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Theology for the Curious
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Theology for the Curious

Author: Pete Goulding

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Debating theology that makes sense of life and faith. A team of regular people discuss issues of theology, faith and life. Uncovering bible thinking from cutting edge, to conservative, to all things in-between. A lively debate show that gets you thinking, challenging the relevance of God, scripture and faith to today's contemporary outlook.
90 Episodes
Prior to the Enlightenment science and religion were never seen to be in any conflict, if anything they complimented one another. In more recent times however, that has not been the case. With the surge of new atheism, many have come to the conclusion that there is little to no point at which the two meet, and especially in regards the question of origins! In this week's episode Theology for the Curious are in conversation with special guest, Professor Emeritus John Byl former Head of th...
In the current climate of controversial debate regarding the church's response to same sex relationships, the intuitive and considered compassionate response from traditional churches has become; 'We’re accepting but not affirming'. In this week's episode Theology for the Curious are in honest conversation with special guests Meka and George. Together they will explore how the church connects (or doesn’t) to the gay community. How does a gay person feel stepping into church for the first...
The intuitive reasoning amongst many in the church is that God longs to save you but will never violate your free will. As long as you resist and reject him, his hands are tied. He will always respect your free will. He has chosen to limited himself, only doing that which you freely allow him to do! This week Pete and the Curious team ask the question; is this intuitive understanding of how God works on us, really biblically accurate? Does the human will hold a force independent of God’s...
Many people hold intuitively to an understanding that whoever you are, God loves you equally as much as he does every other human being. That divine love carries no distinction or particular preference. That he longs over every human, breaking his heart to help them if they would only just let him. But is that what the Bible really portrays? This week Pete and the Curious team examine the controversial idea that God may not love every human being with exactly the same fervour and intent....
The new covenant was not simply another covenant in the line of covenants. The new covenant was not only the climatic and concluding covenant, but it was the culminating covenant toward which every other covenant, from the pre-creation covenant of redemption, through the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic; was foreshadowing and pointing. It was God’s crowning accomplishment, it was covenantal history's climatic event. Everything that had been expressed and promised throughout the v...
What is the covenant God made with David? How does it connect with that made to Abraham, to Adam? How does the events of 2 Samuel 7 connect in with Genesis 17:6? How did the kingly significance of David reflect the kingly office of Christ, and how does it speak into our understanding and daily lives as believers today?This week Pete and the Curious team continue their exploration of covenant by unpacking the life, call and importance of King David, both for his time, as king of Israel, ...
Why was God’s covenant with Moses important? What did it tell us about ancient Near Eastern practices of suzerain and vassal nations? What does this covenant tell us of God’s character? And where does it fit into God’s developing purposes for his people? In this week’s episode Pete and the Curious team reflect on the mosaic covenant asking what relevance does it play into today’s world. They look over the Decalogue and other periphery laws seeking to unlock what God continues to say to u...
Who was Abraham? Why did God single him out? What did the covenant mean to him? To his family? To the newly formed Israel? To the world? What significance did God’s covenant with Abraham bear on the overall biblical picture and on Jesus especially? What relevance was the particular promise of land and how ought we to understand that today?In this week’s episode, the Curious team reflect on Genesis 12 and God’s groundbreaking words to Abraham. How they not only signified a new covenantal devel...
What was God saying through Noah, through the flood, and through the subsequent deliverance of Noah’s family and the animals? How did it parallel Eden and Adam? It what sense did the events around Noah and the flood mirror those around Adam and the garden? What significance does the events around the flood hold for us today?This week Pete and the Curious team take a look at Noah, the flood, the words and events around it; looking to understand what it tells us about God, humanity, and God’s g...
What is the covenant of works? What really happened in the garden? What did God establish with Adam and Eve? Was there an agreement in place that would rebound to universal repercussions? How do we understand Adams actions?This week Pete and the Curious team take a look at the age old claim that God’s promise of life and His prohibition of eating from the tree of knowledge, was a form of conditional covenant that would be reflected in the later Mosaic covenant and for all humankind. Reco...
