DiscoverPLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women, Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms
PLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women,  Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms
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PLAN GOAL PLAN | Goals, Transformation for Women, Mindful Time Management, Balance, Working Moms

Author: Danielle McGeough, PhD

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** Top 2% Globally Ranked Podcast **

Ever felt overwhelmed and disconnected while trying to juggle the demands of work, family, and personal growth? Wondering how you can achieve your goals without the added stress in an already hectic life? Are you seeking guidance and strategies that directly address your desire for a more balanced and fulfilling life?

Welcome to ”Plan Goal Plan,” the weekly escape into the world of meaningful planning, intentional goal setting, and purposeful living. I’m your host, Danielle McGeough, a professor, mom, planner enthusiast, and a self-confessed recovering overachiever. Join me as we delve into personal development, time management, and self-care, armed with expert insights, relatable stories, and practical tips. This podcast is a sanctuary for hardworking individuals, especially moms, aiming to reclaim their time and inject joy and purpose into their daily routines.

As a professor, mom, planner addict, and recovering overachiever with years of both personal and professional exploration, I’ve navigated the complexities of balancing career ambitions with family life. My journey from feeling lost and burnt out, despite achieving significant goals, to finding a sustainable path forward has taught me the importance of planning with care and setting goals that truly resonate. I understand the struggles of feeling like you have to do it all because I’ve been there.

If simplifying life, achieving goals with genuine joy, and making room for what truly matters to you sounds like your cup of tea, ”Plan Goal Plan” will be your guide. We’re on a mission to transform daily routines into meaningful rituals and productivity into endless possibilities, all while fostering a supportive community.

Ready to step into a life marked by fulfillment, balance, and purposeful direction? Tune into ”Plan Goal Plan” on your favorite podcast platform. Embrace this journey with us, where planning meets purpose, goals guide us towards our true north, and actions are taken with intention and delight. Let’s redefine the essence of productivity together and make every moment count.

Through my own experiences of feeling overwhelmed by various planning and productivity systems and the realization that I had lost touch with what truly mattered, I discovered a simpler, more enjoyable approach to goal setting and time management. This revelation changed my perspective on productivity and led me to start ”Plan Goal Plan.” Now, I want to share these insights, along with strategies and stories, to help you navigate your own path to a fulfilling and balanced life.

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152 Episodes
Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Ever wake up in the middle of the night with a million tasks running through your mind? In this episode, I delve into David Allen's renowned "Getting Things Done" method, exploring how it can transform chaos into clarity with a simple yet effective approach. Discover the five key steps to managing tasks effectively and learn how capturing tasks can significantly reduce stress and enhance productivity. Capture Everything: The first step in David Allen's Get Things Done (GTD) method is capturing all tasks and ideas that come to mind. This helps to avoid mental overload and reduces stress by transferring the burden of remembering tasks from your mind to a reliable system. Use Effective Tools: Different people have different preferences for capturing tasks. Some may prefer physical tools like notebooks and planners, while others may opt for digital tools such as apps or voice memos. The key is to choose tools that you are comfortable with and will consistently use. Regular Review and Processing: It's important to regularly review and process your captured tasks. This involves clarifying what needs to be done, organizing tasks into appropriate categories, and prioritizing them. Not everything that gets captured needs to be acted upon; some tasks can be delegated or deleted to maintain focus on what truly matters Connect with Danielle:  Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Only 5 Empowered Coaching Slots Available. Sign up here!  Welcome to the 150th episode of Plan Goal Plan! I can't believe we've reached this milestone together. In this special episode, I share three of my favorite episodes, three valuable lessons I've learned, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at my tools and goals. Plus, I'm thrilled to offer an amazing opportunity: Dr. Claire Zaammit's Feminine Power course for free to the first five people who sign up for empowered coaching with me! Key takeaways: 1. Consistency and Resilience Success is often about minimizing the time between setbacks and restarting. Let's normalize failure as part of the journey and focus on getting back on track quickly. 