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Sermons from Yishun Christian Church (Anglican). We'd love to have you join us in person! Please visit for more information. 

91 Episodes
This morning Revd Daniel opens the scriptures from James 4:1-10 and explores how conflict in community often flows from “passions” within us, leading us to an important question: What can we do to deal with these passions?
Wisdom From Above

Wisdom From Above


Wisdom is a virtue we all desire; no one wants to be known as a fool. How do we know if one is wise, and how do we receive the wisdom from above that truly makes us wise? In this sermon Ps. Wei Yi explores two kinds of wisdom - wisdom from above and wisdom of the world, flesh and devil - and the fruits of Godly wisdom found in James 3:13-18.
We Are Family!

We Are Family!


What does it mean to be a family of God? What are God's purposes for us as the church, and how are we to worship God? Revd. Daniel explores these questions as he reflects on 1 Peter 2:4-5.
Have you heard the phrase that “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword”? Yet in James we see that mightier than the pen is our speech, namely the tongue. Join Revd Daniel as he traces the source of our speech and urges us to have hearts yielded to God’s transformative work.
Faith that Works

Faith that Works


In todays passage we are confronted with a troubling question: Is it possible to have a faith in God that is useless and does not save? What kind of faith is that? And how do we know what sort of faith we possess? Pastor Wei Yi shares from James 2:14-26
In the opening section of James chapter 2 the issue of partiality is raised and confronted. Listener, what does this tell us about the heart and character of God? Revd Daniel brings the word of the Lord for today.
The Days of our Youth

The Days of our Youth


What place do school aged young people have in God’s plans and purposes? Why is communication so difficult between youth and adults? This Sunday we look for answers both from the wise words of King Solomon and from Jesus and the 12 Disciples. Pastor Richard brings the word.
The Heart of Religion

The Heart of Religion


Religion is often associated with external forms and ritual gestures that are empty on their own. Contrastingly, James points us to a true religion that is pure and undefiled. Today we explore the scriptures with Pastor Wei Yi, preaching from James 1:26-27
Reflecting Christ

Reflecting Christ


Do you sometimes feel that your faith is 90% knowledge and 10% action? You’re not alone. This week we look at James exhortation to be doers of the word and not hearers only, and examine the balance between law and liberty. Prepare your heart and may the Lord speak to you through His word.
This Sunday we are blessed with Revd Israel’s message based upon Ezekiel Chapter 37, the valley of dry bones. Let’s prepare our hearts and ready ourselves to receive from the Lord today.
Pure Speech and Anger

Pure Speech and Anger


James says “if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man”. But who can claim to have never misspoken? Today Revd Daniel shares with us his sermon entitled “Pure Speech and Anger”.
Fathering Well

Fathering Well


Any father would be well acquainted with the many challenges in parenting. What wisdom can we glean from Scripture in fathering our children well? Guest speaker Michael Tan shares his life experiences as a father of four and his insights from 1 Peter 5:1-11 with us.
What is the difference between trials and temptations? How can a good God allow such difficult trials to impact our lives? Join Pastor Richard for his message entitled Testing and Blessedness.
Poverty Excels Wealth

Poverty Excels Wealth


Does the issue of poverty in the world today bother you? Did you know that God has quite a bit to say about it? Today Ps Wei Yi continues our study of the book of James with his message taken from James 1:9-11 entitled “Poverty Excels Wealth”.
Wisdom through Prayer

Wisdom through Prayer


Are you facing a difficult situation today? Are you in need of wisdom? This morning Revd Daniel continues our sermon series on the Book of James with his message entitled “Wisdom through Prayer”. Let’s ready our hearts and receive the Lord’s word for today.
God's New Song

God's New Song


It’s the 5th of May and here at YCCA we are celebrating Mother’s Day one week early! Join us as Mrs Jean Lim shares from the word and her own life journey in her message entitled God’s New Song.
Trials and Joy

Trials and Joy


Listener, we are embarking this morning on a new mini-series drawn from the Book of James. We begin with a message entitled “Trials and Joy”, preached by Pastor Wei Yi. Let’s prepare our hearts and allow the Lord to speak to us through His word.
Concluding our Christian Leadership and Stewardship series, guest Speaker Bishop Kuan Kim Seng speaks on the topic of Our Giving and Our Worship. Let’s prepare our hearts for the word of God today.
In the secular world leadership is about power and influence. In contrast, Christian leadership begins with stewardship and serving. Who does God call to leadership? And in what ways is Christian leadership different?
Multigenerational. Cross-Generational. Intergenerational. What are the differences and where are we headed as a church? Join Revd Daniel as he unfolds we where are at today and what we will look like in the future.