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nextbigwhat's #BigIdeas podcast brings you atomic ideas from books, articles, podcasts and videos. We not just save you time, but also pack a wholesome learning experience - ensuring you grow mini wiser, daily!
85 Episodes
Free Audiobook summary of the book The Three Laws of Performance by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan.   How do companies—in different countries and industries—all achieve breakthrough performance when the odds are stacked against them? The answer: By applying The Three Laws of Performance and thereby re-writing their futures. The authors crack the code on rewriting the future for people and organizations, elevating performance to unprecedented levels. How We Normally Solve Problems We solve problems by breaking them down, prioritising them, and tackling them one at a time. Such patchwork solutions only address the symptoms, not the underlying causes of the problem. In fact, solving one problem frequently leads to the creation of new ones. For example, we cut budgets to improve our financial performance. Breaking Free From The Vicious Circle People become frustrated and demoralised, and productivity and performance suffer as a result. Breaking free from this vicious cycle requires adopting a system-wide perspective and changing the context in which your actions are performed. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book 7 Leadership Qualities Of Great Leaders by Philip Andrew.   What an ideal leader should be and how leaders need to act.   What Makes a Good Leader Great? Great leaders strike a balance between business foresight, performance, and personality. They have vision, courage, integrity, humility, and focus, as well as the ability to plan strategically and catalyse team cooperation. 1. Vision Great leaders have a vision. They can see into the future. They have a clear exciting idea of where they are going and what they want to accomplish and are excellent at strategic planning. 2. Courage One of the most important qualities of a great leader is courage. Having courage means that you're willing to take risks in the achievement of your goals. 3. Integrity The core of integrity is truthfulness. Integrity requires that you always tell the truth to people, in every situation. Truthfulness is the foundational quality of TRUST that is necessary for the success of any business. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book The Art of Thinking in Systems by Steven Schuster.   System thinking is being able to examine and analyze ourselves and things around us with the express purpose of being able to improve upon them.   Systems And System Thinking A system is anything that has interacting and interconnected parts. The human body is an example of a system. It reacts to the environment and is composed of many interdependent parts such as the brain, digestive, and circulatory systems. Dealing With Complex Problems Systems thinking is the art and science of making reliable inferences about behaviour by developing an increasingly deep understanding of underlying structure. With system thinking, it’s easier to deal with complex problems because system thinking asks that you look at the bigger picture first. It is impossible to know the behaviour of a system just by knowing the parts that make up that system. STEVEN SCHUSTER Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book What I Didn't Learn in Business School by Jay Barney and Trish Gorman Clifford.   All of the theories, frameworks, and tactics you learn in business school have their limitations. This is a book about how strategic decisions are made in the real world   How Strategy Works: Key Points Different assumptions produce different results. The real question is where those differences originate in the first place. Determine who the key stakeholders are. Determine who has the authority to implement the recommendations and, more importantly, who has the authority to prevent them from being implemented. Long before you make your final presentation, get a good sense of the political landscape. How Strategy Works: Key Points Part 2 Utilize both analysis and change management to convert those who are likely to oppose your recommendations into supporters. Individual biases or corporate politics can easily sway even sophisticated financial analysis. The Five Forces Framework The five forces framework is an excellent tool for identifying competitive threats in an industry. However, using this tool to estimate an industry's overall attractiveness is rarely useful. The five forces are similar to the wind in that they indicate the direction in which competition within an industry is moving. Strategy is about positioning the firm relative to the prevailing winds and finding a way to ensure that the firm gets where it wants to go regardless of which way the wind blows. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau.   The Art of Non-Conformity teaches you how to play life by your own rules by giving you practical glimpses into the world of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism, and conscious spending habits. Non-Conformity: The Premise "Asking "why?" to everything like a three-year-old can help you avoid jumping off the bridge without first considering the alternatives." The Art of Non-Conformity teaches you how to live your life according to your own rules by providing practical insights into the worlds of self-employment, a new approach to travel, to-do list minimalism, and conscious spending habits. What You Don't Do Doesn't Matter. CHRIS GUILLEBEAU The Remarkable Life Most of us don't want to spend the rest of our lives lying on a beach; we want to work on something important to us. We must develop an image of our own "ideal life." Here are some ways: Describe in excruciating detail what a perfect day looks like to you. Then assess what needs to change to help you get there. Make a life goal list, similar to a bucket list, to help you focus on what you want to achieve. