DiscoverPLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women, Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms
PLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women,  Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms
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PLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women, Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms

Author: Danielle McGeough, PhD

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** Top 2% Globally Ranked Podcast **

Ever felt overwhelmed and disconnected while trying to juggle the demands of work, family, and personal growth? Wondering how you can achieve your goals without the added stress in an already hectic life? Are you seeking guidance and strategies that directly address your desire for a more balanced and fulfilling life?

Welcome to ”Plan Goal Plan,” the weekly escape into the world of meaningful planning, intentional goal setting, and purposeful living. I’m your host, Danielle McGeough, a professor, mom, planner enthusiast, and a self-confessed recovering overachiever. Join me as we delve into personal development, time management, and self-care, armed with expert insights, relatable stories, and practical tips. This podcast is a sanctuary for hardworking individuals, especially moms, aiming to reclaim their time and inject joy and purpose into their daily routines.

As a professor, mom, planner addict, and recovering overachiever with years of both personal and professional exploration, I’ve navigated the complexities of balancing career ambitions with family life. My journey from feeling lost and burnt out, despite achieving significant goals, to finding a sustainable path forward has taught me the importance of planning with care and setting goals that truly resonate. I understand the struggles of feeling like you have to do it all because I’ve been there.

If simplifying life, achieving goals with genuine joy, and making room for what truly matters to you sounds like your cup of tea, ”Plan Goal Plan” will be your guide. We’re on a mission to transform daily routines into meaningful rituals and productivity into endless possibilities, all while fostering a supportive community.

Ready to step into a life marked by fulfillment, balance, and purposeful direction? Tune into ”Plan Goal Plan” on your favorite podcast platform. Embrace this journey with us, where planning meets purpose, goals guide us towards our true north, and actions are taken with intention and delight. Let’s redefine the essence of productivity together and make every moment count.

Through my own experiences of feeling overwhelmed by various planning and productivity systems and the realization that I had lost touch with what truly mattered, I discovered a simpler, more enjoyable approach to goal setting and time management. This revelation changed my perspective on productivity and led me to start ”Plan Goal Plan.” Now, I want to share these insights, along with strategies and stories, to help you navigate your own path to a fulfilling and balanced life.