What did Jesus mean in Luke 22:29 when he said; “and I assign to you, as my Father assigned to me a kingdom”? What do we mean by covenant of redemption? Was there a plan made amongst the trinity prior to time and creation that would ultimately determine what was done in time and creation? Where in the bible does it speak of our salvation as a covenant? Does the idea of a covenant, an agreement, reduce God to a cold, clinical contractual businessperson? Is love compatible with obedience?This w...
This week the Curious team begin a brand new series! We're investigating the covenant themes throughout the bible, otherwise known as covenant theology. What is a covenant? Why is it important? Why is it in the bible? What do covenants tell us about God? and about humankind? Stay tuned to unravel this incredibly interesting topic that is weaved throughout the bible.Send your questions or thoughts to: theologyforthecurious@gmail.comSupport us on Instagram @theologyforthecuriousFind us on ...
What happens when we die? Where do we go, and for how long? What does the bible mean when it speaks of believers experiencing a sense of glorification? When does that happen and by what means?This week the Curious team unearth some of the biblical understanding of the afterlife. Facing up to such questions as; what happens when we die? Where do we go? Can we occupy heaven or hell prior to an ultimate judgment? Will there be time as we know it in eternity? Will we know people? Will we be mindf...
When Jesus said of his church, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28); what level of assurance was he expecting us to live with? How safe is safe? This week the curious team examine the pro’s and con’s of the doctrine historically known as, ‘the final perseverance of the saints’ (or in more recent circles; ‘once saved always saved’). If we’re so completely safe, does that mean that it doesn’t matter how we live...
The need for and process of change, especially for the better, has become something of a universal fascination the world over. But when we speak about sanctification is that all we are really emphasising? Is sanctification nothing more than a theological word for ‘changing for the better’? Is faith a means of climbing the ladder of self-improvement rung by rung to be more like Jesus? This week Pete and the Curious Team reflect on the biblical understanding of sanctification. Although it ...
What does the Bible have to say about sonship? What does it mean to be part of the family of God? What are the differences between general, national and particular sonship? What does the New Testament say about our being adopted? What does it say about our status before God? How does it affect our future? And what does it say about our ongoing relationship with the try God?This week, Pete and the Curious Team will dig deep into the New Testament’s understanding of adoption. Taking a look at h...
What do we mean by justification? Why was it such a contentious issue in the reformation? Does justification put anything in us or does it simply declare something about us? Is justification a permanent thing or is it a gradual thing? Do we become something in justification or are we declared to be something? This week the curious team will take a long hard look at the biblical understanding of justification by faith. What does it mean to be justified? What does the Bible say about those...
When Jesus spoke of conversion as a ‘turning’ (Matt. 18:3), what was he implying? What does it mean to turn, change, convert? Is it turning over a new leaf, starting over, making new commitments or better decisions? How does conversion happen and why is it so fundamentally essential?This week the Curious team examine the place, nature and importance of conversion. How can we identify counterfeit conversion and is there such a thing as temporary conversion and how does that work? What is the d...
How do we consider faith? Is there a difference between general faith, believing faith, and in particular saving faith? How do we identify real faith from counterfeit? Does everybody have faith, and is it sufficient to transform their lives? This week the Curious team take a look at the understanding of faith. What is ‘saving’ faith? Is it something we inherently possess or is something gifted to us by God? Does faith save us? What do we mean when we speak about being saved ‘by faith’? T...
What do we mean by repentance? Is there a sorrow which doesn't save? Is there such a thing as sincere but counterfeit repentance? Why does our human nature find repentance so difficult? What does God need to do insider to bring us to a place of genuine, salfivic repentance?This week Pete and the Curious team will discuss the place and significance of repentance in our spiritual transformation. What components come into play if genuine repentance is to be operated. They will reflec...