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Pocket Cast!

Author: PocketCast

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One dude trying to get another dude into the amazing world of Nintendo DS

34 Episodes
Get your 2-wolf, 4-dragon, moon shirt today! Or not. We're not your mom....who's a shmup.
The one where Fletcher and Ed didn't do their jobs.
You ever get the feeling one of your homies might actually be a reploid in disguise?
This is exactly how it feels trying to find your friends at Warped Tour '08
Only the smelliest most hardcore gamers dare enter The Dark Spire
We're hitting homers and sucking on chilli dogs.
This ain't your two brothers sacrificing their bodies to resurrect their dead mother kinda alchemy.
What would you do for Aragorn's sword?
A fully immersive audio experienceYou'll feel the slime.
The boys dip their toes into streaming
Fight us at
It's our birthday episode! We cover a game, we cover books, we cover mario, WE COVER IT ALL FOR YOU!
Watch as Pocketcast! Transforms into three different types of podcasts!
Chrono Trigger Warning

Chrono Trigger Warning


"Twinkies or Twinks. Send 'em our way" - Pocket Cast!
It only seems right to hit you with our shortest episode yet after our longest episode yet! Enjoy a Sunday afternoon with your boyzzzzzz
I'm going to give it to you straight, I didn't play Okamiden, so for this week Ed and I dive into some things outside of the DS like depression and electrified chastity cages. (Trust me, that's harder to type than read) among many other fun-filled subjects!As always we can be reached at
I'm a sk8r Boi and Ed's just a creep at the park.
Joined by our good friend Tylar (BB) we dive deep into the forgotten layers of Fletcher's child hood and uncover some things that should've been left alone. And we talk some pokemon.
Kirby is a perverted demi-god and we love him.