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165 Episodes
Feeling overwhelmed by a big decision? Maybe you're trying to figure out your next move. In today's episode, we're diving into Emily P. Freeman's transformative approach to decision making, inspired by her book, The Next Right Thing. I explore the power of taking small, intentional actions rather than getting lost in the pressure of five-year plans or life mission statements. Learn how to navigate transitions with grace and clarity by focusing on the immediate next step and embracing silence and solitude as tools for deeper discernment. This reflective and faith-based approach will help you align your choices with your core values and find peace in the decision-making process. Whether you're in the midst of a life transition or simply seeking a more mindful way to make decisions, this episode offers valuable insights to guide you on your journey. Key Takeaways: Embrace Small Steps: Instead of feeling overwhelmed by long-term plans or life mission statements, focus on taking small, intentional actions. These steps build momentum over time and reduce the pressure to make perfect decisions. Use Silence and Solitude: Creating daily rituals that incorporate silence and solitude can help you hear your inner voice, fostering clarity and guiding you toward the next right decision. Align Decisions with Core Values: Decision-making is not just a practical task but also a spiritual practice. Align your choices with your deeper values and, if applicable, invite your faith into the process to find peace and purpose in your decisions. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Procrastination Belief Busting Worksheet Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Imagine a world where you think it, do it, and it's done - no resistance. In this episode, I dive deep into the roots of procrastination, exploring how emotional discomfort and conflicting values often hold us back from taking action. Discover practical strategies to align your beliefs, values, and actions, so you can finally overcome procrastination and achieve your goals with ease. I bust common myths about procrastination—like the misconception that it’s a sign of laziness—and reveal how to reframe your mindset to boost productivity. Whether it's tackling everyday tasks or breaking free from chronic delays, this episode offers actionable insights and tools to help you move forward. Tune in to learn how to stop procrastinating, embrace new beliefs, and create a life that’s both ambitious and balanced. Key Takeaways: Procrastination is Rooted in Emotional Discomfort: Procrastination often stems from avoiding emotional discomfort rather than laziness. Understanding this can help you address the real reasons behind your delays and take steps to overcome them. Aligning Values and Actions is Essential: Conflicting values, like the desire for both predictability and novelty, can fuel procrastination. Identifying and aligning your core values with your actions can reduce resistance and make tasks easier to tackle. Mindset Shifts Can Break the Procrastination Cycle: By challenging limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones, you can change your approach to tasks and reduce procrastination. Pairing tasks with positive reinforcement can also create a more productive and less stressful workflow. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Procrastination Busting Worksheet!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
In this episode, I dive into Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy's transformative book, Who Not How, exploring how strategic partnerships and collaboration can propel you toward achieving bigger goals. If you’ve ever felt stuck or overwhelmed by the "how" of your ambitions, this episode is a game-changer. I discuss the power of shifting your focus from "how do I do this?" to "who can help me do this?", highlighting how embracing teamwork and delegation can unlock new possibilities and streamline your path to success. Drawing from personal experiences in parenting, professional challenges, and health goals, I underscore the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people. This episode is packed with actionable insights for anyone looking to overcome procrastination, enhance productivity, and achieve more by working smarter, not harder. Tune in to discover how embracing the "who" can elevate your journey to success. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Feeling like a drained overachiever? In this episode of Plan Goal Plan, I dive into four transformative steps to help you break free from the cycle of busyness and reclaim control over your life. I share my personal journey from being overwhelmed and exhausted to living a life filled with purpose, presence, and joy. Discover how creating a personalized daily ritual, streamlining your planning practices, identifying internal and external barriers, and rewriting your self-narrative can lead to lasting, meaningful change. Whether you’re struggling to balance work and family, or feeling flat and unfulfilled despite your accomplishments, this episode provides actionable strategies to help you reconnect with yourself and create a life that feels full and vibrant. Tune in to learn how to move from burnout to balance and transform your everyday routines into powerful tools for well-being. Key takeaways: Create a Personalized Ritual: Establish a daily routine that nurtures self-reflection and intentional planning. Identify and Overcome Barriers: Recognize internal and external obstacles that hinder your progress and develop strategies to overcome them. Embrace Lasting Change: Rewrite your self-narrative to create meaningful, irreversible transformations in your life. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Want to develop your own women-centered practice? Join Break Free From Busy!  In this podcast episode, I explore the significant confidence gap between men and women in goal setting and career advancement, referencing a revealing 2014 Hewlett-Packard report. The report highlights how women often feel they need to be 100% qualified before pursuing new opportunities, compared to men who feel ready at just 60%. This disparity reflects deeper gender differences in confidence, risk aversion, and decision-making. The episode emphasizes the importance of a women-centered approach to goal setting, designed to empower women to set ambitious goals without fear of inadequacy. I share insights from research and personal experience, advocating for strategies that help women overcome imposter syndrome and embrace bold leadership roles. Join the upcoming "Break Free from Busy" program! It is a unique opportunity to engage in a supportive, women-focused community dedicated to personal and professional growth. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Need a supportive community to grow in? Join Break Free From Busy!  