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Author: Paul White, Noah Diestelkamp

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God’s Word offers encouragement that fuels our faith and deepens our trust in Jesus. In this weekly podcast, Paul and Noah open the Bible in search of practical principles for standing strong. Let’s dig in!
74 Episodes
Welcome to Season 6!Before we take short break, we introduce our new theme which will focus on drawing practical application from God's wisdom literature.Be sure to tune back in on Septemeber 2 as we begin this journey together!FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at: https://www.cedarparkchu...
Did Jesus really get baptized?When Jesus comes to John to be baptized, his response is "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" This is likely similar to our initial response to Jesus' baptism – why is the perfect and blameless Messiah being baptized? In this final episode of Season 5, we dig into why Jesus' reply is "Let it be so now..."FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah bot...
Did Jesus really turn water to wine?In John 2, we are told about "the first" of Jesus' signs which took place at a wedding in Cana. While this passage is often surrounded by secondary discussions, in this episode, we want to get to heart of this sign and understand what this sign tells about Jesus.FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ...
Did Jesus really walk on water?This is most likely the most well-known and widely-recognized of Jesus' miracles and a clear sign of Jesus' divinity. But how does Jesus' miracle and Peter's interaction affect our understanding of faith and commitment to God?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site...
Did Jesus really spit in a man's eyes?In Mark 8, we find a miracle that we find strange on multiple levels. First, Jesus spits on the man's eyes to heal him, which is unusual. Then, it doesn't seem to work completely, which is singular among Jesus' recorded miracles. Why did Jesus perform this miracle in this way and what was he intending his disciples to learn?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul an...
Did Jesus really set a child before his disciples?Several times in his ministry, Jesus used children as an object lesson for his disciples. In this episode, we consider what he was teaching his disciples and how that informs our understanding of Jesus today.FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our sit...
Did Jesus really break the Sabbath?In Luke 6 and Matthew 12, Jesus' opponents accuse him and his disciples of violating Sabbath law. How Jesus responds to these accusations can help us understand the character of God and how that influences the commands he gives.FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit ou...
Did Jesus really curse a fig tree?Found in the same context as cleansing the temple, this account of Jesus causing a fig tree to wither and die is one that often garners questions. What is the purpose of Jesus' response to the tree?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at: https://www.cedarpar...
Did Jesus really drive people out of the Temple?This event recorded in all four gospels gets our attention. Why would Jesus drive people out of the Temple? What are we supposed to learn and understand when reading these accounts?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at: https://www.cedarparkch...
"What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate" (Matthew 19:6). While we cannot cover the entire discussion surrounding divorce in a single podcast episode, we want to use our time today to consider the main point of Jesus' teaching in this context so we can better understand what God desires regarding marriage.FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the...
"But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you" (Matthew 6:17-18). Should we take Jesus' words here to mean that fasting is something for all Christians through all time? If so, when and how should we fast?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both prea...
"Judge not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7:1). Edwin Crozier joins us again in this episode as we discuss judgment, hypocrisy, Jesus' instructions in Matthew 7.FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at:
"If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14). Edwin Crozier joins us in this episode as we discuss Jesus' teaching regarding faithful prayer.FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at:
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). As Paul says farewell to the Ephesian elders, he ends with a reminder of Jesus' teaching about the blessedness of giving. How can we better understand this concept and its importance for our lives? How is our generosity connected to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the ...
"Everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28). This and the verses that follow is are one of the most challenging teachings we find in the Sermon on the Mount. What is Jesus saying about our hearts? And what does Jesus require of us in order to keep our hearts pure?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach w...
"Do not resist the one who is evil" (Matthew 5:39). In a culture where we are encouraged to "fight for our rights," this instruction from Jesus is truly counter-cultural. How are we to understand this command in its context and in our lives today?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEYSUBMIT A QUESTION Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at:
"Go, sell all you have, give to the poor, and come follow me" (Mark 10:21). When Jesus said this to a rich young man, why did he go away in sorrow? What should we learn from Jesus' statement here?FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEYSUBMIT A QUESTION Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at:
"I desire mercy and not sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13). Why did Jesus quote the prophet Hosea in this context? What can we learn about what Jesus wants of us? Join us as we discuss these questions and more!FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEY: SUBMIT A QUESTION: Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at:
"First go and reconcile..." (Matthew 5:23). What did Jesus mean when he gave this instruction? What did this indicate about Jesus' priorities? Join us as we discuss these questions and more!FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEYSUBMIT A QUESTION Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at:
Welcome to Season 5!In this episode, we introduce our new theme, "Did Jesus Really...?" Join us as we discuss why understanding the life and teaching of Jesus is important and helpful for us as Christians!FILL OUT OUR LISTENER SURVEYSUBMIT A QUESTION Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at: