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Regulate & Rewire: An Anxiety & Depression Podcast
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Regulate & Rewire: An Anxiety & Depression Podcast

Author: Amanda Armstrong

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Millions of people struggle with anxiety & depression every single day. Regulate & Rewire is where Amanda, a nervous system focused and trauma-informed practitioner, teaches you the lessons she learned on her healing journey and the tangible research-based tools she uses with clients everyday to help them regulate their nervous system & rewire their mind – in hopes of helping you do the same. Each episode features specific takeaways for you to apply to your healing journey today. Website:
71 Episodes
Episode 69One of my deepest beliefs is that “I’m too much” – I’m too loud, I’m too energetic, I ask too much, need too much, my idea’s or dreams or plans are all too much, my pace is too much, etc… It’s a wound that gets triggered a lot in my friendships, entrepreneurship, and especially in my marriage. It's also a belief that holds me back from fully showing up in a lot of areas of my life.Join me for a conversation about how all our beliefs, while well-meaning and self-protective at one poi...
Episode 68When you’re not sleeping, eating, breathing, moving, resting, playing, or connecting enough — you should expect to be sick, your mental health will suffer because your brain and overall health are suffering. When we, or life, expects us to sacrifice the very habits that nurture our nature of being human — we suffer and there's no amount of talk therapy or meds (while possibly helpful) that heals symptoms caused by a dysregulated nervous system or daily habits that rob you of ge...
Episode 67 - Essential 8 Series (Part 8)Do you struggle to feel connected or at home in your body? Do you often feel ungrounded? Do you have anxiety or lack self awareness? When someone is having a hard time are you overly empathetic - is it almost like you absorb their hard emotions? Do you struggle to easily feel when you're hungry or full? These are all signs of low or impaired interoceptive awareness.Interoception is the ability to fell and understand what's happening on the inside of you...
Episode 66 - Essential 8 Series (Part 7)Today we’re taking a deep dive into how community helps you heal & I would go as far as to say how and why community is a non-negotiable for healing, how it’s the cornerstone to it. Humans are hardwired for connection. You were never meant to carry or navigate as much as you have on your own. Hit play to learn more! Resources:📓 Download your Community Workbook! - CLICK HEREIG post I referenced3 research studies referenced:The Role of Socia...
Episode 65 - Essential 8 Series (Part 6)Today we’re chatting about nutrition and its impact on mental health, specifically anxiety, depression. Treat today’s episode sort of like you and I were casually chatting and I said, “Hey, did you know…”"Did you know that blood sugar regulation (or lack there of) has been linked to anxiety and depression?""Did you know your gut is often referred to as your “second brain” and that research shows that emotions play out in your gut and gut issues can crea...
A quick intermission from our 8 part "Essential 8" series because my brain needed a break after juggling a lot the past few weeks. At the heart of this episode is a conversation about this quote, “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” In the context of your healing the quote can be rewritten as “when you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, you fix the environments in which you’re healing and growing, not you.”You are not broken, you do ...
Episode 63 - Essential 8 Series (Part 5)At the heart of understanding and healing anxiety or depression through a nervous system lens is stress management and understanding the basics of stress physiology. In this conversation I share with you (what I hope is) a refreshing perspective on navigating overwhelming stressors. I'll reintroduce the "stress bucket analogy" and unpack it in a bit of a different way than we have before providing you with a tangible framework for understanding stress l...
Episode 62 - Essential 8 Series (Part 4)📚 Pre-order my new book, Healing Through the Vagus Nerve today!🌏 International orders, click here!This isn't the first conversation we've had about the vagus nerve, and it won't be the last, but it's definitely worth a listen! In this episode I'll share again the basics of what the vagus nerve is, why it matters when healing anxiety & depression, and you'll get a few more sneak peak reads of my new book!What I want you to leave this episode hearing ...
Episode 61 - Essential 8 Series (Part 3)Breath can be used as a powerful proactive and reactive regulation tool. Your respiratory system (aka breath) is one of the most powerful physiological levers you can pull to shift the state of your nervous system. Did you know that every time you inhale your heart rate speeds up, and every time you exhale it slows down? Let's say you extend your exhale out longer than your inhale — well now your heat rate slowed down longer than it sped up. This sends ...