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Top of Mind by John Hall.   When helping others becomes the framework through which you interact with the world, you’ll find yourself at the top of many minds. JOHN HALL   What Being Top Of Mind Means Being authentic, honest, and truthful is your best promotion, because if your customers trust you, then you will be the first thing that comes to their minds in case they need your goods or services. Focus On Building Trust Since today’s customers are not passive; they are even more suspicious of salespeople who don’t ask for permission to invade their privacy; a salesperson's job isn’t anymore that of a marketing rep, but the far more humble and noble of being a friend. Don’t Trick People Customers today don’t like to buy from people who are intrusive. You can trick them once or twice, but the minute they find out, you’ll lose them for eternity. Them and about a million other people who’ll find out about it on social media. So instead of tricking them – earn their trust.  Authenticity is the foundation of your relationship with your audience. But for the relationship to flourish, it’s not enough to simply be authentic; you also have to deliver tangible value. JOHN HALL Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! by Greg Crabtree and Beverly Herzog. This book teaches the fundamentals of owner compensation, profit targets, labour productivity, cash flow, and data reporting. Clear explanations and helpful illustrations throughout make it a must-read guide for small business owners looking to achieve higher profits.   Owner's Salary: Why Your Salary and Distributions are Fogging Your View of Net Income Don’t confuse business profits with the owner's salary. You get paid a salary for what you do, and you get a return on what you own. Until you pay yourself a market-based wage and plug that number into your financials, your financial data is worthless. How To Understand Owners Salary If you got run over by a bus today and your heirs decided they would keep the business going in your absence, what would they have to pay someone to do your job? Answering this question determines your market based-wage. Create A Cash Cow If you’re not able to pay yourself a market-based wage, then you’re operating at a loss. Until you pay yourself a market-based wage—and make a profit on top of that you have a sick cow on your hands. Your goal should be to create a business that generates income for you every day (cash cow). Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book This Is Marketing by Seth Godin. Marketing 101 coming from the expert: Seth Godin   Marketing In Five Steps Create something worth making, a story worth telling, and a contribution worth discussing. The second step is to design and build it in such a way that only a few people will benefit from and care about it. Marketing In Five Steps: Part 2 Tell a story that corresponds to the pre-existing narrative and dreams of that small group of people, the smallest viable market. Spread the word. Show up - on a regular, consistent, and generous basis - for years and years to organise, lead, and build confidence in the change you seek to bring about. Things Marketers Know ● Creative people can change the world. ● You cannot change everyone. ● Change is best made with intent. ● Human beings tell themselves stories.   We can group people into stereotyped groups that often (not always) tell themselves similar stories. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Radical Focus by Christina Wodtke . Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what you need done and let them surprise you.   Ideas and Systems It is simple to generate ideas. Moving from an idea to reality is difficult. We need systems to keep us and our teams on track. Systems are divided into three parts: ● Setting inspiring and measurable goals. ● Ensuring you and your team always make progress toward that desired goal. ● Setting the cadence to ensure the group remembers what they are trying to do and hold each other accountable. The Path To Success Creating a mission statement is the first step towards success. A good mission is brief and inspiring. Make it as broad as possible in order for it to be valid for at least five years. "We [improve life] in [market] by [value]." Then motivate people to get them to do their best work and meaningfully measure progress using the OKR system - Objectives and Key Results.   Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Mini Habits by Stephen Guise. Personal development blogger Stephen Guise offers a self-improvement program that is “too small to fail.” Mini Habits: Too Small To Fail Take one small step every day to initiate a lifelong positive habit. People form habits over time through repeated behaviours. A mini habit is the smallest possible iteration of a positive habit, like one push-up. Easy To Do A mini habit is “too small to fail” because it requires only a tiny bit of willpower, and you quickly accumulate a record of success. When your motivation for an activity is high, you don’t need much willpower. When your motivation is low, you need a lot of willpower, which most people don’t have. Mini Habits: Rules And Workings Mini habits work because they deplete little of your willpower reserve. On the mini-habit plan, you divide your goals into “stupid small” but effective actions. The mini-habit rules are: don’t cheat, be glad when you succeed, give yourself rewards, stay with your new routine, and drop back and go smaller if it gets hard. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Powerful by Patty McCord. Powerful: Radical ideas from Netflix. The Five Practices Of Netflix Culture ● Open, clear, and constant communication: across the entire company about the work to be done and challenges being faced. ● Radical honesty: telling one another, and managing, the truth in a timely fashion and ideally face to face. ● Debating based on fact-based opinions: at Netflix, employees are expected to have strong, fact-based opinions and to debate them avidly and test them rigidly. The Five Practices Of Netflix Culture: Part 2 ● Customer and company first: people base their actions on what’s best for the customer and the company, not on attempts to prove themselves right. ● Preparing teams for the future: The right skills with potential. Face the challenges: Being Comfortable with Change The most successful organizations will be the ones in which everyone, on every team, understands that all bets are off and everything is changing – and thinks that’s great. One of the biggest mistakes poor leaders and managers make is wanting to be the boss,  thinking that they can tell everyone what to do, and do not want anyone to challenge them. In today’s rapidly changing, hyper-competitive world, that approach is fatal. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Kaizen by Sarah Harvey. Small habits to move towards big change.  Kaizen Is Incremental Growth In Japanese, the word Kaizen translates to many things, but the main idea is simply “change.” To take advantage of the power of change, you need to start with your habits.   Your brain is always making habits as a way to save power on repeated behaviours. This preserves your mental energy for bigger, tougher tasks. But because it’s so automatic, you might form unwanted habits. Make An Inventory Of Life Start by interrogating your habits to make an inventory of your life. Get a piece of paper, and divide it into the major sections of your life. Then, go through all areas of life and ask yourself if you’re doing all you can to be happy in that area. Dig deep to find out what you really seek. Finish by writing down your biggest aspirations in each category. Make The First Step Extremely Small Small changes like these aren’t usually easy to make because we don’t see the rewards immediately. In contrast, it’s easier to give in to a bad habit because they involve things that do reward us instantly. Kaizen fixes this problem by focusing on changing things in such a tiny way that your brain hardly notices. Don’t discount things that seem ridiculously easy, either. They work! Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Ikigai by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. The happiness of being busy with life. :)   The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. WASHINGTON BURNAP IKIGAI Ikigai is a Japanese concept that basically means “the happiness of always being busy”. The Japanese word has two characters: ‘iki’ which means life, and ‘gai,’ or value. Well, what's happiness in business? Let's find out here!  A Life with a Purpose Ikigai explains how you can live a longer and happier life by having a purpose, eating healthy, and not retiring. Many people find themselves trapped in the never-ending need to do everything faster, better, and harder. In contrast, discovering your ikigai will help you slow down and enjoy life more. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Good Strategy, Bad Strategy by Richard P. Rumelt. Strategy is the craft of figuring out which purposes are both worth pursuing and capable of being accomplished.   Good and Bad Strategy  Strategy is the application of strength against weakness. Strategy creates new strengths through subtle shifts in viewpoint. Most organizations have multiple conflicting objectives that amount to little more than spending more and try harder. They spread resources to placate internal interests rather than concentrate resources to focus on pivot points. Creating a good strategy means saying no to a variety of interests. Discovering Power Success isn’t just about what your organization does, it’s also about blocked or failed competition For example, in setting cold war strategy, it made little sense to match Soviet capabilities. The best method was to build on our strengths in ways that were aimed at their weaknesses. Act so as to impose exorbitant costs on the competition using your relative advantages Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk. Good ol’ Gary, in his remarkable, in-your-face style, provides a blueprint of success.   Success Is In Your DNA ● Your DNA dictates what you were born to do. Follow your passion, and don’t listen to what society has to say about success. ● There is enough success out there and if you want it badly enough, you will get it. ● When building your personal brand, focus on the quality of the relationships with your followers and not on their numbers. ● Be authentic and produce quality content. There is no excuse for anyone living in the United States or anywhere else right now to slog through his or her entire life working at jobs they hate, or even jobs they simply don’t love, in the name of a paycheck or a sense of responsibility. GARY VAYNERCHUK A Whole New World ● Plan to develop and grow your own brand and business alongside your current job. This is how you will open opportunities in the digital economy. ● As long as you are working for someone else, you will never be living entirely true to yourself and your passion. ● To monetize your personal brand, you need two pillars: product, and content. Great content is what will attract people to your blog. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi. This book is a delightful blend of inspiration and advice that businesses can follow to create an actionable content business model. It describes a six-step model you can use to do your marketing long before you need it, without even having a product, or spending a lot of money, so your entrepreneurial venture will be guaranteed success.   A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.  