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Novel Marketing

Novel Marketing

Author: Thomas Umstattd Jr.

Subscribed: 403Played: 18,862


The longest-running book marketing podcast in the world. This is the show for writers who want to build their platform, sell more books, and change the world with writing worth talking about. Whether you self publish or are with a traditional house, this podcast will make book promotion fun and easy. Thomas Umstattd Jr. interviews publishers, indie authors, and bestselling traditional authors about how to get published and sell more books.

420 Episodes
Feeling overwhelmed by book marketing can lead authors to look for shortcuts. Shortcuts lead to expensive complications. Expensive complications lead to dead ends. Dead ends lead to suffering. Yoda would call this “The path to the dark side.”Does this sound familiar? How do you escape this overwhelming cycle?There are ten different stressors that can lead to book-marketing overwhelm. Most authors face at least one, and if you are completely overwhelmed, you may be facing all of them.In this w...
Being an author requires you to have hundreds of online accounts for different software and services. Websites such as Amazon, ConvertKit, Publisher Rocket, Patreon, K-lytics, Bookvault,, AuthorsXP, BookBub, Kickstarter, Teachable, Bluehost, WordPress, Grammarly, and Plottr (to name a few) all require a username and password.Some authors avoid using helpful tools simply because they don’t want to create and remember yet another username and password. It seems like too much ...
Can you make a living as an author without selling through Amazon? Many authors wonder.Amazon is the sole revenue source for many indie authors, but Amazon’s algorithms can disable your KDP accounts and cut off your income without any human reviewing the action.Authors find themselves pleading with a computer to reactivate their accounts while their livelihoods hang in the balance. While this scenario is rare, it does occur.That’s why some authors connect with their readers without relying on...
With the rise of AI authors, how do you prove you are a human author? Most authors prove their humanity with their names and photos. Your identity protects you from being called a bot writer.But what if you use a pen name? Will AI bring the age of pen names to an end? While pen names are going out of style, there are some reasons you might still consider using one.In this week’s episode, you’ll learn seven reasons authors use pen names and if those reasons still make sense in an era wher...
I remember watching Steve Jobs's keynote presentation for the original iPhone. This magical new device, he said, would revolutionize our productivity.And at first, it did.But then, along came apps. Soon, user experiences were scientifically optimized to be as addictive as possible. An author's productive output is inversely correlated with time spent on the phone.In this week's episode, we'll talk about how to spend less time on your phone and more time writing. You'll learnHow to boss your p...
Authors around the world are trying to reduce their reliance on Amazon. However, most of us still use and like Amazon. In fact, many authors earn most of their money from Amazon. But any company with a 90% market share can't be fully trusted.One way indie authors can reduce their reliance on Amazon is by selling directly from their own author websites. Selling directly provides protection from the changes at an international company. It allows you to retain more money, control, and flexibilit...
One key to becoming a bestselling author is the selling. And one element of sales is the sales pitch. Some authors think pitches are only to be used for pitching agents at writers conferences, but you can actually use a sales pitch whenever you talk about your book.Your sales pitch convinces readers to care about and read your book. The stronger your pitch, the better your sales.I’ve talked a lot about pitching novels in the past, but in this week’s episode, we’ll discuss a powerful recipe fo...
My first DOS computer had no mouse. Its screen had two colors: green and white. Today, computers have mice and complex graphics, and there is no need to be a computer programmer in order to use a computer.Technology gets easier to use each year. Even though it's easier than it used to be, sometimes you still need help. Many authors find that the biggest obstacle keeping them from writing, publishing, or marketing is technology.Authors lacking technical sophistication often get pulled into ove...
A few months ago, we released an episode called The Starving Author: How to Market Books When You Have No Money.After the episode aired, several authors asked me a similar question: “What do we do if we do have money to spend?” You see, not all authors are starving. Some writers have spent years saving money, and they want to know how to get the best return on that money when they invest it in book marketing.So, how do you supercharge book sales if you have money to spend?In this week's episo...
Author Media has a list of over 10,000 subscribers, and around half of them open our emails, which means our open rates hover around 50%. That’s a high open rate!It’s partly because new subscribers join our email list through webinars I present for writers and authors. By the end of each webinar, attendees know enough to want to open emails from Author Media and me. Plus, the comments, questions, and polls associated with the webinar allow me to get to know my audience better.If you want to g...
An Uber driver's most valuable asset is his car. A photographer's camera is critical. An Uber driver with a broken car can't make money, and a photographer with a cheap camera will slowly starve.What is the critical tool for an author? What tool will help you earn money and keep you from starving?Your laptop!You write, edit, and promote your book on your laptop. A reliable, compatible computer is key to your success. Put another way, an old, unreliable computer is a terrible liability.Investi...
When readers browse Amazon, they have already decided to purchase a book. The only question is: Which book will they choose? What if there was a way to reach readers at this pivotal moment and persuade them to pick your book from the list they're considering?There is! It is called Amazon Advertising, and it has become one of the most popular forms of book promotion for indie authors.However, many authors feel intimidated by the idea of running Amazon ads.In this week's episode, you'll hear fr...
The tools we use for writing have evolved over the centuries, from quill and inkpot to the printing press, to the word processor to AI. Recent developments in AI tools for writers have sparked everything from laughable images to controversy and fear.Is AI evil? Is it safe?In this week’s episode, we’ll discuss what you need to know about AI in our current day. You’ll learnHow (and how early) it developedWhat threats it poses to writersWhat advantages it offersHow to wield it for good in the wo...
Almost every traditionally published book goes up for preorder before it comes out. However, the advice surrounding preorders can be confusing for indie authors. Some indies say preorders are critical. Others say having a preorder for your book can hurt sales.Who is right?Should you set up a preorder for your book? Are preorders a good idea or a bad idea?Preorders can help or hurt, depending on what kind of author you are.In this week’s episode, you’ll learn:What kind of author is helped by a...
Marketing 101: Place