Episode 60 - Essential 8 Series (Part 2)I’m going to just come out with a pretty blunt to start today: there’s a set of minimal physical activity guidelines for a reason, if you’re not meeting them then you’re going to have problems (one of which is mental health).Second only to sleep, I think movement is one of the most fundamental and non-negotiable habits for brain health. Research shows that even just a daily walk of 30 minutes can decrease depression and anxiety symptoms in almost all cl...
Episode 59 - Essential 8 Series (Part 1)Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and wellbeing, yet 1 in 3 adults aren’t getting the recommended amount. If you're not getting the recommended amount of sleep, your mental and physical health will suffer.In this episode we’re going to talk about – what happens when we sleep, why sleep matters for our mental and physical health, common struggles with sleep, and practical strategies for getting better shut-eye. If you're tired of feeling tir...
EPISODE 58Your habits matter, your lifestyle matters. Your overall health is the greatest contributor to your mental health. There’s no about of talk therapy or meds that can combat the natural stress load that gets put on your system by chronic sleep deprivation, sedentariness, dysfunctional breathing, too many inflammatory foods and too little nourishing ones.AND YET... behavior change is hard, especially when struggling with anxiety & depression.Today and in the next 8 episodes we’ll t...
EPISODE 57When your nervous system has grown accustomed to chaos, things like stillness , rest, and slowing down feel unsafe. Because of this we often choose "healing" modalities that feed into the familiarity of chaos and intensity.So are the cold plunges and HIIT workouts hurting your healing? I don't know. But join me for a conversation to talk through how they might be, to talk about how they held me back in my early healing journey and what I'd do differently if I knew then what I know n...
EPISODE 56Let's have another conversation around stress. Chronic stress can come as a symptom of our choices or the reality reality of our life circumstances, but it's usually a mix of both. I spent a decade create a life of chronic stress based on beliefs I acquired in my childhood and teenage years.Here's the thing, stress isn't the problem, chronic stress is. There's also some cool new research that suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case.Join me for...
Episode 55If you've been in the healing space for more than 4 seconds you've heard things like, "you need to feel your feeling" or "healing comes through feeling." There's truth in it AND what does that even mean? What if feeling even a little bit opens the floodgates? What if feelings show up 5 minutes before a meeting?Join me for a realistic conversation around emotional regulation and how you don't always have to feel your feelings right now.Looking for more personalized support?Book...
EPISODE 54Do you ever feel overstimulated by sounds? Maybe especially when you're stressed? This has been a part of my anxiety journey and something that's come up a lot amongst my conversations with other lately. In this episode we'll talk about what Auditory Overstimulation is, why it happens, and some things you might be able to do today to support yourself (or a loved one).Here are links to the two things referenced in the conversation:(1) Learn more and join my next Release Class by clic...
Episode 53This conversation is a shameless celebration with you all that I wrote a book and a sneak peak as to what's held within its pages. Healing Through the Vagus Nerve is a guide to understanding and healing anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma through nervous system regulation.It still feels quite surreal to say I wrote a book but I’m so stinking proud of it and I wholeheartedly believe it's pages hold hope and healing for thousands and thousands of people & you can pre-order you...
EPISODE 52Join me for a conversation on all the things from how I started this podcast because I was annoyed with instagram, to a story about my son spilling THOUSANDS of corn kernels and me NOT losing my -ish about it, to a list of random episode topics coming soon, and ending with a reassuring message about how healing is possible.Hit play, listen to the end, and take what you need. And in the words of my son, "you are strong, and capable." Thanks for being here friends!Looking for mo...
With this episode I want to give you permission to DO less and BE more this week. I also talk about why that’s hard, why it’s something I was virtually incapable of doing for over a decade and still have to make a conscious effort for sometimes. Join me as I share about the time I walked away from playing duck duck goose with orphans to do dishes because productivity felt so much safer than play and how this pattern showed up for me even today when faced with the option of quality time with f...
EPISODE 50Last week I had an instagram post that immediately lost me followers, while also being my most liked and shared post in over a year. Let's talk about it.Let's talk about how this same post could feel so validating and empowering for some people, while angering others. In this conversation I share various individuals perspectives and experiences around being prescribed psych meds and the ways I think the mainstream medical model often falls short in providing personalized mental heal...