DAVID BRINKLEY   Anyone Can Build A Content Business Prior to 1990, large media corporations wielded the most power because they controlled both information channels and audiences. Now, almost all of the power has shifted to the consumer. Anyone, from any location, can become a publisher and build an audience." New Opportunity The window of opportunity is wide open because of several key developments: ● Internet and mobile technologies have allowed anyone to publish and receive content. ● As online publishing becomes mainstream, more content providers are willing and able to create content. ● Social media and Google help in the sharing and searching of useful content. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book To Sell Is Human by Daniel H. Pink. To Sell Is Human shows you that selling is part of your life, no matter what you do, and what a successful salesperson looks like in the 21st century, with practical ideas to help you convince others in a more honest, natural and sustainable way.   You Are In Sales Already 40% of your time at work is spent in non-sales selling, which simply means moving others somehow. For example, this could mean persuading them to help you with a project, convincing them of your idea, or influencing them to get on board with a particular strategy. No matter what your job is – yes, you’re a salesperson! Honesty And Good Service  In 2016 and beyond, the only way to sell is, to be honest and transparent. To sell is no longer to guard information and hand out little pieces – it’s a service, helping people to navigate the wealth of information, explain it to them, and get them to make the best decision, the one that’s right for them at the specific time. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin. Creativity By Choice: How It Happens Creativity Can Be Learned Creativity is not a natural talent or innate gift. Creativity, on the other hand, is a skill and a choice that can be learned and expanded. The key to becoming more creative is to develop the habit of constantly shipping or sharing your creative output. Self-Driven Practice When you ship or share your work, whether you get paid or not, you establish a "Practice" that will help your creative skills grow and expand in the future. This type of practise is self-motivated and not outcome-oriented. The more you ship, the faster your creative skills will develop and expand, and the better your art, in whatever form it may take, will become. The magic of the creative process is that there is no magic. SETH GODIN It's Not About The Results You were born with the ability to create art. Art is the generous act of improving things by doing something that may or may not work. But you've been told that you don't have enough faith in yourself to do so. You've been told that you lack talent. And you've been told that if you can't win, don't try (but now you see the journey is the entire point). Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book The Practice of Groundedness by Brad Stulberg. Being rooted is the key. The Six Principles Of Groundedness Many people place too much emphasis on external achievements and see themselves as solitary individuals who must deal with their own problems. The six principles of groundedness to practice for a more balanced attitude to life are accepting your current reality, staying present with it, being patient with your progress, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, embracing community, and keeping your body moving. Burnout and Misery Are the Results of Heroic Individuality Heroic individuality leads to fatigue and dissatisfaction. Do you ever feel that it's never enough, no matter who you are or what you do? You could be suffering from heroic individualism, which is a common way of thinking in Western culture. It teaches people that regardless of who they are or what they achieve, it is never enough. Everyone wishes to increase their productivity, efficiency, and success. So Much To Do, All Depending On You People enslaved by heroic individualism are forced to perform far too many chores at far too fast a pace and under far too much stress. As a result, they are disorganized, rushed, and exhausted. They can't even sleep properly because they're so preoccupied with their external accomplishments; when they're not pursuing them, they feel empty or restless. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
Free Audiobook summary of the book The Mental Toughness Handbook by Damon Zahariades. Many people don’t cultivate mental toughness, however, because it requires patience and work. This is a revelation of a book which teaches how to handle life’s challenges, manage negative emotions, and overcome adversity with courage and poise. The head-exploding moment: The mind does not differentiate between real and imagined experiences. Mental Toughness Is Required For Success Mental toughness is a mindset which enables you to avoid catastrophic thinking and embrace positivity when facing challenges. It teaches you to use setbacks to your advantage. If you struggle to reach your goals and maintain your desired level of success or perhaps feel discouraged, depressed or angry, know that you have the power to improve your circumstances and shift your mindset. The Benefits Of Being Mentally Tough No matter where you are in your life, no matter what struggles you’re currently experiencing, you can improve your circumstances. Benefits: ● Improved emotional and stress-management skills. ● A clarified sense of purpose. ● Higher confidence and performance levels. ● The capacity to overcome your fears. ● A healthier attitude toward failure. ● Greater impulse control. ● The ability to stop fixating on regrets and painful experiences while fostering a growth mindset. Get inspiring big ideas from world's best books, articles, podcasts and videos on nextbigwhat. Subscribe to #BigIdeas podcast by NextBigWhat on your favourite podcast platform: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Amazon Music: Castbox: Pocketcasts: Stitcher:
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