
23 Episodes
Send us a textIn this episode, I speak with Dr. Kevin Ching about his experience teaching and developing experiential learning through BASE Camp, a multidisciplinary simulation boot camp for PEM fellows, nurses, child life staff, and others. He shares evidence-based approaches to medical education and his insights on engaging and supporting learners to create high-yield educational experiences.
Send us a textIn this episode, I speak with Chris Barbour and Mel Lebron, two of the many amazing nurses I've worked with over the years. We talk about trends in the nursing field, changes since the pandemic, and overall physician and nursing interactions, collaboration, and team dynamics.
Send us a text In this episode, I speak with Dr. Jess Schnell, DO MBA, who transitioned from Pediatric Emergency Medicine and hospital administration to utilization management. We talk about career longevity, deciding to transition away from clinical medicine, and dealing with burnout. Articles and Resources We Discuss: Gettel CJ, Courtney DM, Agrawal P, Madsen TE, Rothenberg C, Mills AM, Lall MD, Keim SM, Kraus CK, Ranney ML, Venkatesh AK. Emergency medicine physician workforce attrition d...
Send us a textIn this episode, I speak with Dr. Allison Messina, an Assistant Professor of Pediatric Infectious Disease in Florida at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital. We talk about vector-born illnesses - their presentation and management, and where and when to look out for them. Ranges of many of these illnesses are expanding, both northward from the tropics, and for diseases like Lyme disease, to broadening regions within North America, so many of us will be seeing these illnesses in ...
Send us a text In this episode, I speak with Dr. Kathy Sumpter, who is Division Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. We talk about diagnosing diabetes in children and risk-stratifying kids coming in with new-onset diabetes, as well as fluid and insulin management strategies for kids in DKA. Dr. Sumpter specializes in helping kids who struggle to control their diabetes improve their health, and shares insights about her successes and about the future of medical c...
Send us a text In this episode I meet with Dr. Jay Pershad from Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC. Dr. Pershad is an expert in high-value care and shares strategies for improving our quality of care to benefit patients, families, and healthcare providers together. A few studies that he mentions are here below for those who are interested in a deeper dive: Bodenheimer T, Sinsky C. From Triple Aim to Quadruple Aim: Care of the Patient Requires Care of the Provider. Ann Fam Medicin...
Send us a text April is Child Abuse Awareness Month, so in this episode I am speaking with Dr. Antonia Chiesa, a Child Abuse Medicine Specialist. We discuss sentinel injuries and how to navigate evaluating and reporting these injuries, positive news about the demographics and trends in the US regarding child abuse rates, and the broader conversation about child abuse and child health outside of the acute setting. I would like to add a clarification here regarding a statement I make in this e...
Send us a textIn this episode, I meet with Dr. Chinni Pokala to talk about the assessment and management of hematologic disorders in the acute setting. We discuss how to think about kids presenting with signs and symptoms of new hematologic disorders as well as thrombotic and hemorrhagic risks for kids with established heme/onc diagnoses or other chronic medical conditions.
Send us a text In this episode, I talk with Dr. Alana Arnold about our experiences with pediatric readiness projects in community and urgent care settings, both as partnering with academic pediatric centers and via private consulting. Below, in order, are the seminal paper regarding pediatric readiness in general emergency departments, its associated assessment tool, the Wall Street Journal article about pediatric readiness referenced in this episode, findings from the ImPACTS project, and co...
Send us a text In this episode I meet up with Dr. Dan Park, who is the medical director of the pediatric emergency department at University of North Carolina. We'll be talking about the components of leadership and navigating careers in medicine. We discuss metacognition and cognitive biases, developing our expertise, leadership skills, and resiliency, and how these all interplay. Here is Dan's article about cognitive biases that we discussed during this episode:
Send us a text In this episode, I'm speaking with Drs. Fred Henretig (Penn) and Carl Baum (Yale) about career transitions and exiting medicine. We discuss the current literature surrounding retirement and attrition in medicine, reasons physicians cite for staying vs going, and strategies for handling major career and life transitions. Below is the information for a few of the articles mentioned in this podcast: Henretig F, et. al. PEM Physicians' Perceptions of Colleagues' Clinical Compete...
Send us a text In this episode, I'll be talking with Dr. Matt Harris from Cohen Children's Hospital about medical transport of kids, both in the prehospital and interfacility settings. We will discuss level of skills, training, and equipment available with various teams, factors to consider when choosing transport options, safety and legal concerns, and transport cost. After recording this episode, Dr. Harris and I were discussing the components of the safety checklist his institution uses f...
Send us a text In this episode, I talk with Dr. Sing-Yi Feng, a Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician and Toxicologist, about ingestions of acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and general guidelines for evaluation of ingestions. We discuss important knowledge points for diagnosis, management, and continuation of care for our patients at home, in the inpatient unit, and in the critical care setting. Although Dr. Feng is a pediatrician first, she reviews care for patients of all ages, as ibuprofen an...
Send us a textIn this episode I chat with Dr. Chris Amato about pediatric fractures - management of pain, when to call Orthopedics, and practical tips on splinting and immobilization strategies.Side note: I mention in this that a femur fracture will heal if you get the two ends "in the same room together" - I should clarify, "in the same room together AND in a spica cast." Cast those femur fractures, people!
Send us a text In this episode I talk with Dr. David Sas, a Pediatric Nephrologist from the Mayo Clinic, about kids and kidney stones, with a discussion of stone diagnosis, management, and complications. We also discuss pyelonephritis, dysfunctional voiding, and long-term management and recurrence prevention after the initial diagnosis of all of these issues. Spoiler alert: Dr. Sas mentions briefly in this episode the work he has done to develop a CURE for a rare genetic cause of renal ston...
Send us a text In this episode I speak with Dr. Deb Kahal, Medical Director of the Holloway Community Program in Delaware, which provides testing and treatment for HIV, AIDS, and Hep C, and with Dr. Steve Eppes, Pediatric Infectious Disease Physician. We'll be reviewing the epidemiology of adolescent STIs, screening recommendations, treatment, and why it's important for us non-PCPs to address adolescent STIs. Here is the link for the USPSTF (US Preventive Services Task Force) Infectious Dis...
Send us a textIn this episode, I'll be reviewing button battery ingestions and superficial/mucosal injuries, including risk factors, pathophysiology, and management of known and suspected ingestions. Below is the link I mentioned to a time-lapse video modeling a button battery's effects on tissue, made by Dr. Robert Kramer who is a pediatric gastroenterologist. It's pretty impressive to watch!
Send us a textIn this episode I'll be speaking with Carl Baum, a Pediatric Toxicologist and Emergency Medicine Physician from Yale School of Medicine about common pediatric toxidromes. We'll also cover assessment and management of the obtunded child, polysubstance ingestion, and some interesting toxicology tidbits.
Send us a textIn this episode, I'll review pediatric anaphylaxis, including diagnosis, management best practice, and aftercare for kids treated in the acute care setting.
Send us a text In this episode, I'll be chatting with Pediatric Neurologists Drs. Richard Fischer and Mitra Assadi-Khansari about common neurologic emergencies in kids. We will focus on seizure evaluation and management (febrile, epileptic, and non-epileptiform) as well as a review of pediatric migraine headache. For further reading about pediatric headache, the American Headache Society website provides practice guidelines summarizing literature on a variety of headache syndromes: https://a...
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