In this podcast episode, I explore the profound impact of the people we surround ourselves with on our personal growth and goal achievement. Drawing on the idea that "you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with," the episode delves into the importance of intentionally choosing your community, especially in the context of personal development. I emphasize the benefits of growing in supportive communities, addressing the challenges, especially for women, in forming deep connections. Highlighting the influence of social networks on our emotions, behaviors, and even politics, the episode encourages you to seek out or create communities that align with your goals and values. This episode is a call to action for those seeking meaningful connections and personal growth. Key takeaways: The Power of Community in Personal Growth: Surrounding yourself with like-minded, growth-oriented individuals is crucial for achieving your goals.  Intentional Relationship Building: Being intentional about the communities you join or create can lead to deeper, more supportive relationships that foster personal development. Overcoming Fears in Female Friendships: Many women hesitate to form close connections with other women due to fears of judgment or competition. The podcast encourages breaking down these barriers by creating safe, supportive spaces where women can be vulnerable and grow together. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Join Break Free From Busy What if a simple 15-minute meeting could keep you laser-focused and on track? In today's episode, I dive into the power of weekly accountability meetings, an incredibly effective yet often overlooked tool from the book The 12-Week Year that can revolutionize how you achieve your goals. Learn how to shift the idea of accountability from consequences to ownership and discover the benefits of growing in community with others. The Power of Community: Surrounding yourself with people who are committed to continuous growth and personal development is crucial. Your social circle, whether it's five people or more, significantly influences your mindset, emotions, and ability to achieve your goals. Intentional Friendship and Support: Building and maintaining supportive friendships as an adult can be challenging, especially for busy professionals. However, intentionally seeking out or creating communities that align with your values and goals can lead to deep, meaningful connections and personal growth. Overcoming Socialized Barriers: Many women face hesitations in forming close relationships with other women due to fears of judgment and competition. By fostering vulnerability and rejecting the comparison game, women can create empowering and supportive networks that break down these barriers and enable collective growth. Connect with Danielle:  Join Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
In today's episode of Plan Goal Plan, we're diving deep into the concept of "having it all" and exploring what work-life balance truly means. Inspired by a recent Time magazine article by Samhita Mukhopadhyay, we rewrite the question, "Can you have it all?" and ask instead, "Do you have what you need?" I unpack how this question can transform your goal-setting and planning practices, offering a path to break free from busy and achieve a more fulfilling life. If you're ready to reclaim your time and thrive both personally and professionally, join our upcoming "Break Free from Busy" program. Sign up today! Key Takeaways: Redefine Success: Shift from the exhausting pursuit of "having it all" to asking, "Do I have what I need?" This reframing helps focus on what truly matters in your current season of life. Embrace Intentional Planning: Incorporate self-reflection into your planning process, guiding your weekly goals by what you genuinely need rather than external expectations or societal pressures. Break Free from Busy: Prioritize your well-being by setting boundaries and establishing planning rituals that honor your personal and professional needs, leading to a more balanced, fulfilling life. Connect with Danielle:  Join the waitlist for Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Join the waitlist for Break Free From Busy Feeling overwhelmed by life's demands? In this episode, I explore the transformative power of focusing on just one thing to propel your goals forward. Inspired by the book The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, I delve into how narrowing your focus can increase calm, improve productivity, and create balance in your life. Learn how to prioritize effectively, build sustainable habits, and achieve more by doing less. Whether you're a busy parent or a goal-setting enthusiast, this episode offers actionable insights to help you thrive. Tune in and discover your one thing today! Key Takeaways:  Focus on One Thing for Greater Success: Prioritizing a single, most important goal can reduce overwhelm and lead to significant progress in multiple areas of life. By concentrating on one thing, you make other tasks easier or unnecessary. Balance vs. Counterbalance: Instead of striving for perfect balance in all life domains simultaneously, embrace strategic counterbalance. Focus deeply on one area at a time, allowing other areas to relax, and gradually shift your focus as you build sustainable habits. Simplifying Goals Leads to More Achievement: Trying to tackle multiple goals at once can be counterproductive. Simplifying your focus to one or two key objectives not only reduces stress but also increases the likelihood of achieving lasting success. Connect with Danielle:  Join the waitlist for Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Feeling rushed and overwhelmed in the mornings? You're not alone. In this episode, we dive into how to transform chaotic mornings into calm, productive starts to your day. Discover practical tips on streamlining your morning routine, prioritizing self-care, and applying the 80/20 rule to make the most of your time. Learn how small changes, like getting better sleep and creating a personalized morning ritual, can set the tone for a more focused and energized day. Plus, explore resources like the "Back to School Workbook" to help you and your family start the day right. Tune in for actionable advice to reclaim your mornings and set a strong foundation for success! Key Takeaways: Transform Your Mornings with Intentional Rituals. Creating a morning ritual that sets a positive tone for the day. By waking up earlier and practicing the "RISE ritual method," you can center yourself, manage your mindset, and reduce morning chaos. Apply the 80/20 Rule to Your Morning Routine. The 80/20 rule, where 80% of results come from 20% of efforts, is a powerful tool to simplify your morning routine. By identifying and focusing on the most impactful tasks, like a few key makeup steps or streamlined wardrobe choices, you can reduce decision fatigue and save time without sacrificing quality. Prioritize Self-Care to Better Support Others. Taking care of yourself first, whether through improved sleep or a few minutes of quiet reflection, allows you to be more present and supportive for your family. The episode highlights how prioritizing your own needs in the morning can lead to smoother, less stressful mornings for everyone involved. Connect with Danielle:  Join the waitlist for Break Free From Busy Download the Back-to-School Workbook Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Download your FREE back-to-school workbook here!  