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Soul Food

Author: Bishop Bira Joshua

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Are you ready to fill your soul with the sustenance it needs? Look no further! Bishop Bira Joshua’s ‘Soul Food’ is here to satisfy your spiritual hunger. Get inspired and feed your faith with this Bible-based podcast, accessible for people of all backgrounds. No matter where you are, bring along these engaging messages of faith- and listen on the go for spiritual nourishment! From real testimonies and stories to musical entertainment, you’ll discover that your soul needs - Spiritual Food. Don’t let your soul go hungry – it’s time for some 'Soul Food!'
161 Episodes
Ever feel like your soul is starving for peace amidst life's chaos? Bishop Joshua shares profound insights on how you can achieve true tranquility, even when everything around you feels turbulent. Tune in to this episode of the Soul Food Podcast to uncover the promise of rest and solace through the transformative power of faith. Hear inspiring testimonies and find out how the Universal Church stands as a beacon of support, offering daily guidance and spiritual nourishment that never expires.Discover the healing words of Jesus and learn how to lay down your burdens and embrace a life of serenity. Bishop Joshua’s heartfelt message invites you to come as you are and find rest for your weary soul. Don't suffer in silence any longer; there is a community ready to walk with you on your journey towards inner peace. Whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, join us for a spiritual feast that promises to nourish your soul and uplift your spirit. --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever struggled to find the strength to forgive someone who hurt you deeply? This episode is dedicated to unraveling the complex yet transformative journey of forgiveness and spiritual nourishment. We kick off with a profound message about owning up to our wrongdoings and the liberating experience of seeking forgiveness. Our special guest joins the conversation to shed light on the true essence of faith—living out the teachings of Jesus, not just professing our love for Him. You'll learn valuable insights on how to love and forgive others, even when it feels impossible, and the critical role of controlling our minds to achieve genuine forgiveness.Moving forward, we collectively immerse ourselves in a moving prayer session, seeking the Lord Jesus. This segment emphasizes the unifying power of faith and assures us of God's unwavering presence, even during our darkest moments. We wrap up with a heartfelt message of gratitude and an invitation to share this spiritual nourishment with those dear to you. Whether you're wrestling with grudges or seeking deeper faith, this episode promises to be a wellspring of inspiration and spiritual growth. Tune in and let your soul be uplifted and enriched. --- Send in a voice message:
The Path of Faith

The Path of Faith


Have you ever wondered how faith can transform seemingly impossible situations into incredible realities? Join us on the Soul Food Podcast as we reflect on the profound significance of living a Christ-centered life. Drawing inspiration from the unwavering faith of Abraham, we explore the power of taking risks, pursuing passions, and maintaining a strong belief in God's promises. We also unite in a powerful prayer, asking God to turn our dreams into realities, just as He did for Abraham.Michael's journey from a troubled childhood in Los Angeles to a life of hope and transformation through faith will leave you inspired. Listen as he recounts his escape from domestic abuse, substance use, and life on the streets, to finding solace and purpose in the Universal Church. Celebrating a milestone of 10 years of sobriety, Michael's story is a testament to the power of God's Word in overcoming depression, anxiety, and addiction. Don't miss this heartfelt episode filled with motivation and encouragement for anyone facing their own challenges. --- Send in a voice message:
Leaving No Crumbs.

Leaving No Crumbs.


We're thrilled to be back with an improved Soul Food podcast. Did you miss us? We're here to provide enriching content and offer more spiritual guidance through the Word of God. Brace yourself for prayers, faith-based stories, music, poetry, Q &As, and special guests! Additionally, we are available for personalized assistance. Contact us via email at Reach out to our helpline at 888-332-4141 for support from servants of Godfilled with God's Spirit. Leave voice messages or text us at 888-312-4141. Feel free to visit us in person; we are here to support you without judgment, no matter what challenges you are facing! --- Send in a voice message:
"Why Me?"

"Why Me?"