2. Prioritizing Rest and Play Goal setting and planning helps you prioritize rest and play! The Plan Goal Plan Method not only enhances productivity but also contributes to a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. 3. Empowering Personal Development I want to continue to empower and support your personal and professional growth. Please let me know if there are topics for the podcast that would better support you on your journey!  Connect with Danielle:  Empowered Coaching!  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Need a personalized morning routine? Complete a quick Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment and I will help you create a morning routine specific to your goals!  In today's episode, we're diving into how to create an energizing morning routine inspired by Craig Ballantine's "Millionaire Morning Routine." You don't need to be a millionaire or have big ambitions (but I invite you to dream big) to benefit from his simple and practical approach. Start by waking up just 15 minutes earlier and engage in quick cleansing activities. Prioritize your most important tasks and prepare the night before to set yourself up for a successful day. By implementing these steps, you can transform your mornings and enhance your daily life. Let's get started on making your mornings something to look forward to! Key Takeaways: Wake up 15 minutes earlier: Use this extra time for activities important to you  Quick cleansing rituals: Start your day with simple actions like drinking water or a brief meditation to energize and center yourself. Night-before preparation: Plan and prioritize tasks the night before to ensure a smooth and productive morning. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Feeling frazzled? Sign up for a Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment today for focus, energy, and a plan!  Have you ever felt like you just don't have time for time management? In this episode, I tackle the common struggle of feeling too busy to manage your time effectively. Discover why traditional time management methods often fall short and how a mindful, holistic approach can help create meaningful space in your life. Learn to prioritize tasks, delegate effectively, and transform your routines into enriching rituals. I've got some practical tips on how to align your time management with your personal development goals, ultimately leading to increased clarity, productivity, and balance.  Key Takeaways: Mindful Time Management: Traditional time management often fails because it focuses solely on efficiency rather than personal development.  Clear Prioritization: Effective time management involves not just scheduling tasks but also reflecting on your goals and values, ensuring that your efforts align with what’s most important to you. Rituals vs. Routines: Incorporating rituals that promote mindfulness and presence can prevent the exhausting cycle of constantly decluttering and refilling your schedule.  Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Have you ever wondered if science can pinpoint what is needed for peak performance? Join me as I dive into the book The Art of the Impossible by Steven Kotler. This episode explores the science of achieving peak performance and offers practical guidance for accomplishing ambitious goals. Discover how neuroscience and psychology can help you create foundational practices that drive exceptional achievement. Passion and Purpose. Passion is identified through individual curiosities and interests, while purpose connects this passion to a greater cause. This alignment is crucial for maintaining long-term motivation and satisfaction. The Power of Flow State. I discuss the transformative and healing power of achieving a flow state, as illustrated by Kotler's personal experience with surfing despite his illness. Flow state not only enhances performance but also provides significant mental and physical benefits.  Practical Steps for Daily Practice. To maintain passion and purpose, engage in related activities daily, continuously learn, and surround oneself with a supportive community.  Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
In this reflective episode, I share my personal journey with planning, personal development, and goal setting. Through stories from my childhood, college, and professional life, I highlight the challenges of seeing my own potential when others couldn't. I emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive people and the transformative power of mindful planning and goal setting. This episode encourages you to recognize their own possibilities, seek out those who can help them grow, and invest in your personal development journey. Key Takeaways: Recognizing and Cultivating Potential: The episode highlights the importance of recognizing potential both in ourselves and others.  The Power of Personal Development: Engaging in personal development work, such as mindful planning and holistic goal setting, is transformative.  Surrounding Yourself with the Right People: Finding a community or coach who sees and nurtures your potential can be a game-changer.  I hope my experiences resonate with you and provide valuable takeaways for your own life. Let's embrace our potential and support one another in living full, spectacular lives. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment (only $47)!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
In this episode, I explore the concept of "slow productivity" as introduced by Cal Newport. Discover how to break free from the high-stress, always-on culture of modern work by aligning with your natural rhythms and managing your energy seasonally. This episode is part of our summer series, featuring quick, actionable insights to help you implement new ideas right away. Key Takeaways Differentiate Busyness from Productivity: Busyness is high activity with low meaningful results. True productivity focuses on results, proactive effort, and brings satisfaction. Align Work with Natural Rhythms: Identify and work during your peak energy periods. Adjust tasks to fit your energy levels throughout the day. Embrace Seasonal Energy Management: Recognize and honor different seasons in life and work. Use slower periods for rest and renewal, and embrace intense work during peak seasons. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Let's celebrate the start of Quarter 3 and delve into the essentials of goal planning! As we navigate this unique quarter, with its transitions from summer to back-to-school routines, I explore five key things to expect when setting and pursuing goals. From embracing the non-linear nature of goal planning to normalizing self-doubt and the need for resets, this episode provides actionable insights and support for both new and seasoned goal setters. Join me as we align our aspirations with daily actions and embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation. Happy Quarter 3, and let's make it amazing! Key Takeaways:  Goal Planning is Non-Linear and Adaptive: Life's unpredictability means plans often need adjustments, and this is a normal part of achieving your goals. Normalize Self-Doubt and Restarting: Experiencing self-doubt and needing to restart or reset your goals is common.  Personal Growth and Identity Shifts: As you work towards your goals, you'll experience shifts in your identity and learn more about yourself, which is a fundamental part of the journey. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
In this episode of Plan Goal Plan, I am joined by relationship and conflict resolution experts Jan & Jillian Yuhas. The Yuhas duo, authors of the international bestseller Boundary Badass, share their insights on the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries to improve personal and professional relationships. They delve into their unique background, including their move from a small town to a bustling metropolis, and their work on a crisis hotline, which fueled their passion for understanding and teaching about boundaries. Key takeaways:  Value-Based Boundaries: Setting boundaries based on personal values rather than emotions fosters mutual respect and understanding in relationships. The ASAP Method: The ASAP method (Assessing with discovery questions, Setting a boundary, Agreeing on a mutually beneficial plan, Proceeding with accountability) promotes open communication and collaboration in boundary-setting. Clear Communication: Clear and respectful communication when setting boundaries transforms relationships, enhancing conflict resolution and personal growth.Connect with Jan and Jillian:  Book: Instagram: Jan's LinkedIn: Jillian's LinkedIn: Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
If you've ever wanted to take on a career goal but worry about maintaining your relationships, this episode is for you! Join me as I talk with Ellie Aaron, a yoga and meditation teacher turned sales and love coach, whose soulful sales method has empowered hundreds of people and generated over two million dollars in sales. Ellie believes women can have a successful business while also having healthy, loving, and thriving relationships. She is here to help you create both. Discover how to balance business growth with meaningful relationships, and learn practical strategies to navigate both areas of your life successfully. Key Takeaways: Presence and Mindfulness: The skills of being present and mindful, honed through Ellie's background in yoga and meditation, are crucial for both business success and personal relationships. Practicing presence can enhance connection and performance in both areas. Intentional Scheduling: Prioritizing your relationship with intentional time for intimacy and connection is essential. Just like in business, where strategic planning is key, scheduling dedicated time with your partner can significantly improve relationship quality. Balancing Act: Balancing a growing business and personal relationships requires resilience and commitment. Ellie’s story illustrates that focusing on presence and intentionality can lead to success in both areas, even during challenging times. Need support in balancing business and relationships? Ellie offers a free community on Facebook called Soulful Sales and Relationship Mastery, where she provides free trainings on business growth and relationship skills. Join her community to gain valuable insights and connect with like-minded women. The Ellie Aaron Hour (Podcast) (email) (website) - Freebie Free community for women that want more biz expansion AND love:, Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
If you've ever felt that your daily activities don't align with your true talents and passions, this episode is for you! Learn about Gay Hendricks' four zones of operation—Incompetence, Competence, Excellence, and Genius—and discover how to spend more time in your Zone of Genius.  Introduction to the Four Zones: Zone of Incompetence: Tasks you're not good at, leading to frustration and inefficiency. Zone of Competence: Tasks you're good at, but so are many others; lacks uniqueness. Zone of Excellence: Tasks you perform extremely well and receive recognition for, but may not be your true calling. Zone of Genius: Where your natural talents and passions intersect, providing joy, purpose, and energy Reflect on your current activities and determine which tasks fall into each of the four zones. Choose one task to delegate or minimize from your Zone of Incompetence or Competence and one task to focus more on in your Zone of Genius this week. Need support locating your Zone of Genius? I wanted to create a simple way that you all could get personal feedback from me. So I created the Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment. Think of this as a personal wellness check-up for your life, but easier. Seriously, it is easy peasy. Check it out here: Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Two really common questions I get when people are setting goals are: What if I'm not finding a goal I align with? And how often is too often to adjust or adapt a goal? In this episode, I explore four crucial steps to take before setting any goal. These strategies will help ensure your goals are meaningful, aligned with your values, and less likely to need constant adjustment.  Key Takeaways: Discover What Delights You Understand Your Energy and Rest Needs Identify Your Motivations and Self-Sabotage Patterns Clarify Your Priorities Opportunities to Support Your Goal Setting Journey: Bold and Balanced Audio Course: A free resource (limited-time offer) to help you manage your to-do list and create space for important goals. Visit or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332. Life Balance Breakthrough Assessment: A low-cost assessment providing personalized feedback and a quick plan to tackle your specific challenges.  Connect with Danielle: FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here Email: Facebook: Join the Group Website: Plan Goal Plan Final Thoughts: I wish you a week where you feel aligned, with clarity on what lights you up and the kind of rest you need. When you’re done resting, motivate yourself to take action on the priorities that matter right now. Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!
Feeling overwhelmed by an endless to-do list? In this episode, I dive into Michael Hyatt’s acclaimed book, "Free to Focus," and share two transformative strategies that can help you reclaim your time and boost your productivity. Perfect for busy moms juggling multiple responsibilities, this episode offers practical advice to simplify your life and improve your efficiency. Key Takeaways: Create a Not-To-Do List: Learn how to prioritize by listing activities to avoid, helping you stay focused on what truly matters. This strategy can dramatically reduce stress and enhance productivity by eliminating distractions and low-value tasks. Batch Tasks for Efficiency: Discover the power of grouping similar tasks to streamline your workflow. Whether it’s running errands or managing work projects, batching can minimize context switching and improve the quality of your work. If you’re a mom struggling to balance it all, or anyone looking to maximize their productivity, this episode is packed with actionable tips and inspiration. Michael Hyatt’s insights, combined with practical advice, will empower you to take control of your time and achieve more with less stress. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Welcome to today's episode, inspired by a listener's question about transforming the negative association of checklists with micromanaging into a positive tool for stress relief. In this episode, I dive into actionable strategies to make planning and goal-setting feel like self-care. We explore how to shift your mindset and make your to-do lists work for you, ultimately prioritizing your well-being. Key Takeaways: Reframe Your Mindset: Transform your perception of to-do lists and checklists from stress-inducing micromanagement tools to positive, stress-relieving strategies. This shift can help you see these tools as aids for prioritizing your well-being. Incorporate Delight and Reflection: Make planning enjoyable by using sensory experiences like favorite pens, stickers, and cozy settings. Integrate reflection into your planning routine with simple prompts to gain insights into your habits and priorities, turning time management into a form of personal development. Tools Should Serve You: Remember that planning tools are there to serve you, not the other way around. Use them flexibly to support your needs and priorities, ensuring they enhance rather than add pressure to your life. You have the power to reframe time management as a tool for personal development and self-care. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website: Be bold, be balanced, and most of all, be well. See you next time!  