Are you a leader struggling with burnout? You're not alone, and this episode is here to help! Join us as we dive into an enlightening conversation with Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, a renowned psychologist, executive coach, and founder of Hammond Psychology & Associates. Dr. Hammond is a true expert in mental health, burnout prevention, and leadership development. In this episode, we discuss: Practical strategies for preventing burnout The critical role of mindset in maintaining mental wellness How to recognize the signs of burnout before it's too late The importance of holistic self-care and how to integrate it into your daily life Dr. Hammond also shares insights from her upcoming book, Mindset Training: Conquer Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow, and offers actionable tips that you can start implementing today. Key Takeaways: Understanding Burnout: Burnout is more than just stress; it's chronic exhaustion that impacts every aspect of life, from work productivity to personal relationships. Mindset Matters: Adopting a proactive mindset about self-care can significantly reduce the risk of burnout. Self-Care Essentials: Self-care goes beyond occasional treats—it's about daily practices that address your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. Gratitude Practice: Starting your day with specific gratitude practices can transform your mindset and help navigate through tough times. Actionable Tips: Implement small, consistent actions like taking a minute for self-care or asking yourself key questions about your needs and well-being. Connect with Dr. Nekeshia Hammond LinkedIn: Instagram: FB: X: YouTube: Website: Book website: Connect with Danielle:  Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Download your FREE back-to-school workbook here!  In today's inspiring episode, we dive into the world of leadership, executive coaching, and strategic planning with the incredible Julie Boll, founder of Julie Boll Consulting. Julie, a certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator through Brené Brown, shares her extensive experience in the nonprofit sector and offers invaluable insights into overcoming limiting beliefs, embracing big goals, and the importance of self-trust and community in personal and professional growth. Key Takeaways: Pivoting and Growth: Discover how Julie transitioned from grant writing to strategic planning and executive coaching, emphasizing the importance of aligning your work with your passions. Empowerment Through Community: Understand the value of building a supportive community and investing in coaching to achieve your goals. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Julie discusses how women can overcome societal biases and personal doubts to pursue and achieve their big dreams. Self-Trust and Strategic Planning: Learn about the role of self-trust in business and personal growth, and how to create space for creativity and strategic thinking. Connect with Julie: Connect with Danielle:  Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Download your FREE back-to-school workbook! Today, we're delving into the intricate relationship between our careers and our overall well-being. Having a healthy relationship with our work is crucial for a fulfilling life. I'm thrilled to welcome Katy Culver, a founder, coach, and mindset mentor, to the Plan Goal Plan podcast.  In this episode, Katy shares her journey from a hyper-achieving career woman to a coach helping others find clarity and purpose in their professional lives. She discusses the importance of creating a career vision, the struggles of overthinking, self-doubt, and perfectionism, and how to overcome these challenges. Katie also emphasizes the significance of making space for self-reflection and journaling as tools to reconnect with oneself. We explore the idea of career identity and how it can both empower and limit us. Katy provides insights on how to navigate career changes and the importance of celebrating wins along the way. If you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck in your career, this episode is packed with valuable advice and inspiration to help you move forward. Don't miss out on Katy's inspiring story and practical tips for achieving a fulfilling career and life. Tune in now! Key Takeaways Importance of Career Vision and Commitment: Katy Culver stresses the importance of creating a clear career vision and committing to it, which can guide decisions and actions towards a more fulfilling career. Overcoming Common Career Challenges: Katy identifies overthinking, self-doubt, and perfectionism as common challenges, suggesting mindset shifts and celebrating wins to overcome these obstacles. Role of Identity in Career Development: Katy explains that viewing identity as a tool can help professionals adapt and thrive in various career stages, encouraging them to embrace change and growth. Connect with Katy:  LinkedIn: Instagram: Website: Email: Connect with Danielle:  Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Ever wake up in the middle of the night with a million tasks running through your mind? In this episode, I delve into David Allen's renowned "Getting Things Done" method, exploring how it can transform chaos into clarity with a simple yet effective approach. Discover the five key steps to managing tasks effectively and learn how capturing tasks can significantly reduce stress and enhance productivity. Capture Everything: The first step in David Allen's Get Things Done (GTD) method is capturing all tasks and ideas that come to mind. This helps to avoid mental overload and reduces stress by transferring the burden of remembering tasks from your mind to a reliable system. Use Effective Tools: Different people have different preferences for capturing tasks. Some may prefer physical tools like notebooks and planners, while others may opt for digital tools such as apps or voice memos. The key is to choose tools that you are comfortable with and will consistently use. Regular Review and Processing: It's important to regularly review and process your captured tasks. This involves clarifying what needs to be done, organizing tasks into appropriate categories, and prioritizing them. Not everything that gets captured needs to be acted upon; some tasks can be delegated or deleted to maintain focus on what truly matters Connect with Danielle:  Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Welcome to the 150th episode of Plan Goal Plan! I can't believe we've reached this milestone together. In this special episode, I share three of my favorite episodes, three valuable lessons I've learned, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at my tools and goals. Plus, I'm thrilled to offer an amazing opportunity: Dr. Claire Zaammit's Feminine Power course for free to the first five people who sign up for empowered coaching with me! Key takeaways: 1. Consistency and Resilience Success is often about minimizing the time between setbacks and restarting. Let's normalize failure as part of the journey and focus on getting back on track quickly. 