Many individuals often ponder, "Why me?" This questioning stems from a profound inner void within them. To fill this emptiness within your soul, it is essential to seek the Spirit of the Lord. The closer your connection with God, the more peace and freedom you will experience. In this journey, you will discover how to eliminate this void and conquer your inner struggles. --- Send in a voice message:
Numerous individuals seek happiness through various means such as raising children, exploring the world, and acquiring possessions. However, many still find themselves lacking genuine contentment in their lives, leading to both external and internal struggles. Despite possessing everything one desires, true peace may remain elusive. Rather than trying to alter the world around you, focus on transforming yourself from within. Avoid conforming to societal expectations; instead, choose to stand out and draw strength from the life-giving and hopeful teachings of the Word of God. --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever considered the impact that friendships have on your peace of mind? Join us as we navigate the delicate fabric of companionship, where the joy of connection meets the cautionary tales of influence. This heartfelt discussion is not just about the companions we choose; it's an exploration of the depth of our relationships. We look at how balancing these bonds can lead to an enriching life or, if we're not careful, to one's detriment. With wisdom rooted in biblical teachings, we contemplate the unparalleled friendship with Jesus and how this divine confidant offers true security and happiness. Prepare to examine the friendships that shape you, understand their complexities, and walk away with insights on fostering relationships that will uplift and empower your journey.Overflowing with spiritual sustenance, the Soul Food Podcast is now available to comfort and guide you through over 100 episodes across platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Your unwavering support keeps this community thriving, so remember to keep those notifications active for the latest nourishing episodes. Each share of our podcast extends this feast for the soul to others in need, and your engagement is truly valued. Let's continue to embrace the power of love and friendship, and make every day a testament to the cherished bonds in our lives. --- Send in a voice message:
It's Up to You

It's Up to You


Countless individuals who have faced addiction often trace it back to a single mistake that stemmed from their own choice. This may resonate with your own experiences, whether you have conquered it or are currently battling it. However, do not let external influences and temptations derail you. Keep your eyes on the ultimate objective – the preservation of your soul. If you are still facing challenges, tune in to our podcast or reach out to us at our 24-hour helpline at 1-888-332-4141 for support. --- Send in a voice message:
Overcoming the Thorn

Overcoming the Thorn


Many Christians today tend to resist the problems they encounter, rather than overcome them. Instead of letting the problems overpower them, they can become like thorns in the flesh. Just as God allowed Job to face tests and challenges from Satan, it prompted Job to rely more on God and maintain humility. These spiritual "thorns" we face can strengthen our spiritual life and remain with God. Instead of complaining about current challenges, view them as opportunities to honor God's name. Stay strong, keep faith, and trust in the Lord. --- Send in a voice message:
The Choice is Yours

The Choice is Yours


By following the word of God, you do not allow the world to determine your true identity as called by God. Regardless of the traditions you were raised with or the opinions of others, prioritize your salvation and relationship with God above all else. Stay rooted and resolute in your faith, and trust that God will bring His purpose to fruition in your life. As Charles's life transformed, yours can too! "Nothing compares to serving God." - Charles --- Send in a voice message:
At the Universal Church, everyone is welcome just as they are. Our motto is simple: "Come as you are, but you won't stay as you are!" Our goal is to save souls for the kingdom of God, ensuring no one is left behind. Within the Universal Church, there are specific groups tailored for young people, children, elders, and others. These groups collaborate closely to guide individuals to the kingdom of God and nurture their relationship with GOD. These groups include: First CBC (Children Biblical Center) TPG (Teen Power Group) YPG (Youth Power Group) Caleb (Elder’s Group) Assistants/Ushers Baptism The pivotal Soul Winner’s group.Feel free to join us, be part of the kingdom of God, and help those in need. "...Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit - Matthew 28:19 May the God of the bible bless your life! --- Send in a voice message:
Day 20: Fast of Daniel

Day 20: Fast of Daniel


Each day, our discussions revolve around serving the Lord in every episode. Perhaps you question your adequacy. You might feel inadequate to serve in God's army. Just like the human body relies on all its parts, we all play a crucial role. To be utilized by God, be willing, say to the Lord, "Here I am," and He will bring His purpose to fruition in your life. "What shall I render to the LORD For all His benefits toward me?..."- Psalms 116:12 Now indeed there are many members, yet one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand,"I have no need of you," nor again the head to the feet," I have no need of you" No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. - 1 Corinthians 12:20-21-22 Food for Thought: Every member of our body is necessary. You are necessary in the Kingdom of God. --- Send in a voice message:
Day 19: Fast of Daniel

Day 19: Fast of Daniel


One of the attributes of the Holy Spirit is being available for God's use. The more you dedicate yourself to serving God, the more He will empower you. Within the Universal Church, there are various groups like the children's Bible class, the teen power group, the youth power group, Caleb, and many others. The teen group is designed to help them comprehend things at their level. In the Universal Church, we nurture individuals from children to elders and introduce children to the word of God so they can learn about the kingdom of God as they grow up. Jesus encouraged bringing children to Him without hesitation, so bring them! ...Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven..." - Matthew 19:14 Food for Thought: Let the children come to God. --- Send in a voice message:
Day 18: Fast of Daniel