Marketing 101: Place


You’ve heard me talk about the Five Ps of Marketing, and in this week’s episode, we tackle the third P: Place. In other words, where should you sell your book?Many authors struggle to find the right place to sell their books. Whether you're an indie or traditional author, you must discover the best places to sell.So, how can you unlock the power of place for your book?In this episode, you’ll learn:Why the location where you sell your book is important and powerfulThree case studies on authors...
The term "self-publishing" doesn't mean that you sit in a cabin in the woods all by yourself and emerge with a published book as if you'd done it all singlehandedly.It's rare to find one person who has all the skills required to turn an idea into a physical book. We need cover designers, formatters, web designers, assistants, and more. You might be self-publishing, but you will need some help.But what if you don't know anyone who can help? Where can you find skilled professionals who can prod...
Book Launch Secrets

Book Launch Secrets


This year marks the end of an era.The Book Launch Blueprint is entering its seventh and final year. Since we began offering it in 2018, it has been one of our most popular courses.Launching a book is one strategy that works well for indie and traditional as well as fiction and nonfiction.But why is a book launch so important?In this week’s episode, you’ll discoverWho needs a book launch (and who doesn’t)Other methods that work for some authorsWhat a successful book launch does for your book a...
How much money does it cost to become a professional author?Any profession will cost you when you're just getting started. If you're broke, I recommend listening to my episode titled The Starving Author: How to Market Books Without Money.Assuming you have some money, you need a spending plan. But how much money do you need to budget for the first five years of your writing career? I asked Kent Sanders, host of The Profitable Writer Podcast and founder of the Profitable Writer Community, a mem...
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools for connecting with readers and selling books. Obviously, you want a lot of email subscribers, but it doesn't matter how many subscribers you have if they don't open and read your emails.How do you craft the kind of emails that capture your reader's attention and help you sell more books?In this week's episode, you'll learnThree elements that make readers open your emailsWhich element is least importantWhat to write in your email newsletterIf ...
A few years ago, the popular buzzword in the author world was "tribe." Building a tribe of readers was seen as the key to success. Reader relationships are still important for authors, so why did the term "tribe" go out of fashion?Having a tribe of readers is still an incredible asset that will help you sell your books and raise your profile amongst readers, but you need to know how and where to build a tribe if you want it to grow.In this week's episode, you'll learn:The difference between a...
Comments (5)

Ann Coker

Listening to this with all the decisions to make, I'm grateful for the 2 self-publishers I've used. They edited, formatted, designed the cover, and even helped with marketing. Good results! Would this then be a hybrid publisher? Ann al2.coker@gmail

May 11th

Sonja Anderson

What a helpful episode! Thank you, Thomas and Amy! I write middle grade fiction and many of the same things that you talked about apply to me as well. By the way, I am an elementary school librarian who is a Christian and open to adding Bibles and Christian books to my public school library. I'm sure there are some in middle school and high school as well. You might be able to donate a copy to your neighborhood school and others in your city. God bless!

Apr 8th

Chad Pettit

Thanks for this episode, Thomas! This was really useful, and I am already seeing growth through Story Origin. As of today, my email list has 117 new subscribers in 30 days!

Jul 1st

Chad Pettit

This was an amazing episode. I'll probably need to listen to it several times to catch all of the information. I, personally, hope there are more of the coaching call episodes in the future!

Apr 13th

Chad Pettit

The wisdom Thomas Umstattd Jr. brings in every episode is invaluable. The guests on this show are well-chosen experts who contribute actionable insights. Novel marketing is listener focused, relevant, and simply a must have for authors looking to be competitive in the publishing world. I cannot recommend this podcast enough!

Feb 25th