2. Prioritizing Rest and Play Goal setting and planning helps you prioritize rest and play! The Plan Goal Plan Method not only enhances productivity but also contributes to a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. 3. Empowering Personal Development I want to continue to empower and support your personal and professional growth. Please let me know if there are topics for the podcast that would better support you on your journey!  Connect with Danielle:  Empowered Coaching!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Need a personalized morning routine? Complete a quick Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment and I will help you create a morning routine specific to your goals!  In today's episode, we're diving into how to create an energizing morning routine inspired by Craig Ballantine's "Millionaire Morning Routine." You don't need to be a millionaire or have big ambitions (but I invite you to dream big) to benefit from his simple and practical approach. Start by waking up just 15 minutes earlier and engage in quick cleansing activities. Prioritize your most important tasks and prepare the night before to set yourself up for a successful day. By implementing these steps, you can transform your mornings and enhance your daily life. Let's get started on making your mornings something to look forward to! Key Takeaways: Wake up 15 minutes earlier: Use this extra time for activities important to you  Quick cleansing rituals: Start your day with simple actions like drinking water or a brief meditation to energize and center yourself. Night-before preparation: Plan and prioritize tasks the night before to ensure a smooth and productive morning. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Feeling frazzled? Sign up for a Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment today for focus, energy, and a plan!  Have you ever felt like you just don't have time for time management? In this episode, I tackle the common struggle of feeling too busy to manage your time effectively. Discover why traditional time management methods often fall short and how a mindful, holistic approach can help create meaningful space in your life. Learn to prioritize tasks, delegate effectively, and transform your routines into enriching rituals. I've got some practical tips on how to align your time management with your personal development goals, ultimately leading to increased clarity, productivity, and balance.  Key Takeaways: Mindful Time Management: Traditional time management often fails because it focuses solely on efficiency rather than personal development.  Clear Prioritization: Effective time management involves not just scheduling tasks but also reflecting on your goals and values, ensuring that your efforts align with what’s most important to you. Rituals vs. Routines: Incorporating rituals that promote mindfulness and presence can prevent the exhausting cycle of constantly decluttering and refilling your schedule.  Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Have you ever wondered if science can pinpoint what is needed for peak performance? Join me as I dive into the book The Art of the Impossible by Steven Kotler. This episode explores the science of achieving peak performance and offers practical guidance for accomplishing ambitious goals. Discover how neuroscience and psychology can help you create foundational practices that drive exceptional achievement. Passion and Purpose. Passion is identified through individual curiosities and interests, while purpose connects this passion to a greater cause. This alignment is crucial for maintaining long-term motivation and satisfaction. The Power of Flow State. I discuss the transformative and healing power of achieving a flow state, as illustrated by Kotler's personal experience with surfing despite his illness. Flow state not only enhances performance but also provides significant mental and physical benefits.  Practical Steps for Daily Practice. To maintain passion and purpose, engage in related activities daily, continuously learn, and surround oneself with a supportive community.  Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
In this reflective episode, I share my personal journey with planning, personal development, and goal setting. Through stories from my childhood, college, and professional life, I highlight the challenges of seeing my own potential when others couldn't. I emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive people and the transformative power of mindful planning and goal setting. This episode encourages you to recognize their own possibilities, seek out those who can help them grow, and invest in your personal development journey. Key Takeaways: Recognizing and Cultivating Potential: The episode highlights the importance of recognizing potential both in ourselves and others.  The Power of Personal Development: Engaging in personal development work, such as mindful planning and holistic goal setting, is transformative.  Surrounding Yourself with the Right People: Finding a community or coach who sees and nurtures your potential can be a game-changer.  I hope my experiences resonate with you and provide valuable takeaways for your own life. Let's embrace our potential and support one another in living full, spectacular lives. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
In this episode, I explore the concept of "slow productivity" as introduced by Cal Newport. Discover how to break free from the high-stress, always-on culture of modern work by aligning with your natural rhythms and managing your energy seasonally. This episode is part of our summer series, featuring quick, actionable insights to help you implement new ideas right away. Key Takeaways Differentiate Busyness from Productivity: Busyness is high activity with low meaningful results. True productivity focuses on results, proactive effort, and brings satisfaction. Align Work with Natural Rhythms: Identify and work during your peak energy periods. Adjust tasks to fit your energy levels throughout the day. Embrace Seasonal Energy Management: Recognize and honor different seasons in life and work. Use slower periods for rest and renewal, and embrace intense work during peak seasons. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!