Day 18: Fast of Daniel


You cannot seek the Holy Spirit just because others have it; your desire must come from within. Salvation awaits those who genuinely seek to serve God. By serving God faithfully, you will receive His blessings in return, that is salvation. Keep in mind that the more you give, the more you receive from God. The Soul Winner's Reward: "And whoever gives of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward..." - Matthew 10:42 Food for Thought: Once you serve the Lord, you are going to be rewarded by Him." --- Send in a voice message:
Day 17: Fast of Daniel

Day 17: Fast of Daniel


The fastest path to welcoming the Holy Spirit is through belief and a strong desire to serve God. The Holy Spirit works through us as a conduit to share blessings with others. You don't require a specific title to serve God; you can serve by assisting those in need, whether in prison or new to the church. Trust in receiving the Holy Spirit and give generously. God has a plan for your life, so place your faith in Him entirely, and you will witness the results. Food for Thought: "The quickest way to receive the Holy Spirit is to believe and desire to serve Him." "And the angel answered and said to her," The Holy Spirit will come upon you," and the power of the Highest will overshadow you..." Then Mary said, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.." - Luke 1:35-38 --- Send in a voice message:
Day 16: Fast of Daniel

Day 16: Fast of Daniel


Greater than speaking in tongues is the ability to prophesy and serve others. While tongues are not the sole guarantee of salvation or being baptized with the Holy Spirit, your role as a servant of God is essential. When you are filled with God's Spirit, He empowers you in unimaginable ways. Instead of indulging in worldly pleasures, make yourself available to help those in need. This message is particularly directed toward young individuals caught up in a destructive lifestyle of prostitution, drugs, theft, and violence. Surrender to God, and witness the transformation He will bring into your life. "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification." - 1 Corinthians 14:4-5 --- Send in a voice message:
Day 15: Fast of Daniel

Day 15: Fast of Daniel


Some individuals do not experience the Holy Spirit because they are unwilling to serve God. God does not seek perfection or a list of qualifications from you. Instead, He desires your dedication to serve Him wholeheartedly, wherever you are. Just like how Jesus chose the disciples in their imperfect state, calling them to follow Him and serve the Lord. By serving the Lord with all your heart and soul, you will witness God working through you more profoundly. Remember, as you give, you also receive – it's a cycle. God wants to empower you with the Holy Spirit for the rest of your journey. "...Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea' for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. They immediately left their nets and followed Him. Going on from there He saw two other brothers James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother in the boat with Zebedu their father mending their nets He called them and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed Him..." - Matthew 4:19-22 Food for Thought: If you give, you will receive; if you sow, you will reap. --- Send in a voice message:
Day 14: Fast of Daniel

Day 14: Fast of Daniel


The Holy Spirit is accessible to all, regardless of age, condition, or past experiences. Do not let these factors limit you; instead, let God's promise take root in your life. Jesus welcomes everyone without discrimination. Invite His presence into your life. "Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days,..." - Joel 2:28-29 Food for Thought: The Lord does not discriminate against anyone. --- Send in a voice message:
Day 13: Fast of Daniel

Day 13: Fast of Daniel


Many individuals tend to fixate on their challenges, overlooking the vital aspect of nurturing their souls. Even in prison, some appreciate the smallest things, while others outside have abundance but fail to value it. Irrespective of your history, skin color, or education, the Holy Spirit is ready to fill you. Shift your attention from your troubles to your spiritual well-being. Instead of fretting over problems, entrust them to God for resolution. "And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy..." - Joel 2:28 Food for Thought: Do not be focused on your problem, be focused on your spiritual life. --- Send in a voice message:
Day 12: Fast of Daniel

Day 12: Fast of Daniel


"How can the world be so full but leave you so empty?" Take a moment to think about this. Countless individuals worldwide seek acknowledgment and attempt to fill an inner void. If only they realized that true fulfillment can only be provided by the Spirit of God, surpassing what the world can offer. Envision experiencing constant peace and joy that no amount of money could purchase. God is willing to meet all your needs! The Spirit of God gives you ALL that you need. "The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord." - Isaiah 11:2 Food for Thought: "Do not focus on your problem, Focus on your spiritual life." --- Send in a voice message: