Sony to have force feedback in the PS3, and why the Legend of Dragoon just will not die. Hear all this, plus Scooter's bizarrely lucid work-dream.
radiOPM - 06/15/2006

radiOPM - 06/15/2006


In this, a very special radiOPM, editor-in-chief Tom Byron takes over hosting duties from vacationing Joe. And what a treat you are in for! You'll thrill to the dulcimer sounds of Tom, Dana, Giancarlo, Scooter and DVD editor Logan Parr as they drone on about the July issue, Guitar Hero 2, chatty RPGs, the monthly disc, PR pet peeves and why you should teach your kids not to "die dumb."