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"What If We.." Podcast
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"What If We.." Podcast

Author: Isla

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This is a podcast for curious kids hoping to learn about unique animals and what small (and big) things we can all do to support them, their habitats and our natural world as a whole :)
9 Episodes
Today we'll be diving into to the life and legacy of the incomparable, Jane Goodall!! The work she has done, the impact she has made and the hope she has generated for the world is immeasurable.She was a kid with a dream and a desire for change, that turned into a life of dedication to our animal friends, nature and the world as a whole. Let's talk about my hero, Jane Goodall :)
Today we'll be talking about a deep sea creature that is incredibly interesting looking and has a lot of mystery around it, the blobfish! Scientists still don't know much about our unique friend, but we will chat about some facts that we do know! Shout out to my brother Kai for requesting the blob fish!
Today we will be talking about a dashingly dressed bird that lives at the South Pole and swims! Ya, you heard that right, a bird that swims! It is the Emporer penguin - our handsomely dressed friend.Shout out to my friend Forrest for requesting this cool animal! Links:Greta Thunberg:
Today we will be talking about a smiley marsupial that lives down under in Australia! They are like tiny kangaroos with a pouch, hairless tails and bubbly expressions! Can you guess which animal we're talking about? It's the quokka! The smiley marsupial!Special thanks to Aunt Sarah (who's also a fellow animal lover) for this special request!Special guest today: My little brother Kai! :):)He did a great job!Petition:
Today we will be talking about an animal that is the smallest of its species, can top out at 600 pounds and usually instills tremendous fear in humans.. can you guess who we're talking about?The Black Bear!The majestic, powerful and often misunderstood wonder of the North American forests. Let's learn some unique facts about our friend, the black bear!
Today we'll be talking about a unique bird that weighs about 4 pounds, eats small mammals and is tough enough to withstand the arctic! Let's learn about snowy owls, together! Podcast links:Ecosia:
Today we will be talking about an amazinggg animal that weighs thousands of pounds, has the world's most unique nose/trunk (smelling four times better than a hound dog), and can run up to 24 km an hour! Did you guess it?It's our magical friend, the elephant!! This episode is dedicated to Ivy in Bedford. Thank you Ivy for requesting elephants because these special animals need our help. Let's sign this petition to do our part to protect our friends:
Today we will be talking about an animal that can weigh up to 2000 pounds, is quite mysterious and can be found off the coast of my home province of Nova Scotia! Although they're also found in all tropical and subtropical oceans, even sometimes venturing as far North as the Arctic Circle. It's the leatherback turtle! The largest and most mysterious turtle in the world. Let's dive in and learn how to help these big gentle giants :)
Do you know what a platypus is?They're one of the world's strangest animals!With the bill of a duck, the tail of a beaver and the feet and fur of an otter, they almost don't look real. This is our first episode and I decided to talk about these amazing animals because they are soo unique and unique is cool. So let's learn some fun facts about one of the world's oddest creatures, together - the platypus.