Hey friends, to celebrate the summer and my more flexible schedule, I’m introducing a second episode each week! On Tuesdays, you’ll get our regular episodes, and on Thursdays, I’ll offer quick, practical tips. Today, we explore how to expand and slow down time with insights from Laura Vanderkam’s book Off the Clock. If you’re interested in making your summer feel longer and more enjoyable, keep listening! Key Takeaways: Expand Time with Novel Experiences: Seek out new activities and experiences to slow down time and increase your presence. Linger in Moments: Spend more time in enjoyable activities without rushing. Extend the pleasant moments. Savor Life’s Pleasures: Practice mindful appreciation of the present moment and create lasting memories. Action Steps: Seek Novel Experiences: Introduce new activities into your routine to create memorable and expansive experiences. Practice Lingering: Take your time with enjoyable activities. For example, linger at the dinner table after meals to extend family time. Embrace Savoring: Mindfully appreciate pleasant moments. Take "memory pictures" to solidify these moments in your mind. Resources Mentioned: Book Recommendation: Check out Laura Vanderkam’s Off the Clock for more insights on slowing down time and savoring life. Mini-Course: Bold and Balanced Mini Course: Text "BALANCED" to 319-264-3332 for more information and to sign up.  Final Thoughts: As you enter the summer, if you’re worried that it will fly by, remember to seek out novel experiences, linger in the moments, and savor the time with your loved ones. I hope this episode gives you some quick tips to make your summer memorable and enjoyable. Connect with Danielle:  Bold & Balanced Audio Course or text the word BALANCED to 1-319-264-3332 FREE Coaching Call: Schedule here!  Email: Facebook: Website:
Are you super excited that summer's just around the corner? Or are you fearing it? This episode is all about transforming your summer planning into a joyful experience. Learn how to create a summer that you and your family look forward to, filled with fun and memorable adventures. Episode Highlights: Summer Planning Tips: Signing up for summer camps early Balancing work and family time Creating a summer theme and bucket list Insights and Strategies: Drawing from personal experiences, we’ll explore how to plan a structured yet spontaneous summer, ensuring it’s a delightful time for the whole family. Key Takeaways: Plan Early: Ensure you sign up for summer camps and activities in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Embrace Flexibility: Learn how to balance work and family time during the relaxed summer months. Create a Summer Theme: Design a theme for your summer to inspire fun activities and adventures. Family Bucket List: Collaborate with your family to create a list of activities everyone is excited about. Ideal Week Planning: Develop an ideal weekly schedule that includes your priorities and ensures a balance of structure and spontaneity. Final Thoughts: Summers are magic. They move way too fast, so let’s make the most of them. Goals can be delightful, playful, and fun. You don’t have to set goals solely focused on external achievements; set goals that bring joy and connection to your family. If you need space to delight and enjoy your summer, I have a free audio mini-course called Bold and Balanced. It only takes 15 minutes a day and will help you free up one to five hours a week. Or text "BALANCED" to 319-264-3332 for more information and to sign up. Connect With Danielle: Website: PlanGoalPlan.  Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedIn Email: Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.
If you are ready to level up the fun you have with your family, today's episode is for you! I’m so excited to sit down with Paul Gowder, the visionary behind, a thriving online community dedicated to celebrating Native American arts and cultures. Paul shares his journey from building fun webpages in grad school to creating a vibrant online space where people connect and engage. Key Takeaways: Community Building Secrets: Discover how Paul balances community building with a full-time job and family life. Family Fun Goals: Hear about the delightful and ambitious travel goals Paul and his family set, including their love for Disney trips. Prioritizing Travel and Family Bonds: Tips on how to make travel a priority and create lasting memories while managing life's responsibilities. This conversation with Paul Gowder was a delight, and I hope it inspires you to set exciting goals, prioritize fun, and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Thank you for tuning in! Connect with Paul: Connect With Danielle: Website: PlanGoalPlan Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedIn Email: Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.  
In this episode, Danielle welcomes Annika Egglestone, a burnout prevention coach and international speaker, to discuss the pervasive issue of burnout. Annika shares her personal journey of shutting down her successful marketing agency due to severe burnout and the two-year recovery process that followed. Together, they explore the signs of burnout, the importance of rest, and strategies for reclaiming time, energy, and joy. Recognize the Early Signs of Burnout: Pay attention to subtle warning signs that your body and mind might be giving you, such as clumsiness, frequent forgetfulness, and feeling more exhausted after activities that should energize you. Combine Efficiency and Joy: Preventing burnout involves both streamlining your life and finding activities that genuinely bring you happiness.  Give Yourself Permission to Rest: Taking time to rest and recover is crucial, even if it feels like you’re letting others down.  Recognizing and addressing burnout early is essential for maintaining both your physical and mental well-being. By integrating small efficiencies, prioritizing joyful activities, and giving yourself permission to rest, you can sustain your energy and lead a more balanced, fulfilling life. Connect with Annika:  Instagram & Tiktok: Burnout Rescue: Free 5 Day program to slowing burnout & reclaiming your life Connect With Danielle: Website: PlanGoalPlan Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedIn Email: Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.
Feeling low energy? Get ready for an electrifying boost with Mark Struczewski, affectionately known as Mister Productivity. In this episode, we dive into Mark's inspiring journey from losing his corporate job to becoming a leading productivity coach with an ambitious mission to help 200 million executives conquer overwhelm by 2032. Mark shares his passion for productivity, going beyond to-do lists and calendar apps, emphasizing holistic well-being and the joy of living.  Highlights Mindset Matters: Mark discusses how a positive and growth-oriented mindset is crucial for achieving productivity and overcoming challenges. Practical Tips: He shares actionable tips on managing time, prioritizing tasks, and staying focused throughout the day. Avoiding Pitfalls: Mark highlights common productivity mistakes, such as multitasking and procrastination, and provides strategies to avoid them. Action Steps Adopt a Positive Mindset: Start each day with a positive affirmation and focus on growth opportunities rather than obstacles. Prioritize Tasks: Use tools like to-do lists and planners to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Schedule Tech-Free Breaks: Allocate specific times during the day to disconnect from all tech devices. Use this time to relax, take a walk, or engage in a non-digital activity to recharge your mind. Final Thoughts Productivity is not just about managing tasks but also about cultivating the right mindset and environment. Remember, small changes in your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in productivity and overall well-being. Connect with Mister Productivity, Mark Struczewski: The Mister Productivity Podcast Connect With Danielle: Website: PlanGoalPlan Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedIn Email: Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.
If you're introspective, value-driven, and motivated to innovate change in your life, you’re in the right place. This episode is all about helping women tap into their potential by breaking through the barriers that hold them back. If you've been yearning for meaningful accomplishments that resonate deeply with your true self, this discussion is for you. In today’s episode, we delve into three significant barriers that often prevent women from achieving their goals: feeling invisible, feeling not enough, and feeling alone. Drawing from Dr. Claire Zammit’s extensive research and my own coaching experiences, we'll explore these barriers in depth and provide actionable steps to overcome them. Key Takeaways: Identify Your Barriers: Understand how the feelings of invisibility, inadequacy, and isolation can hinder your goal-setting and personal growth. Empower Your Self-Concept: Learn how to shift your self-concept and break free from societal and structural norms that limit your potential. Leverage Your Strengths: Recognize the incredible strengths within these barriers and learn to use them to your advantage. Action Steps for Growth: Gain practical tips and exercises to observe, intervene, and overcome these barriers in your own life. Action Steps: Reflect on Your Barriers: Take time to journal about which barriers resonate with you and how they might be intervening in your goal-setting process. Join the Bold and Balanced Mini Course: Free up 1-5 hours of your week with our 15-minute daily exercises designed to help you break through these barriers. Link to Bold Balanced Women Connect with a Coach: Schedule a complimentary one-on-one coaching call to receive personalized support and guidance on your journey. Link to Calendar Resources Mentioned: Bold and Balanced Mini Course: Text "BALANCED" to 319-264-3332 for more information and to sign up. Dr. Claire Zammit’s Research: Learn more about the patterns that prevent women from achieving their goals. One-on-One Coaching: Book a session to receive individualized coaching and support. Final Thoughts: I truly believe that within each of us lies the potential for a legacy of positive impact. By breaking through these barriers, we can activate our personal agency, be bold at work, and be present at home. Let’s harness our strengths, embrace our true selves, and create the change we wish to see in the world. Connect With Danielle: Website: PlanGoalPlan Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, and LinkedIn Email: Be bold, be balanced, and be well, friends.